» Adventure » The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗

Book online «The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗». Author Alexis Sapp

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shoulders. We both sat in silence the rest of the way down. It was magical. Just me and Jake, staring out into the night. It was around ten now, so we decided to head back to the science lab for the night.

Jake let me take the lead because he had no idea where to go. I knew the address so I just followed house numbers until we reached it. Outside the door I paused and looked at Jake. He smiled and took the lead again. We strode into the lobby and over to the elevator. The elevator took what felt like forever. Jake pushed the nine button and leaned against the metal back as the doors shut. I sat down. I was really tired. It had been a good day, compared to yesterday, and I was beat. I heard the doors open, but I was too exhausted to get up so I just stayed sitting. Next thing I knew Jake scooped me up, without a word, and carried me to room 912.

Jake managed to knock on the door while still holding me. I was half asleep at this point. I heard the door open. I felt a little more awake at the feeling of someone else's presence. I heard Dr.Martinez speak. "Welcome back. Did you guys have fun?" "Yeah. May's practically falling asleep here though. Where are we gonna sleep?" "Follow me. You got her or ya wanna put her down before we go?" "I got her. I think she's to tired to walk herself anyway." "Okay. Right this way."

I opened my eyes slightly as Jake started following Dr.Martinez down a long, quiet hallway. The lab was mostly dark, except for where Dr.Martinez worked. The hallway was lit, but it still had an eerie feeling to it. It was a long walk but we eventually arrived at a smaller building. It had many rooms. Dr.Martinez spoke as we passed a room. "Jake, this'll be your room. I'll lead you to May's so she doesn't have to walk." "Kk."

We didn't walk far, it was just around the corner. "Here it is. You can go in and set her down." Jake nodded. At this point my eyes couldn't stay open much longer. Jake entered the room. It was small. It had a main room with a bed and T.V. and a small bathroom off to the side. It was like a small hotel room, except without a lock. Jake set me on the bed and waited until I settled in. Once I had settled, he kissed me on the cheek and started to walk out. "G'night May." I was so tired my speech was slurring. "G'night." I didn't even hear the door shut. I had already passed out.

I had the same weird dream again. What does it mean? Is it a sign? Does it mean we're gonna live? Does it mean that we're gonna die? I woke up thinking how weird it was, when things got even weirder.

I woke up to see Jake sitting in a chair across the room from me. He was just staring at me. How long had he been there? I looked around, trying to find a clock. "Eight. Dr.Martinez gave me a watch." "Thanks....Why are you in here?" "I heard you talking in your sleep. I got worried. Came to make sure You were okay." "Oh. I was just having a weird dream. Thanks though." "Yeah. Anyway, the doc said we gotta be ready to go by nine. So I'll go get our stuff while You get ready." "Okay."

I stayed in bed until after he had left the room. I sat up and looked around. This is the first time I had ever really noticed the room. It was a pale blue with tan carpet. Uhg. I had passed out in my clothes last night so I didn't have much getting ready to do. I figured my hair was probably a hot mess. I took the ribbon out and set it in front of me while I took the hair tie out.I combed my hair with my fingers. I braided a few clumps of hair then put it all into a ponytail. It probably looked good, but I didn't have a mirror and didn't particularly care. The only reason i bothered with a few braids is so it wouldn't get too tangled. I laid back down and waited for Jake to come back. After a couple of minutes I heard a light knock at the door. I sat up. "Come on in." It was Jake. He came in, the backpack on his back.

"G'mornin' May." "Morning Jake." I sat up and threw the covers aside. I sat so my feet were dangling off the side. "What time is it?" Jake glanced down at his watch. "Eight forty-five. Dr.Martinez said she'd meet us here in fifteen minutes." "Okay." Jake went and sat in the same chair across the room as he did earlier.

"How long had you been in here before I woke up today?" "Eh, only like an hour." "Oh, okay. You sleep well?" "Eh, not really." "Oh." "Yeah, I just couldn't get to sleep then when I finally did I kept waking up." "Oh. I didn't wake you up did I?" "Nah. I had already been awake for a while." "What did I say?" "Uhm, I couldn't really understand. It sounded like my name, but I can't be positive." "Oh, okay."

I crossed the room and sat down on Jake's lap. He responded by wrapping his arms around me. "What do you think is gonna happen today?" "I dunno. I guess we'll find out huh?" "Ha ha. Yeah guess so." "Ya worried?" "Eh, not really. I would be if I was at it alone, so it's a good thing you're here Jake. Ha." "Yeah, me either."

