» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

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lives at 9153 North Calloway St.”

“Thank you. But your gonna have to stay here over night so you can learn your lesson for hitting a cop.”

“I'm sorry for hitting you. Really am, Agent Gibbs.”

“It's okay.” I said when I got up.

Ziva and I walked out of the room. I shut the door behind me. “Ziva, you and I are going to go see this Larry. Go get your things ready.”

“Okay, Bella. Do you want to tell your dad.”

No, he's talking to Mrs. Smith.”

She nodded and walked away. I looked at Sergeant Lewis.

“Sergeant Lewis, do me a favor. Uncuff her and give her a snack lunch that we have in the break room.”

“Okay. Anything else ma'am?”

“Hmm.... If she has to use the bathroom take her but make sure she stays in there. And only people can talk to her is my father, her mother and Director Shepard can talk to her. Plus myself and Ziva.”

“Yes ma'am.”

“And are you busy this weekend Sergeant Lewis?”

“I don't think so.”

“Oh well I wanna know if you would like to go out to dinner my treat.”

“That would be nice. I'll call you if I'm not busy.”

“Okay. Talk to you later.”

“You too, Bella.”

Then I took one more look then turn around and walked to my desk. Ziva was getting her things ready to go. Tony and McGee was at their desk. I got the keys to my dad's car and I got my gun and Iphone and we left.
We went to my car and drove to where Larry lived. Larry didn't live that far from where John Smith lived. So, Larry didn't have far to go if he killed his step-brother.
When we got there, there was a car in the driveway so my guess he was there. I drove up and parked in front of the house. Ziva and I got out of the car and walked up to the door. I knocked on the door like 4 times, no one answered. When I knocked on the 4th time the door came open by itself.
I looked at Ziva, and I got my gun out. She did the same thing I did and we walked inside. When we walked in we checked the first level then we heard a noise upstairs. We looked upstairs and I pointed to the stairs and we went to look where the noise came from. We went into the back bedroom and saw someone about to hang themselves.

“Freeze!” I yelled. We both pointed our guns at him. “Put down the rope and step off of the stool.”

All he did was, standing there like he was thinking what to do next.

“Larry, you don't have to do this.” Ziva said, getting closer to him.

“Don't come closer. I'll do it. I swear.” he said.

“Your not going to do it Larry. Your too good to kill yourself.” I told him.

I looked at Ziva and I moved my head toward the door and touch my phone to give her a clue to call Gibbs. She shook her head and left.

“May I take a seat on you bed?”

“I don't care. I don't understand why you are staying here.”

“Because Larry, you have family that will miss you. Your parents, your brother and sisters, your aunts and uncles. You have a life to enjoy with. Make a family. Find someone and love that person.”

“What's your name?” he asked when he got down and sat on the stool.

“My name is Agent Gibbs but you can call me Bella.”

“Okay. Why would you prefer to be called Bella instead of Agent Gibbs if your a cop?”

“Because my father is a cop and he is a Agent too. His name is Agent Gibbs also.”

Ziva came up with my father, Tony, and McGee. I seen them come in but I stop them before Larry got scared again. I shook my head at them and they stop.

“So, you work with your father?”

“Yea, I guess I do. For only 2 days tho. I just moved back here.”

“Oh, your father must be a good one then. So how old are you, Bella?”

“I'm 18, I'm about to turn 19 in a few months.” I told him. “I'm just glad that I'm my father's girl. I act too much as him. What about your dad?”

“I don't know. I never see him much after my mother left him.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.”

“It's alright. I'm ready to go with you now Bella.” he said when he stood up.

I nodded and got my cuffs and put his arms behind his back and read him his rights.

“You have the right to remain silent. You are under arrest for the case of murdering your step-brother, John Smith. You can get a lawyer or we can proverb you a lawyer.”

Then I took him out to the car and put him in my car until I had an officer come here and get him. The others followed behind and Ziva and my father were talking while I was on the phone.
Tony and McGee were talking also. I was wondering what they were talking about. Then an officer showed up. He got out of his car when Tony, McGee, and my father got in their car and left.

“Agent Gibbs you called.”

“Yea, I want you to take this young man into custody and take him to NCIS headquarters please.” I walked over to my car and said. “Larry, come on. Lets go.” I said when I open the door.

