» Fairy Tale » The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗

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couple of kids toys in the basement

And was curious that’s all,” I shrugged


The next morning, we got up early and had a club meeting

“So, where did your aunt go so early in the morning?” Tommy asked

“She had to go back into town to sign some more papers,” Sammy answered him

“I came up with a way that we could help those kids,” I told them


“Last night when everyone went to bed I went to the basement again and tried to reach out to them. But it didn’t work

I started to look around and found a box full of old fashion cloths.”

“So, I thought what if we put them on maybe it’ll get their attention if they thought we were in their same time period,”

“Are you kidding?” I’m not going to put on any smelly old cloths on!” Sammy cried out

“Oh, don’t be such a wimp Sammy, what do we’ve to lose,” Tommy told him

“Do you really want me to answer that question?” Sammy frowned


A couple minutes later they were in the basement

“I still don’t think this is such a good idea,” Sammy mumbled

“Stop whining Sammy, and just put on the cloths,” Tommy sighed

“Okay, who’s going to put on the mask?” I asked. None of them moved

“Oh, this is stupid here I’ll do it,” Vicky said “Okay, I see them,”

“Hey, don’t be scared we’re not going to”

Chapter 4:

A voice yelling and a couple of strong hands dragging us upstairs pulled us out of our trance

“Are you kids alright?” What in the world were you kids doing down there!” Sammy’s aunt cried out

“We were just playing Aunt Jan, we’re sorry we didn’t mean to do anything wrong,” Sammy sobbed

“Why would you want to play down in the basement of all places?”

“Didn’t you kids, smell all the gas that’s coming out of there if Mr. Cash and I didn’t come down here to see where it was coming from.”

Oh, never mind!”

I’m just glad that you kids, are safe come on let’s go to the kitchen and I’ll make you kids, one of my mouth watering deserts,”

And as I watch my confused friends follow Sammy’s aunt to the kitchen.

It hit me why we couldn’t see their faces or touch the ghostly kids.

It cause instead of looking at a couple of ghosts we were looking at ourselves

Somehow the mask was showing us the future and what it’d be like if we had stayed inside the basement

Copyrights © belong to Jo 2006











Chapter 1:

“Oh my god Cookie!” You’ll never guess what just happened, I got it!” Daisy

Penguin cried out as she came running down the school hall and towards Cookie’s locker

“You really go what?” Cookie asked her frowning while struggling to get her locker open

“I just came from Miss Hill’s class to see if she had posted the casting list.

For this year’s school play Haunted Heart’s and guess what?”

Daisy began.

Cookie only laughed

She had seen Daisy excited before. But she never seen her this excited

“Okay Daisy, just tell me already before you bust a gut or something!”

“The lead role!” Can you believe it?” Daisy cried out happily

“Oh wow!” That’s great! I knew you’d get it,” Cookie smiled

“Whoa!” What’s wrong?” She added noticing that Daisy’s expression had changed

“Well two things, first, can you believe that Tommy, got the role of the phantom.

Of all the kids in our class, she had to choose him!” Daisy cried out.

Cookie just laughed harder

“Oh, come on Daisy, he’s not that bad. What’s really bugging you?”

“Sally Whitehead, she got the role of my understudy,” Daisy sighed

“Oh wow!” I bet she’s upset. She was so sure that she was going to get the lead role,”

Cookie laughed. “Did she get any other part besides understudy?” She added

“Well congrats Cook, she’s all yours!” Daisy laughed patting her on the back

“Huh?” Cookie frowned

“She’ll also be working with you in the prop dept.” Daisy smiled


Oh great!” That’s all I don’t need I’ve enough work to do.

Without teaching Miss Wonderful, how to paint.” Cookie smirked


A few minutes later they were all gather inside the drama studio waiting for Miss Hall to arrive

“Did you hear what Sally is saying about the play?” Vicky Dragonfly asked Cookie

“No, what?” Cookie shrugged. Vicky was about to answer her back when a voice from behind her interrupted

“This play is rumored to be haunted”



They turned around and noticed that Sally was standing right behind them

“Cursed?” Oh yah right!” There’s no such thing as curses.” Tommy Cub frowned

“Well according to my great aunt there are. She went to this school a long time ago”

And told me all about the curse, she said that every time they’d try to perform this play something awful

Would happen—“Sally answered him

“Oh yah right, you’re making this up.” Tommy interrupted

“No, I’m not!” She even told me that one of the stars of the play.”

“That’s enough you lady! Now if you don’t mind entertain us with nonsenses I’d like to start,”

An annoyed voice cried out from the stage interrupted

“Certainly you’ve heard the stories, haven’t you Miss Hall,” Sally innocently asked

“Yes, of course but they were never proven to be true. I believe these stories are nothing but urban legends”

Which have been passed down through the years,” Miss Hall answered her

“How come we never heard about this curse or whatever before?” Sammy asked frowning

“Okay, settle down and I’ll explain around twenty plus years.

The school’s drama teacher decided to perform this play, which she found in a book inside a prop trunk”

Who wrote it was never know?”

