» Adventure » Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dark Days, Di-Di Lewis [young adult books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Di-Di Lewis

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out, there was definitely enough excitement for one day.
I awoke the next morning when extremely bright lights were turned on, and two very firm hands were on my shoulders roughly shaking me awake. My eyes shot open, but they did not register anything for a few minutes, seeing as they had to adjust to the bright light. I looked up at the boy shaking me awake, he had blond hair, and black eyes, his skin was kind of dark, and it was bruised in several places, and in some were scars. His clothes were torn in several places, as if he had gone through something rough recently.
“So… What are you in for?” he asked, trying to make conversation.
“What do you mean, what am I in for,” I laughed, as far as I know, I have done nothing wrong at all.
“You must be here for a reason, nobody ends up here by chance, unless they’re like me, who just happened to come here when the giant was eating, and didn’t have enough time to find another arch. That’s the only way that you could have made it here by accident, other than that, you would have had to do something serious,” he replied, I guess I really am not the only one in my situation. I smiled at him, I finally had someone that I could somewhat relate to, since I am no longer the only one who got here by chance. I am so glad that I’m not stuck in here with some kind of criminal. “Why are you smiling at me?” he questioned.
“Because now I know that I’m not the only one stuck in this crazy predicament.” I smiled, I wonder how many arch’s he had to go through before he got here, and if he had gone through the beginning of the universe.
“Are you serious, I’m not the only one anymore?” he sounded really excited, and his eyes lit up like fireworks in the sky on the Fourth of July and like the lights in New York City on New Year’s Eve.
I reached my hand out, “My name’s Arianna, what’s yours?” I asked, “seeing as we’re floating in the same boat here.”
“Jak, spelled J A K, don’t get it wrong, don’t spell it how people normally spell it like J A C K, that’s the wrong spelling, it’s J A K, don’t forget it,” He said defensively.
“Now why would I spell your name wrong Jak? How can I do that, it’s an odd spelling I’ll say that much, but it’s different, so I can’t spell it wrong, and I promise that I’ll never, ever do that to you,” I said honestly, “I promise.”
“You’d better not be, I hate it when people lie to me, I just hate it,” he whined, I can so tell that he’s going to be one to complain a lot.
“I would never lie to you, or anyone else, I’m not that kind of a person, I promise, you can trust me,” I said sweetly, he looked at me with innocent eyes as if he was saying that he trusted me, “I’m gonna get us outta here, I promise, and I never go back on a promise. I can even tell you about an example of me not going back on a promise about getting two people out of a horrible place, worse than this, if you want me to.”
He nodded his head really fast, fast enough that I thought he might get whiplash just by nodding his head, “I would most definitely like to hear a story about how you didn’t go back on your word, so that way I can know if you really will keep your promise to me.” He smiled and I began my story.
“It happened when I had traded myself for my big brother, James, there was this evil woman that was going to kill him, so I said ‘Take me instead of my brother, and I promise that I won’t hurt you.’ The woman laughed at me, but she traded me with my brother. When I got to the horrid place, I met someone, a girl named Kandy, but her real name turned out to be Violaira, anyway, she was crying when I first saw her, I had gone over and sat by her. ‘What’s your name?’ I asked innocently, and she replied, ‘My name is Kandy, spelled K A N D Y, not the kind of candy that you eat though, I think it’s awfully rude how people say that my name is something that you eat. So, just call me Kandy, and not the kind that you eat.’ ‘OK’ I promised her, ‘I won’t ever call you the candy that you eat.’
“’Umm, what’s your name?’ Kandy asked. ‘My name’s Arianna, I think it’s spelled weird, but I don’t know, it’s spelled A R I A N N A. Why are you crying?’ I had asked, noticing that she was still crying. She shook her head and waved her hand, trying to dismiss the idea, but I wouldn’t let her just wave it away, I persisted on hearing her story, why she was crying and all. Finally she gave in to my persistence, ‘Fine, I’ll tell you why I’m crying, but only because you keep on pestering me about it, I’m crying because I’m stuck in this old crap whole without anyone to talk to, I’ve been separated from my family, and this evil old witch is taking control of my life, I just want to get out of this dump.’ I grabbed her shoulder, ‘Hey Kandy, I promise you that I’ll get us both out of here alive, even if it’s the last thing I do. I promise that I won’t leave you behind, that no matter what, I will be with you, and if I find a way out of here, I’ll take you with me, I won’t leave alone, I’ll be with a friend.’
