» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Reed

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me on by how you look.”

“Mmmmmm. I kinda like that.”

We took off our jogging stuff and walked in the bathroom, just in our underwear. When we got in the bathroom he helped me take off my sports bra and I took off my bootie shorts and got in and started the shower. He took off his boxers and got in after I did.
We started kissing while we let the hot water hit us then he moved his hand down to my pussy and started playing with it. And god it was feeling so good. He even went down on me a few times, before he stuck it in me.
It was a little hard having sex in the shower a little bit but he knew what he was doing. We done it for about an hour then we took a shower. After we got done, we got out and went into my room.
I put on my matching skull bra and thong with some jean shorts and a black skull tank top. He put on boxers and blue jean pants and a tee shirt. While he was getting dressed I went into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth. When I was done he came in the bathroom and kissed my neck.

“I got a question for you my love?”

“Yea, my love.”

“Do you want to meet my family?”

“Sure. But before we meet your family, can you help me put my brace on so my father can stop bitching at me.”

“Sure, my baby.”

After he brushed his teeth, we went into my room and helped me put my brace on. When he was done putting my brace on. I grabbed my phone, ID, and keys and started walking out the door.

“Are you gonna grab your gun?”

“No, I'm off duty for awhile.” I said showing him my shoulder.

“So, you still can take it.”

“Oh okay.” I said smiling. I grab my gun and holster, and my badge. “Happy.”

“Yes, matter fact I am my love.” he said laughing.

“Oh come on. I'm already nervous meeting your family when we just started going out.”

“Hey, I have nothing to hide other than we fucked and had showers together.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Oh come on, lets go.”

We went downstairs; but before we left; I went into the kitchen to get my coffee that my father got. Then we head out the door, to his car. He was driving since I couldn't drive for awhile.
When he open my door and put my seat belt on then he hurried to get to his side. He started the car and put his seat belt on and drove to his house.

~30 minutes later~

We pulled up to a big house that had gates and fences around the house. He pulled to the big huge gate and pushed the button.

“Its Jeremy.”

“Welcome home sir.”

Then the big huge gates open and he drove up to the house and parked by a red and black charger. They were bad ass.

“Wow.” was all I said.

“You like.”

“Me like but I could say me love.”

“Yeah. My dad might like you.”

“Why you say that.”

“Cause your tattoo, saying 'Bad Ass'. He has one like it on his arm.” he said laughing.

When he parked, he got out and walked to my side and open my door.

“I got to say Jeremy. I sure did pick a good one.”

“Hey, I'm the one that called.” he said laughing when we were walking to the door.

“I'm the one that gave you my number.” I said laughing.

Then he open the front door and, oh my god, the house inside was beautiful.

“Oh welcome home Mr. Lewis.”

“Thank you Thomas. Bella this is Thomas our butler, Thomas this is my girlfriend, Bella.”

“Welcome, Bella.” he said kissing my hand. “May I get you anything to drink?”

“No, I got some coffee, which I just left in the car.”

“Oh don't worry ma'am I can get you some. How would you like it.”

“Black please.” I said.

“Will do.”

“Thomas, where's Ma, Pa, and sisters?” Jeremy said.

“They are out back eating lunch sir.”


“Your welcome sir.” Thomas, the butler said.

Then we went thru the house, to get to the back yard or back of the house I should say. When we got back of the house, which was beautiful, we saw his family.

“Oh there you are Jeremy. And oh Hi there.” his mother said.

“Where have you been son.” his father said.

“I was out with Bella.” he told them. “Bella this is my mother, Sue, my father, Billy, and my sisters, Miley and Heather. Miley is my little sister. Ma, Pa, Heather, Miley this is Bella. Or should I say, 1st Sergeant Lewis,” he pointed to his mother. “Master Sergeant Lewis,” he pointed to his father, “Staff Sergeant Lewis,” he pointed to Heather, “And little sis this is Agent Isabella Marie Gibbs.”

I looked at him when he said my whole name. “But please call me Bella.”

“Nice meeting you Agent Gibbs.” Master Sergeant Lewis/his father said.

“You too Master Sergeant Lewis.”

“Bella, may I ask you something?” Miley asked..

“Oh course Miley.”

“What happen to your arm?”

“Miley.” 1st Sergeant said.

“Oh it's okay 1st Sergeant.” I said to her. “I got shot in the should yesterday when me and your brother was out to dinner and some guy tried to rob the restaurant and we try to stop him, which we did. He went to put his gun down but when I moved forward to arrest him he shot me and your brother shot him.”

“Oh my. Your so brave Bella.” Sue said.

