» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

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eyes burning with fury, and I sent her a pleasant smile back. "Renesmee what were you thinking? What has crossed your mind?" I didn't say anything. I looked to the floor to save me. "That was extremely dangerous and senseless. These past few days you have been acting strange. I understand Jacob left but that does not give you a right to act irrational." Edward continued to scowl me. "This is not scolding. I knew we should have kept ground rules on you but Bella insisted to let you 'explore'." I looked up at him, "I'm sorry." He didn't say anything; he was listening to the noise outside. I hardly heard him say the name, "Jacob." He looked over to Bella. She ran out of the room. I looked puzzled. I tried to get up to look out the window. "Renesmee sit down." A mixed of scents ran through me. I could smell some of the family outside and the pack. Jacob was here! "Bella get out of my way!" I heard Jacob telling Bella. Edward hissed. Rosalie came into the room, "I got her Edward." In a flash, Edward was outside. I sat on the bed not knowing what to do. Rosalie sat next to me, absent minded playing with my hair. "Edward this has nothing to do with you. I need to talk to Renesmee." "Jacob, not with you in this state. Your pack put her in danger! I will not put my daughter in any more danger." The pack growled to Edwards remarks. I heard Carlisle voice intervene, "I'm sure there was a misunderstanding to all this. Edward is right; the pack is in no state of mind to have a conversation with out putting her in danger." I heard the growls ripping at the house. Rosalie hissed back at them, "Ness, I'm proud of you putting those dogs in there place." I ignored her comment, straining to her Jacob. "Carlisle, it's only me, Jacob. I need to see her." I could hear the begging in his voice, I had to see him. I jumped off the bed, towards the window. "Don't Renesmee!" Rosalie tried to grab me but it was to late, my eyes locked on to him. Jacob looked up and saw me, our eyes locked in. I could see the hurt and suffering in his eyes. He looked awful. He looked as if he's been mentally ripped to shreds and hollow inside. My heart reached out for him, I couldn't stand seeing him this way. I didn't care who was staring. I didn't care for the wolves howls that echoed in the background. "I'm not mad at her Edward. I just need to talk to her." His eyes looked away from me, looking back at Edwards. Edward did not even give Bella a glimpse; he didn't care for her opinion in this matter. "Not right now." That was it. I tried to unlock the window, before I could lift it open, Rosalie embraced me in her arms, "Renesmee, this is all for your safety, please listen." I sobbed into her arms. The tears streamed faster this time. I heard Jacob and the pack walking away. Jacobs sobbing howls rang through my ears; it made me cry even more. I felt Alice and Bella's hands on me, all trying to comfort me. His howls lasted what seemed for hours. No one said anything. Rosalie rocked me back and forth, as she used to when I was a baby. I wept until my eyes gave out on me.

Jacob's point of view

I was keeping my distance from Renesmee, giving us both times to think. Her safety was my priority and I could not afford to have a clouded mind. I did not want to make the mistake of killing a blood sucker either. It's been the most difficult days. I see her through my packs eyes and it rips me to shreds. No one understood what I was doing but I did. This was not the time to add more problems into the situation. I have not even visited the other reservation with all that's happening. One problem will be out of the way soon; those tropical blood suckers will be leaving in the next few days. As long as I could catch a view of her, I was finding waiting it out.


Now what, I heard the pack yelling for me. I ran to them. All of them were in the clearing. Jacob she hit Quil! Leah yelled out at me. What who? Your blood sucker that you love so much! What? Who? Renesmee! I growled at her. She would not. She was on a date with her other blood sucker and Embry and Quil intervened. Renesmee striked him! My mind filled with a bunch of scenarios. Quil flashed all the images of Renesmee and Nahuel sitting on our rock at our meadow. My body filled with outrage. Leah took off first, growling towards the Cullen's. Leah! Do not do anything. I sent her a command in my alpha tone. Everyone, do not do anything. I heard Leah whimper to my order but she had no choice to follow.

