» Fairy Tale » The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗

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to the mountains behind the shore?” Mrs. Crabby asked

“No why?” Cookie shrugged

“Well, never do, “Cause there’s an old mean fire dragon who will eat anyone who dares to enter the mountains'” Princess answered “And it will eat you too if you try,”

“But if nobody has actually ever gone there. How do you know it’s true?” Cookie asked

“Cookie, you shouldn’t ask so many questions there just is!” Princess answered


Cookie walked away trying to make sense of what she just heard

“I bet there really is no dragon I bet those two old ladies, just made up that stupid story.” Because they were upset that I interrupted their dumb conversation,”

Cookie frowned

“Tomorrow morning I’m going up to those mountains and see for myself if there’s any dragon living there” She added to herself


Chapter 2:

So the next morning after an early breakfast Cookie asked her mother if she could go exploring

“Okay Cookie, but don’t wander off too far,” Her mother smiled


Cookie walked and walked for a very long time until she reached the entrance that led towards the mountains. She started to get a little nervous

“What if there really is a dragon?” And he wants to eat me. What am I am going to do then?” She thought to herself.

For a second, Cookie wanted to turn around and go back home. But a little nagging voice inside her head urged her to go on. Shortly she started to climb the mountain until she reached the top

“Finally I made it boy!” I can see the whole shore from up here!”


Cookie was feeling proud of herself when she suddenly remembered why she climbed the mountain in the first place

So far, so good no sign of any dragon I knew there wouldn’t be

It was getting late Cookie knew that she had to go back before her mommy started wondering where she was. She was half-way down when she tripped over a loose rock and fell

“Oh wow!” That was some fall are you okay?” A soft-spoken voice asked. Cookie slowly opened her eyes and cried out

“Oh my god!” I am so sorry miss dragon,” I never meant to climb your mountain without permission.”

“And if you don’t eat me I promise never to do it again!”


The dragon just stared at Cookie for a moment then burst out laughing

“I’m not going to eat you. Why would you think something like that?”

Cookie was very scared as she repeated the story that she had heard the day before at the market. And after she finished she was certain that the dragon would eat her then. But the dragon just laughed even harder

“What’s your name little one?”


“Well it’s very nice to meet you Cookie,” “I’m Joy.

“Why don’t you climb on my back, and I shall take you down the rest of the way.”

Cookie seemed hesitant to move

“It’s okay Cookie; I promise not to eat you on the way down,” Joy laughed. Cookie slowly climbed on her back and soon they both were joking and laughing as they slid the rest of the way off the mountain

“Wow!” That was fun!” Cookie cried once they reached the entrance. “But I better go my mommy is probably having a cow not know where I am,”


Joy agreed “I hope that you come back and visit me sometimes.” I do get a bit lonely up here having no one to play with,”

“Oh, I’ll!”

“And Joy, I don’t why they talk so bad about your one of the nicest dragons I’ve ever met!” Cookie cried out happily

Joy laughed “I thought I was the only dragon you’ve met so far.” But to answer your question Cookie, my grandma taught me a long time ago that no one could ever tell by just hearing about someone or seeing them what they’re really like or what they feel.” I’ve been living inside these mountains for many years

Now and just because one person spread some false story about me.” “The rest of the town chose to believe it; I’m sure they must have their reasons why they do.” I just learned how to live with it.” I guess

They aren’t as brave as you were to come out here and judge for yourself then to just believe what has been said about me.” Now get before your mommy really tans that little butt of yours!”

Chapter 3:

Cookie waived good-bye to Joy then took off running up the path that led her back to the shore. She got home just before nightfall

“Cookie!” Where have you been young lady?” I’ve been worried sick about you,” Her mother frowned. Cookie quickly told her about her new adventure and about meeting Joy

“Wow!” “It sounds like you had a very busy day but next time just let me know where you’re going okay.”

“Okay” Cookie answered kissing her face all over

“Okay, okay!” Her mommy laughed “I’ll tell you what tomorrow after you do all your chores.” Why, don’t we take a panic basket and some of your friends to meet Joy?” I’ll even ask Mrs. Crabby and Princess to come with us; I’m sure once they all meet your new friend.” They will be more careful about what they say and what they chose to believe”

Copyrights © belong to jack 2006










Chapter 1:

It all began when Sammy Turtle aunt’s car pulled up into a dusty drive way. Right next to a sign that in bold letters read:


But someone had added the word mare in spray paint so now the sign read like this:


“Oh wow!” Someone really needs to work on their spelling jokes what a waste of paint,” Daisy Penguin smirked after reading the sign

“And brains!” Wow, I bet this place was beautiful before they let it go,”

Vicky Dragonfly added once we all got out of the car

“Whoa!” This place is a dump!” Tommy Cub frowned

“I can’t believe that your aunt actually brought this place Sammy,”

“Well, she said that with a good rub down it’ll look better than it did before!”

