» Adventure » The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗

Book online «The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗». Author Alexis Sapp

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means we're the leaders. This is gonna get pretty interesting. At least I'll be in charge.

"So, Dr.Martinez, what do we do from here?" "Well first, I'm gonna need the book. It's going under the heaviest security available." Me and Jake exchanged a look. Another one of our unspoken conversations. I nodded and Jake got the book out of the backpack and handed it over. Dr.Martinez set it on her lap and folded her hands on top. "Now what doc?" "Well Dr.Carr is gonna go lock this up in a high security, round the clock monitored room. You will be headed out soon. We will keep in contact, but for the most part after I'm done explaining, you're on your own." "Okay." "So,people want this book.As you well know, this book is very dangerous. You have to keep it safe." "How?"

"First, there are people you need to either kill or bring to us. They are people we sent to try this before, but they're making things worse. They are just normal people but I'll warn you, they have some really high-tech equipment. They will probably run from you, but you need to track them down.They may also try to get the book, stop them before that point. Once they are all eliminated, you have to save the human race. There are a few organizations that are trying to help the apocalypses on it's way. They sell technology that is hurting the human race. We don't know which are the good guys and which are the bad guys. We need you to find that out, then take down the bad guys. We'll be in touch. You'll figure out how later. Jake make sure your watch always has battery. It has tools that you may find helpful." "How long do we have to accomplish this?" "Three years." "Crap." "You guys can do it." "Suurree. And why exactly should we? We could just find some island somewhere and forget this ever happened." "Because you don't have a choice anymore. You know too much. We'd have to kill you." "Oh really?We'll see who doesn't have a choice anymore."

I stood up and sprinted out of the room, down the hall and found the nearest window. I threw it open and jumped out.

I didn't know how to fly yet, but now was as good a time as any to learn. I never hit the ground, I took to the sky. Next thing I knew I was two hundred feet up and getting higher by the second. I could see Jake standing in the hall, staring at me through the window.He had a look of awe on his face. I saw Dr.Martinez come up behind him. She said something and Jake hit the sky.

I was a few thousand feet up now. I quit moving and just hovered in place, waiting for Jake to catch up. He was at my side in about thirty seconds. "May! Are you nuts?!? They could've shot you on the spot!" "So? It's better then saving the human race. Let someone else have the job." "C'mon. We can do it. We have three years. You can't run from fate. Lets go back to Dr.Martinez now." "I'm not going back."

"Yes you are."

I hadn't even heard Tori fly up behind me. I turned to face her. "Oh really? Why on Earth would I do that?" "You don't have anything better to do with your life anymore." I could feel something in my brain. Tori was changing my emotions. "Tori stop that." "What are you talking about?" "I know you're messing with my head, cut it out." "Fine. But you'll come back.You can't run from this." "Whatever."

With that Tori folded in her wings and began to drop like a rock. before I could count to ten she was ten feet from the ground. She snapped her wings out to slow her down. Tori landed lightly on her feet. Dr.Martinez came out and talked to her for a minute. They went back into the building together.Jeez,she just joined the team and Tori is already trying to control me. I'll be keeping a close eye on her.

That left just me and Jake. "May, please." I looked down. We were really high up. Hmm. 'May go back.' 'Shut up voice.' I floated in place for a little while longer before I made a decision. I turned to face Jake again. I stayed there for a minute, then folded in my wings.

He had a look of terror on his face as he did the same.I had a few second head start. I waited until I was twenty feet off the ground and snapped my wings out, as I had seen Tori do. I landed so lightly on the ground that I couldn't hear myself land. I heard a soft thud a few feet away. I turned to see that Jake had just landed. I grinned. He had this look on his face that meant he wasn't nearly as amused as I was. He tromped over to me and grabbed my hand. I laughed and poked his nose. He lightened up a little and we headed in.

We walked together back to the room where everyone was. They all had worried looks on their faces. "Okay I'm in." Their faces all brightened up. "When are we leaving?" "Whenever you want, it's all you guys now" "I want a weapon.Nothing fancy, just SOMETHING." "Done." Dr.Martinez snapped a finger and Dr.Carr stood up.He took the book and disappeared. A few moments later he returned. The book was gone, but he had something else in his hand. He tossed it to me. It was a gun. It was in a holster that would wrap around my waist. I took it out of the holster. A pistol. Hmm.

