» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Reed

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you too, Bella.” Jenny said.

I let her in and looked outside to make sure that no one was following her. I closed the door and locked the door. I turned around and hugged her.

“I'm so happy your here? Jethro has not been the same since we put you in Witness Protection.”

“Yea, that's what Abby said.”

“Why do you have a gun in your pants?”

“Well I did it when you knocked. I didn't know it was you okay.”

“Oh well here this is for you?” she handed me a badge and a ID card.

I took both of them out of her hand and I open the badge. It had an ID in there with my name and my information and the other side was a cop badge. I looked at the ID card, it was an ID for me to get into the NCIS building.

“Thanks Jenny.” I hugged her again. “Thank you so much.”

“Your welcome. Well go put that gun up somewhere safe your coming with me. I'm going to take you out and get you some gear. I told your father I would since he was busy.” she said.

“Oh, alright. I'll go put this up and be back in s few minutes.”

I went up to my room and put this is my nightstand and grab my phone and keys and went back downstairs.

“Ready Bells. And oh here you'll need this.” she handed me a bank card with my name on it.

“What's this?”

“Well, I put $2000 on it. I been saving money for you to come back. Since you came here with no money here. And when I pay you every two weeks the money goes straight to the card.” she told me.”But what we are getting is on the house. I'm paying it. I'm taking you shopping. Like an girls night out or day out what ever you want to call it.”

“Oh thanks.” when we talk to the car I seen Abby. “Abby!”

“Hey Bells. Oh here's a Cow-Pow.” she handed me a Cow-Pow.

“Thanks, you hope Gibbs won't yell at you for giving me this he told me to rest.”

“Oh, he'll get over it.” Abby said.

“Speaking of the devil.” I laughed. “Hi daddy.”

“Hi sweetheart, what you doing?”

“About to go shopping with Abby and Jenny.”

“Oh okay. Yea Jen said she was going to take you. When you are done come to the office okay.”

“Okay, boss.” I said laughing.

“You know you don't have to do that.” he said laughing too.

“I know. I just wanna see how it sounded calling you boss.”


“Its okay. I'll just call you Gibbs or dad.”

“Alright. Well, I'll let you do what you have to do. See you later.”

“Okay. Love you dad.”

“You too.” he said hanging up.

I was so happy that I was with my dad again. I missed him a lot. Not living with the one you love so much kills. Abby drove us to the mall. She told me, thru email, when I was with Charlie, that she was going to get me something.
I bet I know what it is. A tattoo and I told her what I wanted too. A tattoo on my arm that says 'Bad Ass' with bob wire going around my arm and around the words.

“Bella, I promised I would get you this when you were with Charlie and today has come.” she said.

“Well your paying for two then.”

“Okay, what's the second one.”

“It's gonna be a heart that says in it, 'Daddy's Little Angel'. I'm doing it for him.”

“That would make him so happy.” Jenny said.

“Yea, it would.”

“Well, let's get this over with.”

We parked and got out. We went to the tattoo place that Abby goes. I told them what I wanted.

“Hi, can I help you.”

“Yea, I would like two tattoos.” I said.

“What would you like miss.”

“Well on is, I want it on my arm right here that says 'Bad Ass' with bob wire around the words and my arm and on my leg, with a heart that says in it, 'Daddy's Little Angel'. Would that be a problem.”

“Oh no. just sit right there and let me draw it out and see if this is okay and I;ll get someone to do it for you.”

I nodded. “Thanks.”

“Get April to do it. She's real good. She's done mine.”

“Okay. I'll see if she don't have anyone.”

We nodded and she left to go see. We sat down in the chairs. I took out my phone and went on the internet. I got on facebook. I have not been on facebook for at least 3 days. I have some pokes from my friends from Forks High and I got a letter from my uncle Charlie. He was telling me he loved me and misses me. Not even 3 hours ago.

I wrote him and told him. 'Love and miss you too. You were right about Gibbs, well my father. He did miss me. And I;m with Abby. She's buying me a tattoo for me. It's a heart and words in the heart that says 'Daddy's Little Angel'. I hope he likes it. Love yea Bells.'

“Mam, would this heart would be good?” she showed me her drawing.

“Yea, and I want the words to be script if that would be nice.” (Daddy's Little Angel)

“Yes. Well she is free and waiting for you.”

I nodded and got up and walked into the room where she put me in. the girl name April had a lot of tattoos on her.

