» Fairy Tale » The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗

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still not so convinced that you weren’t the one who broke into my locker,”

Daisy frowned. Tommy was about to answer her back when Sally walked over towards them and interrupted

“It wasn’t me if that’s what you all are thinking. But I think I know of a way that we can find who it was.”


Later that night the gang was outside the school playground waiting for Sally to arrive

“Remain me again when we started listening to Sally again?” I should be home watching wrestling.” Sammy protested

“We’re not Sammy, it’s not like we’ve any choice.

If we want to find out what really is going on around here.”

Vicky answered him back shrugging


A few minutes later Sally showed up

“Well it’s about time.” Tommy told her

“Sorry, but my mom gave me the third degree before she finally let me out of the house.”

She answered him

“Okay, okay, now that we’re all here how are we going to get inside the school? I’m sure we just can’t walk in and say”

“Hello, Mr. Phantom, are you here?” Sammy smirked

“Or Sammy, we can just climb in through that open window.” Tommy chimed in


“I hate to sound like a broken record, but I don’t think this is such a great idea.” Sammy protested as they sneaked inside

“We know Sammy, just pretend that we’re starting in a scary movie.” Daisy smiled

“But I don’t like scary movies.” Sammy cried

“Oh, stop begin such a big wimp and give it a rest already.” Tommy groaned

“Why don’t you both just zip it, before we get busted?” Sally scowled them before she opened the auditorium door

“Cookie, can you turn on the lights?” She added

“Are you nuts?” Sure, let’s turn them all on and let everyone know that we’re in here, great idea!” Sammy began


“Oh no! My scenery!” They’re all ruined who’d do something like this?” Cookie cried out

“Your scenery?” I worked on them too.” Sally frowned staring at the words




That was sprayed painted all over in all sizes and colors. Vicky was about to answer when a horrified voice interrupted

“What’s the meaning of this?” Why are you kids, in here!”


They all turned around and found Miss Hall standing right behind them with a horrified look on her face

“Miss Hall!” I swear we didn’t do this!” Cookie began

“That’s enough young lady, not another word understand?” What kind of fool do you kids, take me for?

I can tell from here that’s fresh paint it’s dripping for god sakes!” Miss Hall cried out

“But we’re not lying we really did find it like this!” Sammy protested

“Oh, really?” Why are you kids even doing here? I

Was on my way home when I heard a noise coming from in here to find this!”

I really want to believe you kids, but this is pushing it too far.” Miss Hall frowned


Chapter 4:

Three days later



“I’m so glad that Miss Hall, calmed down and changed her mind about concealing the play. I’m so nervous that I’m about to bust.” Daisy stated

“Well relax, because you look great! Now go out there and break a leg!” Cookie smiled. A few seconds later Daisy walked out on stage

Which looked dark and eerie due to the gloomy back ground “Phantom, are you there?” I’ve come to visit with you.”


The audience began to cheer when the phantom slowly crept from behind and quietly stood behind her.

Daisy turned around and was about to say her next line

But froze for a second. When she noticed that the phantom that was standing next to her wasn’t Tommy.

Daisy swallowed hard before she continued

“Oh phantom. Please don’t be afraid and tell me why you stay and haunt this place?”

“My story is a tragic one. I haunt this place to hide my pain of how I was destined to be a star”

My destiny was to perform this play many years ago”

“But it ended before it could ever begin.” The mysterious phantom began

“Oh wow!” He’s not saying his lines he’s telling the story of what really happened to him.”

Daisy thought to herself

“You see, hours before I was about to perform I accidently took a wrong step and stepped on the peg, which opened the trap door”

When I fell I broke my neck and died instantly

“My body fell inside an open trunk that was hiding behind other boxes”

“Never to be found it’s still rotting away down there.” He continued.

The audience began to cheer louder

“Whoa!” They really believe this is all just part of the play, if they only knew.” Daisy thought.

She reached up and tried to rip his mask off but the phantom pushed her away and cried

“No!” You could never know my true identity!”

Then took a few steps backwards to get away from her.

But didn’t realize that the secret door was still open and fell inside of it


When the curtains closed Daisy was so scared that she couldn’t talk nor move.

Cookie ran over towards her and asked “Daisy, are you okay?”


“Are you okay?” Cookie repeated.

“Someone hit Tommy, over the head knocking him out cold and stole his costume—“

“Oh my god Cookie!” It was the real phantom, he told me how he fell through the trap door and died.

His body is still down there we’ve to get it out!” Daisy cried out

When they climbed through the secret passageway all they found was the phantom mask. And an old yellowed year book next to it

Vicky picked up the year book and slowly started flipping through the worn out pages

“Oh wow!” I don’t believe it!”

