» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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And the wife is there. She found him.” I said.

Then my father threw me the keys. We all got in the elevator and then got to our cars. When we got their it was blocked off. They lift the tape up so we could come thru. Ducky was already there he was unloading his gear out of his car.
Then we parked and got out. I looked at my dad and he shook his head. I knew what he was thinking. 'You can do this.' I shook my head. I grabbed me bag and walked into the house. I went into the bedroom and saw the body. I stop for a second and took a breathe and Gibbs came behind me.

“You can do this Bells.”

“I know I can.”

I walked inside the room and looked at the body. I grabbed my phone and took photos of his dog tags. Then I grabbed my camera and started taking pictures of the body.
Then I walked outside to get some air and I walked to one of the officers.

“Hi I'm agent Gibbs.” I showed them my badge. “Can you please tell me where the wife if.”

“She's over here mam. So your Gibbs wife or what?”

“I'm his daughter. And you are?”

“I'm Sgt Lewis mam.”

“Nice meeting you.”

“Mrs. Smith this is NCIS Agent Gibbs. She'll be asking you the questions.”

“I got this Sgt.” I said. Then he walked away. I was watching him do that too. “Hi Kelly. We talked on the phone.”

“Hi Agent Gibbs.”

“Call me Bella that's my father. Can you please tell me what you know.”

“Well, I just got home and I went to go up to our room to take a shower and I saw him on the bed dead.” she said.

“Can you tell me what time you got home mam.”

“what time is it now.”


“I got home about 45 minutes ago, then I called you when I saw him.”

“Did you see him this morning?”

“No, he was gone. He was coming home today from being out on seas 3 months.”

“Do you have kids mam.”

“Yes, oh god. They are gonna die when they hear about this.”

“Mam, it's going to be okay. How many do you have and what's their names and how old are they.”

“I have 3. Kim, she's in college. She's 19 years old. Then I have the twins, Sam and Lindsey. They are both 11 years old but Kim is gonna be the one hurting. She was very close to him mam.”

“What was your husbands name mam.”

“His name was John Smith. Master Sergeant Smith. He's been in the army for 32 years. We met in the army. I got out when I was pregnant with Kim.”

“Thank you so much for your help. Here's my number. Give me a call any time. And do you know when Kim comes home?”

“Well it will be in 2 months. She gets a break every 2 months, but I'm gonna have to have her come home now.”

“When she comes home Kelly, can you give me a call please.”

“Okay, Bella.”

“Take care and I'm sorry for your lose Mrs. Smith.” I told her.

I walked to Sergeant Lewis. “Sgt Lewis.”

“Yes mam.”

“Do me a favor, I want you to watch Mrs. Smith okay. Here's my numbers call me if you see anything weird okay.” I wrote both of my numbers down and on my cell phone number I wrote next to it. 'Call me.'

When I handed it to him, he looked at me and smiled. “Sure will Agent Gibbs.”

“Call me Bella. That's my father.” I winked and walked away.

I walked back in the house and went upstairs. “Well, I talk to the wife.”

“What she say?” Gibbs asked.

“Well, she left this morning and he was not here. She said that he was coming home today. He was gone for 3 months on sea and they have 3 kids. Kim is 19, she's in college, she's real close to Master Sergeant Smith. And they have twins; Sam and Lindsay, they are 11, they are in school right now.”

“Do you know what's his first name is?” McGee asked.

“Yea,” I flipped thru my notepad. “His name is John Smith. He's been in the army for 32 years. They both met in the army. She got out when she found out she was pregnant.”

Then Sergeant Lewis came in. “Agent Gibbs?”

“Yes?” My father and I both said at the same time.

“I mean, Bella.”

“Yes, Sergeant Lewis?”

“Ummm.... Mrs. Smith's twins are here. And her oldest is on the way.”

“Thank you Sergeant Lewis. Tell her I'll be out there in a few.”

“Yes, ma'am.” then he turn to leave.

“Did he just call you Bella?” Tony and McGee asked. Ziva rolled her eyes when they asked that.

“Yes, I told him to. Because of my father.”

“Its fine. Get back to work. Bella go talk to the kids.” my father said.

I nodded and walked out. I went outside and Sergeant Lewis was by Mrs. Smith and the kids were. I walked toward them and I greeted Sergeant Lewis again.

“Sergeant Lewis, can you go get Mrs. Smith some water please?”

“Yea, ma'am.” then he went to his car.

“Mom!” some young lady called when they got out of the car.

“Kim, how you get her so fast.”

