» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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didn't I. "I said we." "Again. Again Nessie you put me in a situation. It's bad enough there here, but now you want to bond!" What?! I put him in? The rage started to take over me, "You don't have to go! As a matter of fact I don't want you to go." His body was shaking. I knew that was my cue to back off. I took a few steps back when I ran into my father's rock body. Edward stood there, staring at Jake, "I think it's best if you take some time to cool off Jacob." Jake had nothing to say, he immediately burst into wolf form. He stared at Edward, I know he was communicating with him, "Jacob said he is sorry and he's going to take some time to think." I looked back and forth at them, "What?! No?! What do you mean…?" I went to race to Jacobs side, Edward grabbed me into his arms, "No Nessie." I fought with all my might, "Let me go! Jacob do not leave! Jake?! I'm sorry." Jacob turned his back to me and walked in to the woods. I sat there yelling for him, the tears came streaming down my face. It was uncontrollable, "You can not do this. I need you Jake." My strength weakened. The fight in me slowly was disappearing. I could hear Bella behind me. I continued to sob in Edwards arm, "Jake…" I don't know what just happened. I didn't even do anything to make him leave. Why did he need time apart? Edward picked me up and we went home. He brought me up to my room, laying me in bed. He stayed there, wiping each tear away. "Renesmee, he will be back. Everyone needs time to themselves to think things through. He would never leave you if it did not benefit you." He continued to sob my head as I my eyes closed shut.

Miserable. I lay in bed for hours after waking up. I did not want to see anyone. I did not want to see the daylight. I lay, curled up in my bed, gripping my blanket. My eyes were burning from crying all night. I still could not put two and two together. I had no clue why Jacob needed time. Why he insisted on leaving after I begged. I rather be alone then deal with this rollercoaster but I could not imagine my life without Jacob Black. I drifted back to my dreams. It was the only place I had Jacob close, with in my arms.

"Renesmee? Renesmee sweetie, you have to get up." Bella's voice flowed through my dreams. I opened my eyes to her sitting on my bed, "Renesmee it's been two days since you been in bed, you need to get up. I'm worried. This is not healthy." She paused, "Alice is about to kick down the house to get you out." A small smile snuck out of my face, she smiled. "Up, up. Jump in the shower and wash that sleepiness away." I rolled out of bed and jumped in the shower, letting the water try to erase all the bad memories. I walked back in to my room and Bella was gone. I grabbed out some clothes and put my hair up in a bun. I saw my phone was flashing. Jacobs face popped in my face. I grabbed my phone to check. There was two missed calls, both from Elijah, zero from Jacob. My heart sunk some more. There was a message as well, "Hello Renesmee, its Elijah. Hope everything is good and well, I haven't heard from you in a while. Well ok, hear from you soon." I put my phone down thinking of the message. Then Jacob ran through my mind again. He wouldn't leave me alone, not with all this happening. I raced over to the window, looking out for the pack. Yup, I knew it; I could see two members from his pack, Embry and Quil. Change of plans, I went over to my phone, I messaged back, "hey, can you meet, at the beach, 30 minutes?" In seconds I got a respond back, "I'll be there." I quickly changed into a better outfit and thought to Edward, I'll be back. Before he could run up stairs, I was out the windows, running past Quil and Embry. There neck snapped back, they didn't know what to do. I knew I had to loose them before going to the beach. I ran in circles, I ran up pass a meadow, down to cliffs, out the opposite of where I had to go. I made sure I left circles. I got the smell of the wolves on my track. I made my way back to the house, knowing they were far behind tracking my scent. I jumped into Bella's car and drove off. As I drove down the highway, I heard the wolves howling away. Jacob must be staying close but far enough from me because I did not catch his scent. I push the peddle even faster.

