» Family & Relationships » Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗

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don’t understand it was so sunny yesterday.” i said.
“honey, ryan’s sad!” she called.
“i’ll buy her a MAC computer right away. don’t worry bunny daddy’s here, and there’s no need to be sad.” he called, from his office. ok i know it sounds a little shallow but this is f-ing awesome.
“i don’t feel to good i think i’ll lie down.” i said.
“kay, care for her.” lunett said. we kissed cheeks and i went to my room.
“if you need anything mistress please ring.” kay said.
“alright.” i said.
it was a lot warmer in my room. i got into bed. i got under the blankets and fell asleep. i was waken up when my door was opened.
“ mistress price? your father has instructed me to get you a meal." he said it will make you feel better.” jacob said.
i sat up. my room was still dark, and the embers from the fire glowed bright. jacob put the silver tray across my legs.
“more wood for your fire?” he asked.
“yeah thanks.” i said.
“so how’s it going down there?” i asked.
jacob sat down in the computer chair.
“lunett said she has a head ache so she went to bed. edward is yelling at some one, oh and your computer will arrive in an hour. the girls called, they’re worried about you, you may want to give them a call.”
“so everything is back to normal. what about out side?”
“far from being normal.”
he excused himself taking my tray. i leaned back and dialed tara.
“oh my gawd, ryan are you ok?”
“yes, i think it might be allergies.”
“thank gawd! just be sure to keep warm, and have jacob make you some green tea.”
“i will, thanks tara.”
“bye bye.”
i called Rosalynn next.
“hey dude, jacob said, your in bed you okay?”
“yeah, it’s just so hectic right now. i lied so i could hide in my room.”
“oh right behind you girl.”
“where are you? your echoing.”
“i’m hiding in my tub.”
i laughed.
“you are too much dude.”
“rosalynn?” i heard martha call.
“not now mom, i think i’m sick.”
“i’ll have darren bring you some tea.”
“so, last night the staff forgot to turn on the heating system.”
“oh shit how’d that go down?”
“hard. jane threw a fit, and edwards buying me a car and computer to make up for the coldness.”
“that seems a little steep.”
“hey i aint complaining.”
“remember what i said about tara.”
“oh yeah, what kinda of car does kaylee have?”
“she doesn’t have a car, the driver drives her.”
“shit, thanks.”
“yeah sure. no i don’t want the tea.”
“i don’t care if it will help my freaking tummy. dude i gotta go.”
“yeah call me later.”
“you got it, babe.” she said, before hanging up.
i called darrian and cammi and had the same conversation i had with tara. i took a deep breath and dialed natalie.
“dude, who the hell is jacob? are you okay?”
“yeah i’m fine, i just wanted to be alone.”
“damn, you scared me. is it cloudy over there?”
“it’s like a hurricane over here.”
“oh thanks ryan, now i don’t have to worry about you.”
i laughed.
“don’t worry so much nat. i gotta go call the parentals.”
“alright. i love you.”
“i love you to talk to ya soon.”
i called my parents telling them i was okay, and i loved and missed them.
i threw the covers over my head and went to sleep.
“sorry to wake, you, i’ll just set up you computer.” jacob said.
i rolled over.
“i’ll put someone wood in your fire as well.”
i gave him a thumbs up and fell back into dream land. when jacob called me down for dinner i rolled out of bed and almost fell down the stairs.
“oh my. your a mess.” lunett said.
i looked down at my night gown. as i took my seat i didn’t glace at the mirror afraid of the reflection.
“tell mommy what’s wrong, are you depressed?”
i nodded. she blew out air.
“edward!” she said, throwing a hand my way.
“what can daddy do bunny?” he asked.
“could my friend nataile come for a week?” i asked.
“bunny, if it’s natalie you want, it’s natalie you shall get. and she can stay as long as you need her.”
“thanks.” i said, perking up.
that night when i told her the news she screamed, dropped the phone and then i heard the noise of drawers opening and closing. i smiled and hung up. because i slept all day i couldn’t sleep so i surfed the internet. the next morning the rain had stopped so edward sent out the private plane.
“whoa!” i heard nat say.
i threw open my door.
“ryan!” she yelled dropping her bags, and holding her arms out.
i took the stairs two at a time and slammed into her. nat stumbled back and rapped her arms around me.
“i can’t believe your here!”
“i know!”
“you have to see my room!” i said, grabbing her hand.
“jacob get her bags will you?” i asked, tugging nat up the stairs.
“holy shit!” she yelled.
she ran and jumped onto my bed. she opened my french doors and walked out onto the balcony.
“whoa, sweet pool. can we get in?”
“lunett wont let us. she’s afraid we’ll get sick, cause it’s still cold out, but we could go in the indoor hot tub.”
“shit point the way.”
we got into the hot tub.
