» Fantasy » NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗

Book online «NCIS Agent By Birth, Heather Reed [free biff chip and kipper ebooks .TXT] 📗». Author Heather Reed

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he shook his head okay. “Are you alright Uncle Charlie?”

“Yea, can't your uncle call his only and favorite niece in the world.”

“Oh, yea. I guess you can. How are you.”

“I am good. How about you Bells.”

“I'm good. I solved my first murderer today. And one of the agents I work with was taking me out to lunch.”

“Oh cool. Am I interrupting your lunch date?” I could hear him smiling.

“Oh no. we are on our way back to the office. And it's wasn't really a date Uncle Charlie. It was lunch.”

“Okay. Oh guess who's here?”

I was scared at first because I didn't know who was there. It could have been on of the Cullen's for god sakes. They could have came back.

“Who?” I said thru my teeth.

“Jacob, is here. He wants to talk to you. He's been asking about you for two days.”

“Oh does he know about my whole story. That your not my dad. Your my Uncle.”

“Yea he knows.”

“Okay. Put him on.” when I said that Tony came out and handed me my drink. “Thanks, Tony.”

“Who's Tony?” Jacob asked.

“Oh, hey Jake. Tony is one of my agents. Well my father's but anyway how are you.”

“I'm good. What about you.”

“I'm good. Hey can you call me later about 8 o'clock tonight. I got to get back to the office. Ask Uncle Charlie for my cell. Okay.”

“Okay. Talk to later Bells.”

“Bye Jacob.”

“Bye Bells.” then hung up.

Tony was in the car already when I got in the car. I got in the car and I thanked Tony.

“Thanks Tony.”

“Your welcome Bella.” he said. “Who's Jacob or Jake?”

“Jacob is a family friend. I known him since I was little. He was just visiting my Uncle and he didn't know that I came back here.”

“Oh.” that was all what he said.

I nodded and then looked out the window. He drove to the office, and the ride was quiet, kinda. He put on the radio and this song called, “It Will Rain” by Bruno Mars. It was one of his new songs.
I got my phone and looked up that song on I love it was a good website for ring tones. When I downloaded that song onto my phone, I set it as my ringer.
When we got to the office, Tony parked. We got out, and started walking toward the elevators to go to the first floor to go to the office.

“Tony, I had a good time at lunch with you. I mean it was good for me since what happen. This is the first time I went out on a date with anyone since Edward left me.” I told him. “Really, Tony. Thanks.”

“Your welcome Bella.” he said.

He went to lean in to kiss me on my cheek but I turn my head to kiss his lips. We were kissing for about 3 minutes until our floor came. We stop kissing and I turned my head to look away and started blushing. Then looked back at him.

“Sorry about that. I don't know what was going thru my head.”

“Bella.” I looked at him and he lean in to kiss my lips again. “I had a good time with you too.” he said when he was done kissing me.

I smiled at him and walked toward my desk. My father was already there. I went up to him and kissed his cheek.

“Hi.” he said.

“Hi to you too, daddy.” I said smiling.

“Did y'all have a good time.” he said when Tony sat down at his desk. He was smiling also.

“Yes, we did. We had a good time. But guess who called me.”

“Who, sweetie.”

“Uncle Charlie.”

“He did. How is he.”

“Good but guess who was there and I talk to them.”

“Lets see, Jake?”

“Yup. I told him to call me later.”

“Cool. Oh here.” he handed me an alarm key. “Its your car.”

“My car?” I said when I took the keys out of his hand. “Thanks dad.”

“No problem. But you have to see it. Jenny got it while we were gone. But I paid for it.”

“Thanks for everything. Is it here?”

“No, it's at home. Abby went with her.”

“Oh okay. So if you get up late or what you can drive to work.”

I nodded and put the keys in my pocket. I gave him a hug and a kiss on his cheek. Then I went down a few floors to Abby's floor. Abby's floor has not changed much; other than a bed in her office, a big stereo, and more computers and TV's; but other than that still looks the same.
When I came in she had the stereo going and she was working. I came behind her didn't do anything but I got on my phone and sent her an email saying

'Look behind you.'

I laugh to myself when I sent it. The email went on the big flat screen TV on the wall and it said what I sent.

'Look behind you.'

Then she turn around and I was standing by the door. I was smiling when she turn the stereo down. Then we started to laugh.

“Nice note.” she says.

“Thanks. I knew I wouldn't be able to talk over the stereo.”

“Oh, get over here.”

