» Adventure » The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗

Book online «The Book of Death, Alexis Sapp [ebook offline .txt] 📗». Author Alexis Sapp

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stuck it back in the front pocket. I picked up the gum and examined it for a minute before opening the pack. Two pieces left. I took them out and slid one to Jake before sticking a piece in my mouth. I left the wrapper and empty pack on the table. "That's it." Jake looked up from the table now, clearly unsure what to say. After a few moments in silence he spoke. "So, where do we go from here?" "Where can we go?" "I don't know." "AHGG! I hate this. Why me out of ALL the people on Earth?!" I crossed my arms on the table and rested my head on top. I couldn't help it. I began to bawl my eyes out. I could hear Jake get up. He came around the table and sat next to me. He rubbed my back and tried to calm me down. "It's okay. We'll be fine." "No we won't" "You don't know that." "Oh please. We both know one of us is gonna die." "Don't say that." At that point I was crying so hard my throat closed up. I couldn't speak anyway.

'Look at the doorway.' My head snapped up and turned automatically towards the door. I saw a man standing there. He looked old. Maybe sixty. He looked at me. We locked gazes for a second before he gave a big grin. you have got to be kidding me. How did they find us? Uhg. Time to run again. I tapped Jake's leg. That was our sign for, we need to get out of here. We had made it up when we were younger, just playing around. All I could do now was hope he remembered what it meant. He looked at me and nodded. He stood up and waited for me to follow.

He remembered. Phew, I was so afraid he would've forgotten. I stood up and took Jake's hand. We walked towards the door, throwing a grin over my shoulder to the old man. I knew he wouldn't follow us, he wouldn't wanna stand out. I made a mental note to remember what he looked like in case we ever ran into him again.

"That was close. I was so afraid you wouldn't remember what that meant." "Why wouldn't I? I always told you I'd remember just in case." "We were like ten." "So?""I dunno, where the heck do we go now?" "We need to get out of the country." "How can we do that?" "Jake reached in his pocket and pulled out a credit card. "My parents have kept a Swiss bank account filled for me just in case." "Why Swiss account?" "Because those can't be tracked in any way." "Smart. How much ya got?" "I figure about three thousand by now." "Perfect. Plane tickets cost about two hundred each, so we'll still have plenty left over." "Mhmm. What country?" "I dunno lets just get to the airport." "Mkay."

We were now at the edge of town again. Jake held his free arm up and hailed a taxi. We both made sure our hoods were up before it pulled over. We figured we were both in the news by now and the cab driver might recognize us. A cab finally pulled over. Jake opened the door for the back seat and I hopped in. Jake followed, shutting the door behind himself. The cab driver was a man around his mid thirties. "Where ya guys headed today?" Jake responded before I could. "The airport." "Where's your luggage then? " "We're just picking up friends." "Oh, okay." The driver pressed down on the gas and we started going. I leaned against Jake and watched out the window as town disappeared.

It was only twenty minutes before I passed out. We had an hour drive. I fell asleep leaning against Jake , him stroking my shoulder. It was pretty peaceful. Ya know...being that we were running for our lives and all. Jake wake me up at the airport. "May. We're here, time to get up." His tone was so gentle that I woke up half expecting to see the trees of our forest surrounding me. I was disappointed when I woke up only to see we were at the airport, getting ready to flee the country. "Uhhgg." "What is it?" "I was SOO hoping it was a dream." Jake let out a chuckle before opening the door of the cab. We got out, and Jake payed the driver.

"Where are we going?" "I don't know May." "Where can we go?" "Where's safe?" "If only I knew." we walked. This time with a few steps of distance between us. I didn't feel like being social right that moment. The silence was killing me, but I really didn't know what to say. I let my mind wonder, thinking about what's going on. 'Paris.' 'What?' 'Paris. Go to Paris.' 'Why Paris?' 'For god's sake May, would you just do it without questioning me for once?' 'Why should I?' 'Look, if I'm gonna help you and Jake live, I need you to do what I say.' 'I despise that. It sounds like authority. You know I HATE authority.' 'It's that or die.' 'I can't decide.' 'Quit being stupid. You may be okay with yourself dying, but I KNOW you want Jake to live. Go to the plane and get your butt to Paris.' 'I hate you.' 'Whatever, just do it.' 'No.' 'May stop. You're gonna die!' 'That's nice. Talk all you want voice. I'm done listening.' 'You're gonna wind up in Paris anyway.' 'No I won't.' 'Yes you will, you can't avoid this.' 'Watch me.'

