» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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I text Jeremy and told him.

'I'm on my way. Just got off the elevator.'

Then I got his text when I walked out the door and saw him standing by his car which was hot. I didn't even bother reading his text. I walked straight to him.

“Hi.” he said.


“Thanks for coming out tonight with me.”

“No, problem. I could have changed into something less work.”

“It's okay. I'm still in my ACU's. Just not in the jacket and hat.” he said smiling.

I smiled back. “True Sergeant Lewis.” I said eying his uniform. “It would be class B's.”

“Yes, it is. You know your stuff.” he said laughing.

I nodded when he open his door for me. Then he half ran to his side and got in. while I put my seat belt on; I watched him turn his car on and put his seat belt on too.

“Can I ask you something Bella?”


“How old are you?”

“I'm 18. but I'm about to turn 19 in a few months. How old are you Jeremy?”

“19 about to be 20 in about 4 months.”

Oh. how long have you been in the army business.”

“About 2 and a half years. I join the army after I graduated high school when I was 17 years old. My whole family was in the army. Well they still in it. My mother, father and my oldest sister is in it. My little sister, she's about 15 years old, she's still in school. She don't know if she wants to join that army or not. But the family wants her too. Mostly my mother and father.” he told me.

“Oh, how um... sweet. Did your mother and father find each other in the army?”

“Yea, you can say that.”

“What do you mean?”

“They went to school together. But they did fall in love until they saw each other in the army.”

“Aw.... how sweet.”

“Yea. What about your parents. I know your father went into the army before coming a NCIS Agent. What about your mother?” he asked me.

I didn't want to talk about it. And he saw that too then he asked me what was wrong.

“Bella, what's the matter.” he asked putting his hand under my chin.

“My mother died when I was young. She was just an army wife.” I thought I was gonna cry but I hold them back.

“Oh. I sorry. How young were you?”

“I was 5 years old.” I said.

“What happen to your mother?”

“One day, my mother, baby brother, a Marine, Sergeant Keith and I were going out to eat and someone drove next to us and shot Sergeant Keith and then we hit a wall. But I threw myself on the floor before hitting the wall. My mother was 35 years old and my baby brother was 4 months old.” I explain to him.

Then we pulled into a restaurant called Denny's. When he parked we got out. He grabbed his jacket and cap and put it on then walked toward to me.
He stop me before going inside; by giving me a hug.

“I'm sorry, Bella. I shouldn't have asked.”

“No, I glad you did. It feels good to tell someone the truth sometimes. About your life history, I mean.”

He nodded and we went inside. We were waiting for a waiter to sit us at our table. Then we were seated.

“Hi, I am Amber and I'll be your waiter. Can I get you two cops anything to drink.”

“I'll have a coke.” I told her.

“Make that two cokes.” Jeremy told her.

“Okay, I'll give y'all a few minutes to order and I'll bring your drinks back.”

We nodded and picked up our menus. I knew what I wanted. I wanted breakfast. (2 eggs, 2 hash-browns, and 2 link sausages)
Then Amber came back to our table and gave us out drinks.

“Are you ready to order?”

“Yes, I am. I would like 2 eggs, 2 hash-browns and 2 link sausages and can you add on the side 2 toast.” I told her.

“Yes. How do you want your eggs.”

“Over easy.”

“How about you soldier.”

“I'll have the same please.”

“Will do sir. I'll be back with your meals.”

We nodded and she left. We were quiet doe a moment. Then he asked me about my life.

“Have you ever had a boyfriend before since you became a cop.”

“Um, well I just became a cop/ NCIS Agent yesterday. I did have a boyfriend when I lived in Forks, Washington with my Uncle.”

“Oh. How long were you with him.”

“I was with him for a year then 2 days after my 18th birthday he left me.”

“Why he leave you?”

“I still don't know. He says, 'he didn't want me anymore.' and he says, 'he didn't love me anymore either.' I took it hard for a year. My Uncle suggested I move back here with my dad.”

“Oh, well he's a jerk.”

“Yea, I guess he is. What about you.”

“Well I had a few. They cheated on me when I went over seas.”

“Oh, I'm sorry.'

“It's okay. Your the first I had in a while.”

“You too. Well I had a lunch date today with Tony, one of my dad's Agents. He was making me feel 'welcome' for coming back.” I told him. “But this is a real date that I really ever had.”

“Oh.” but before he went on. Amber came over with our meals.

