The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗

- Author: Jo O
Book online «The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗». Author Jo O
Table of contents:
Chapter 1: Cookie’s Bad Day
Chapter 2: Camp Seek
Chapter 3: Camp Weird
Chapter 4: Cookie’s New Friend
Chapter 5: Haunted Basement
Chapter 6” Haunted Play
Chapter 7: Legend of Fox’s cave
Chapter 8: Tracy’s Magic Jar
Chapter: 9: The Greedy Lesson
Chapter 10: The Pie Mystery
Chapter 1:
It all started on a Saturday afternoon. While I was walking back home after playing video games over my friend Vicky Dragonfly’s house. I was almost reaching my driveway when I noticed a mysterious metal box
That was half buried underneath the maple tree that’s next to my house. I walked over to it and dug it out I slowly opened it
Inside the box was a silver collar with a note next to it. I took the note and read it:
After reading the note for the second time. I took the collar out and looked at it closely
“There’s no way that such a beautiful collar like this would cause any kind of bad luck.”
“This’s probably someone’s idea of a stupid joke,” I thought to myself as I put on the collar then buried the note and box where I found it
I wasn’t even inside for five minutes when my mom walked out of the kitchen and yelled
“Cookie!” Where have you been?” You should’ve been home an hour ago
“I’m sorry mom, I was over Vicky’s house playing video games and didn’t notice how late it was,” Cookie answered
“That’s no excuse young lady,” Her mother frowned.
“Now go and clean your room!” I’ll call you when dinner’s ready,”
“Aww mom!” Do I’ve to?” Cookie whined
“Don’t aww mom, me now go?” Her mother snorted
Chapter 2:
From that day my luck turned from bad to worst. Not only was my mom mad at me. But the next day I totally forgot to study for my math quiz the night before and failed it. But I also forgot that Miss Dragon, one of my favorite actress was coming to my school that afternoon to speak on the importance of reading
“Hey!” Where have you been?” My friend Daisy Penguin asked me.
As I met her by the gyms double door
“I’ve been waiting for you for more than ten minutes,” She added frowning
“Don’t ask,” I mumbled.
As we walked inside the gym and even though it was almost full we managed to find two seats in the front row
Then after what seemed like hours finally Miss. Dragon walked through the front door. Everyone started clapping and yelling out her name including myself. In fact I was so excited that I forgot that I put my water bowl down next to me
And accidently knocked it over with my paw. A minute later everyone gasped when they saw that Miss. Dragon, slipped on the wet floor and fell right on top of me
“My ankle!” She cried out horrified
Her ankle? What about my paw?
Believe me she wasn’t as light as she appeared to be
Miss Fox and some of the other teachers rushed over to help Miss. Dragon who was still crying about her stupid ankle. None of them even bothered to ask me if I was okay
All they cared about was about her precious ankle. A few minutes later Miss. Fox came back inside the gym and told everyone that Miss. Dragon had a really bad sprain ankle and wouldn’t be able to speak with us today
“Oh, nice going Cookie!” You just had to spill your bowl didn’t you?” Daisy scowled me.
Once we were outside
“Hey!” it was an accident and how bad could she have sprained her dumb ankle. She landed on top of me and not the floor,” I whined
“Yah, that part was funny you should’ve seen the look on your face. When she landed on you it was hysterical!”
Daisy giggled.
“Well see you later I promised Vicky, that I’d help her with her science project,”
“Gee, what a pal,” I smirked to myself
Chapter 3:
When I got home my paw began to swell up like a balloon and if that wasn’t bad enough. A few minutes later it started to go numb from all the ice pack that my mom kept putting on it
Later that night as I laid in my bed waiting for the feeling in my paw to return. I knew that I had to return the collar
I got up really early the next morning and sneaked outside before my mom noticed that I was even missing. Once I got there I started digging for the box but it wasn’t there
“Oh great!” Now what I’m going to do?” I sighed.
I was about to go back home when I noticed a small piece of paper sticking out of hole next to the place I was digging
Which read:
“Well that was a big waste of time. How on earth am I going to do that if I can’t find the stupid metal thing?”
