» Fairy Tale » The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗

Book online «The We Always Catch Our Crooks Club, Jo O [best books to read for self development .txt] 📗». Author Jo O

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here enjoining this warm beautiful day,” She answered him back smiling

“Have fun then see you later,” Tommy smiled back. Now Cookie could’ve asked Tommy to help her pick one the apples

But she was too greedy who only wanted the apple for herself

Chapter 2:

She was still in deep thought when her friend Daisy Penguin, came strolling up the path

“Hello Cookie, why do you look so mopey is everything okay?” She asked

“Oh no, Daisy, I’m not sad I’m just relaxing underneath this beautiful tree,”

Cookie smiled

“Well, okay, just as long there’s nothing wrong,” Daisy answered before she ran off.


Cookie sighed because she knew that Daisy was the best tree climber in their school and would’ve been more than happy to get an apple for her

But once again Cookie’s greed got the best of her.

She was getting hungrier by each passing second. Soon another of her friends past by this time it was Vicky Dragonfly

“Good day Cookie,”

Why are you wasting such a nice day just sitting underneath this apple tree?”

When you could be playing or digging up bones

“Oh no!” I’m perfectly happy just sitting here enjoining the day,” Cookie answered her

“I see ok, then I’ll see you later then,” Vicky said then she took off down the path

Cookie could hardly sit still any longer she tried climbing the tree again.

But one more time she fell on her butt. A few minutes later Andrew the weasel came towards her

Chapter 3:

“Say Cookie, what do you think you’re doing?” everyone knows that dog can’t climb trees

Now it was known throughout the neighborhood that Andrew, couldn’t be trusted.

He had played many mean tricks on Cookie and her friends

So the last kid Cookie wanted to tell about was him.

But she was so hungry that she couldn’t think straight anymore

“I’m so hungry and this tree is fill with ripe apples but the red ones are hidden in the middle of it”

If you’d climb and pick one for me I’ll gladly share it with you,” She explained

“Why sure Cookie, no problem I’ll be more than happy to get it for you,” Andrew smirked

“Thank you,”

“Don’t thank me just yet wait until I get it for you first!” Andrew giggled


Minutes seemed like hours and there was no sign of Andrew

“What’s taking him so long?” maybe I should’ve kept my mouth shut,”

She started to get a bit more nervous when she saw that her friends coming towards her

“Cookie, come and play and hide and seek with us,” Vicky told her

“Sorry, but I can’t” Cookie sobbed

“Huh?” Why?”

“All day I’ve trying to grab an apple from this tree I didn’t want to tell any of you guys, about it.

Cause I didn’t want to share any with you,” Cookie continued sobbing. “But I became so desperate that I finally

asked Andrew,” To help me but he has been gone for a very long time”


Cookie’s friends just looked at each other than busted out laughing

“Cookie, how dumb can you be?” Tommy laughed. “Don’t you know that Andrew’s the last kid you can trust?”

He’s probably up there eating all the apples not even thinking of you,”

Cookie was going to answer him when Andrew climbed down the tree licking his lips

“Thanks Cookie, for having me find such a yummy apple. It was so nice and juicy see you losers later!” He laughed

Chapter 4:

“You see!” That’s what you get Cookie, if you had only asked one of us to help you.

You wouldn’t be so miserable right now,” But you were too greedy and wanted it all for yourself and got ripped off!” Vicky scowled her

“You’re right, I’m sorry you guys, I was only thinking about myself.

I learned my lesson the hard way and promise never to do something as dumb ever again!”

“Begin greedy isn’t worth it you lose too much cause of it” Cookie cried

“Oh, don’t cry, Cookie

It’s okay we forgive you come on let’s get out of here.

And find you something to eat before you starve to death!”

Daisy laughed.

Cookie wagged her tail happily as she and her friends walked off joking and goofing with each other to enjoin the rest of the day

Copyrights © belong to jack 2006







Chapter 1:


On a sunny Friday afternoon Cookie and her friends Vicky Dragonfly and Daisy Penguin were sun bathing inside Cookie’s back yard

“It’s so hot out here that even your pool looks like. It’s wishing that it had a pool to jump into!”

Vicky laughed

“Oh wow!” Either you’ve been hanging around Tommy, or sitting out in the sun too long.

Cause your jokes are getting just as lame as his!” Daisy added also laughing.

They were still giggling and goofing with each other, when Tommy Cub and Sammy Turtle walked into her backyard


“Hi, what’s up?” Cookie asked them

“We just got a new case,” Sammy answered her

“That’s great, it’s been a while since the last one.

I was starting to think that the kids, around here”

“Forgot that we started a detective club. So what’s this one about?” Vicky added

“Some bozo, stole Miss Horse’s pie. The one she was baking for the annual bake off.

So she hired us to find out who did it and why,” Tommy explained

“Oh wow!” Who’d do something as stupid as to steal her pie,” Daisy frowned

“Duh!” That’s why she hired us to find out,” Tommy smirked

“Okay, let’s not fight. So what do we know about the case so far?” Vicky asked

“Well, according to Miss Horse, she placed her cream pie on her window still.