“Yes, I guess I am. Since my father is a Agent too, and my Uncle is a cop.”

“Here you go ma'am.” Thomas said.

“Thank you, Thomas.”

“Do you two want to have lunch with us.” Sue asked.

“Well,” Jeremy started to say. “I came here to get some stuff and we got to meet up with Bella's dad at the NCIS headquarters.”

“Yea, maybe tomorrow would be fine. I'm off of work for awhile until my shoulder gets healed but tomorrow will be fine.”

“Are you sure Bella.”

“Yes I am. Baby, you don't have anything to do, do you?” I asked him.

“No love, I don't.”

“Well then, tomorrow we have a lunch date.” Billy said.


“Excuse me for a moment.” I said as I grab my phone and walked in the house. “Hello.”

“Hey Bella, were you on your way to the office.”

“Yea I was why?”

“Well, I not there right now. We found a dead Marine so just stay at home or keep doing what you were doing.”

“I'm at Jeremy's house. I'm meeting his family.”

“Okay. Stay there for awhile then. I'll call you when I'm back.”

“Okay dad. Love you.”

“Love you too.”

Then I hung up the phone. I put it in my pocket when I walked outside.

“Ummm...Sweetie, we can have lunch with them now.”

“Okay. Is everything okay.”

“Yea, that was my dad. He's on a mission. They got a call for a dead marine.”

“Okay. That settles it then. Thomas bring out our lunches please.”

“Yes, ma'am.'

“Bella, are you okay.” Jeremy asked.

“Yea, I'm fine. Just worry about my dad that's all.”

“He'll be fine. Come sit down dear.” Sue says.

“Thank you so much Sue, Billy. You have a beautiful home.”

“Well thank you.” Sue both said.

Jeremy and I sat down across from his parents, I sitting next to Heather, and he was sitting next to Miley. When o sat down his father spoke to me.

“Nice tattoo.” Billy says. “The word 'Bad Ass' is still going on good.”

“Thanks.” I giggled. “I got it 3 days ago. I have two more on my leg.”

“Can I see Bella.” Miley asked.

“Of course sweetie.” I got up and walked over to her.

“Cool, I like them.”

“Thanks. I got all 3 of them 3 days ago. When I moved back in town.”

“So how long have you been a cop.” Heather asked.

“Well, 3 days but I would say 'by birth'. It's a inside joke. My dad is a NCIS Agent. He's been a NCIS Agent since I was little maybe before then. And my Uncle he's the chief police of Forks, Washington. They always been my role models.”

“Oh. How long have you and my brother been together.”

“Two days. I meet him yesterday at a crime scene. My first mission by the way. He had my back when a 19 year old hit me when I tried to stop her cause she found her father died. And he called me last night and we went out to eat and he stayed at my house to hang out and he fell asleep there.”

“Oh how sweet.”

“Heather, that's enough. You don't have to be rude to our guest and mostly to your brother's girlfriend.” Sue said.

“Don't worry about her.” Jeremy said in my ear.

“Well it's not right mother. He finds a girl and sleeps with her on the same night.” she said.

I could take this so I excused myself. “Excuse me.” I said when I got up. Heather was acting like Edward's sister, Rosalie. They would get along just right.
When I got up I walked into the house. Then I heard Jeremy say, “Baby, wait.” he said when he got out of his chair. “Thanks, Heather. Do you always have to be a fucking bitch all the time. Mostly to my girlfriends.” I heard him bitch her out while I was walking to the front door. He ran after me, and stop me.

“Baby stop.” he said as he grabbed my arm. “Baby stop, please.”

“Jeremy, stop. I can't do this. Your sister is right. We meet and we sleep together the first night.”

“So, a lot of people do it. We done it because we loved each other. I really like you a lot. I never loved anyone like you before. Like I told you, all the girls I had cheated on me and hurt me.”

“Jeremy, your sister is right tho.”

“No. No, she isn't. I love you. My mother, father, and my little sister likes you. Heather, well it will take some time. She just cares for me. She just know how much I went thru. If I didn't love you Bella, I wouldn't have brought you here or stayed with you after we made love. Please stay with me.” he said. Then he got down on his knee. “If you love me like you say you do, you will stay with me.”

It took me a few moments to think about everything. So I pulled him to the staircase and we sat down. I put my head on his shoulder to think.
'What should I do.' I asked myself. 'I really love him.' then I heard Edward's voice in my head. 'If you really love him be with him. Not just because of me. If you love him stay with him.'

I was going with my gut, so I lift my head up and said to Jeremy.
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