They all gathered around her and read the article that was inside of it









Chapter 1:

Daisy Penguin opened her gym locker and was surprised and confused. To see that there was a heart shape box inside it.

She looked around to see if there was anyone else hanging around the locker room.

But she was the only one in there

“That's weird I wonder who could've put this in my locker and why?”

She thought to herself. She began opening it when a bad smell started to fill the room

“Urge!” What’s that smell?” She cried out dropping the box on the floor.

She bent down but instead of picking it up she noticed that there was some green smoke coming out of it.

Daisy quickly kicked the box across the floor then grabbed her stuff and ran out of the room


After school she met her friends at the local pizza shop and told them what happened

“Okay, let me get this straight someone broke into your locker”.

And left you some smelly box that pours green smoke out of it. “When you open it?” Tommy Cub frowned

“The green smoke came out after I dropped on the floor,” Daisy began

“Why'd anyone leave you something like that?” Vicky Dragonfly interrupted Daisy

“I don't know but I don’t think whoever it was is very funny,” Daisy frowned

“Hey!” Maybe you've a secret admire” Sammy Turtle added

“Or a smelly one!” Tommy laughed

“You're so-so not funny Tommy!” Daisy smirked

“So where’s this famous box now?” Cookie asked

“Probably where I left it why?” Daisy shrugged

“Cause maybe whoever left it also left a clue of whom they're or why they left the box,”

Cookie also shrugged

Chapter 2:

Soon afterwards they were back inside the locker room

“It should be right underneath that bench that’s where I kicked it to,” Daisy told them

“Are you sure?” Because it's not there,” Sammy answered her after he looked underneath it


“Maybe it grew little feet and walked away on its own!” Tommy laughed

“Oh wow!” Do me a big favor and remain me to laugh later hey!” What’s this?” Daisy smirked

“It's nothing but just some candy wrapper” Sammy shrugged

“I know that dummy what I meant was there's something written inside it,”

Daisy frowned as she picked it up from the floor then read the message out loud:





“Oh wow!” “It looks like we got ourselves a little mystery to solve!” Cookie laughed

“What do you mean we?” Daisy's the one who got the stupid box why do we all have to go?”

Vicky frowned

“Oh come on Vic, Sammy's the one who usually chickens out.

“Don't tell me that you believe all those dumb stories about Fox's cave?” Cookie asked

“Hey!” Sammy cried out

“Cookie's right not only is this our chance to prove to everyone that those rumors about the cave.”

Or nothing but some made up story but also see who left me that stupid box.” So what do you say are you in?” Daisy added.

Vicky could tell by the way that Daisy was staring at her that she didn’t want to go up there either

And she definitely didn’t want to go up there alone so after thinking about it for a few more minutes she smiled then said “okay”


The next day they all meet in front of Cookie's house

“So are we ready to go?” She asked them

“Yep, Sammy, what you got inside the bag?” Daisy asked him

“Umm, let's see I got some snacks, a couple of flashlights and some other stuff.”

“That we might be needing,” He shrugged

“Gee Sammy, we’re only going to be there for maybe an hour or so.” Not the whole night!” Daisy laughed

Chapter 3:

A few minutes later

“Okay here's the plan me and Sammy, will check out the left side of the cave”. “And you girls can check out the right then we'll meet back here in hour.

“And if you guy see anything just yell,” Tommy explained as he handed them each a flashlight

“Okay, where do you guys, want to start?” Cookie asked but the other girls didn't answer her

“Umm hello, what's the matter with you two?”

Vicky shined her flashlight on the object so Cookie could've a better look.

Standing in front of them was a strange looking monster that seemed to be growling at them. For a few seconds none of them could move nor speak

Until Vicky let out a loud horrifying scream and took off running followed by Cookie and Daisy.

And they didn't stop running until they got back to Cookie's house


Ten minutes later the boys showed up

“Hey!” What happened to you guy? “Why did you just take off like that? Tommy asked frowning

“The rumors they're—“Vicky began

“What rumors?” Okay will someone please tell us what she’s blabbing about?” Tommy asked.

Cookie quickly told them what they had seen inside the cave

“Oh wow!” Sammy cried out then popped his head inside his shell

“Well at least we solved one mystery not the one I hoped for. “Since I still don’t know who sent me that stupid box”

Daisy sighed “Oh Sammy, before I forget here's your flashlight back” she added

“, Just put it inside my bag,” Sammy answered her

Daisy unzipped Sammy's bag and was about to put the flashlight back when something caught her eye.

It was a cardboard cutout of the monster that looked a lots like the one. They just finished seeing inside the cave and a tape recorder


The next day at lunch Daisy told the girls what she saw inside of Sammy's bag

“So you think

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