» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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When he put his gun belt on the hook and his coat on the hook over his gun belt, he walked in the living room.
He kissed me on my forehead before sitting down to watch the game.

“Bells, have you ate today?” he asks me.

“Well, no. I'm not hungry. But if you are I'll make you dinner.”

“Bells you need to eat. Please for me at least.” he said.

I nodded at him and got up walked into the kitchen to cook dinner. I fixed us steak and potatoes. 'Some fat food for me.' I thought. I put them both in the oven and waited about an hour. I went upstairs to my room.
I got on my laptop and checked my emails. I got one from Abby. She's been writing me on a private email address so no one could track it.

She wrote me and said. 'Hey Bells how are you doing. How's Uncle Charlie. Tell him 'Hi' for me. You father got a new girl, name Ziva David. Kate died. She got shot in the head. Tony been trying to play with her. You know how I told you about him. Ducky and I been talking about you. He's worried about you. So am I, since that bastard broke-up with you. Well I love ya. Love, Abby.'

I wrote her back. 'Awww, I love you too. Tell Ducky I'm okay. How's McGee doing. And sorry about Kate. She was a cool girl. I remember when I first met her before Tony and McGee came to the team. I'll miss her. Well I got to go. I'm cooking Charlie dinner. Love yea, Bells.'

When I got done, I went downstairs and took out the dinner and told Uncle Charlie dinner was done. He came in the kitchen and we are in silence. I didn't eat my potato and when I put it in the fridge, Charlie looked at me.

“Bella, maybe you should go back to DC. It's been 2 years away from there. Go live with your father. I know y'all are missing each other. Call Jenny, tomorrow and ask her if you can.”

“Okay. Are you sure about that. I know how much you mean to me since mom...” I let it go because I knew what was gonna happen.

“Yes, I sure.”

I nodded and went upstairs and went to bed. I slept dreamless sleep for once. I woke up at 6:00 A.M and jump in the shower. When I got our Charlie was gone.
I got dressed and head to school on the last day of my last year. I was in the 12 grade but not no more in 5 hours.

~5 and a half hours later~

When I got in to my truck, I started thinking, Charlie was right. I can't keep doing this to Charlie anymore. I know that I'm handling this badly, he was only been trying to protect me. And he has been doing a great job at it too, thinking about it now is making me even upset with myself. Uncle Charlie has been protecting me from a terrorist for over 2 years now and he can't protect me from a break-up. I needed my friends and my real dad, so I made the call when I walked in to the house.


“Director Shepard's office. Gianna specking how can I help you?”

“Hi can you please put me thru to the Director.” I asked. I tried to sound happier for the assistant.

“May I ask who is calling?”

“Tell her that it's Gibbs is on the line. She'll know who it is.”

Then about five minutes of bad, old music, Jenny picked up the phone.

“Bella it has been so long. How is your time in Forks going?”

Then I let it go. I told her everything but the vampire thing. I told her how bad I have been for the last 2 years. She has always been like a mother to me ever since my mother died when I was five.

“Oh Bella, honey that is terrible but I don't think this call is just about having a girl talk.” she knew me so well and I loved her about that.

“I want to come back. I need a change of scenery, you know. Everything here reminds me of him, and I hate putting Uncle Charlie thru this torture.” I told her nearly breaking down again.

“Well, it is safe for you to come back and since you are your father's daughter you will make a great field agent.” I could almost hear her grinning when she that. My dad was always my rose model and I dreamed of being a field agent like him when I'd grown up.

“Really, can I be on my dad's team?” I asked. This was the happiest, I have ever been in months.

“That can be arranged. So pack up and tell Charlie I'm sure he will be happy that you are going to start getting over it.” she told me.

“Yea, he suggested that I call you today.” I told her.

“Okay, Bella. I'll send a member of your dad's team to come and get you, can you be ready to leave tomorrow morning?” she asked.

“Oh totally Jenny. I'll be all set to go. So who is picking me up?” I asked. Abby has emailed me so I knew the teams by names and personalities but not faces.

“DiNozzo is coming to pick you up. He should be there around ten tomorrow morning.”

