» Family & Relationships » Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗

Book online «Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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"get it together people!" tara said, at cheer practice.
" cammi, darrian, think of it as that dance class we took.
think of it as just fun." they smiled and nodded.
"that's more like it!" tara said.
i looked over at the guys. preston pointed to the clock and smiled. five minuets left. i can't freaking wait.
"ryan hold up!" preston called as i pulled my keys out of my bag.
he jogged up to me, breath a puff of white.
"for not liking to cheer you sure can move." he said.
i pushed his arm.
"i like to dance you dork."
"yeah, me too. so i was wondering, there's a spot open that needs to be filled. what do you say?"
"i'll think about."
"cool, i really hope you want to do it."
i smiled.
"preston come on dude, quit flirting with ryan and lets go!" someone called.
"hey ryan!" luke called waving.
"hey luke."
a light wind picked up.
"hey i gotta get going, my nose is going to freeze off." i said.
he laughed.
"yeah sure." he said.
he leaned in and kissed my cheek.
Everyone thinks that they know everything. the truth is we're trying to figure ourselves out. i had everything. a family and a best friend. then the lawyers swooped down and took me from everything i know. everyone i tell my story to asks the same thing. 'who could take a kid from everything they know?' the answers simple. they weren't thinking of me only the money. greed is one of the worst things a person can have. with greed you never get to enjoy true friendship, know what love is even. that saying 'you don't know what you've got until it's gone' is so true. i lost my best friend, because of money, and it wasn't even my fault. she got blinded by the better things in life. i'd take having family and friends over money any day. when all that money's gone.... who's gonna grow old with you? time for a confession. i'm scared of turning into someone i don't wanna be. i'm afraid of ending up lonely. what are you afraid of? mean girls? bad boys? high school's gonna end. and when it does.....what will all the mean people have? my real parents didn't give me the time of day, until l i started throwing fits, and spending their money. i just wanna fit in. i want to look back on my life, and see that i was happy, and not a rich snob. what will you see when you look back? i have to say, most of the people that i hang out with, i never would have, unless i thought that it would help me get out of this place alive. i know i know, that's low, but i gotta do what i gotta do to get out of here. if you had the chance wouldn't you? i feel that i let my heart down in away, cause i'm doing things that i don't like to do, and i'm afraid of losing myself. as of right know i'm living a lie. i bet, when you read this, you won't even think it was me that wrote this. i know that i have to come clean, but like i said, i'm afraid of being alone. i bet most of you are too. if i could tell you anything i wanted i'd say live your life, cause it's yours to live. who cares what people think. are you really gonna let them bring you down. as you can see i'm one of those do as i say not as i do people. maybe one day i can get the courage to say my name. that i wrote this. being popular isn't all that. in fact it's a bit of a work out, trying to be perfect, when we all know that something isn't. love, just a kid, trying to get through high school without losing myself in the process.
i hit print and watched as the printer spit out my writing.
I knocked on the new's room's door. preston looked up and smiled.
"hey." he said.
i went to his desk.
"here. i did it. i thought if i did i could keep myself from being lost. what i wrote really opened my eyes. so just think about what it would do for people. don't put my name on it. i gotta go, see you at lunch."
i turned and went to class.
"hey ryan!" preston called.
i stopped.
"weather sure took a turn for the worse."
"that's benatree for you." "
"don't i know it."
he took off his basketball jacket and gave it to me.
we sat on the bleachers waiting for the coaches.
"i loved your writing."
"yeah. shame people won't know it's you."
i bit my lip and looked down. i pulled the jacket up, and preston pulled me closer.
"what body heat." he said, when i looked up at him.
i laughed.
"do you think you'll ever find love?" preston asked, walking me to my car.
"well i hope so. i'm only seventeen." i said, laughing.
"i hope you find love. you deserve it."
he kissed my cheek and opened my door.
"okay, i so saw you and preston what is going on?" rosalynn asked, as soon as i got into my room.
i switched ears with the phone.
