» Family & Relationships » Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗

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the gifts.
we got into the limo.
"darrian, ryan switch gifts." cammi said.
we switched boxes.
"happy birthday!" we all yelled, going into tara room.
"you guys!" she yelled, jumping up and down, fanning her face.
we all hugged. she sat on her bed and opened the boxes. darrian's was the dress, rosalynn's was a large dimond necklace and bracelet, cammi's was shoes and mine was a large diamond tiara.
"oh i love it." she said.
"put it on we're taking you to dinner." i said.
"we already cleared it with your mom." cammi said.
we made tara over and we got into the car.
"your last present is in my house, ryan wanna come with me?" darrian asked.
"yeah, sure come on rosalynn." i said.
"you coming?" rasalynn asked, cammi.
cammi unbuckled herself.
"wait i don't want to be here alone." tara said.
"well come on then." i said, grabbing her hand.
"k i put it in the party room." darrian said.
we all went in. when cammi flipped on the light everyone yelled surprise, and tara cried. "happy birthday, bestie." i told her. she hugged me tight.
"yo, can we get this party kicked off right?" i yelled.
the dj started some music, and everyone yelled. i grabbed tara's hand and led her to the bar.
"two fruity drinks please." i said.
"make it a double, i'm ready to party." she said.
"as you wish." the bartender said.
"there you are." a guy said.
"luke!" she said.
they kissed.
"this is my boyfriend, isn't he cute?"
"this is my bestie ryan, she just moved back."
it wasn't really a lie, only i never moved away on my own free will.
"well ryan, it's a pleasure to meet, you. do you have a boyfriend around here?" he asked. "no." i said.
"really? i would think a pretty one like you would."
"he's such a charmer."
" if you'll excuse us. hey, preston keep my new friend busy will ya?" he asked, pulling tara to the dance floor. a guy turned and smiled.
"i'm preston." he said, a little shy.
"it's nice to meet you. do you dance?"
"i wish."
"i could teach you."
"okay." i said, putting my empty cup on a servers empty tray.
i took his hand and he led me to the dance floor. we danced and talked. Preston was a heir to a fortune, and in the top five popular guys. he introduced me to gabe, bently and blake who where, also in the top five guys, witch where, dating darrian rosalynn and cammi. so the populars date the populars.
after the party i chatted with the girls for a little bit and then went home.
"i have amazing news!" my mom said, when i called her.
"yeah?" i asked, getting out of my dress.
"i'm pregnant!"
i knew how very hard they tried to give me a sibling.
"what no way!" i said, putting on a robe.
"yeah i'm pretty excited about it."
"i would be too. got any names picked out?" i asked, walking into my bathroom.
"not yet, but they'll come. so what's going on over there?"
i put my hair in a clip, and started a bath.
"lunett's pregnant."
"good for her, how's she taking it?"
"she says she's as big as a house." i said.
"how far along is she?" she asked.
"like, a week. these people worry about the stupidest things."
i took off my robe and got in, turning on the jets.
"natalie called." my mom said.
"i think she misses you."
"yeah well she has my number, if she misses me."
"your so stubborn!"
"she is too."
"which is why i am truly amazed that you two are best friends."
" she's not my best friend rosalynn is."
"ryan, i think she's sorry, how would you feel if nat replaced you?"
"i didn't replace her i moved on."
"without her?"
"like i said mom, if she misses me she'll call me. i'm not going to say sorry, cause i didn't start the fight."
"i'm not telling you to say sorry, but maybe you could call her."
"i gotta get going."
"okay, just think about it. i love you."
"i love you too." i said hanging up.
i finished off my bath and went to bed.
the next morning, i looked up dance moves on the internet.
"hey ryan," lunett paused.
"if you wanted to take dance lessons you should of told me, i'll have edward singh you up. have you talked to natalie?"
" thanks, for the lessons."
she nodded. i talked rosalynn cammi and darrian into taking the dance class with me. the dance class was two weeks, and after two weeks i mastered the art of dancing.
"tara!" i said, as i came down stairs.
i hugged her.
"what are you doing here?"