Sammy laughed

“Oh, yah right, and I ---“

“Okay kids,” Sammy’s aunt cut Tommy off

“I put all your bags inside now I want you kids, to be very careful walking around the house.

“Some of the floor boards are loose so try to watch were you’re walking”

“We’ll Aunt Jan,” Sammy answered her

“Okay, now before I go---“

“Go?” Where are you going?” Sammy interrupted

“I won’t be gone long Sammy, just a few hours I need to go into town and see Mr. Cash,

About some signing some boring paper work about the house.

“Now why don’t you kids, go inside, and pick out your rooms

And when I come back we’ll go out and grab some ice cream sodas okay”

“Okay Aunt Jan, we’ll see you later” Sammy answered her

“Great, and kids remember to ----“

“We know, we know, watch were we are walking!” They all laughed

Chapter 2:

“Hey!” What is wrong with the TV all I get is just a bunch of static,” Tommy frowned

“Well, pounding on it isn’t going to help I don’t think that my aunt connected the cable to it yet,” Sammy answered him

“Oh great!” So what are we supposed to do until she gets back?” Tommy asked

“Tommy, will you please stop complaining that’s all you’ve done since we got here,”

Daisy scowled him

“I can’t help it, I get cranky when I’m bored,” Tommy shrugged

“Hey!” I’ve an idea why don’t we explore the house,” I suggested

“Umm, I don’t know Cookie, I’m sure that my aunt wouldn’t want us to be wandering around without her being here.”

“You heard what she said about some of the floor boards being loose,” Sammy answered


“Sammy, we’ll be careful it’ll just give us something to do until she gets back “I smiled

“My brother, told me that the reason your aunt is getting such a cheap price for this house.

Is because a family was murder in one of the rooms upstairs,”

Tommy was telling them as they went downstairs towards the basement

“And you believe that stupid story?” Daisy frowned

“Hey! “Look, what I found I think it’s one of those old board games,” Sammy said.

He then blew off the dust from on top of the box and held it up so the rest of the group could see it

“Oh cool!”

I bet if we sold it we’d get lots of money for it even if it does smell like old moth balls,”

Tommy answered taking the box away from Sammy

“Are you talking about the box or yourself? “Daisy laughed

“Oh, ha-ha very funny”

Vicky jumped out from behind one of the boxes and yelled

“Whoa!” Check it out!”

Hey!” Where did you guys come from?”

“Oh, very funny Vicky, you almost scared the fur off me where did you get that spooked looking mask from? “Daisy frowned

“Okay, where did they disappear to?” Vicky asked once she took off the old ox tail mask that she was wearing

“Where did who go?” I asked

“You mean you, guys didn’t just see a bunch of strange looking kids dressed in funny clothing?”

“Playing with the old board game that Sammy found?” She asked

“Umm, Vicky, did you bump your head or something?” What kids?” There’s nobody in here expect for us?” I frowned

“Here, just put this on” Vicky answered as she handed the mask over to me. I slowly put it on and gasped


Suddenly the basement looked older and creepier and where Vicky was standing.

A group of kids just as she described were playing with the game

I yanked off the mask and handed it back to her

“Well did you see them?” She asked

“Yah, expect I couldn’t get a close look at their faces they were to blurry,”

I answered

“Oh, please!”

Do you think that we’re that lame to believe that you two just saw

A couple of ghost kids,” Tommy frowned

“Well here, if you don’t believe us why don’t you put it on?”

And see if we’re lying or not,” Vicky frowned back

“Oh wow! “Sammy, here dude you gotta check this out!” He cried out

“Nah!” I’ll pass thanks, I’ll just take your word for it,” Sammy shrugged

“Oh, let me see!” Daisy said taking the mask away from Tommy

and put it on then yelled out loud before yanking it off and running upstairs

“Whoa!” Daisy!” Wait up!” What did you see?” I cried after her

Chapter 3:

A minute later they were all gathered upstairs in the living room

“So, are you going to tell us or what?”

What did you see that freaked you out so badly?” Tommy asked

“When I put the mask on I saw the kids, I even tried to touch them but a big ball of light.

Blinded me and when it cleared they were all laying on the floor. I think they were dead,

“She sobbed

“I don’t think that we should go down there anymore,” Sammy said

“Wrong Sammy, there has to be a reason that we saw what we did” I answered him

“Like what?” Sammy frowned

“I don’t know maybe they want us to help them somehow,” I added

“How?” If they can’t even, see or hear us?” Tommy asked

“Umm, don’t know?” I haven’t figured that part out yet,” I shrugged


That night after we had our ice cream sodas

I asked Sammy’s aunt if any kids ever lived there before

“No, not, that I know of. “Why Cookie?” She asked

“Umm, no reason, we just found a

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