» Adventure » The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗

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down and waited for Jake, who took only a few seconds to reach the branch from where he was. Once Jake had reached the branch where I was waiting he came and sat next to me. He turned so that he was facing me, leaning on the tree trunk. "I can only stay until the sun sets." I groaned. I sat closer and leaned against Jake and he wrapped his arms around me.

For a couple minutes we just sat in silence, both of us thinking. Jake finally broke the silence. "So I guess we're in this one together huh?" I responded with a nod and looked up at his face. He looked thoughtful for a second, then a humored expression crossed his face. "Think we'll survive?" I froze. How could I respond to that? I just shrugged and moved up closer to him. Death. It was a scary thought. I didn't want to think about the possibility of one of us dying. Especially being how possible it was.

I looked up and noticed the sun was setting. I pointed towards the horizon and Jake looked in that direction. He nodded. "I guess I'll see you here bright and early tomorrow then." "Bye Jake. See ya then." He nodded and with that he jumped down to the branch below us. I watched until he was out of sight. Once he was gone I leaned back against the tree. 'So voice, what now?'

I was shocked to actually get a reply. The voice almost never answered when I asked it to. I heard it though. 'Get some sleep. You'll have many sleepless nights ahead of you.' I yawned and curled up to go to sleep. 'Voice? Who are you and why are you helping me?' 'Just go to sleep. All will be answered in time.' Gee, thanks voice.' It seems that the only thing the voice will tell me is that everything will be answered in time. My first day on the run comes to a close and I drift off to sleep.
Running For My Life and Others'

I woke up around dawn. I yawned and looked up to see that Jake was there and I was leaning on him as I had been before he left the day before. But, when did he get here?

"Morning May." "Good morning Jake. When did you get here?" "I came after my mom thought I was asleep. I snuck out. My phone is in pieces in the garbage at home. I didn't want you to be alone in the dark." "Thanks. I slept surprisingly well." "I noticed. I watched you sleep most the night.You talk in your sleep by the way." "Did I say anything embarrassing?" "Not really. You said Abby a few times and my name once. I think you were dreaming about what was going on." I let out a nervous giggle and hugged him.

After giving me a few minutes to really wake up Jake released his hold on me to let me know it was back to staying alive. "Here, I brought this for you." He handed me one of his jackets. It was a pretty shade of blue. "Just in case it gets cold or somethin'." "Thanks." I took the jacket from him and slipped it on. I felt a little better. "To town with us?" "Lead the way."

I grabbed my backpack and we climbed down and met at the bottom of the tree. He held out his hand. I took it and we began to walk out of the forest the way I had come in. "We can't go out near either of our houses. Police probably have them both surrounded." "We're not. We're headed towards the neighbors three houses down from me in the other direction. We can go through their backyard and nobody'll see us." "Good thinking."

We walked for a few minutes in silence before reaching the edge of the woods. We paused there. "You ready for this May?" "Ready as I'll ever be." I smiled and we walked out of the woods. We ran as fast as we could until we reached the end of the street, out of sight of the police who, as I had guessed, has both our houses surrounded. We stopped when we reached an old looking grey house. It's paint was chipping and the wood was rotting. The gate was open. We walked into their backyard. They had a tall privacy fence and on the other side was the highway. Jake helped me up over the fence. Once I was on the other side, he hopped over. It seemed almost effortless for him.

He stood beside me for a second before offering me his hand again. Hand in hand, we began to follow the highway into town. Did I ever mention that we lived in the middle of no where? I didn't? Oh, well I meant to. We live in a small place in the middle of no where. There was nobody on the highway. Literally. We could walk along the highway forever and almost nobody would notice. That means that where we lived, everybody knew everyone. Everyone knew us, and they were all looking for us. Town on the other hand was another story. We went into town to get everything we needed. That place has over two hundred stores, a hundred restaurants and a thousand people. Still not many, but enough that we can walk the streets without anyone turning us in.

