» Fairy Tale » The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗

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was a loud bang making the wild cat to turn around and run off

“Wow!” Look at the little wimp run!” A high laugh cried out from behind them

“You kids okay?” Howdy!” I’m your friendly camp director Mr. Law, now grab your things and jump on the bus

“Where did that thing come from?” Tommy asked Mr. Law, once they were on the bus

“Oh, just forget all about that nasty little kitty and just enjoy the ride,” Mr. Law smiled

Less than five minutes later they arrived at the camp grounds

“Wow!” That was quick I wonder why we had to switch buses?” Cookie whispered over to Daisy. She was about to answer her back when Mr. Law jumped up from his seat and cried:

“Welcome to your new summer homes Camp Seek!” My assistant Freddy, will give you kids, your bunk numbers. And once you finish unpacking and grabbing something to eat.” I’ll see you all a bit later at tonight’s campfire,”

The girls were assigned to bunks number one and the boys were in bunks number two. They quickly finished unpacking then went looking for the boys. But couldn’t find them

“I wonder where they disappear to,” Vicky asked

“Let’s go check in the mess hall knowing those two. They’re looking for some food” Cookie laughed

“Where have you guys been?” We’ve been looking all over for you,” Daisy asked

“We had to see the camp nurse,” Sammy answered her

“Why?” Vicky asked him

“One of our bunk mates Jay, had his paw bitten by a snake,” Tommy started to explain

What!” The girls exclaimed

“Creepy huh?” he was making his bed, it was hiding underneath his pillow,” Tommy added

“Oh wow!” Is he going to be okay?” Cookie asked

“I guess, his paw blew up like a balloon and was pretty freaked out by the whole thing. But I’m sure that he’ll be fine in a few days” Tommy shrugged

“How did it get inside?” Vicky asked

“No clue, Freddy, told us that this whole camp is probably filled with them. Maybe you guys, have some hiding inside your bunk!” Tommy laughed

“You’re not funny dude, so what did you do with the snake?” Cookie frowned

“Oh, we put it inside a bed sheets, then went out into the woods and dumped it there. Hopefully, it won’t find his way back,” Tommy shrugged



Chapter 3:

Later that night.

They were all gathered by a big bon fire by the lake eating hot dogs, and toasting marsh mellows. Mr. Law got up and said:

“Okay, I’d like to welcome you all to camp. I hope that you all found your bunks comfortable. Now that we got that out of the way, I’d like to go over some of our camp rules”

“First, lights out will be at nine sharp, now I’m sure that some of you might get an itch. To break this rule and try to sneak out after lights out” But I’ m only going to warn you now, that would not a very wise idea. We’ve our ways of dealing with you rule breakers,” Mr. Law frowned

Some of the older kids laughed at that

“The other important thing these woods are filled with wild bears” He continued

Some kid made a loud growling noise that made the group laugh more

“Okay, settle down, I don’t think you’d be making jokes. When one of these bears want to rip your heads off,” Mr. Law smirked

“Now, I need two volunteers to help me,” He added.

Both Tommy and Sammy made their way towards him

“Okay, now I’ll show you, how to survive if you do get jumped by one of these creatures.”

“First, lay float on your stomach and cover the back of your head and try your best not to move until the coast is clear” Okay, thank you boys, you can join your friends now,” Mr. Law smiled

“Have there ever been any attacks?” Daisy asked him

“A few, but let’s not worry ourselves about that. Okay, now, before we break out for the night, please do your best to have a great time during your time with us. You’re all dismissed, enjoy, the rest of your night and I’ll see you all in the morning!” Mr. Law added

Chapter 4:

The next morning, they quickly got dressed and went to breakfast. When they were done they went by the lake for a day of water sports

On their way back Tommy and Sammy heard a horrifying scream coming out of the woods

“What was that?” Sammy asked

“I don’t know, but it sounded like some one’s getting their heads ripped off or something,” Tommy shrugged

When they reached their bunks they noticed that. All of Jay’s stuff was missing

“Well maybe, after what happened to him. He decided to go back home,” Daisy shrugged. Once the boys told them the story

“Then why didn’t he just tell us, instead of just taking off without saying a word to anybody?” Tommy shrugged

“Well did you guys, ask Freddy?” Maybe he knows what happened to him,” Cookie suggested


Later that day

“So, what did Freddy say?” Cookie asked the boys

“He didn’t. When Tommy, asked him if Jay, went home. He just shrugged and said that there was never been any camper, by that name staying here,” Sammy answered her

What!” Are you kidding us?” How can he say, he was never here?” When we all have seen Jay here!” Vicky cried out

“I know, that’s what we told him but Freddy, just laughed. And thought we were just pulling a fast one on him then ran off before we could ask him anything else,” Sammy added

“Oh, really we’ll see who’s pulling a fast one on who?” Let’s talk to Mr. Law, hopefully, he can tell us what really happened to Jay,” Daisy frowned

And as Cookie and her friends walked over towards Mr. Law’s office. Her mind started racing

There’s something very strange going around here?