I walked over to her and she gave me a hug. Then she went into her little office and came out with 2 Cow-Pows. She handed me mine and we sat on the bean-bag couch she had. She asked me questions about how Forks was; school; my friends; Charlie; work; and most important one she wanted to know was Edward.
I told her; Forks was small but okay. It always rained; it was only sunny for like 2 or 3 days a week. School was okay for my last 2 years. My friends were awesome; mostly Jacob Black. Jacob Black was my best friend. I even told her I worked at a sporting good store. I worked there like 3 or 4 times a week.
Charlie always went fishing on the weekends; every weekend; unless something went up at the station, but other than that fishing. She had to Ashley me 2 times abut Edward. This question I really didn't want to answer it because I was gonna have a nightmare, but I had to tell someone the truth.

“So, who was this Edward guy?”

“Edward Cullen was the nicest guy I ever met; I met some nice guys at school but Edward was the one.”

“What did he look like?”

“He was a little bit taller than me; he was pale with golden eyes, reddish bronze hair.”

Then she got up and went to her computer typed his name in and it came up blank.

“Try Edward Masen.” I told her.

She typed that name in and something came up. There was a picture of him; he didn't change much other than the eyes.

“It says, 'Edward Masen died over a hundred years ago'. So how were you dating him?”

“Edward is a vampire. He was dieing from a Spanish Illness and Carlisle turned him into a vampire. But he's not like the ones in the moves Abby. He and his family are the good ones. They don't hunt/hurt humans. They hunt animals. They drink their blood.”

“Wow, were you scared to be around them?”

“At first, yes. Then later on the line no.” I said while I was rubbing my scar on my right arm.

She seen me rubbing my arm and walked over to me. “What's this?” she aid picking up my arm.

“I... I... I... got bit... 2 springs ago...” I said to her.

“If you got bit, wouldn't you be dead or be one of them.

“I would have been one of them but Edward sucked the poison out after he killed James.”

“So why this James guy bit you?”

“Because, it was a game to him. And I still don't know why he did it.”

“Oh, well your alive that's all that matters.”

I nodded. And I hugged her for listening/caring about me. “Thanks Abby. I'm gonna see if my dad cane take me home. So I cane go to bed. I need to get some rest. I have not slept good lately.”

“Okay. Why haven't you slept lately.” she asked me when we got in the elevator.

“Just having nightmares.”

“Of what?”

“Of Edward leaving me. I stop having nightmares of my mother and brother.”

“Oh. Don't worry about him okay. Find someone new; someone cute.”

“Abby, your great and all; but I'm not ready yet maybe. But I got a date this Friday.”

“With who?” she asked when we got to my desk; which my father was at.

“With a soldier.”


“Noway what?” my father asked.

“Abby don't believe that I have a date with a soldier this Friday.”

“Oh. Who is this soldier?”

“Dad?” I said blushing.

“Who is he? I wanna know.” Abby said.

“Well, he was here today. And you saw/met him too, dad.”

“I have.”

“Yup, you met him at the crime scene.”

“There were a lot of people at the crime scene.” my father was playing with me.

“His name is Sergeant Lewis.”

Then my phone was going off. I took it out of my pocket; and see who it was. It was Sergeant Lewis.


“Speaking of the Devil.” I said smiling. I answered my phone. “Hello.”

“Hey Bella. It's Jeremy.”

“Oh, hi Jeremy.”

“What are you doing tonight?”

“Ummm.... I'm not doing nothing tonight. Why?”

“Well, I wanted to see you tonight.”

“You want to see me tonight.”

“Yea. Where you at? I'll pick you up.”

“I'm still at the office. I was about to leave with my dad but you can pick me up now.”

“Okay. I'll be there in about 10 minutes.”

“Okay. Call me, when your downstairs, so I cane come down.”

“Okay. I will.”

“Alrighty then. See you when you get here.”

“You too, Bella.”

Then we hung up. Abby and my father was looking at me when I put my phone in my pocket. I open my drawer to get my Id, badge, gun, and drivers licenses.

“You going out tonight?”

“Yea. I guess I am. I'll be home later, maybe.” I said smiling.

“No, your gonna be home. Your not gonna stay with him at his place Bella. Your not sleeping with him.” Abby said. Then my father added. “Yea, it's too early to sleep with him.”

“I'm not gonna sleep with him god.”


I got a text. I got my phone out and it was Jeremy texting. He wrote me.

'I'm out front.'

'Kay, I'll be down in a few minutes.' I texted him.

“Well, I got to go. He's here. Love yea guys.”

“Love you too.” they both said.

“Oh, dad can you take my bag home for me!” I said when I got in the elevator.

I thought I heard him say “Yes.” when the doors closed. But I was not sure.
When I got off the elevator
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