» Family & Relationships » Amorous, Ameera Butt [reading women txt] 📗

Book online «Amorous, Ameera Butt [reading women txt] 📗». Author Ameera Butt

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a heat between him. Hadwin was just cold. My heart beat had increased by miles, I had realised that what I’ve just gone into was in fact a big risk. I wasn’t sure how big of risk it was, but I was sure of the risk.

“He doesn’t know I’m here!” I managed to take out of me.
“What you doing here without your lover’s permission?” he wondered deeply.
“He isn’t my lover.”
“He isn’t?”
“Are you sure about that? Last time I checked he could die for you!” He teased me.
“Shut up, you don’t know anything about me and him. Friendship is all we have!”
“Oh, I think I know more than just enough about you and him. In fact I think I know a little too much about him!”
“You’re annoying, have you ever realised that! He doesn’t love me, you just assume stupid stuff. He hasn’t loved just yet and even if he did love why do you want to know?” I took a deep breath and continued talking in slow pace, “Why do you want revenge from him?”

“I think we should walk on, don’t you?” he walked ahead of me hoping I would walk along behind him. I tried to over take my fear and walk along, what could he possibly do. Besides I will find out the truth, why he wanted me dead. I had forgotten that I was actually in college and that now I have missed half a lesson and I’m going to miss another one and half lesson. I knew Rupert and Lupe would be angry with my decision but it had to be done. I caught up with his speed and walk beside him. We walked into the ally way about two minutes away from college.

“Walk in then.” Hadwin commanded. As we walked down beside a dark old yet very foggy ally.
“Why are we walking here when you could of just talked to me in college?”
“Rupert and Lupe would have been guarding you.”

“Guarding me?” I asked in shock. He turned facing to me as he pushed his long black leather coat to the side of his waist and pulled out a sharp long knife. My mouth dropped out open without me realising as my stomach gave a weird ache. After I realised my mouth was open I broke out of the moment and shut my mouth. I felt like if my heart beat was giving out its last beats, like if now my death was calling me faster, dragging me closer. It was pin drop silence, I opened my ears out for any sort of noise but the silence carried on.

“W-w-what are you G-g-going to do?” I asked nervously. I now had wished Rupert was here standing against me for my protection!
“Oh don’t you worry, I will tell you exactly what you want to know. I’m just warming up my knife it will be useful later on.” he explained. It isn't really that best thing or the most calming and relaxing when you see a sharp knife in a killer’s hand.
“In this age you’re a k-killer?”
“I didn’t chose to be a killer; I was made in the situation your lover put me in. Well his father to be precise.”
“He’s not my lover!”
“So you say. His father had killed mine. Yes Rupert’s father. Inspector Frank Francis, a wise man many said, a legend! My father envied him, he thought too much of himself. My father worked in the force as well, they both were given equal rights, but because of Frank’s jealousy my father never caught his peace. One day my father was accused for murdering Frank’s sister, it wasn’t true. My father would never be a murderer! Frank took advantage of this accuse and put my father behind bars.”
“But what if he was and you just didn’t know Hadwin?” I interrupted.
“HE WASN’T!” I could see the deep red flames in his eyes at that moment; I pulled myself a little back from him as he continued speaking. “My f-father didn’t murder anyone, yet he was still trapped in jail. They gave him such brutal punishment; He was whipped and stretch so that he was forced out to admit he did a murder. He was shot, punched and kicked for him to surrender, but my father didn’t pull himself down. Due to all the pain he gained being trapped in that hell he had started becoming mentally disturbed. He had forgotten who he was, what he was. The man who had forgotten his family you could say.”

I was speechless I didn’t know what to say next, so I decided to zip my lips up and listen to him. “My mother loved my father a lot; she would have done anything for him. My mother and father had a beautiful history in their old days; my father had actually fought for my mother. From the first day he saw her until the day he finally got her. She lost her true love, she couldn’t take in what my father was going through she died in sadness and depression! My elder sister Sophie? Her husband and in law left her because of what they had heard in the society. A few weeks later she had committed suicide because of depression and now I live with a drunken person who assumes he’s my uncle. From that day till now I promised myself I will kill the love of Franks children’s life! Lupe didn’t love anyone we all gathered that. But Rupert? Rupert loves you and I bet he will be here any minute now to stop your death.” I didn’t really care about the last thing he just said to me, I was to busy concluding what he had told me about his family tragic. Was it actually his fault for what he wanted to do to me? Maybe what he wanted was to gain peace after my death? Have dignity, a satisfaction towards his fathers tragic.

