» Family & Relationships » Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗

Book online «Blured lines, Chalen D. [best summer books .txt] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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/> "august first, you can do this august first and your out of here." i said to myself.
i sat in the middle of my floor with my head in between my legs. life as i know it is over what i need right now is a good friend.
"hello?" i asked, to fast into my phone.
"dude i said hello and i'm not in a very good mood right now."
"so i'm guessing you need a friend?" natalie's timid voice asked.
"yeah, really bad, and i need a famous natalie greene hug."
"i'm sorry i acted like an ass i miss you."
"i miss you too."
"how's life, what's wrong?"
"you sure you want to know?"
"absolutely. every single detail i don't care if it embarrasses you."
i laughed and told her everything.
"okay first ew. second don't have sex when your not ready, and third what a fucking bitch tara is!"
"i know!"
this is why me and nat are best friends.
"i gotta ask, is preston Italian?"
"so does he know what he's doing? you know what they say about Italian boys."
"yeah i do. and he's good, way too good, for what i got, and that's why i'm scared to hop in the sack with him. and the scary thing is i think i'm falling for him."
"whoa, dude that's scary big time." she said.
we were quiet.
"like i said, don't do anything your not ready to do. just cause you have a double life why does everyone think you've got a secret sex life. you don't have you?"
"get real natalie."
"just asking. i'm glad where friends."
"yeah, and you better start praying that your bestie makes it home in one piece, and i'm not talking about on the outside, i'm talkin' mentally."
"i've got my fingers crossed, over my heart as we speak. i wish i could give you a hug." "yeah me to."
i wiped the tear from my cheek.
"i really miss you."
"me too."
"ready?" rosalynn asked holding out her hand.
i took it and nodded. when we walked through the front doors of school i was expecting to have paper wads tossed at my head. that didn't happen. everyone clapped and cheered my name.
"i think that was so brave of you to wright that paper, ryan!" someone said.
"you go girl!" someone yelled.
"show tara who's boss!" someone yelled.
when we walked into the lunch room everyone fell silent. a kid gave me a poster and hurried away.
"really photo shop is this the best you got?" i asked, handing the poster to rosalynn.
"oh hey, you made my boobs bigger. sweet."
it was a picture of us at a sleepover but we where stripped of our clothes.
"time to fight fire with fire, the faramore way." i said.
that's where i'm from.
"tara, you gotta do better than this to faze us chick." rosalynn said, tossing the poster in the trash.
"what do we do?"
"we do this the faramore way." i said, with a smile.
i grabbed her hand and yanked her to my car. we drove to Hollywood and went shopping at stores like speed, wasteland, and shrine. when we walked into school the next day everyone started to whisper.
"you can do what you want. but you can't tear us down." i told tara.
"we'll see." she said.
"so we shall." rosalynn said, with a smile.
preston caught my arm.
"what's going on?" he asked, as he took in my new look.
"i'm tiered of fitting in this is who i really am."
he came close and i held my breath.
"give 'em hell." he said, bringing his mouth down on mine.
"good morning guys! homecoming is this weekend, so don't forget to get dates and outfits. be sure to vote for homecoming queen, and king. have a grate day." the loud speaker said. "that's it." i said, grabbing rosalynn's arm.
"we have to get new outfits." i said.
"yeah, i was looking on line and saw some cute ones dude. come to my house after school." she said.
"you can count on it." i said.
we kissed cheeks.
"i won't do that!" preston said.
he was standing with the guys.
"then we aren't friends." luke said.
"come on preston." bently said.
"your right we don't need this." preston said.
"hey what's going on?"
"well since your fighting with tara, luke said, for us to break up with you guys so we walked." bently said.
preston grabbed my hand and marched away with bently at my side.
"ohmigod. ry, this would look epic on you." rosalynn said.
"hey what about this one for you?" i offered.
"heck yeah!" rosalynn said, putting in our dress orders.
"you know tara isn't that good at this get-back-at-the-bitch-that-ruined-my-life-thing." rosalynn said, as we went over hair and make-up plans.
"i know right. how can she be the top chick in school and not even know how to back her shit up. see it's bitches like her that make this place shity, dude."
"yeah, no kidding. i mean she doesn't have a lot of dirt on us. we have way more dirt on her."
we both looked at each other.
"we shouldn't."
"but it would be so fun!" rosalynn said, shaking my shoulders.
"last resort stuff." i said.
she shrugged and when back to her ideas.
Chapter thirty-five.
once i was finished getting ready i looked at myself in the mirror.
"what's wrong?"
"maybe this whole get-back thing is a little kiddish. maybe we should just have fun tonight."
"i think your right ryan."
i pushed my way through the crowd, to preston and bently.