“Hello, what's your name dear”

“Its Bella.”

“Well Bella, so you want 'Bad Ass' on you arm with bob wire around it and your arm.”


“Okay. This may hurt, I hope you like pain.”

“I'm a cop, so nothing hurts me.” Well that was a lie, when I said 'nothing hurts me'. But I'm not gonna think about it now.

She started with the words first. “So your a cop huh. What kind.”


“What's NCIS?”

“Naval Criminal Investigative Service, NCIS. We do with the army.”

“Oh cool. So how long have you been a cop.”

“Since birth.” I was joking with her.

She stop with what she was doing and looked at me.

“I'm kidding. I been a cop for about 3 or 4 hours now. But I still say since birth. My father is a cop and my uncle is a cop too. My father works for NCIS too and my uncle is the Chief of Forks, Washington.”

“Oh, now I get it. So your saying, 'NCIS by birth.” she said when she went back to the tattoo.


“What about your mother?” she asked. “Is she a cop too.”

“No, she was just a cop wife.”

“Was a cop wife?” she stated.

“She dies when I was 5 years old.” I looked away and looked out the window.

“Oh, I'm so sorry. How old are you?”

“18 years old. I just graduated high school yesterday.”

“Oh, what school did you go to.”

“Forks high in Forks. I just moved up here, well I should say moved back here. I lived with my uncle for a little bit. Then moved here, today.”

“Oh, welcome back.” she said when she just finished my arm.

Then she started on my leg. It took longer then my arm did. It was quiet from the rest of the time when she was doing my leg. She was coloring in the heart in now. She stop for a minute to get something to drink.
She brought in a water for me. She was nice. Then she went back to my leg. She was writing the wording that I wanted. 'Daddy's Little Angel.'

“Bella, do you miss your mom?”

“Yea, so much. I lost my baby brother too. The same day that she died. He was 4 months old. They died in a car crash.”

“Oh my god. So young. Here I'll tell you this. I'll give you one on the house. I'll put a tattoo of praying hands that has your mother and brother's name and years. Birth to death.” she said. “What's their names and when were they born and when they die.”

“Renee Gibbs and Michael Gibbs. Renee was born in 1964 and died 1999. Michael was born in 1998 and died in 1999.”

“Where do you want it at?”

“On the same leg but a little higher than the heart and on the back of the leg.”

“Okay. Do you want the wording in script too.”

“Yes please.”

She started drawing the praying hands on my leg. On each hand she put the years and their names. Then at the bottom of the praying hands, she put R.I.P.
When she was done with the tattoos, she put Vaseline on them so they would not peel or dry out.

“I'm done.”

“Thank you very much.”

“Your welcome.”

She walked out with me to the lobby where Abby and Jenny was. I walk toward them.

“Well, hey Abby. Are you here to get a tattoo?”

“Naw, I just promise Bella here I would get her one.”

“Oh well she is done.”

“Let me see.” Abby said. “You got 3. I thought you were getting 2 tattoos.”

“One is on the house. But other than that it's $15 dollars. I'll give a cop 50% off.”

“Thank you April and you too Abby.”

“Abby, give her my number so if she wants another one just call.”

I nodded and we walked out when Abby paid. We went to this store that was all about girl things. Abby Jenny help me get some really cute clothes. I found the sexiest bra's and thongs and bootie shorts. I got some cute underwear when I'm not in the mood to look sexy. Abby found a matching bra, thong, and bootie shorts that were black with a skull on the front and a matching outfit that was the same and she said I would look cute.
I also got some jogging outfit too. And a few work suits that Jenny said I might need if I go undercover. I bought me a new purse. Handbag that was a pink camouflage, and also got a pink camouflage phone cover and got me a mp3 player too. Now I can download all the music that is on my laptop on to my mp3 player.
We were shopping for about 3 hours now. When we got done, we went to the car and head home to my place. They helped me carry the bags into the house to my room.

“Well, I got to get back to the office. I will see you later.” Jenny said.

“Yea, me too. Talk to you later.”

They kissed and hugged me good-bye. I walked them out to the car and watch them leave. When I was walking back to the house, someone said hello.

“Hello neighbor.”


“So are you Gibbs new girlfriend?”

“No, I'm his daughter.”

“Daughter. Wait you Bella.”


“Oh my god, you got big. How old are you now.”

“I'm 18. Do I know you.”

“Yea, I'm Amy. I used yo watch you when you were little.”
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