I started to crumple the paper when something caught my eye on the back of it. Someone had drawn a picture of my bed room
“Now that’s weird,” I thought to myself as I stared at the picture over again
That’s when I saw it I saw the metal box it was sitting on top of my toy chest inside my room
Feeling both nervous and confused I ran inside and to my room. And just as the picture showed there was the metal box
And though it was driving me crazy how it got there I was so relieved that I was finally going to get rid of the stupid thing
I quickly took off the collar and placed it inside the box. I was about to go outside to bury it when my mom walked into my room
“Oh, good you’re up we’ll be leaving in thirty minutes,” She said
“Leaving?” Leaving where?” I frowned
“I promise Ms. Tiger, that I‘d help her with the school’s bake sale,” My mom answered
“Aww mom, do I really have to go can’t I just stay home?” I asked
“Sure sweetie,”
“I can?” Really wow!” Thanks!” I cried out
“Sure, about in ten years or more!” She interrupted laughing.
“Now move your little tail and start getting ready. We don’t want to be late,”
“I really hate when she does that,” I frowned to myself once she left the room
Chapter 4:
The next day I guess that my mom noticed that there was something wrong. Because when I got home from band practice she had my favorite snack waiting for me
“Cookie, you look a little down is there something bothering you?” She asked. And after I finished the last bite of my meaty bones. I told her the whole story
“And did you rebury it?” She asked after I finished
“Yep, right after we got home from the bake sale,” I answered her
“Oh wow!” I hope that I never find something like that!” She smiled
“Yah, I learned my lesson the next time I see something that doesn’t belong to me.
I’m leaving it right where I found it,” Cookie told her
“I’m glad to hear you say that Cookie, because I’ve to tell you a little secret,” Her mom began
“It was me, I’m the one who left you the box,” Her mom added
“What? Why?” Cookie cried out
“Well remember last week when I told you not to play with my stuff without asking me first?” What happened?” She asked
“I lost one of your favorite rings then lied about it. But you grounded me for that,” I mumbled
“I know, but grounding you didn’t teach you anything did it? She asked frowning
“No, I guess not, but gee mom, did you’ve to go so far,” I whined
“I’m sorry baby, I didn’t mean for you to go through such a hard time.
But sometimes you’ve to go through them to understand what the other person really goes through,”
“When you get a little older you’ll understand this a bit better. So what do you say do you forgive me?” Her mom asked smiling
For a minute I was so mad at her for making me go through all this. But even though she drives me crazy and acts weird at times. She does mean well and I’m sure she thinks the something about me sometimes. I went up to her and gave her the biggest hug and smile before I answered her back
“You’re the best mommy in the whole wide world!”
Copyrights © belong to jack 2006
Chapter 1:
The bus driver growled at them to pipe down, as the bus hit a bump. Causing them to bounce off their seats. Daisy Penguin stared out the window thinking about what her mother told her before she got on the bus
“Now, whatever you do try to your very best”
“I wonder what she meant by that?” Daisy wondered to herself
“Hey, check it out!” Cookie cried out “I just saw a wild cat run by us!”
“Huh?” Are you sure?” I didn’t see anything” Daisy answered her.
As she looked in the same direction Cookie was
“Yah, it went behind those rocks,” Cookie added
“Oh, I wonder how much longer until we reach the camp?” Daisy asked
“I don’t know, but I don’t think it should be much farther,” Cookie shrugged.
Daisy was about to answer her back, when the bus suddenly came to a rough stop
“Okay, you little creatures!” Every one off the bus!” The driver yelled
“Why are we getting out here?”
I don’t see any camp site around Tommy Cub asked the bus driver, who just ignored him and walked off the bus
“Hey!” I was talking to you!” Tommy yelled after him
“Can you believe that jerk?” Tommy added once they were outside
“I still don’t understand why, we’ve to get out here in the middle of nowhere. Is someone from the camp coming to pick us up? Vicky Dragonfly frowned
“I’m not sure, hold on I’ll go ask the bus driver,” Cookie answered her
“Umm, excuse me, but is someone from the camp coming to pick us up soon?” Cookie asked the driver
“I don’t know, and I really don’t care” He growled. He then walked passed her and back on the bus and drove off
Chapter 2:
Cookie joined her friends a couple seconds later. And before she could speak a loud growl interrupted
“What was that?” Sammy Turtle nervously asked
“Don’t know, hopefully, it wasn’t one of those wild cats I seen earlier,” Cookie answered him
“Quick!” Just in case pick up some rocks maybe we can scared them off” Daisy added
They had just finished gathering their rocks, when they spotted the wild cat approaching
“Wow!” It doesn’t look very happy, Sammy muttered
“Okay, on the count of three throw your rock as hard as you can. “Okay, ready?” one, two---
And before Tommy would reach three. There
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