So it could cool off then went to take a bath”

“And when she went back to check on it, it was gone.

There’s a note left in its place warning her to drop out of the contest,” Sammy began

“Oh wow!” Cookie interrupted


“Oh wow!” Is right before we left we asked her for a list of the names.

Of who were entered in the bake off,” Tommy added

“Why?” Daisy asked

“To see if anyone else pie was stolen.

Maybe whoever stole the pie or pies believe they’d stand a better chance of winning”

“Since almost every year it’s Miss Horse who wins the contest,” Tommy answered her

“Good idea. So let’s see the list,” Cookie smiled.

Sammy took out a piece of paper out his back pocket and handed it to her which contained five names:


The owner of the travel agency Mr. Starfish

Rocky Shores vet Dr. Bones

Cindy Jellyfish, a local high school student

Oliver Wolf, the local baker

And last but not least

Miss Whale, the local dean scout teacher


“Okay, we only have one day before the contest. So that doesn’t give us a lot of time so let’s divide the list”

And meet back at the clubhouse in about two hours to compare notes,” Cookie told them

“It’s a shame that Miss Horse, won’t be in the contest this year. I’m really going to miss testing her pies,”

Vicky said as they were walking out of Cookie’s backyard

“Who said that she was dropping out?” She told us that she wasn’t going to let anyone stop her from winning”

She was going to bake another pie as soon as we left!” Tommy laughed

Chapter 2:

Later that day they were gathered inside the clubhouse exchanging notes

“Okay, here’s what we found out the good doctor was operating at the time of the crime”

Sammy, check with his nurse to confirm with his story” “Also Mr. Wolf’s dropping out of the contest,” Tommy began

“He’s why?” Daisy asked

“It seems that he got the same note too. At first, he played it off as a joke”

But when his cherry pie exploded in his face. He started to take it seriously”

According to him, he believes that someone switched his flour with explosives power,”

Tommy finished explaining

“Hmm, that sounds a bit fishy. How can someone switch them without him noticing it?” Cookie frowned

“To us too, so we asked him about it. He said that half way through making his pie”

He ran out of cherries and ran out to the store to buy some more. But instead of just crossing him off the list”

“We put a question mark next to his name,” Tommy answered her

“So how did you guys, do?” Sammy asked


“Well, it looks like all of them got the same note. According to Mr. Starfish’s assistant,

He’s out of town until next week” So we crossed off the list Cindy, told us that.

She went to the movies with her friends”

“But she could’ve just made that up,” Cookie started to explain

“And what about Miss Whale?” Tommy asked

“Oh, she was off with her dean group, so we crossed her off also,” Vicky answered him

“So, it looks like it’s just between Cindy and Mr. Wolf,” Daisy added

“Yah, but which one?” Tommy frowned.


Cookie thought about that question for a few minutes. Suddenly an idea popped into her head

“I’ve to go and check on something I’ll see you guys, later!”

She blurted out then ran out of the clubhouse before any of the gang.

Could ask her where she was going

Chapter 3:

Later that night she called Vicky to her know that she figured out who stole Miss Horse’s pie

“I just need to confirm on one more thing before I can prove it.

Call the others and tell them to meet me by the front gate of the park”

“So, I can update everyone before the contest starts, thanks,”


The next day at the annual bake off it seemed like the whole town was there

Waiting for judges to announce the winner


“Excuse me, may I’ve your attention please!” Cookie cried out

“Yesterday Miss Horse, hired us to find out who stole her pie.

And I’m happy to announce that we’ve solved the case”

“It was Mr. Wolf!”

“What?” Young pup, I’m afraid that you’re very much mistaken!” Mr. Wolf snorted

“I’m afraid not, yesterday you told my friends Sammy and Tommy, that someone sneaked into your bakery”

“And switched your flour with explosive power. While you were at the supermarket buying more cherries for your pie”

“But I found your story a little fishy,” Cookie began

“So I went to the store and asked the manager.

If she had seen you go in the store yesterday” And she told me no,”

“Well maybe, she wasn’t working when I was in there. Or I came in after her shift ended,”

Mr. Wolf interrupted shrugging

“No, she was working all day because someone called in sick.

Admit it Mr. Wolf, you made up that story and you wrote those notes warring the others to drop out,” Cookie answered him

Chapter 4:

Everyone just stared at Mr. Wolf with surprise and confused looks on their faces.

A few seconds later Mr. Wolf broke down and confessed

“Okay, okay she’s right it was me. But I never meant to hurt anyone”

I just wanted to scare the others into dropping out so I could win the prize money”

“Things aren’t doing so well at the bakery and the money from the contest”

Would’ve sure come in handing in paying some of the bills,” Mr. Wolf sobbed

“I’m sorry Mr. Wolf, about your situation. But you’re no longer welcome in the contest”

“Please, remove your pie off the judges table,” Mrs. Stable ordered


A few minutes later she announced the winner of the bake off Miss Horse


Soon after the judges praised Cookie and her friends for doing such a good job. In solving the case

Miss Horse was

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