We were almost at the ticket counter now so I slowed down to wait for Jake. "Where to May?" Looking up at the available flights I answered without thinking. "London."

Why did I say London?

I don't know. Somebody was telling me what to do and I didn't like it, I guess.

"London?" "Yes."

Jake shrugged and we walked up to the ticketing counter. "We would like two tickets to London please. Leaving as soon as possible." "Coach or first class?" "Whichever." "Okay. I have you booked on the 2:00 flight leaving in ten minutes for London. Aren't you a little young to be traveling alone together?" "We're eighteen." I lied. She eyed us suspiciously then shook her head. "Whatever, enjoy your flight." Jake grabbed our tickets and we headed to the gate. We weaved through crowds of people. Avoiding large groups of people and any security. Wouldn't want them to recognize us. If they did, we'd be screwed. We finally got to the gate just in time to board.

Once we had boarded the plane I set my backpack at my feet. As we prepared for take off I took out the book. We had to toss the knife before security, but we'll get a new one in London. I stared at the cover for a minute, then looked over at Jake. He had been watching me. Our eyes met now. He shook his head. "If that killed your sister, what makes you think it's safe to read? Don't read it." "Watch me." I opened up to the first page. The first line was. 'Read as you want, just know if you shall read the last two chapters a horrible fate will meet you.' I couldn't help but laugh. Stupid Abby. She never could read through a book without finishing it. What a shame that good habits caused her demise. Jake was watching me closely now.

I smiled at him and he looked at me suspiciously. I leaned over and kissed him on the cheek, laughed, and went back to reading. The next few lines read, 'You have been warned. Should you be holding this book it means you are in danger. You hold the very key to world domination. Either you want to use it, or protect it. Protectors be warned, you are in grave danger.'

The plane was level now. I read for I don't know how long. Suddenly I looked up and the plane was falling. Twisting and spiraling in the air. Almost gracefully. Like a bird, soaring above the clouds. I looked around and didn't see Jake. I looked over to the emergency exit and there he was. screaming my name. "MAY! GET OUT OF HERE, IT'S GOING DOWN!" I was confused. I slammed the book on my lap shut. I ran and jumped out the door just before the plane hit the ground. Oh no. Jake! "JAKE!!" No answer. He didn't make it. I have to travel this world alone. Just me and the clothes on my back, and not to mention this stupid book. 'Voice? Are you there?' 'I told you to go to Paris and you didn't listen. You're on your own.' This can't be happening. I can't be alone. The voice's last words echoed in my head. 'You're on your own.' I heard a gunshot in the distance.

My eyes flew open. I was shaking and sweating. Jake rubbed my arm. It was just a dream. I hyperventilated. My heart was racing. I just couldn't seem to get it into my head that it was just a dream. I sat there in silence shaking and hyperventilating. Jake just kept rubbing my arm. "May it's okay. It was just a dream." I couldn't snap out of it. For some reason, my mind just couldn't accept that it was a dream. All I could do was sit there trembling.

I finally snapped out of it about ten minutes later. That's when I looked at the book in my lap and realized something. I didn't remember a thing I had just read. I sighed and put the book away. No way I was going to read it now. Jake appeared to be watching my every move intently, as if he was i don't know, studying me. It was strange. "how long till we reach London?" I asked, trying to break the silence. "About two more hours." "You should sleep. You've been up for almost two days straight." "I'm fine." "Just get some rest. We're on a plane. I'll be fine." "Okay.Just watch yourself, you don't know who else is on this flight." "Yeah, okay." And with that Jake closed his eyes and passed out. It only took him about two seconds to fall asleep.

For some of the flight I went back and forth between watching Jake sleep and looking out the window. We were pretty high up. I wished I had wings. It'd be pretty cool to be able to fly this high whenever I wanted. I looked back over at Jake. He looked so... I guess innocent in his sleep. Like he hadn't been put through hell in the past couple of days. I decided now would be a good time to read the book. I mean Jake wasn't awake to stop me. Ha.

I got the book out of the bag and opened up to the first page. I reread what I had forgotten,it

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