Dr.Martinez walked in then, holding a briefcase in one hand and a coffee cup in the other. "Good morning you two." She had an awkward look on her face. I responded first. "Good morning Dr.Martinez. How are you?" "I'm fine. It's time to go now." "Okay, lead the way. I hopped up. Jake got up after me and grabbed my hand. Dr.Martinez nodded and we followed her out of the room, and down the hall.

"Where are we going?" I had to know. "Oh, the plane is waiting on the roof." Me and Jake exchanged a look and I said what we were both thinking. "Whaaaa?" "Heh. We are taking a private aircraft to Paris. It's waiting for us on the roof." "Oh, okay. Making sure I heard you right..."

Suddenly I heard a faint sound. I fell silent. Jake shot me an alarmed look. "Maay..." "SHHH." He shot me another look, this time a questioning look. Realizing which way the sound was coming from I cocked my head to the right. I stopped walking. I was in front of a large,metal door. I looked at the knob. Pass code locked. Jake looked at me then tilted his head. His face got a look of understanding on it.Finally.Took him long enough. He turned to look at Dr.Martinez. "What's back there?" "Oh, that, erm....Nothing. I'll explain later...Uhm...C'mon..We're gonna be late." "Uh-huh. Okay..."

I looked at Jake and he shrugged. We continued walking down the hall. We reached the elevator and stood in an awkward silence while we waited for it to come. It finally came and we stepped inside. Dr.Martinez pushed the button. We all avoided eye contact as the doors closed and it started to move upwards. I focused on my shoes, Jake focused on some spot on the wall and Dr.Martinez focused on the ceiling. Can you say awkward? I can. It felt like the LONGEST elevator ride of my life. Like, seriously.

When we FINALLY reached the roof, we stepped out to see a small plane sitting on a small helipad. I got a little panicked. Me and small enclosed spaces don't mix. This plane was TINY. You could practically see the rubber bands. I groaned. "It's times like these when I wish I could fly." Dr.Martinez looked at me and laughed. I didn't get what was so funny,but I went with it. "Eh-heh.. Yeah.."

With almost no warning the door of the plane swung open. A short, pasty man stepped out. He walked over to where we stood near the door. "Hello. I'm Rodrigo, your pilot for today." He extended out his hand and Jake shook it.

Dr.Martinez spoke to the man in what I figured out was Spanish for a minute, probably assuming that Jake and I wouldn't understand. Translated it went something like this: Dr.Martinez-"Yeah we need to take these two to the french lab. They have the book. We need to get them flying. They need training. Get us there as quick as you can. Okay?" Rodrigo-"Uhm.. Okay. I can have you there in an hour. That's as quick as I can go... Wait...Training??" Dr Martinez- "Uhm, just get us there. It's on a need to know basis. I guess you don't need to know. Take it up with the boss."

Jake and I exchanged a look. Good, I was afraid he wouldn't remember what we learned in Spanish. We both nodded and looked back over at Rodrigo and Dr.Martinez. We pretended to be confused. Dr.Martinez shook her head. "Just giving him instructions so he better understands." "Oh,okay. Are we getting on now?" I was so surprised you couldn't hear the sarcasm in my voice. She had a look of relief on her face when she responded. "We sure are. Right this way." We followed her up the steps and onto the plane. She gestured toward some seats in the back. "You guys can sit here." We nodded and sat down. I got the window seat again. Jake sat next to me, of course. Dr.Martinez and Rodrigo headed to the cockpit.

I heard the engine start. I could feel the plane lift off and leave the helipad. As it did, I looked out the window and down at London. I took a mental picture. I wanted to remember my day here. It was fun. I glanced over at Jake and saw he was focused in the same direction. I figured he was doing the same thing I was. After a minute I realized he wasn't looking out the window, he was looking at me.

I turned my gaze back out the window. I was surprised by how high we had gotten in so little time. We were leveling out now at around ten thousand feet. I heard a voice coming over the intercom. "Hey, if you guys want, there's soda in a mini fridge towards the front." I called out. "K, thanks Dr.Martinez!" I looked at Jake and shrugged. I stood up and went to the fridge. "Want anything?" "Yeah, I'll take a sprite." "Kk." I got out two sprites and headed back to our seats. I handed a can to Jake and plopped down in my seat. I put my feet up on the seat in front of me and opened my soda. I took a sip. It was cold and refreshing. I looked over to see that Jake had done the same.

I just didn't get that boy anymore. I mean, we had been friends for a really long time. My family dies, his family dies and we're on the run together from who knows what. What are we now? I still don't know. It was nice having him with me though. I can't imagine going on this journey alone. It would be scary. I just know I have to keep him safe if it means my life. He's more likely to carry on and finish whatever
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