"hey." i said.
preston took one look at me and his face broke into a huge grin.
"your beautiful." he said, just so i could hear.
"thank you."
he put a flower thing on my left hand.
"hey guys, why don't you get us some punch." rosalynn said.
"i looked up to see tara making her way to us.
"yeah, i'm really thirsty." i said
"be back." preston said, kissing me.
"so your showing your face at the dance. we'll change that." tara said.
"why do you have to be such a bitch?" i asked.
"please gather around!" someone said.
"kiddish or not it is on like white on rice," rosalynn said.
i nodded.
"And the Homecoming King is.... luke!" the teacher said.
everyone clapped.
"and what's a king without a queen? the queen is.... ryan!" the teacher said.
"oh this is too perfect." rosalynn said.
"get your crown girl." she said.
tara stomped her foot. once the crown was on everyone made room for us to dance.
"this is just a dance." i said.
"nothing more." he said, as he twirled me around.
tara stood off to the side, arms crossed peeved.
"that should of been my crown. my life is ruined!" she said, pushing through the crowd. cammi and darrian gave me a thumbs up before running after tara.
"you do relize that she's trying to end my life right?" i asked, luke.
"yeah," he said. "and your okay with that?" i asked. "no." he said, dipping me, ending the conversation.
"dude, that was epic, she was so pissed." rosalynn said.
"yeah, i know right." i said.
"congrats." preston said, coming to my side.
"oh hey." i said, kissing him.
"excuse me miss rosalynn, can i steal your date for a dance?" he asked. "all yours." she said, throwing her hands up.
Chapter thirty-six.
"no!" cammi yelled, at lunch. me and rosalynn went over to them. "your a big bitch, and i'm sick of your shit!" darrian yelled. "you made cammi cry i'm so done with you. how about you tell luke huh?" darrrian said. i pushed through the crowd and pulled cammi into my arms. "she has done nothing but be there for you!" darrian said. "well are you going to tell luke?" tara demanded. "no, cause you are." she said. cammi sniffed, as rosalynn came over and rubbed her back. "what you did was so low, and you deserve to be an outcast." darrian said. "darrian, come on." i said. "yeah, you don't need her shit, dude." rosalynn said. darrian shook her head discusted, and followed us to the bathroom. i wetted a paper cloth and began to wipe cammi's face clean. "what happened babe?" rosalynn asked. "t-tara slept with my b-boyfriend." she said. "that little cunt!" rosalynn said, standing. darrian pushed her back down on the bench. "she said that, she wasn't the only one the screwed him, she said that ryan did to. you didn't do that though right." she said. "that's it!" i said, throwing the towel on the ground. "ryan." darrian said. "no darrian, that bitch is making my friend doubt my loyal-ness to her." i said. i pushed open the bathroom door. "what is your problem?" i demanded tara. i pulled back my arm for the first hit, when it was grabbed. "problem laydies?" a teacher asked. "nothing but a two faced, back stabbing whore, sir." i said. i took my bag from rosalynn and walked off. this time them hurring after me.
Chapter thirty-seven.
"i heard what happened." preston said, coming into my room.
"yeah, it's whatever though."
i rapped my arms around his neck, and he put his hands on my hips. we kissed. preston's hands slipped past my butt and to my legs where he grabbed them to pull me up. i rapped my legs around him and he pushed me against the wall. he set me down, and kissed, my neck jaw and chest. he stopped at my ear.
"i want you so bad it hurts." he said.
i pushed him away. i reached for his shirt and with every button i undid i kissed his chest. he took off my shirt, and we kissed. he reached for my pants.
"are you sure?" he asked.
"i want you." i said, pulling him to me.
he undid my pants. once in our underwear we fell into bed. i gave him a condom.
"this is going to hurt, i'm not going to lie. are you sure you want to do this?" he asked. i pulled off my underwear.
"just tell me when to stop if it's too much... i don't want to hurt you. ever." he said.
i felt a sharp pain and i took a deep breath.
"want me to stop?" he asked.
"No" i lied.
the pain faded and i moved with him.
"you know for a first timer, you sure know what your doing." he said.
"really?" i asked.
"yeah." he said.
he raised himself up his elbow and looked intently into my eyes.
"i love you." he said.
"i love you." i said.
he smiled and kissed me.
The next morning preston kissed me awake.
"can i ask you something?"
i nodded.
"what happened with tara made you pretty upset. was last night just to kind of i don't know some how get out your anger?"
"last night meant everything to me. i'm still thinking about it. i'll never forget it. it was special."
he smiled and kissed me.
"can i ask you something?"
i asked, as his lips traveled down my neck.
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