"well since it's the week before school my parents ungrounded me. we have a lot to do, so grab your shoes and a charge card, we're going school shopping."
once in the limo i hugged rosalynn. all of us went school shopping. after we got everything we needed i went home, i packed my school bag, and put it on the shelf in my closet. i hung all of my clothes, and asked cam to come over. when he did he taught me how to do my hair and make-up. once he left i put on a bathing suit, grabbed my seventeen magazine and hit the pool. i lay on a floating bed and cracked open the magazine. jacob brought me sunblock, sunglasses and a fruity drink. after i finished off my drink and the magazine, i went back inside, i practiced the piano, my dance moves and then took a shower. we ate dinner together and then i stayed up till one in the morning talking to preston on the computer. the next morning i slept in late.
i got a ipod and loaded it with music. i pushed natalie from my mind and went on with my day. My alarm clock went off at five. i took a shower, without washing my hair. i threw on a robe, and looked for my out fit. i put on a white cashmere sweater dress, and some black heels, i did my hair and make-up, grabbed my bag and drove to school.
"ryan there you are!" tara said.
i kissed cheeks with her and rosalynn.
"we have to hurry, we have to get you a locker by ours and a cheer outfit." tara said. "cheer?" i asked.
"you'll love it." tara said, leading the way.
rosalynn slipped her arm through mine.
" being a cheerleader means high gossip points ryan. i though i taught you better than this." she said.
i laughed, and we followed tara and her wanna-be's.
"So you see mr. collins it is very important that ryannen gets a locker next to ours so we can make it to cheer practice." tara said.
after my locker was changed i got fitted for a cheer outfit. yesterday tara had her mom go in and request that we all had the same classes.
"hey!" tara said hugging luke.
"hey." he said, kissing her.
"i'll catch you later." i said.
i went to my locker and found preston leaning against it.
"hey, i thought you fell off of the planet."
"i've been busy i'm sorry." i said.
he gave me a uh huh, face. i smiled and hugged him.
"so how's school?" he asked.
"it hasn't started yet." i said.
the bell rang.
"see you preston." i said.
i kissed his cheek and took off. on the way to lunch i passed the news room.
"preston." i said.
"oh hey ryan."
"let's get some lunch."
"can't, i gotta finish up here."
"you work on the paper?"
"i'm in charge. no one knows." he said, looking up at me.
"then why tell me? you could of just lied."
"i never lie."
i just looked at him.
"me not telling people about the paper isn't lying until they ask."
"so you've never lied?"
"nope. you?"
i sat down in a chair. "yeah." i said.
"yeah. i used to never lie."
"what happened?"
"i moved here. i met rosalynn, and she said that i have to be in the group if i wanted to get through high school alive. the truth is i don't like tara. at all. she's stuck up, and a total bitch. and the truth is i hate cheer leading. i love to wright."
"funny. you hate cheer leading and i hate basket ball, and we both like to write."
"yeah. i feel like in a way i kind of let my heart down. you know cause i'm doing things that i don't like."
"yeah i know. if you don't like it here, then why'd you move back i mean you could of stayed with your aunt."
"i wasn't with my aunt. i was kidnapped and adopted by the price family. the beging of this year edward and lunett found me and wanted me back."
"that's harsh, how could you just rip a kid from everything they know?"
"i tried to be myself in the beginning but they where mean and ignored me. once i started acting like tara they began talking to me."
"that would make a good story."
"wouldn't it? but i'm trying to get out of here alive."
"just don't put your name on the paper."
"i don't know. it's just. ever since i was moved here, my whole world is turned upside down. i've turned into something i'm not, i lost being with the price family, i lost my best friend in the entire world, because i was being hard-headed."
"you miss her."
"yeah." i said softly and nodded.
"call her."
"she hates me." i whispered, not wanting tears to come.
"if it's true friendship it will make it's way back to you. i'm done here. wanna get some lunch?"
"not really. i kinda just want to stay here. maybe talk."
he nodded. he got subs and soda's from the cooler and we sat on the sofa. i told him about my parents and natalie and everything that has happened since i came to benatree.
"your lucky you know."
"how so?"
"you have to spend a year and a summer here. i have lived here my whole life."
we laughed.
"i don't know how you did it."
"yeah me too. guess i just don't want to let my parents down you know?"
"i do. no mater what your parents are like you always have a kind of respect for them. your always wanting to make them proud. shit i just want to fit in. i never asked for any of this. i uh, kinda thank my kid napper every now and then cause if i was never taken i'd end up like tara."
"amen to that."
we cheered with our sodas and laughed. if i wasn't kidnapped, then i would of never had a chance.
"your different."
"you mean for all the girls you know? i hope so." i laughed.
"hey you going to tomorrow's sports meeting?"
"yeah i gotta."
"well maybe we could go together, you know for support."
"i'm taking you up on that offer."
"it's a deal." he
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