I gave a big gasped and talked back as he slowly walked towards me… “Hadwin, I-I … I-I’m sure there was a mistake to this story! It’s just not possible!”
“Of course it isn’t possible!” I heard a soft voice from behind me. A sort of fearless relief came running through me; I knew he was there right behind me to protect me from any harm that would have happened now. With a side smile on my face I rotated around to see his face. There he stood. I could see the heat releasing of him, the atmosphere was warmer now, and the anger on his face explained everything! It was hard to miss the anger. I hoped that anger wasn’t for me.

A soft glow appeared from around him, I had no idea what so ever what on earth that was. I had a protector in front of me and a killer behind me. In this moment not many people would be as confused as I was. I wanted to throw everything apart and just run and hide myself into Rupert not caring a word Hadwin had just told me. He looked into my eyes and read my mind. He pulled his right arm out to me as I walked closer to him. I ran into him hiding my face into his chest listening carefully to what his heart beat was trying to say to me.

“You love me don’t you Rupert?” a whisper had come out of me without any thoughts. He stopped and gave a deep stare into Hadwin’s eyes.
“Ameesha, I-I-I.”
“You love me.” I said it like if I wasn’t asking, like if it was more of a fact.
“When you breathe I breathe. When I open my eyes I see you everywhere, I saw the skies, I saw the ground but there wasn’t anyone like you. Come closer in let me hide you into myself, that not even god could separate us!” it was a silence in the atmosphere. Surprisingly Hadwin just stood there looking at our romance? But I couldn’t care about him at that moment; I was too involved into Rupert. I caught my breath and caught a smile.

“How can I say how much love I have for you?” he expressed out.
“Why did you love me?”
“You can’t stop someone from loving Ameesha!”
“Unfortunately for you yet fortunately for me now you both know how much you love each other, so stop wasting my time and let me just kill!” Hadwin broke in.
“Leave her, take me!” Rupert demanded!
“Oh no I would never kill you first Rupert, after her death you need to suffer.”
“I won’t let anything happen to her Hadwin!”
“We shall see about that, because you see karmas a... Well it is something so shut up and take it!” he pulled out his knife as he ran in such speed towards me.

Rupert gripped onto my left arm and spans me to his backside as he came in front of me as he bumped into Hadwin. A fight had started! A war! It was like they were both fighting over a piece of island! That island was me and it looked like they would fight until one gives up or worse, if one dies! I had just found love I couldn’t let death separate us! I stood there in thought analysing what they were doing. Rupert grabbed tight onto Hadwin’s neck as Hadwin tried to attack him with his sharp silver knife. In a sudden shot Hadwin grabbed onto Rupert’s arm and twisted it facing behind him. I could feel both their pains. It was horrible to see what they were doing; I didn’t want to see this. I wish this all could just stop or disappear, I wish I could scream at the top of my lungs demanding them to stop! I could feel myself burning from the inside; it was like I was sinking down into something, something I wasn’t aware of. Trying to put my mind into one place I thought of something. As they both fought, I ran away out of the deep ally looking for Lupe.

Lupe was more of the angry one and the energetic one. He would have got Hadwin easily but Rupert was the skilled one and less tempered. He would of controlled Hadwin easily. But I wasn’t satisfied after seeing that horrendous moment in the ally. I ran as fast as I could, I thought any minute now my heart was going to pass through my chest and collapse out on the floor until I banged into someone. Someone who felt familiar as I brought my eyes upwards I saw exactly what I needed to see.

“L-L-Lupe!” I yelled to him trying to catch my breath again!
“Ameesha? What’s up, why are you running?”
“I-I-I, Ru-Ru-pert! Fight, Ally!” I couldn’t get the right words out of my mouth and I still couldn’t get my breath back!
“Ameesha? Breathe! What are you on about? What Ally?”
“R-R-Rupert and Ha-Hadwin!” I pointed towards the corner of the street as Lupe’s eyes followed my hand. He looked to the corner and held onto a speed and started running ahead. I didn’t have the energy to run behind him. So I stood there trying to catch my breath. I was exhausted!

I fixed my breathe five minutes later and walked along to catch up with what I had missed. As I approached towards the ally it was dead silence, I couldn’t here anything. Not even a bird noise from any distance. As I walked in deeper I could hear voices coming from the distance. As I ran forward to see what was happening praying Rupert wasn’t harmed. I reached to the fight as Lupe faced his back to me and Rupert standing beside Hadwin attacking him.
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