“Here y'all go. I hope y'all enjoy.”

“Thanks.” we both said, then we laughed.

We ate in silence but about 20 minutes later someone came in and started yelling.

“Give me all your money now!” he yelled.

Me and Jeremy looked at each other then we took out our guns and stood up.

“Freeze,” we both said.

“Put your gun down.” I said to him.

“Do it now.” Jeremy said to him.

Then the guy turn around and it look like he was gonna do what we said so I walked closer to him then he aim his gun at me and shot me. I went down and Jeremy shot him twice.
Then Jeremy came over to me to see if I was okay then he went over to the shooter to see if he was dead. Then he ran back to me.

“Bella are you okay.”

“Yea. He just got my shoulder.”

Then Amber came over to us and gave Jeremy some rags to slow the bleeding. “Here sir this can help slow the bleeding.”

“Thanks, but can you hold it on her while I make a call.”

She nodded and took Jeremy's spot. “Are you alright ma'am.”

“Yea, I'll be fine.”

About 10 minutes later we heard the police came. 2 EMT's came and checked on me. Jeremy and Amber both help me up and outside. Then Jeremy took me to the EMT's truck; help me inside so they could clean me out.

~Gibbs's P.O.V~

About 15 minutes ago I got a phone call from Jenny saying that Bella got shot at Denny's Restaurant. When I found out I took my keys and I hurried to my car and hurried to Denny's. When I got there; everyone was outside the restaurant; but I didn't see Bella. But I did see Sergeant Lewis.

“Where's Bella.” I said when I got to him.

“She's in the EMT truck. They're stitching her up. She's fine.”

“What happen?”

“Well we were eating and then some guy came in yelling, telling everyone to give him their money. Me and Bella looked at each other and told him to 'Freeze and put his gun down'. He was about to so Bella moved closer to him and then he picked his gun up, aimed at her and shot her in the shoulder. That's when I shot him, twice.” he said.

Then I seen Bella getting out of the EMT truck. Jeremy and I both ran over to her and helped her down.

“Bella are you okay.”

“Yes, I'm fine. I just have to keep this cast holder on for a week or two. But I'm fine. I been worse. I had a broken leg and a few broken ribs before. So a shot in the shoulder is nothing to me.”

“Okay. Let me take you home then.”

“No, dad. Jeremy cane take me. I'm still on a date with him.”

“I can take her home sir.”

“Okay. Be more careful Bella.”

“Okay dad.”

~Bella's P.O.V~

“Okay. Be more careful Bella.” my father tells me.

“Okay dad.” I tell him.

While I was talking to my father; Jeremy went inside to pay for our meals and get his jacket, cap, and my gun.

“I'll see you later Bells.”

“See you too.”

Then I watched him walk to his car. Then I sat down on the bumper of the EMT truck while I was waiting for Jeremy. When he came to me, he gave me my gun and he put his jacket over me and we walked his Ford Mustang.
He open my door like before but he also put my seat belt on for me. Then he half ran to his side. He got in; put his seat belt on and started the car.
I told Jeremy how to get to my place. We drove in silence for a little bit. My arm was killing me so I didn't feel like talking. I just wanted to go home.



“Thanks for tonight other than what happen to you. Why would someone want to rob a restaurant.”

“Yea, me too.” I was agreeing to both. “Its just plain stupid.”

“Yea, plain stupid.”

“But really, I did have a good time until I got shot.”

Then I saw that we were on my street.

“Stop... Right here.” I told him.

We beat my dad here. He must have went back to the office. Then he stop the car and got out to open my door. He help me out of his car up to my door. I unlocked my door and walked in.

“Thanks for everything Jeremy.”

“Your welcome. Well I better go, I have to change and get this wash. It's got your blood on it.”

“Oh sorry.”

“Its okay. I was happy to help.” he said. “Well, talk to you later.”

“You too.”


“Bye.” then I shut the door and started to walk upstairs until I hard a knock on the door.


I open the door and it was Jeremy. Before I could say anything, he kissed me on my lips. Then he walked in the house; shut the door; and he picked me up. He stop kissing me for a second.

“Where's your room.”

“Upstairs, 2nd door on the left.”

Then he walked up the stairs with me in his arms and we walked into my room. He shut my door and put me on my bed.
He took off his jacket and boots and I kicked my boots off. I took off the brace and put it on the floor. Then he got on my bed on top of me and started kissing me again. Then I took off his shirt and started filling
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