I pulled into the parking lot of the beach. I walked out into the sand. It was a beautiful day, I know my family will not come chasing me either; it was a risk to them. "Hey" I turned around to Elijah. He looked even more different then before. He was slightly bigger and looked more rustic. "Hello, thanks for coming out." "ya no problem. I hope every thing is well." He studied my face, I looked away. He moved in closer, putting his warm hands to face, rubbing his fingers under my eyes. The swelling of my tears must be obvious, how do I explain this now. I looked away again. "Renesmee, you don't have to say anything. Just know you don't have to feel that way around me." I could not help but give him a smile. The sincerity in his voice was screaming at me. "Let's get out of here?" He grabbed my hands, bringing me to his truck. "Where we going?" He smiled back at me, "a surprise. By the way, I like you hair up, can see the beauty in you better" I sat silently in the car, trying not to act like a child. He drove off down into a gravel road, just 10 minutes from the beach. A small house hid behind the woods. "Welcome to my house." What, we are at his house, should I even be here, "are you sure I can be here?" He looked at me funny and chuckled, "What do you mean? I'm inviting you silly." He pulled into the driveway, racing over to open my door. He looked so handsome, always clean cut. He had fitted jeans with a fitted shirt, he looked normal, a normal human. He had me follow him into his house, "stop being nervous Renesmee." He walked into the family room and into the kitchen, where two people awaited. "Hello, this is my friend Renesmee. Renesmee this is my mom and my grandfather, Tun." I waved back and whispered, "Hello." I never met anyone outside my family. All I knew was my family. "Don't be shy sweetie," his mom motioned for me to come in the room. She was a small fragile, woman. Her eyes filled with care and sensitivity. "Aren't you just beautiful!" "Mom!" "What, she is. We never had the honor of meeting any of Elijah's guest, you're the first one sweetie." I smiled, "thank you" "ok, now that the embarrassing introduction is over, we can leave this room. Thanks again mom." Tun just stared at me, his eye wary. He was a big, native American man. The Indian ran through him completely, no denying his heritage. It reminded me of other eyes but I could not put a name on them. I ignored it and followed Elijah out the room, "nice meeting you all." "We hope to see you soon Renesmee," his mom called out. He walked into another room, it was his room. My body filled with nerves. Again, this will be the first mans room I have been into. I stayed at the doorway. "Renesmee, you can come in." He walked over to me pulling my hand in. His room was nice, it had a full bed, a futon and entertainment system; also his own bath room. I sat on the futon. "So, I'm the first guest you brought home? " He went over to the window opening to the let breeze come in. He chuckled, "O you caught on to that? Ya…yes you're the first lady I brought to my house." He smiled over to me, continuing to shuffle around the room. Only if I could tell him the same but I know it would lead to more questions. "We will leave in a few minutes, I just had to…" He went off into his closet. He hid somewhat behind the closet door, changing his shirt. For the brief minute, his body was unraveled in front of me, it was perfect. Perfect tone, perfect color, perfect shape. I looked away quickly when I noticed him looking. He burst out laughing but did not say anything. I looked to the ground, embarrassed. "Ok, ready. Where do you want to eat?" I looked around his room some more. I looked out the window and noticed a motorcycle outside, "Is that yours?" He looked over to where I was looking, "Ya, ya it is. Have you been on one?" Jacob had one. He had one that he built but this one, this one was one of those flashy motorcycles. I was never allowed on Jacobs, he and the whole family thought it was dangerous after Bella's episode. "No I have not." "Well lets go, he reached in his closet and pulled out two helmets. I followed him outside and he turned the bike on, it roared back to him. "I'm not to sure about this." I was debating the safety of this. I know I couldn't get hurt as easy as he can but I was still worried. "Renesmee, do not worry. I will not put you in danger…I do care for you." My eyes locked on to his. He fidgeted with the helmet, keeping his eyes on mine. He reached over fasten the helmet on me. He put his on and hopped on the bike. "Ok, come on." He reached for my arm, helping me getting on. "Now, you have to hold on tight! Make sure you flow with my body. Ok!?" He was yelling over the roars of the bike, "yes!" I yelled back. He grabbed both of arms, wrapping them around his waist. He took off into the gravel. This bike moved. It flowed with the wind, a lot faster than Jacobs. I loved it. My adrenaline was bumping and my mind was running free. He flew into the curves, I held tighter. He reached down to my hand squeezing it. I felt safe around him. It was different kind of safe. Elijah was human, natural and it's what I enjoyed, it made me feel normal. We rode into the night, with out a worry in my head. The sun was setting and he made his way back to the house. He turned off the bike and hopped off, taking his helmet off. He gripped my waist, picking me off the bike. Helping me take off the helmet, "Did you like it?" I screeched with excitement, "I loved every minute!" He laughed. I bit down on my bottom lip, I sounded like a child with her favorite toy, "thank you Elijah, really enjoyed it." "Well, we can do it again soon?" "Of course" He stared into my eyes, moving in. I embraced for it; I closed my eyes and waited, but nothing. He kissed my cheek. I opened my eyes looking at him confused. "Renesmee, I like you a lot, a lot. I don't
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