“’Really?’ she asked me, ‘you’re too kind, you wouldn’t really do that to someone you hardly know, would you?’ ‘I never go back on my word.’ I promised her. From that moment on, I never stopped looking for a way out of that place, and one day, several months later, I found one. I had almost left without her because that day she had decided that we were going to stop being friends for a little while, but I had gone back to her, I didn’t leave her behind. When I got back to where we were staying, the place was completely destroyed, but Kandy was still there, she ran to me and gave me a hug, ‘I thought you were going to leave without me.’ She cried, but I replied, ‘Kandy, you of all people should know that I would never go back on a promise, you should really know this.’
“’You’re right, I should have known, anyway, let’s get out of this dump, lead the way Arianna, since you were the one who found the way out, you can definitely find it again.’ She smiled a big smile at me. I know that she knew that I would never ever go back on a promise. We got out together, but she got lost when we got to a hospital, then I we were separated, then I happened to come across an arch and I went through it, then another and another, and another, then I ended up here. But, that’s the story of how I didn’t go back on a promise, even though at the time I would have really wanted to, I didn’t. See, I can be trusted, so you can trust me, I promise, there is no reason for you not to trust me Jak, I promise.”
“I now know that I can most definitely trust you Arianna, I really can trust you. I now know that even if you get really mad at me, you’ll still come and help me escape with you, I can most definitely trust you.” Then there was very loud clapping, very slow and on beat. The clapping was extremely loud, it was the clapping of the horrible giant.
“Such a wonderful story, could you please tell it again,” he said sarcastically in his deep, deep voice, “Hey Jak, she tells better stories than you do, and it’s only her first day, such a pathetic weakling. If only I could kill you, but I can’t since you are a prince and all. I can’t kill a prince unless I get permission from the King or Queen. Oh wait, wasn’t that one of your stories Jak? About a prince named Jak? Oh well, it is absolutely worthless anyway. I will see you weaklings later.”
I looked at him, he looked down, “Did you really tell him a story about a prince named Jak?”
“What?” he asked, “It’s best to be honest to people when you tell a story, right? I mean, it’s wrong to lie, and I don’t lie, and I have a feeling that you don’t either.”
“You are right Prince Jak, I don’t lie, and I would never do so any time soon,” I reassured him, “As a matter of fact, if I lie, that lie somehow becomes a reality.”
“How?” was his one worded question.
“I really don’t know, all I know is that I can turn things in my imagination into a reality.” I answered as best I could.
“Wow,” he replied, “do you think that you could show me something?”
“Sure,” I answered, I started looking at one of the metal bars in the cage holding us in, and I thought of it becoming a grape vine with some grapes blossoming along its vine. Two seconds after I had thought of that, the metal bar turned into the grape vine. I walked over and plucked a few grapes off the vine and plopped them into my mouth. I looked back at Jak, his mouth agape.
“Th-that’s not humanly possible, it can’t be,” he looked at me, eyes filled with fear, “What are you?”
“That’s what I want to know,” I answered, “For the first fourteen years of my life, I thought that I was human, but it turned out that I was from a different planet, and that I have these special abilities, and that a lot of things want me for that. I really don’t get it, why would they want a crazy person like me. The only people that have not been trying to use me are my brother, Kokaob, and Kandy.”
“Wow, that must be a really small circle of friend’s that you can actually trust,” he said meekly, “I feel sorry for you.”
“You don’t have to feel sorry for me, there really is no reason for you to feel sorry for me, I’m serious, you don’t have to feel sorry for me,” I said quietly, “I’m serious, you don’t. I’m doing pretty good with just the amount of friends that I have right now.”
“Oh,” he looked down, “I’m sorry about that, I didn’t know that you were perfectly fine with the amount of friends that you have, I didn’t mean to insult you or anything.” He looked up at me with his deep, sad, black, almost blue, eyes and smiled.
“Your eyes look a little more blue than when I first saw them, do they change color or something?” I asked him.
“Well, yeah, my eyes change color according to my mood, see right now they should be either a bright blue or a blood red.” He continued looking at me, he was right, his eyes were bright blue and blood red, the bright blue on the right of each eye, and the blood red on the left side of each eye.
“I love your eyes, just saying, but I really like them, they are really cool,” I smiled at him, I think I was starting
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