“I was already on the way. I wanted to see dad. I just your call what's wrong, what happen.”

“Mrs. Smith, before you say anything, do you want to go to my office to talk about all of this.”

But before Mrs. Smith said anything. Ducky was wheeling John Smith.
“No, daddy!” Kim started running. “No! No!”

“I got her, Mrs. Smith.” I walked over to where Kim ran. And grabbed her. “Kim, I'm sorry for your lose. Can you please come with me.” then she hit me and ran over to Ducky and the body. When she hit me I fall back.

“Bella.” my father yelled. Then Sergeant Lewis looked and seen me on the ground and seen Kim. He ran over to her and handcuffed her.

“Your under arrest for hitting an officer.” he read her, her rites.

Then her mother yelled. “Kim!”

I shook my head and my father helped me up. “You okay.” he handed me a rag because I was bleeding. She busted my lip.

“I'm fine.” then walked over to Kim, Sergeant Lewis, and Mrs. Smith. “Ma'am, I'm sorry but I'm gonna have to take you daughter in for hitting me.” then I looked at Sergeant Lewis. “Take her yo the NCIS headquarters. I would like to ask her some questions.”

He nodded and took Kim and put her in the car and he got in and left.

“Ma'am, can you and the twins, come to the headquarters too. You can get you daughter from there. But I would like to talk to your kids first.”

“Yea, Agent Gibbs. I'm sorry for what my daughter did. I told you she was close to her father. She's just like her father.”

“Yes you did and I see that. But that does not give her a right to hit an officer.”

“My daughter is right ma'am.”

She nodded and then her and the twins went to her car and left. Ziva and the others got in the car, left also. My father and I went to ours. I put our bags in the back, and he drove. When we got to the headquarters, he parked and looked at me. He put his hand under my chin and lift my head to look at him.

“Are you sure you are okay.”

“Yes, I'm fine. So I have a busted lip, dad. At least she didn't shoot me.” I said then looked at him. “Dad, I'm fine really.”

“Okay. I just worry about you and all.”

“I know.” I told him.

We got out and walked inside and went to our floor. When we got to our floor, I went to the bathroom to whip off the dry blood off of my lip. I was in the bathroom for about 5 minutes until Ziva came in the bathroom with a small bag of ice.

“Here, take this.” she handed me the bag of ice. “It will help bring it down.”

“Thanks, Ziva.”

“No problem. Are you still gonna go talk to the 19 year old?”

“Yea, I'm gonna talk to Kim still.”

“You mind if I tag along?”

“No, I don't mind.”

We left the bathroom and I went to my desk to get my notebook and a pen and we went to a little private room. Sergeant Lewis was there standing at the door.

“Sergeant Lewis.” I greeted.

“Ladies.” he said while he open the door.

We walked in and he shut the door. Ziva stayed standing and I sat down. Kim was still handcuffed while sitting in the chair, she looked at Ziva then looked at me.

“Can you tell me why I'm in handcuffs and in here for?” she asked.

“Well, one you are in cuffs because you hit an officer. Which was me by the way. And two, you are in here because I would like to ask you some questions.” I told her.

“What do you want to know?” she said when she put her cuffed hands on the table.

“Well Kim, you just found out that your father died. Can you tell me when was the last time you talk yo your father?”

“I talk to him about 2 months ago when I came home fore break. He called the house every 3 days to talk to us. But if he was busy we would hear from him in a week.”

I nodded. “Are you close to your father?”

“Are you close to yours.”

“Answer her question?” Ziva said.

She looked at Ziva then looked at me. “Yes, I am close to my father. Well was close to him. Now are you gonna answer mine?”

“Yes, I am. But I just got into my father's life yesterday.”

“Why? What happen?”

“I moved. But that is none of your business Kim.” I told her. “What was the last time you saw your father?”

“Four months ago, I saw him. He took me shopping and we spent a lot of time together. As a father and daughter bond.”

“Would you know who or why would someone want to kill your father?”

“Well, there were a few people. But I don't know why they would want to do that for?”

“Can you tell me who they were.”

“Yea, well... I don't know if it was them for sure. But my father always fought with them over money.”

“Who would that be?”

“Well there were two people that always bugged him for money because he always borrowed money off of them. One was his step-brother, Larry. And his sister's ex-boyfriend or husband. His step-brother came over a lot, asking where his money was. And my father told him he would pay him when he could get the money. And Larry told him if he didn't he was dead.”

“Huh, well do you know where this step-brother, Larry lives?”

“Yes, he
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