As I approached the house, I phased, everyone else staying in wolf form. I walked up and Bella waited for me. "Bella get out of my way!" She nodded her head, "No Jacob." Edward was by her side in seconds. "Edward this has nothing to do with you. I need to talk to Renesmee." He eyed me, ready to protect his, "Jacob, not with you in this state. Your pack put her in danger! I will not put my daughter in any more danger." The pack growled to Edwards remark. Carlisle walked in between us, "I'm sure there was a misunderstanding to all this. Edward is right; the pack is in no state of mind to have a conversation with out putting her in danger." I heard the growls ripping at the house. I motioned them to be quiet. I heard Blondie making a smart remark, she must be with Renesmee. I looked at Carlisle, "Carlisle, it's only me, Jacob. I need to see her." I was practically begging. I didn't her the answer, all I saw was my angel in her window. She stared right into my eyes. I could not bear look at her, I have put her through all this damage. Her life was at risk today, by my own pack. Her eyes seemed to be swollen from tears. I had to see her. I looked over to Edward, "I'm not mad at her Edward. I just need to talk to her." He did not hesitate to answer, "Not right now." I knew he was right; I just did not want to admit it. My body started to tremble. I wanted to rip through them to get to her but I knew that would only upset her more. I needed her right now and I knew she needed me. They don't know what I go through with this. It's not as easy as if it was them. She was my imprint and my heart was ripping to pieces knowing she needed me. I felt like a failure and there was nothing I could do. I will not loose her. I couldn't do nothing but walk away, phasing into the woods. I ran and ran. The howls through me into cries, burning my eyes. The pack did not say anything to me. I heard Seth whimpering near by, reading my thoughts but dare not say anything. The rest left me my space. I cried to the moon all night, my Renesmee was not with me.

Chapter 12

Renesmee's point of view

Walking around the stores with Alice and Rosalie, I felt empty. My family's been trying with all there efforts to make me happy, it was not working. We all went hunting as a family last night, every one showing there skills. Emmet and Jasper trying to teach me some new moves, distracting me from what's really bothering me, Jacob. He was always with us for our family days, this was the first one he was not, it made me even more bitter. I followed through all the actions and motions but no feelings behind them. My aunts realized the foolish planned day and decided to navigate us away from that and go shopping, something that would not remind me of him. In two days we will be going to Forks to visit Charlie for the holiday's, ever since I was born, we decided to make that a tradition but this year would be different if Jacob doesn't go. It's been almost two days since I last seen Jacob but it felt like years. These past few weeks been upside down and kept getting worst by the day. I don't know if I could manage any more memories of Jake. In a few days I will be back to school again, something I'm not looking forward to. I dragged my self around the expensive stores, while Alice tried to bribe me with every outfit for a smile. Bella even came out and she hates shopping. She didn't say much but stayed next to me, waving off the aunts when they pushed it. "Renesmee, we don't have to be here if you don't want to?" Bella looked at me, holding my shoulders. I looked to the floor with nothing on my mind, "this is fine." I tried to give her a half smile, but nothing. She pulled me closer, "I can not say I know what you're going through but I can relate. When Edward had left me, something I wish to not remember, I was miserable. I cried, yelled, and was paralyzed everyday. It took Charlie to wake me up and suggest to make new friends or confine in old. Even though the one who was there for me is the one that you're missing, you have all of us in the meantime. We will do what ever we can Renesmee to get you through this." I nodded. "Jacob will be back." She tried to reassure me with her smile. I continued to stare out the window at the gloomy day, rain pouring down. Alice came over with an arm full of bags, "We are ready! Wait till you see what we got you Renesmee! We are going to have girls day today and spruce you up!" Alice always tried to make the best of every situation. Rosalie not too far behind Alice, had two arms filled with bags, "ready!"

We arrived at the house, Edward came over embracing me, "How are you Renesmee?" I showed him the images of his sisters attacking me with clothes, he chuckled. "Ness, let's go, we have plans for you!" Rosalie called me upstairs. I followed, dragging Bella with me to save me. I walked into my room and its been changed. The sheets, furniture, color of the walls, everything was changed. I looked around confused. Esme came out of my bathroom, "you like?" I looked once more around, my walls were pastel lavender, bed sheets mixed colors of purple

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