» Family & Relationships » Amorous, Ameera Butt [reading women txt] 📗

Book online «Amorous, Ameera Butt [reading women txt] 📗». Author Ameera Butt

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said. I felt a little guilty there.
“My eyes? Are they evil or something?” he questioned me.

I looked intensely into his lustrous eyes as the wind traveled through his hair that flicked across covering parts of his eyes. He was freezing I could hear him shiver and moving about. Ha, it reminded me of how in science I was learning about particles moving along with vibrations. He was like a particle; I went ahead walking and laughing on that thought as he slowed down his speed. I had got close to the road as I needed to cross over. As the iced up wind swished towards my face I moved my face to the left side of me not realising what was appearing towards my right and walked a long the road.

As a big flash of a car light stroke on me as I stood there in shock, later examining a big shadow had covered on top of me. It was warmer feeling, a warmer touch. I would admit it had unfrozen me from the surprise as I was moving a long, as I was half stuck frozen into the position, I was pulled close against Rupert’s heated chest as he crashed me against the solid wall dragging me towards the other side of the road still being tightly against me. I held my eyes widely shut, I didn’t want to see what was going to happen next, I stood there uncomfortably and then eventually my heartbeat had started increasing by miles! I thought any minute now my heart would burst out of me and land down beneath were he was standing, it was just that tensed! It was a moment of exaggeration. In this moment it was much warmer, it felt like we were stuck in between heat. It didn’t help really, the heat increased the tension. I slowly opened my eyes in surprise as the heat slowly started disappearing. I looked closely at his face. How it changed from hot red with a highlight of pink to pale. Freaky was the word I was looking for. As I looked up at him through the gaps of the hair that was half covering my eyes because of the calm wind flying about. The surrounding had started to get louder as other students started running towards college, something me and Rupert should have been doing. We were too hooked into each other, as a gush of wild wind clashed onto us making us break out. I brought myself back to life trying to bring back my normal pulse, keeping my heart safely stuck where it should be. Rupert had remained starring into me…

I gave a quiet gasp as I tried to unwrap myself out of Rupert. He was very strong, I don’t think he actually realised what I was trying to do. He was to busy establishing the reactions on my face. I had the strongest feeling that now I was getting really late for college. I wasn’t strong, I felt so weak in that moment. In the biggest strength possible I pushed his arm from one side and slide out from in front of him. His face left me in suspense; it was frozen in a way.

“Rupert!” I yelled to him. His moment broke down as he gave me a quick look and pushed himself ahead of me.
“Are you okay?” he turned around to ask. “Your not hurt or anything, the car didn’t touch you did it? Is anything damaged?” Rupert questioned investigating.
I gave an awkward look to him as I replied, “I’m fine, and the car didn’t come near me. You pulled me away before I was harmed in any way. Thanks.” I started walking forward towards the college gates. Shortly behind me Rupert started walking trying to catch my speed, as he caught up we walked into the college together. Ahead I saw Sally with Shay standing there waiting for me to enter college. As I looked back I saw Rupert walk to the other direction going towards the building. I sighed to myself and walked towards the left side of the big building to go against the warm radiators.

“Hello Ameesha.” Sally greeted me with a warm hug. “Your late today and where’s Sasha?” She asked worried.
“Hey, sorry I-I” I thought to myself for a minute, do I actually tell Sally what just had happened, I was confused myself at what just had happened I hadn’t fully taken the condition in me yet and I couldn’t tell Sally especially not in front of Shay. She would go on about it! “I got late because Sasha isn’t coming college today, she’s got a cold. Beside I took the bus, got to know something interesting.” I continued answering her. As I waited for Sally and Shay to finish their conversation Stacy appeared in front of me.

“Hey there Ameesha.” Stacy said sleepily.
“Hello Stacy, you okay?”
“I’m awesome, just sleepy!”
“Ha, I can tell. Let’s go to class now, it’s so cold down here.” I recommended to her. We walked up the long stairs as we had reached the first floor we could hear Shay yelling for us as Sally had left her to go to her class.
“Wait up!” She yelled! We looked at each other with a cheeky smile and ran up towards the second floor, running out of breath trying to get up to the third floor. Whilst stopping on the top of third floor to catch our breaths we saw Shay running up towards us, we couldn’t stop having fun so we started running up further to forth floor, where our class was based.

