» Family & Relationships » Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗

Book online «Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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dear." the mother said, lifting my chin with her hand.
"you may call me grandmother. this is your grandfather, frank." she said.
the elder man had a warm smile that just drew me to him.
"hey there. you keeping up your grades?" he asked.
i smiled.
"yes, grandfather."
"oh call me grandpa." he said.
pulling me in for a hug.
edwards mom, dad and sister where prim and proper. both sisters had married well, and had hansome hsubands.
"and who's this?" edward's sister maybelle asked.
"this is natalie. she's staying with us untill the end of the week. shall we get on to diner. jacob their coats." lunett said.
we all sat down in the formal dinning room and dinner was served. after dinner we had a cup of coffee in the formal living room and then they left. i scrubbed off all the make-up before i took a shower. i cralwed into bed and read for a little while before turning off the lights.
the next day was hetic. it took everyone on the fund rasing committe plus me kaylee and natalie, to get the summer festival ready. once it opened me and tara met up with rosalynn and the girls. natalie came over with a pout.
"lunett told me to enjoy the fund raiser with you." she said to me.
i laughed.
"and your going to listen to her?"
"of course."
"oh gawd. hey you girls want to go check out the garden?"
i slipped my arms through roasalynn's and tara's arms and we headed to the garden with cammi darrian and natalie following behind. we played games, watched the band, and ate junk food. while the staff was doing clean up i ate popcorn and sat on the stage.
"bunny? time to go!" edward called waving to me.
he was putting on lunetts sweater. natalie stood next to them arms crossed eyes glued on me. what was her problem? edward put an arm around lunett.
"have fun?" he asked.
he put his other arm around me as i made it to his side. lunett rapped an arm around nat and we got into the car. the ride home was spent in silence. i sat next to nat both of us starring strait ahead. once again she took left and i went right to our rooms. we where called to dinner. i ate a light dinner and took a shower before going to bed.
the next morning i slept in late, and then went to a late lunch with the girls. we went shopping and then payed cam a visit.
"so your going home tomorrow are you ready?" cammi asked.
we sat in pedicure chairs.
"i can't wait." natalie said, looking my way, and then turning away quickly as if to check my reaction.
the next morning i went into the lounge. i flopped on the white couch and turned on the t.v. i hugged a red pillow and watched t.v not really paying attention.
"your mother has sent me for you. natalie is about to leave." jacob said.
"please send my apology, but i wont be seeing her off."
he nodded and left. nat didn't like me so why try to see her off and then get shot down? my mom told me when i was little at least once on your life heart ache will visit you. she didn't lie. jacob came with a bowl of my favorite ice cream, telling me that she was gone. i told him to hold my calls i'd like to be alone for awhile. he nodded and left. i spent the next two days in bed.
"okay what gives?" rosalynn asked, flipping on my light.
"it's summer i have the right to be lazy." i said.
" you do have the right to be lazy, but you do not have the choice to be in bed for two days. you made you choice remember? get up take a shower and get dressed where going out to eat." she said.
"you know for someone that doesn't like to be told what to do you sure are a nag." i said.
"up up up!" she said. clapping her hands.
i flipped her off and she jumped on top of me.
she pinned down my arms, and glared down at me.
" are you going to get up?" she asked.
"yes, get off of me."
"good. and don't flip me off it's not lady like."
i knocked her off of me, shoved a pillow in her face and ran to my bath room.
"hey ryan you do realize that you'll have to out for clothes don't you?"
"screw your truce!"
i could hear her lean against the door.
"you tackled me first."
"oh yeah huh."
"oh yeah huh." i mimicked her.
she slapped the door.
"alright truce, just hurry up."
i got ready and we went out to eat. we talked about the festival, and in two weeks it was tara's birthday. rosalynn said that cammi and darrian wanted to throw her a party but she had no idea of where to start. as long as i wasn't involved i could care less. we said good bye and headed home.
on the way to my room i heard lunett crying. i tried to just pass by but my caring side got the better of me. i knocked on her open door. nothing.
"not now honey."
"should i go get daddy?"
"oh ryan heavens no, come here quick."
the desperation in her voice made me go into her cave and look for her. she was sitting in her closet, red and blotchy. i sat next to her and took her hands. for the first time, lunett looked small and helpless.