But what?

“Well, that was a big waste of time,” Tommy sighed. As they walked back to their bunks

“Yah, I can’t believe that he also denied even knowing Jay. He just laughed like it was all a big joke”

Sammy added

“Ha-ha really funny. Well, I guess they’re not going to tell us anything it looks like it’s going to be up to us to figure what’s going on. Before we suddenly disappear too,” Daisy told them

The next day the boys were surprised to see the girls. Sitting by the lake

“Hey!” What are you guys, doing here?” I thought you were supposed to be going on a nature hike this morning,” Tommy asked

“We were. But after we got ready for it Freddy, popped into our bunks and told us to report to the lake that our hike was concealed,” Vicky explained

“Yah, that jerk just walked away laughing when Cookie asked him. Why the hike was concealed,” Daisy frowned

Chapter 5:

A few minutes later Freddy walked over towards them and asked

“Who’s ready for some awesome wild water rapes?”

Then after instructed them on the rules they drifted from the shore

“Hey look!” At those cool pearl fish, I bet I can reach over and grab one,” Freddy told them

“Umm, Freddy, I don’t think you should be doing- “.

And before Cookie could finish her sentence. Freddy leaned over to far and fell into the cold water

“Whoa!” How do you stop this thing?” Sammy yelled as they drifted farther away

Cookie without thinking suddenly jumped into the water and started to swim back

“Cookie!” Where are you going?” Daisy yelled at her

“I’m going to help Freddy, don’t worry I’ll meet you guys, back at the camp!” She yelled back

A few minutes later Cookie found Freddy floating a few feet away. She quickly swam towards him and help him swim back towards the shore

They rested for a few minutes before starting their way back to camp

“Do you think the others will be okay?” Cookie asked him after a few minutes of silence

“Yep, I’m sure they’ll be fine,” Freddy answered her back


A few hours later they wandered back at camp

“Are you two okay?” I’ve been worried sick and was about to send out a rescue team to go look for you,” Mr. Law cried out

“Umm, I accidently fell out of the canoe and Cookie, here saved my life,” Freddy explained

“Have the others make it back yet?” Cookie asked Mr. Law

“Yes, about a few minutes ago and told me the whole story” He answered

“Now, let’s dry up we’ll be leaving in half an hour for our hike,” Mr. Law added

“Can’t we just skip the hike?” I’m wiped out after what happened I don’t think any of us are in any mood to go on a hiking trip,” Cookie muttered

“Skip the hike?” Don’t be silly. It’ll do you kids, some good, now I’ll see you all a bit later don’t be late!” Mr. Law laughed

“I can’t believe that we’ve to go on this stupid hike after what happened,” Tommy frowned. As he and the others into the woods

“Mr. Law, is this going to be a long hike?” Vicky asked. But he just pretends not to hear her and kept walking. Then after a few more minutes she asked again. Freddy was about to answer her when Mr. Law interrupted


“Okay kids, instead of this being your normal nature hike. It seems we’re now going to be doing a seek and recovery

“One of you kids, seemed to believe it’d be funny to break our camp rules and take off without telling anyone.” That’s a big no-no and must be punish for it,”

Punished how?” I don’t remember hearing about any kid running away?” Cookie frowned. Mr. Law reached inside his bag and took out a couple of rifles

“And what are you going to do with that?” You really aren’t going to shoot some kid just because they ran away from camp?” Cookie cried out in a disbelief tone of voice

“Well, we can’t have them break the rules without some kind of punishment can we?” Mr. Law smirked

“What!” But that’s nuts!” That’s no reason to kill them,” Vicky yelled

“Oh no, this rifle is filled with sleeping darts!” Mr. Law laughed. “Here let me show you,”

He pressed the rifle into her chest and was about to press the trigger. When Daisy suddenly stepped in front of her and cried out

“Sorry, Mr. Law, but I can’t let you do that,”

Chapter 6:

Mr. Law just smiled evilly before he started to pull the trigger. Both Cookie and Daisy shut their eyes and were about to scream. But instead of the sound of the rifle going off his laughter interrupted

Congregates!” You all just passed!”

Cookie opened her eyes and noticed that the others were all staring and smiling at them

“Hey!” What’s going here?” What do you mean we passed?” Passed what?” Tommy frowned

“Okay, the testing stage are over you can all come out now!” Mr. Law cried out happily

The gang’s mouth dropped open as they watched their parents walk out from behind the trees

“Now, I know that I’m really in the twilight zone!” Sammy sighed

“Would someone please mind telling us what’s going on around here?” Daisy cried out

“Oh, honey!” I just knew that you’d pass!” Daisy’s mother smiled before giving her a big hug

“Umm, thanks, I think but we just passed what exactly?” Daisy shrugged


“Well kids, you see this isn’t a real camp. This is a testing center,” Mr. Law began

“What?” How come anyone never told us?” Sammy interrupted

“Because if we did, that’d be breaking the rules. And this whole test would have been a complete failure,” Mr. Law answered him

“So, you all were on in on it?” Tommy asked

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