» Adventure » The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗

Book online «The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗». Author Alexis Sapp

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just said not to read the last two chapters and that I am now in grave danger, like a hadn't already figured THAT out. I read on and the book told me about the people who would try to get this book. It told me their strengths and weaknesses. Pretty scary stuff. I was only two pages in. Only about a thousand more to go. I was also told about the people on my side and where I could find them. Oh great. The book told me about the first person to find. His name is Dr. Carr. And of course where was he located? Certainly not London. Paris. Should've listened to the voice.Uhhg. I wanted to scream. It said that he could explain a lot and he would give us all the details we needed and that he would help us. Something else on that page caught my eye though. His address. It said his work address was a genetic engineering place. Hmm.. does that have anything to do with us? Maybe, maybe not. I looked to see if any were located in London. Bingo. Dr.Martinez. She works at a science lab in London. I decided we would go there first.

I heard Jake stirring next to me and I quickly put the book away. By the time he opened his eyes the book was away and I was looking out the window as if nothing had happened. I looked over at him, pretending to have just noticed he was awake. " Hiya." Jake responded slowly and tiredly, as expected since he just woke up. "Hi May. How long till we land?" My voice sounded so cheery it was sickening. "Oh about ten minutes." "Mkay. Whaddo we do when we get off the plane?" "Keep up." "Wha?" "I'm headed somewhere. All you have to do is keep up and don't ask questions. Mkay?" "Okaaaayy." He spoke with a hint of confusion in his voice. I smiled at him. "Think we'll make it through this alive?" He chuckled softly before replying. "Ha.. No. I highly doubt it." "Ouch honesty. I was kinda hoping you'd lie to me." "Okay, in that case. Oh yes, we'll both be fine and we can go home when it's over." His tone was so cheery it was almost girly. "That was waayy overkill." "Well, what do you expect?" "I don't know."

The flight attendant's voice came over the intercom. "Ladies and gentlemen, we are now approaching our stop in London. Please fasten your seat belts for landing." I fastened my seat belt and looked at Jake. He had done the same. We both just stared at each other for a minute. After a long silent pause I dropped my gaze to the floor.

The plane was touching down now. I felt the plane wheels touch, and heard the noise they made against the asphalt. The plane slowed down gradually and eventually came to a stop. Everyone except me and Jake got up and started collecting their stuff. I just kept staring at the floor. Jake stood up and put a hand on my shoulder. "It's time." He said. With that I stood up and grabbed my backpack. Jake took it from me and threw it on his back. "Allow me." We walked to the front of the plane and down the narrow ladder to the ground. I stopped at the bottom and looked up. I saw wide open blue sky. It was beautiful. I wished at this moment more then ever that I could fly. I would just soar up and leave all my problems on the ground. But of course, I can't.

Jake took my arm and instantly I was back to reality. Ya know, the place where my family was all dead and I had to figure out how to keep me and Jake alive and do something with this book? I officially hate my life.

We started walking towards the back door of the airport. We paused just outside and Jake spoke. "You ready for this?" "I don't really have a choice now do I?" "I'm trying to be optimistic." "Yeah, whatever. Lets go."

We entered the airport. We went through customs with no issues and exited the airport as soon as we could. I was getting claustrophobic. Once outside I looked around. I hadn't thought things out this far. Suddenly I knew what to do. I don't know how. I just knew suddenly, it was like instinct. I turned and walked down the street. I had no idea where I was yet I knew exactly what to do. To say it was creepy was an understatement.

Jake just followed a few steps behind me. He didn't question me, just studied me. He'd been doing that a lot lately. I don't really get why. I don't exactly have time to worry about that right now though.

We came to an intersection and I paused. Almost immediately that same instinct took over. I turned left and started walking again. We were almost there. I could feel it. I felt the urge to look back and check on Jake. I managed to ignore the urge and just keep walking. Once I was in front of a tall skyscraper I stopped. I looked at it for a second. It had windows that were tinted so darkly that you couldn't see inside and what appeared to be an iron frame. The few buildings it had around it were small rundown little places. "I guess this is it." Jake caught up to me in a few steps and wrapped his arm around my waist. "You ready?" He asked. "I think so. Lets go."

We approached the door with some caution. Once we were there Jake used his free hand to open it, the other keeping a secure grip around my waist. I was scared. My heart was racing. For all I knew opening that door could've meant death. But it hasn't, yet.