"nothing. we're just friends."
"you guys where laughing and flirting! he even gave you his jacket, that's a hint he want's to ask you out."
"we're just friends."
"huh, that's a shame you sure do make a super cute couple."
"your really think so?"
"ah-ha! i knew it. your into preston. go ask him out!"
"he doesn't like me like that."
"how do you know. ask him, or i could ask if he likes you. or i could have luke do it." "what ever tickles your peach babe, i gotta hit the books."
"alright, see you tomorrow. oh and wear something cute."
"what have i done?"
"i love you!" she sang.
"i love you too, and i'm trusting you."
"bye!" she said, excitedly.
i took off his jacket and out it on the chair. rosalynn could be so full of it sometimes. i did my homework, took a shower got into bed, and hopped for the best tomorrow.
"okay." rosalynn said, as i came to my locker. "i told luke to talk to him, and preston said, he couldn't cause he's waiting for you. how romantic is that. then luke said, she'd understand, and that i was looking for you any way."
"oh there he is." i said, waving.
he waved back.
rosalynn grabbed my arm.
"you don't want to be too out there."
"why it's preston."
preston came over so i met him in the middle.
"you do realize that they're trying to get us together right?" he asked.
"yeah." i said, handing him his jacket.
he took it and put it around my shoulders.
"you keep it. oh and the first print of your writing comes out a lunch."
he kissed my cheek and took off in a jog. luke came to my side, and slung an arm around me.
"why are you beating around the bush?" he asked, as we walked.
"does anyone say that any more?"
"who knows. the point is, you like preston, so ask him out."
"luke i don't know how things went with you and tara but the guy asks the girl."
why did i have to open my big mouth.
"sure, thing, see you at lunch. hey preston! man wait up!" he said, jogging away.
"luke!" i said, but it was too late.
"where's tara?"
"at home, she's bloated." cammi said.
i sat down on a stool, and took a bite of my food.
"so you and preston huh?" darrian said, leaning on her elbows.
"me and preston not. we're just friends." i said.
preston came up and gave mew a kiss on the cheek.
"hey girls." he said.
they all smiled.
"i know that look so i'm outta here. ryan you coming?" he asked.
"right behind you." i said, abandoning my lunch.
"hey everybody, preston and ryan are off the market!" rosalynn yelled.
"ohmigod." i said.
"you okay?" preston asked, putting his arm around me.
"hey sexy!" darrain yelled.
"i think i'm gonna be sick." i said.
we went into the news room.
"so you ready for the game on Friday?" i asked.
"we gotta talk about this dating thing."
"okay, shoot."
"it's just , everyones saying how good we look and that we should get together."
"preston! don't let peer presure get to you."
"did you see this? i think it's great but tara's going to flip someone's gonna get kicked off the cheer team." rosalynn said, shoving the school paper at me.
it was folded to my piece.
"over an article?" i asked.
"yeah, i gotta go see if the girls told tara yet." she said, taking the papper and leaving.
i put my head in my hands.
"i'm doomed!"
preston rubbed my back.
"you are not doomed ryan. no one knows that you wrote it."
"they could find out though."
"or not."
"i have to go, if i'm not there gossiping with them, they'll think somethings up."
i kissed his cheek and hurried to our lunch spot.
"ryan did you know about this?" cammi asked.
"rosalynn told me, you guys have any idea who did it?" i asked.
"no." darrin said.
"nope."rosalynn said.
"none." cammi said.
good, and that's the way it's going to be.
"maybe it was a guy." i said.
"no way it's a girl. i can tell by the way she wrights. and popularity isn't a work out for guys. just girls." darrian said.
"i'll tell tara." i said.
"i already did, i'm taking a copy over to her after school." cammi said.
"do you guys really think that she'll flip over this?" i asked.
the bell rang.
"yep." rosalynn said, getting her things.
i hurried to my car, missing preston, good i'm a nervous
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