When reached we gasped loudly trying to inhale fresh air and catch our breath. After a few breaths I looked at the closed window opposite me seeing a reflection. It was a person that looked similar, I rotated myself to see who it was and there he was standing. Rupert. As always he had that big smile on him, I didn’t know what he could be smiling about. I didn’t know if he was smiling on the fact I was smiling and I was happy or was it that he was smiling at me thinking how ridiculously childish I am.

As we were supposable friends now, I thought it was safe enough to smile back at him and give a wave or so. I brought my right hand up high as I gave him a hello smile as a reply and gave a wave… Friendship is exactly what I had for him. Nothing more, nothing less.

Does this mean I have got you or does it mean that I have lost you? Don’t know even with you being absence it seems your presence is everywhere around me. My day begins with your thought and the dawns are made beautiful with you. My eyes are lost in yours; my arms embrace you in them. Noting seems to be mine anymore, don’t know what’s happened. Even my talks are full of you; my nights seem to be a gift from you. Why has everything turned to yours? I honestly don’t know what’s happened…

Early December 2010. First two lessons had finished and I was pretty much sleepy. I had just finished Geography. Geography always made me sleepy, I always asked myself regretting why I choose it, history would have been way better. No one else in my friends group took Geography, now I could understand why! When walking from one building to another alone I couldn’t think of much. I was in a mood where I just wanted to sing about. I loved my music; I would listen to music all day and any day. I sang to myself in my mind starting to get annoyed with myself because I kept singing the same line again and again. But there was something else, something that was more lovable than songs. Poetry. I just adored poetry, to me poetry was a way to express feelings and I had a whole book just made of poems. I remember when I use to read them out to Se-S-S-Seldon…

As I entered the second building ahead of me stood the reason why I always smiled. Rupert, he stood there waiting patiently for me to reach to him. Walking closely towards him I saw that he wasn’t alone. A tall bright person was standing next to him, with blondish hair and light blue eyes. He stood there patiently as well; it looked like he was waiting for me to reach to them. I didn’t even know him, why would he wait for me?

Getting nearer to the boys I reached out to greet Rupert as the boy overtook me and pulled his hand out. “Name, Lupe and you Ameesha correct?” he burst out saying. I was astonished, just standing there looking at a person that knew me, I took my eyes of him from a second and saw Rupert giving a giggle on what Lupe had just said.

"The singer?" I asked in shock.
"Ha, I wish dear. Sadly I’m not; I’m Lupe Francis, Rupert's elder brother."
"Oh sorry, I-I well I didn't know Rupert had an elder brother..."
“Some say I’m weird, some mention I am stupid, some conclude I am strange. But when you dig harder into Lupe you find out his kind heart.” Lupe said poetically.
“You like poems?” I asked so interested in what he was doing and saying.
“Y-yeah well not as much as Rupert, but I do poetry now and then. You know to get rid of my boredom.”
“Do you just randomly make any poem without thinking?”
“Yeah, that’s the fun part! For example, we have friends who are here for each other…”
I looked at him thinking what to say, after the two second silence I opened my mouth to carry the sentence on. “I can be your sister and you can be my brother.”
“This is enough; maybe later we can make another?” Rupert finished of the, well the sentence half singing it.

Me and Lupe gave him a funny look and imploded in laughter. He stood there looking at me laughing, like if he was in his own world and I was the poetic beat to brighten everything. I was laughing for a long time, short later Lupe started mimicking how Rupert sang the line. Realistically Rupert’s voice was very pure and neat, I liked how he sang and how he would make his own quotes. It always amused me. Lupe wasn’t bad either, he sang a lot in fact in the whole ten minute conversation I had with him he sang about ten different lines. He was impossible to stop, I remember myself being like that once. Once, before Seldon had disconnected out of my life for his love Leah. I remember singing to him when I use to be bored. A smile suddenly started dragging of my face, Rupert had realised something bad was going on in my mind, Lupe didn’t realise much he was in his own world I suppose.

“Aren’t you

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