"what is it?"
she handed me a pregnancy test.
her small bony shoulders shuttered and where sagged, with her next sob.
way to be sensitivities ry.
"it's not the end of the world. maybe you'll have a son. he could carry our the hemmington name."
"how am i going to tell edward?"
"if he really loves you, and i can see he does he'll be happy."
"your right."
she patted my arm and left. i went down stairs just as edwards face broke into a huge grin and he hugged lunett. i crossed my arms and leaned on the door jam, with a smile of my own. that night at dinner i looked over edward and lunett's faces. they where good looking people, i realized and i looked nothing like them. i wondered what my little sibling would look like. i took a bath and went to bed. at four in the mourning i was no longer able to sleep. i rapped my throw blanket around me and grabbed a book. the house was dim, and strangely quiet. it felt empty and lonely. i hurried to the lounge my feet echoing off the walls. i sat on the couch and turned on the small silver lamp. when i looked up from my book sun was pouring from the windows, and cammi was heading down the white stairs. she sat at my feet setting her purse on my lap.
"hi hi." she said.
"hey girlfriend."
"tara's birthday is coming up in two weeks and i want to throw her a party." she said. "oh yeah, rosalynn was saying something about that." i said, closing my book.
"since you are second in command your in charge of setting up the party."
i watched unaware that my mouth was open, as she dug through her purse, coming up with a folded piece of paper.
"here's some ideas, since your new. do you think we could do the party at your place?"
i remembered lunetts issue.
"it might not go over well with the parents."
"whatever, we'll through it at darrians. i'll take care of the guest list, so you just take care of the set up. darrians talking to tara's mom this afternoon to see if tara can come over for a surprise party. i already picked out our dresses, and rosalynn's coming over to drop them off at your house, where we'll be getting ready. tara's party dress will be given to her as a present. we'll give her a so called make over and then we'll say we're taking her out for dinner but really to the party. the party will be in two days so you gotta hurry. you got all this?"
i nodded.
"you'll be great.
ta-ta." she said, getting up.
she kissed my cheek and ran up the stairs. my phone rang.
"dude, did cammi come by yet?" she asked.
"she just left." i said.
"i was calling to warn you to lock your doors, but guess i was took late, i gotta pick up the dresses wanna come with?"
"i would but i just got crowed queen of setting up the party."
"oooh damn, have fun. listen i'm dropping off the dresses. cammi said, she left the box and rapping paper with jacob so look into that. i love you."
"i love you too." i said, hanging up.
i looked at the list cammi gave me. it was party ideas. i picked pairs, cause it's where tara wanted to go since she was five. i through the blanket off and ran to the foyer. jacob was dusting.
"jacob," i said.
he reached over and picked up a large shopping bag.
"i wish you the best, miss." he said.
"thanks i'm gonna need it." i took the bag, patted jacobs arm and took the stairs two at a time.
i got onto my computer, ordering, tables a catering company and a cake.
"here." rosalynn said.
"put it on the bed i'm on a roll." i said.
she kissed my cheek and left.
i got everything from the flowers to the table cloths and napkins. i drew a sketch of where everything would be set up. cammi called me and told me she was out side with rosalynnn and darrian. they picked up the invites and needed my help. i ran down the stairs almost knocking over lunett.
"sorry mom, i'm putting together my first party!"
"i'm so proud of you!"
i threw open the door and took a box from rosalynn. they each had one.
"how many people are going to becoming?" i asked.
"a lot. it's her seventeenth birthday." cammi said.
we worked through the night. the girls took the invites and went to mail them. i rapped tara's present and put on the pink bow. i checked on the cake, and food, then grabbed my sketch. i got into my car and drove to darrians. i gave the sketch to the guy, and they began setting up. once everything was ready i went home for a well deserved nights sleep. i took a shower, and put on a robe. the girls, where just coming in as i came out of the bathroom.
"alright ladies, i'm here what's the emergency?" cam asked, coming in.
he was dressed in all black with a latte.
"tara's 17th bday." cammi said.
"let's get started." cam said, setting down the coffee, witch i picked up taking a drink.
"your invited to the party of the year." i said.
i handed cam the invite.
"wouldn't miss it for the world." he said.
we all smiled.
"bring your boyfriend to." i said, as we gathered
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