I liked it, it was small and light weight, but still deadly. "Thanks, it's perfect." "I thought you might like it." I placed it gently back in the holster and strapped it in. After staring at it for a minute, I snapped the holster onto my hip and put my shirt over it. "Noticeable?" Jake smiled. "Not at all. Lets make it clear though May, the gun is an absolute last resort." "Uh-huh. I know." "Good. And if you shoot me, I'll laugh and live just long enough to shoot you back." "Why would I shoot you Jake?" "I dunno, just don't get any ideas." "Okay."

I turned back to Dr.Martinez. "Where should these people be?" "Jake's watch has names and addresses programmed." "Okay.-You guys wanna leave now? The sooner we start the sooner we finish." I watched as everyone exchanged looks of question. Nods were exchanged and they all turned back to me. Tori spoke. "You got it May. Lets go." "Great.Jake, the first address?" "Lets see.." We all watched as he touched the watch's screen, opening and closing files until he finally found the right one. "Chick's name is Lauren. Says she lives in Washington state." "Okay. Ready team?" Everyone exchanged a nervous glance before standing up. Avi stood up first. The kid must be happy to finally go somewhere. I imagine these kids have never been outside the vicinity of the training center. The next to stand up was Tori. Then Alley, and Aaron last.

Dr.Martinez spoke up. "Wait. Before you leave, I must warn you. This is very dangerous. These people are trained, armed and will kill anyone without blinking an eye if it means their own survival. And if you fail us, you will be eliminated just as they are being. So get things done right." I nodded and took Jake's hand. I snapped and pointed towards the door. I began to walk out and my crew followed.

I decided I like having a crew.

So lets recap whats happened in the past few days. My sister died, the rest of my family was killed, Jake's family was killed, we ended up on the run together, we had a night in London, and now we're mutants saving the world from apocalypse with a group of other mutants. And in all this, I still don't know where me and Jake stand. I am soo loving being fourteen. I'm way too sarcastic. On the bright side, I did always wish to be able to fly. Be careful what you wish for kids,you just might get it. Let this be a lesson to you.

We all stayed silent as we rounded the corner of the long hallway. We came finally came to the window me, Jake and Tori had gone out before. I stopped. My crew all looked at me with confused looks. Jake raised an eyebrow in question. "I wanna use the front door for once." "Why?" "That way if we ever need to get back here, we know what the building looks like." Everyone shrugged. "Okay May, lead the way." Jake sounded unsure.

So, we started walking again. That's about when I realized something, none of us knew where the front door was. I just kept walking. I used my new sense of direction. As we passed doors I could hear soft groans and the occasional sound of a drill. I don't think I even want to know what was behind those doors. Probably more mutation experiments. These people are sick. Who would do this? Where do they get people that volunteer for this stuff?

I glanced back to look at my crew for a second. Tori was smiling, Avi looked bored, and the rest looked off into the distance. They appeared to be thinking pretty hard about something. I wonder what.

I kept thinking as I absentmindedly made turns. The same thoughts. Where do me and Jake stand? Who are these kids? Did they volunteer for this? Do they know who they really are? Are they really ready for this? Am I ready for this? Will any of us live? The answers to these questions, well, I guess I'll find out. A thought crossed my mind then and it kinda hurt.'What if these kids went through the same thing as Jake and I?' Jake and I at least had each other. These kids would've been alone and scared. And they were so young! This made me mad to think about.

Something snapped me out of my absentminded trance suddenly. I came to a halt apparently out of nowhere. I blinked and everything came out of the blurry haze it was a minute ago.

"Uhm.. I think this is it?" Jake looked at me. "Ready for this?" "No, but I wanna get it over with so I can have a normal life again." "Ha. We can never have a normal life again.I mean, we have wings." "You know what I mean. Lets go." "Whatever you say."

I turned to my left and saw the door. I swallowed and hesitated. Jake squeezed my hand comfortingly. I looked at the floor and back up again. I dropped whatever fears I had and headed for the door. I put my hand on the knob, only to receive a slight shock. It hurt a little, but I didn't show it on my face. I just turned the handle and we all strode out,ready to face whatever came next.

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