We walked in to see a small lobby. There were three chairs lined up against one wall. Next to them was a small side table with plastic flowers on it. Uhg. I HATE fake flowers. They're so...fake. They don't have the smell or the beauty.

On the other side of the lobby there was a reception desk with a lady sitting behind it. The lobby pretty much looked like your average doctor's office. We walked up to the counter and I spoke with the lady. "Hi. We're looking for Dr. Martinez." "Her office if on floor nine. Let me call up and see if she's in." "Okay." We stood there and watched while the secretary picked up the phone and dialed. I watched as her fingers hit the keys, memorizing the number. 9265374951. I made a mental not to remember that in case I ever needed it. Jake was watching her just as intently as I was. Probably doing the same thing.When she was done dialing we both stayed perfectly still and listened to the conversation. "Hi, yes Dr. Martinez? We have two kids here that need to see you. Uh-huh. Okay, I'll send them right up. You're welcome. Bye."

The lady turned back to us and spoke." Okay, her office is on the ninth floor room 912. Elevators are down the hall to your right." "Thank you." I said. We headed off down the hall.

So, here I am. In London with Jake, waiting for an elevator. The only moments of time we have to talk, and I have nothing to say. That's why I'm glad when Jake speaks up. "How ya feelin?" "Uhm.. Okay I guess. Considering the circumstances. When we get up there let me do the talking. Okay?" "Okay. Whatever you say." He finally released the death grip he had on me and took my hand. We waited in silence for a moment before the elevator arrived. The door opened and we stepped in. I pressed the nine button and the doors shut. I leaned up against the metal back of the elevator. It was a very small, closed in space. Just as claustrophobia was starting to kick in, the doors opened. I stepped forward and Jake, still clutching my hand, followed behind me. I kept walking until I saw it. Room number 912.

I let go of Jake's hand and watched as he stuck it in his jacket pocket. I knocked on the door. "Come in." I opened the door slowly. I walked in to find a lab. A lady, in her mid-twenties was sitting at a station looking at something through a microscope. Hearing our footsteps she stood up to greet us. "Hi. I'm Dr.Martinez. How can I help you?" I looked at Jake and he nodded. "Uhm. I'm May and this is Jake. My sister read a book and died. It's called the book of death. Now it says I'm supposed to protect it or something. It said you would help us." "Ah yes. 'The Book Of Death'. I do recall. What do you need to know?" "Well, everything. I know nothing. I don't know what I'm supposed to do, who I'm guarding the book from, why or ANYTHING." "Okay. Come, we'll talk in here."

We followed her down a long hallway into a small conference room. We sat down and immediately I started asking questions. "Why us?" "You were the chosen one and you chose Jake to bring with you." "Why was I chosen?" "You're a bright girl who can think on her toes, run fast and fight." "Why am I guarding the book?" "Because it holds evil so devastating that if it fell into the wrong hands, it could change life as we know it. That's not your main job though.We did that so we would know it was truly the chosen one, and that you are capable enough to even survive. Once you deliver the book to Paris it's not as much of your problem anymore. You have much bigger things on your plate." "Oh? Like what?" "The survival of the human race. 2012 is near and we need you to help us ensure survival." "Who's us?" "We call ourselves SHFFG. Saving Humans For Future Generations." "Okay... And why on Earth should I believe you?" "What other options do you have?"

Have I mentioned how I hate adults being right? If not, I have now. I couldn't let that control me now though. Whether I liked it or not, she was right and we needed her help. I think I hate this chick already.

I spoke through gritted teeth. "So,Where do we go from here?" "I'll get my supplies and have my plane take us to Paris.Jake finally spoke. I had almost forgotten he was there. "When?" Dr.Martinez looked shocked to hear the dead tone in his voice. She drew back a little and blinked a few times before she responded. "As soon as you want." "I need sleep. Is there anyway we could stay in London for a night and leave tomorrow?" "If that's what you want." "We need money." Dr.Martinez pulled out a wallet and handed it to Jake. It was small and black. He looked at her and opened it up. Inside was about fifty dollars and two credit cards. One with his name on it, and one with mine. "That should do." "Each account had about ten thousand dollars. It sounds like a lot but it has to hold you for a while so spend wisely." "Thanks." Said Jake as he stuck the wallet in his back pocket. I finally found something to say. "Do you have anywhere we can stay tonight? Or are we getting a hotel?" "We have somewhere you can stay. When you're ready just come back here and I'll lead you to it." "Okay. We're gonna get some clean clothes and
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