“It was about a ghostly phantom who lived underneath the school’s basement. And fell in love with the principal’s daughter,

” Who later kidnaped her when her father tries to keep them apart,” Miss Hall started to explain

“And despite props mysterious disappearing, lighten problems they’d practice every day after school.

And were so excited about opening night that they never minded until—“Her voice trailed off

“Now before I continue I want you all to remember this is just a story.

There’s no proof that any of it actually happened” But on opening night they were all so nervous and excited at the same time”

“Minutes before the play was about to start the boy who was to play the role of the phantom. Suddenly disappeared they looked all over the school”

“He seemed to vanished into thin air. I guess you’d that instead of playing the role of the phantom” He became on!” She added laughing

Chapter 2:

“Wow! So we’ll be the first to ever perform this play ever?” Cookie asked

“Yes, Cookie, after that night the principal decided not do it,” Miss Hall answered

“But what about the curse” Sally whined

“Sally, there’s no curse there never was.

Now let’s get down to business I’ve made a copy of the script.

I want you all to take them home and study it”

And before she could say anything else she disappeared into thin air

“Whoa!” Where did she disappear to?” Someone cried out

“I’m down here kids, a little help please.” Miss Hall said


They all climbed on stage and in front of the opening in where Miss Hall had fallen through

“How did you get down there?” Daisy asked

“It’s more how do we get her out of there?” Sammy added looking inside the hole

“Just press the small peg that’s next to the opening.” Miss Hall explained.

A few seconds later she was out

“I guess I forgot all about that trap door and must’ve pressed the peg by mistake.

It was built for the first play” So the phantom could appear and disappear without anyone noticing.” She added

“Oh cool!” Will we be using it for our play?” Tommy asked

“Yes, but not until I’ve made sure that’s perfectly safe to be used until then it’s off limits, understood?”

Miss Hall answered him. Everyone nodded their head yes

“Good, now before we call it quits for today. I’ll like to read over the play once so you could get a feel for the charters.”


The next day after school they all meet inside the drama club so they could rehearsal

“Hey!” who’s that?”

Cookie asked pointing to a young goat, who was sitting on the edge of the stage.

Reading a copy of the script they walked over to him and Cookie asked

“Hi!” Can we help you?”

“Oh, hi, I waiting for Cookie, Miss Hall, told me to see her I’m going to be her new assistant,”

The goat answered her

“Well you found her and this is my friend Vicky Dragonfly.” Cookie smiled

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m Roy, and read to be put to work what do you need help with?” He smiled back.

Cookie was about to answer him back when Daisy came running in yelling

“Okay, where is he!”

“Where’s who?” Vicky asked

“Tommy, that’s who he thinks he’s funny!” Look what he left inside my locker!”

She cried out pulling out a creepy looking mask and piece of paper out of her book bag. Vicky unfolded the paper and read it out loud:




“What does that mean?” Vicky frowned

“How should I know? All I know is that when I get my paw around his little throat” He’s going to wish that he was the real phantom.” Daisy smirked

“Hello, did someone call out my name!” Tommy laughed as he and Sammy walked in and joined them

“Tommy!” You jerk! I didn’t find your little joke a bit funny!” Daisy yelled at him

“Huh?” What joke?” Tommy frowned

“Oh, please knock off the stupid innocent act and just admit that you left those things inside my locker.” Daisy told him

“Sorry, Daisy, but I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Tommy shrugged

“Oh, yah sure, then I guess it was the phantom who left them.” Daisy frowned

“I guess so, because it wasn’t me.” Tommy smiled. She was about to answer him back when all the lights went out

Chapter 3:

“Hey!” Who turned off the lights!” Someone yelled out.

A terrifying scream let out as the lights suddenly came back on

“Okay, who’s the knuckle-head?” Cookie frowned then asked.

They looked up towards the cat walk standing there staring was a black mask creature.

Wearing a long black coat holding a rope

It swung down from the cat walk landing a few feet away from Sammy then took off running

“Oh, ha-ha Tommy,” Sammy smirked

“Umm, sorry to disappoint you there Sammy, but that wasn’t me.

I was standing right next to you when the lights went off.” Tommy told him

“Well, if it wasn’t you then who?” Sammy shrugged

That’s what I’m going to find out I didn’t think that little stunt was very amusing,”

Miss Hall frowned


The next afternoon they were all sitting around studying their lines

“Did Miss Hall ever find out who the cat walker was the other day?” Roy asked the gang

“No, but I’ve to admit that was totally weird.” Vicky answered him

“Yah, and if she wasn’t standing right next to me when the lights came back on. I would’ve sworn it was Sally, up there”

She’d probably do anything just to prove that stupid curse was real!”

Cookie added laughing

“Or it still could’ve been Tommy—“Daisy began

“Ha-ha! Sorry, but as awesome and brilliant as I’m.

I could never be in two places at the same time” So it couldn’t have been me.”

Tommy grinned

“Well Mr. Brilliant, I’m

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