» Adventure » The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗

Book online «The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗». Author Alexis Sapp

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food. Okay?" "Okay. It's about five now. Just be back by midnight." "Will do."

We stood up and walked back out to the elevator and I pushed the call button. Jake looked at me for a second. "Hey May," "What?" "You up for a night on the town?" I smiled. "Sounds perfect." In other words, sure, it sounds like a way to pretend that I didn't have huge responsibility and a dead family.

The elevator arrived then and we both stepped in, smiles on our faces. Neither one of us talked on the way down, or on our way out of the lobby. Once we were outside we looked around. No normal stores in sight.

I shrugged and started walking right. Jake caught up and took my hand again. We walked for about ten minutes before coming across some normal stores. I spotted some boutique and we headed in. It was perfect. It had jeans t-shirts and jackets. Just what I wanted. We looked around for a bit before deciding on what we liked. I got a grey T-shirt with a rose on it and some skinny jeans. Jake got a black shirt with a skull in the corner and black jeans. I made sure to get a new knife while we were there too. After we had paid Jake waited outside while I changed in the fitting room. When I was done I put my old clothes in my backpack and Jake went to change.I slipped the jacket Jake had given me on over my new clothes. I was thinking how much I like this jacket when Jake walked out.

"Hey Jake. Looks good." "You too." "Here put your old clothes in here." I said tossing the bag at him. He put his old clothes in and slipped on his own jacket. Black. Of course. Jake always wore colors according to his mood. He didn't know it though, it was a subconscious thing. When all was said and done, I wore a blue jacket, grey shirt, skinny jeans and blue and black plaid converse. Jake wore a black shirt, black jeans, a black jacket and black shoes.

I took my backpack from Jake and put it on my back. He offered me his hand again and I took it. We started walking down the street when I had an idea. I spoke absentmindedly. "Stonehenge." "Wha?" "We should go see Stonehenge while we're here. I've always wanted to go." "That sounds fun. We'll catch a bus." "Yay."

We found a bus station after a couple minutes of walking. We caught the next bus. They had the double decker buses. It was pretty cool. We rode on the top level. The wind in my hair felt good. I took the ribbon out and tied it to my wrist. Then I took out the hair tie and wore it as a bracelet. My hair flew back. it felt amazing. I've always loved the breeze in my hair when I walked. That's why I grew it out longer. I was enjoying myself. I looked over to see that even Jake was smiling. Probably because I was happy. Jake seemed happiest when I was. I leaned back and sat on Jake's lap. It was about an hour by bus. I fell asleep on his lap.

It was a lot of fun considering that I was running for my life. Maybe this night out on the town will be fun despite the danger I'm in. I had a very weird dream. I dreamt I was a bird. I was flying. I was looking down at the people. I couldn't really see anything, I was to high up. Suddenly, something moved beside me. I looked over to see Jake flying beside me. He smiled and flew closer to me. we landed on the roof of a tall building. We kissed, then went inside.

I woke up then. I woke up to Jake saying my name. We had arrived at Stonehenge. I was still really tired. Sensing that, Jake picked me up and carried me down the stairs of the bus. Once we were off the bus he set me down and took my hand. "Stonehenge. I can't believe I'm here. I've always wanted to come here. It just sucks that this is the only way I could." "Yeah. But lets not talk about that now. We're in London with a night to do what we want. C'mon." He led me towards the stone monument. We walked around and I read all the signs. It was beautiful. We had a good time laughing at the other tourists and their children. Some were all excited and some were bored out of their skulls.

"I'm about done here. You?" Jake sounded tired, but upbeat when he replied. "Yeah. Lets head back to town." We went to the bus stop and waited for the next bus to come. It came in about ten minutes time. We got on and walked back up to the same place we had sat on the way there. I leaned against Jake and he rubbed my back. I fell asleep again. It was weird, I had the same dream I had earlier that day.

I woke up curled up on a bench. A plain white bench in front of some coffee shop. I looked around. No Jake. I started to panic. I was looking around frantically, looking for something, ANYTHING, familiar. Just when I was about to completely lose it, Jake walks out of the coffee shop, two cups in hand. He came and sat next to me like nothing had happened. He handed one of the cups to me. "You had me really worried." "Heh. Yeah, maybe leaving you on a bench was a bad idea.I didn't want to wake you. I was only gone for a minute though.I'm sorry." "It's okay." I sniffed the cup, trying to figure out what it was. I drew up blank. "What is it?" "Coffee." "Ooh yay! I love coffee." "Yeah, I know." "Thanks." "Uh-huh."