We walked in silence, both of us thinking. The same thoughts swirled around in my head over and over. 'How long will this last? Will I ever be safe? Will Jake ever be safe again? Can things ever go back to normal? Will I spend the rest of my life running? What's going on between me and Jake?' I thought about these for a while and came up with answers. How long will this last? Forever. Will I ever be safe? Nope, not a chance. Will Jake ever be safe again? Sad to say, I don't think so. Not while I'm alive. Can things ever go back to normal? Please, what do you think? I highly doubt it. Will I spend the rest of my life running? I hate to say it, but I think so. I'm just glad I'm not running alone. What's going on with me and Jake? I don't know. I guess the thought that either one of us could be dead any second really brings people closer. I don't know if it's love, or just that the only people we have left is each other. While answering these questions, another question popped up. Will we survive? No. I don't think both of us will. I think at least one of is gonna die. I'm just hoping it will be me.

We had been walking for two hours now. We had walked twelve miles. Eight more to go. I guessed by looking at the position of the sun that it was about ten. Ashlee still wouldn't be at the forest expecting to find me for two more hours. By then we'll have disappeared without a trace. Dropped off the radar. I was starting to get tired and I guess Jake could tell. He scooped me up in his arms and started carrying me. "Thanks." "You're welcome." I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck to help keep myself balanced and leaned against him. He carried me for about a mile before I spoke. "You can put me down now. I'm sure you're tired enough." He nodded and came to a stop. He set me down gently, making sure I had my balance before he let go. He took my hand again and we walked on in silence. I guess neither of us really knew what to say. I mean what could we say? 'Hey we're about to die, so what's up?' I mean really.

Seven miles.

I finally decided I couldn't bear the silence anymore. "What's up?" Jake looked at me funny before responding. "What do you think?" "Ha, yeah. Good point." "You feelin' alright?" "Well, lemme see. My family is dead, I'm running from who knows what and I've got a cursed book. So, yeah, I'm feelin perfectly fine." I couldn't help laughing at that point. I mean we can either laugh or cry, right? Ha. Jake laughed right along with me even though we both knew it wasn't funny. "Yeah, you have a point May." "Just sayin'."

We now had four miles left to go. Only four miles until we would be sitting in some coffee shop trying to figure out how to save ourselves. Can't wait. I really should cut down on the sarcasm.

We both fell silent again. 'So.... Voice, got anything to say? Now would be a great time to explain everything' 'Okay May. To start off, that book you have is cursed.' 'Well naw, really?' 'Yeah.. There's only one way to destroy it.' 'What is it?' 'It will all be clear in time' 'Can you ever give me a straight answer?' 'No.' 'Who the heck are you anyway?' 'It will ALL be clear in time. Just stay alive, and keep Jake alive.' 'I want answers.' 'Don't we all?' 'Don't change the subject' 'All will be clear in time.' 'Forget it, just shut up. Talk to me when you have something useful to say.' 'Okay. Duck.' 'Duck?' 'DUCK!'

"Jake duck!" I screamed. He didn't question me, just did as he was told. We ducked in time to see a large bird swoop over our heads. It had razor sharp talons, large enough I could see them from here. If we hadn't ducked we would've lost our heads. Literally. The large bird flew on. It seemed like it had a place to go and would take down anything that got in it's way, but wouldn't waste extra time on it.

'Thanks voice.' 'Mhmm.' Jake got to his feet. "Are you okay May?" I just stayed where I was, crouched down beside where he stood. "May?" I blinked a few times and shook my head. So close to death. I finally answered. "I'm fine." Jake offered me a hand and helped me up. "Three more miles to go Jake." We began to walk again, faster this time.

we finally made it into town around 11:30. We looked around before deciding on a small out of the way coffee shop. We went inside and looked around, just to make sure nobody had followed us and that nobody we knew was here. seeing nobody we knew or anyone that looked shady, we sat at a table in the back of the restaurant.

Once we sat down I set my backpack on the table. "We should go through this and make sure I'm not carrying around anything useless." I dumped the contents of my back pack onto the table. I immediately picked up the book and stuck it back in. "I think that this is pretty useful." "Ha, yeah it better be." Next I picked up my knife and

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