The officer put his handcuffs on him and took off mine and gave them to me. When he got him into the car and took off, so did we.
When we got to the headquarters and got out. I went to our floor and went to the room where Kim was at. Her mother was in there with her. They looked at me when I walked in.

“Kim, your free to go.”

“I am.”

“Yup, thanks to you we got the killer.”

“Killer.” Kelly asked.

“Yea, mom. Killer.”

“It was John's step-brother, Larry. We have him put right now so no one is gonna be talking to him.”

They nodded and got up and walked out. Sergeant Lewis was there. He smiled at me.

“Nice job. First mission and you solved it. Nice work Agent Gibbs.”

“Well thanks. You cane go home now if you want.”

“Okay and your welcome. Did you get my text. I just texted you like not even 10 minutes ago.” he told him.

“I might have. I don't know. I don't have my cell on me. It's in my desk.”

“Oh okay. Text me back, when you think about the text.”

I nodded and went to my desk. I put my gun and badge in the drawer. I sat down and checked my phone. Sergeant Lewis did text me. It said.

'Bella, it's Jeremy Lewis or as in Sergeant Lewis. What are you doing on Friday night? I'm off on that day and I was wondering if you would like to go on a date. Text me back if that is okay.'

I smiled when I saw what he wrote. I texted him back.

'Well Jeremy, that would be nice. I'm off that day too maybe. If not, I'll ask that day off.'

When I sent that my father and Tony came walking from talking to Larry. My dad walked over to me and kissed my cheek. I looked at him and smiled. He smiled too. Tony sat down at his desk. I got up with my phone and purse; walked over to him and stopped in front of him.

“Ready, Tony?” I said to him.

“Oh, yea. Hold on, let me get my keys and wallet and we will be on our way.”

“See you later dad.”

he nodded. “Have fun.”

I laughed. “Its just lunch dad. Nothing more.”

“Oh, I know.” he said.

I rolled my eyes and he laughed. Tony walked toward me and said. “Are you ready.”

“Yup just waiting for you.”

“Well lets go.” he said.

We walked to the car and he drove us to a restaurant. There were a lot of restaurants here in D.C. But the only ones I like going to was MCL and Ryan's. When we pulled up to a restaurant it was MCL. He must have talk to my dad about where I like to go.
But I didn't say anything. When I was about to get out, he stopped me and walked over to my side and open my door. He was being very sweet and nice about it. He even open the restaurant's doors too.
We got in line; to pick out our food that we wanted. I got my favorite when I always came here. It was Country Fried Steak with white gravy over it, Mac & Cheese, a small side of Mash Potatoes and gravy; white gravy too. And I got a sweet tea.
He got almost the same as me but he got corn and a coke. He paid for our lunch and they showed us to our table. I asked if we could sit by the fireplace. When we got to our table, we put our trays down and he pulled my chair out so I could sit, then pushed me in. When he was done, he went to his seat.
I started praying to myself for all the food I had, and all the help from God for my first mission. Helping me talk Larry out from 'almost' killing himself. When I was done, Tony was doing the same thing. When he was done he smiled at me and I smiled back at him.
At first we did not talk but, like 10 minutes later Tony asked me a question.

“Bella, how did you stop Ummm...” he stared.


“Yea. How did you stop Larry from not hanging himself.”

“I don't know. I guess God helped me talk to him out of him. Like I was God or the Lord was using my body to speak to him.” I explained to him.

“Oh. So how does it feel. Solving a murderer for the first time Bella?”

“It feels alright. I guess. I had the Lord on my side so it was not hard.”

He nodded and ate some more, so did I. I was almost done with my food when I asked him a question.

“So was you happy when you did your first mission, Tony.”

“Well, Gibbs help me. But I was a cop before he found me. Then like 6 years later I arrested my old boss for killing my old partner.”

“Oh.” that was all I said.

Then a waiter came to our table.

“Would you like anymore to drink?”

“I'll take a to go cup of coke.” Tony said.

The waiter nodded and looked at me. “What about you ma'am?”

“A to go cup of sweet tea.”

He nodded and left to go get our to go cups. While he was doing that, my phone went off.


“Gibbs?” I answered.

“Hey Bells.”

“Uncle Charlie?”


“What's the matter?” I asked, then got up. I looked at tn and pointed to outside. And
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