We walked around for a bit, drinking our coffee. Once I had finished my coffee Jake looked at me and smiled. "Dinner?" "Sounds great." I said, returning his smile. "Where to?" "Where do you want to go?" "Uhm.. I don't know. What's nearby?" "There's a McDonald's and some steak house." "Steak house it is. I need protein to keep me going." "Okay." Jake led me around a corner to a little out of the way steak house. It reminded me of a restaurant I had gone to while I was on vacation in Wyoming.

I turned twelve in Wyoming. I remember that on my actual birthday my parents let me pick what we did that day. We went horseback riding in the mountains and rock wall climbing. It was sad to think of my family now, but I kept a smile on my face. I was having a good evening.

Once we were seated, The hostess handed us our menus. I looked it over and decided on the six ounce steak. Jake got the same. While we were waiting for our food, we talked about our memories. Memories of our family, vacations we took and our past pets. "I remember my birthday in Wyoming." "Yeah, you've told me that story before. I remember when my dad took me fishing one time. I ended up having to go to the hospital. I got a hook through my finger." "Ha. That is so you. One time, me and Abby went fishing with our dad. It was funny because we had to cut our own bait. Abby couldn't do it because she was squeamish. I cut the bait and stuck it on the hook myself." Thinking about my family made my eyes start to water. I tilted my head back a little. Not enough that Jake would notice, just enough to help keep the tears back. I was still blinking back tears when our food arrived. I was trying reeaalllyy hard to be lady-like. It took everything I had not to just shove the whole steak in my mouth. The tears quit coming, but not before one rolled down my cheek.

"May? Are you okay?" It took a minute before I could respond. "Yeah, I'm fine." "Ya sure?" "Yeah, just remembering my family." "Oh. I see. I miss my family too. We'll get by though." "Yeah, well at least your family might still be alive. I KNOW mine's dead. There's a small chance yours might still be alive." "I watched the news on the plane. They're dead. But it's okay. I was never going to see them again anyway. We'll survive, but even if they were alive, we would never be able to go back home to our families. We'll be doing whatever you were chosen for until we die. Whether it be of natural causes or whatever is after us."

The waitress came by then with the check. It must have been an interesting picture to her. I was looking down at the table almost in tears and Jake was sitting there staring at me straight-faced. I couldn't help but think how this must look like a bad date. Looking back on it now, it's kinda funny.

Jake paid the check and stood up. He came to my side of the table and sat down again. "I'm sorry if I upset you. You know I didn't do it on purpose." "It's okay. You're right. I just didn't want to admit the truth to myself. I needed to hear it though. I'm sorry about your family." "Not like it's your fault." "Yes it is. If I had just never texted you back You never would've known. And if you never knew you'd never have come and if you'd never have come your family would be alive." "It's not your fault. You were chosen. And I'm glad you picked me to come with you. I can protect you this way." "Your life is in danger now though." "I'd rather be in danger with you then you be in danger yourself." "You're just saying that to make me feel better." "Why would I do that?" "Because I'm the one who needs to be stable now, not you. If you wanted you could just break down, find some little island and drop off the grid. I couldn't." "That would be sooo boring. C'mon. It's only like eight, lets go see the city."

We stood up and Jake took my hand.I grabbed the backpack off the seat next to me. Once we were outside I looked around. "This way May." Jake led me down the street. I noticed a lot of buses and cars on the street. "Look up." I looked up and immediately I saw what he meant. A hundred foot tall Ferris wheel.The London Eye. He tugged on my hand a little and we walked to the ticketing counter. "Two tickets please." " That'll be ten dollars." Jake handed over the money and we got our tickets. Fortunately, there wasn't much of a line. Once we had sat down, the Ferris wheel moved up,just enough that the next car could fill.

Have I ever mentioned how afraid of heights I am? No? Huh. I am only afraid of heights while I'm moving. About when we hit sixty feet I started getting scared. I had a death grip on Jake's hand. He was just smiling and looking out at the town. We stopped for a few minutes at the very top. I felt like I was on top of the world. We had a beautiful ariel view of London,lit up in the night. I released my grip on Jake's hand enough that I wouldn't hurt him. He let go of my hand and put his arm around my
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