“god, i’m so glad to be here.” she said, hugging me.
“bunny?” edward asked.
“up here!” i called.
he walked up the stairs to us.
he smiled brightly.
“you must be natalie.” he said.
“that’s me.” she said.
she dried her hand on a towel and shook his hand.
“i’m so happy your here for my little bunny.” he said, touching my nose on bunny.
“i don’t know how long the dry weather will last, so what do you say to getting your car in 15?” he said.
“i’ll be ready.” i said.
“perfect. it was nice meeting you, natalie, but i’m afraid that i need to get some work done. so excuse me. bye kitten.” he said.
“bye.” i said with a wave.
“ugh don’t ask.” i said, throwing my head back.
she laughed and splashed me.
“come on.” i said, getting out and rapping a towel around me.
15 minuets later we where showered and looking at cars.
“whoa, ry, get over here!” nat called.
i weaved my way through the cars.
“look at this baby!” she said.
“whoa, sweet.”
“is this the one bunny?”
“yeah.” i said.
“it’s yours.” he said.
“whoo!” i said, punching the air.
i pulled open the door, and got in nat sat next to me. i ran my hand over the wheel. after edward got the car i pulled up to rosalynn's house.
“there you are girlfriend!” she said, pulling me into a hug.
cammi and darrian came to the door.
“hey girls. this is natalie.” i said.
they all waved.
“girl you have to check out my car.” i said.
rosalynn grabbed my hand, and led me to my car. i grabbed nat’s on the way, while darrian and cammi followed us.
“whoa!” they all said.
they checked out the car.
“hey, where’s tara?” i asked.
“grounded.” rosalynn said, a hit of humor in her voice.
“you guys wanna drive over to the plaza and get some coffee and maybe go shopping?” i asked.
the plaza is the block of shops, it’s kinda beenatree’s version of melrose way. they looked at the sky.
“i got umbrellas.” i said.
“outta my way!” rosalynn said, pulling the door open.
after everyone was in, i pulled away. we got coffee and went shopping.
“don’t worry nat, i’ve got your back get anything you want.” i said.
she nodded.
after we shopped we stopped by at cam’s.
“darling!” he said, holding out his arms.
i did a shuffle-run to him and returned his hug.
“this is natalie. she’s my best friend.” i said.
“well i’m charmed, natalie, how about the first timers?” he asked.
“that’s perfect.” i said.
she got her hair done and we all got our nails done. i hugged cam, and we all went out to lunch.
“so how long is tara grounded?” i asked.
“for the rest of the summer.” darrian said.
“no way.” i said.
“yeah, her parents are so being harsh!” cammi said.
“what’d she do?" i asked.
“she snuck her boyfriend in her room.” rosalynn said, hiding a smile.
i could tell that she was happy to be tara free, for the whole summer.
”you guy’s wanna come over to my place?” i asked.
“i couldn’t do that to tara.” cammi said.
“i’m with cammi.” darrian said.
i looked over at rosalynn who nodded.
“my hair!” cammi yelled, as the first rain fell.
“oh my gawd it's so horrible we're all going to melt." rosalynn said
“do something ryan!” darrian said.
“what do you want her to do throw a chant to the rain gods?!” natalie yelled over the thunder.
they all looked at me.
“to my car!” i said.
we all ran to my car. i unlocked the trunk, and passed out the umbrellas. we put our things in the trunk grabbed an outfit and ran into a store. we changed and then ran and got into my car.
“okay darrian where do you live?” i asked, pulling away from cammi’s.
“oh i want to go to your house, if that’s okay.” she said.
”honey there you are i haven’t seen you all day!” lunett said, taking me into a hug.
she was dressed in a pink juicey warm up suit, holding a yoga mat.
“we must get together!” she said.
we kissed cheeks and she left. we watched movies sat in the hot tub had dinner gossiped, and then they went home. when natalie was asleep i grabbed my phone and went into my closet.
“tara? how come you didn’t tell me you where grounded? i thought we where bestfreinds."
“ryan i’m so so so sorry, i didn’t realize it would bug you.”
“well it does, you where the first person i called, when i was sick."
“i’m sorry. i’m grounded for the rest of the summer. the girls need to be 110 pounds by the start of this year, could you keep them in line?”
“i’ll try."
“don’t try ryan. do. if you have any problems just call me and i’ll set them strait. i’ll call the girls and tell them your in charge. i’m counting on you ryan.”
“i got your back.”
“good. now i have to go before i get caught, and get grounded for the school year too.” “k. bye.”
if you want to survive then be chummy-chummy with the one in charge. i crawled into bed. “ryan?” natalie asked.
“your dreaming go back to sleep.”
she sat up.
“i’m not dreaming you dork.”
we laughed. we watched another movie and fell asleep. the next morning i woke up in
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