“Okay Jenny. See you tomorrow. Can we make this a surprise for my dad?” I asked. I wanted to see the shock on his face.

“Sure honey. That was what I was thinking. I love you.” then she hung up.

I smiled for the first time in a year. Then I went downstairs to make a special dinner since this was my last night with him. An hour after I started dinner, Charlie walked in the door.

“Hey Bells, smells great. What's the occasion?” he asked but I saw it in his eyes that he knew.

“Jenny called you?” I said more like a statement.

“Yea and I'm glad you are heading back to DC it will be good for you.” he said with a smile.

Then he mumbled something about definitely being my father's child. We had a quit dinner then I went to my room to pack up my things. Around ten at night I fell asleep but the nightmare didn't stay away even thought I had tomorrow to be looking forward to, too.
A Surprise

~Tony's P.O.V~

I went out to lunch with one of these girls I bee talking to lately and when I got back to my desk I got a phone call.

“DiNozzo.” I answered.

“Tony, the director wants you in her office right now.”

“Okay tell her I'll be right up.” I hung up the phone.

Why did the director need me or what to talk to me for? I didn't do anything wrong but sure enough the director called for me down as soon as I got back from lunch. I walked past Gianna in the office where Jenny just hung up the phone.

“Tony, I need you to pick up a person for me.” she said looked at a photo on her desk. She seemed to me, smiling and looked worried.

“Sure, director. Who is the person that I'm getting mam?” I asked.

“This person that I'm having you go get is Isabella Swan, but call her Bella. You definitely don't want to get off on the wrong foor with her.” Jenny explained.

“Okay. Why don't I want to get off on the wrong foor with her?”

“You'll see when she gets here. The just is waiting for you and here is her address.” I nodded and took the paper wondering the whole time why this woman was so damn important.

~At the Swan's house~

I pulled up at the house and inspected the area. It seem to me normal except for the dead flower garden by the side of the house. I walked up to the door and knocked. I was greeted by a man in a police uniform.

“Hi, you must be Tony DiNozzo. I'm Charlie Swan.”

“Yes. Where is Bella Swan?” I asked while I walked into the house and sat down on the couch.

“She is still asleep.” then I heard aloud scream from upstairs. I was about to grab my gun when Charlie stopped me.

“This is normal. She has been waking up by screaming for the past year.” Charlie told me.

Then a few minutes a teenager was walking down the stairs. She was looked very unhealthy, underweight and had heavy black bags under her eyes like she has not had a good night sleep lately nor eaten either.

“Bella Swan?” I asked why would Jenny want me to bring this girl back to DC with me for?

“Yea that's me and good the director told you about the name.” she answered in a hollow voice. She reminded me of someone but I could not think of who I was thinking of.

“Yea, I'm...” I started to say but she stopped me.

“Your Special Agent Tony DiNozzo, NCIS.” she said while she was looked for something to eat.

“Yes. Now I'll be...”

“Taking me to NCIS headquarters in DC.” she said when she stop looking for something to eat and turn to Charlie who just finished putting her stuff in the car.

“Bye Uncle Charlie. I'll call you and write you everyday when I can. Love you.” she said while giving him a good bye hug.

“Bye Bells. I love you too. Say hi to Abby for me and don't let her talk you into getting a tattoo.” they laughed and then we were off to DC.

“So, how do you know about me and NCIS?” I asked, while she stared at her photos that were mostly of her and some guy, she must have dated. She looked a lot happier and healthier in the pictures.

“I have connections in the agency.” was all she said. Then I just drop the subject.

~Back in the NCIS headquarters~
~Gibbs's P.O.V~

When I walked on to my floor, I seen all my team but one, DiNozzo. McGee and Ziva was at their desk working.

“McGee!” I yelled walking to my desk.

“Yea boos.”

“Where's DiNozzo?” he never misses the first half of the day without saying anything.

“I do not know boss. The director called him in her office after he got back from lunch. I have not seen him since.

Then speaking of the devil, Jenny walked over to where I was standing. “Gibbs can I

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