» Fantasy » Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

Book online «Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗». Author Lisette Kabel

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to catch up with there family and be home for the holiday's, Seth chose to stay with me and help. I was waiting till the distant blood suckers left before mending with Renesmee and going to the other reservation to resolve the other pack. In the meantime, the Culle's kept there distance from unknown territory. It's been more than two days since I've had her in my arms and it only hurt even more everyday. Tonight I was patrolling, I kept my distance from her house, it ached more if I seen her. I was still able to hear if there was an emergency and Edward knew how to reach me. I got a little closer than usual to the house tonight. I heard people talking out side, a floral scent surprised me. I moved in closer, hiding behind the bushes. I strained my eyes to look. All I could see was the auburn, bouncy curls jumping into the truck and Bella and Edward waving bye. My heart started to race, I thought to Edward, Where is she going Edward! Now I was worried, who was she with! Edward nodded me off and whispered, "with a friend, she will be back, she needs this Jacob." I hated it, it made me angrier. I growled back. I ran back, deep into the woods, away from her house. Seth, patrol around the Cullen's. I can not do this right now. He didn't ask questions. What friend, I never heard or met any of her friends. My mind came up with different ideas. She needed this? What did he mean? What she needed was me. I can not continue this anymore, I don't care about the obstacles. I paced back and forth along the cliff. I heard someone approaching, it was Bella. She came in closer, I went behind the bushes to phase. "Bella, what is going on? What friend?" She looked over to me, "Jacob calm down. You have no idea what you've been putting her through, she's been miserable and all for what? Yes Jake, she needed to go and enjoy herself." Before she could finish I interrupted her, "You don't even know this friend! Is it a guy?! What about her safety? Did you all ever consider that?" I could tell Bella was loosing her pertinence but so was I. "Yes it is a male. Jacob, he will not harm her, she is ok. We know what our daughter needs." I was loosing my mind, "Bella what did you come here for, to torture me more about who she's with?" She turned around towards the woods and faced me before leaving, "No Jacob. Out of everyone, you should know how it feels and what someone goes through when someone leaves…" she paused, "like your doing to Renesmee." I knew what she was talking about Edward. When he had left her that short time, she was empty. Bella was so fragile and destroyed by that bloodsucker. I did all I could to help her and to see the good in me, in the end she chose him. Something I could never complain about because my Renesmee would have never been born. I saw Bella's shadow running back into the woods, leaving me to ponder on her words. I had to fix this and soon. In a couple of days, Renesmee will be going to Forks for the holiday, it was our tradition. My mind instantly went to made up images, Renesmee with her new friend in Forks, I will not let this happen.

Renesmee's point of view

I stayed buckled in my seat, Elijah came over to open the door, "Renesmee, you ok?" The panic in my eyes would not leave, the gust of wind brought even more scents to my burning throat. Elijah put one of his hands on mine his heat overpowering my thoughts, "Renesmee we could leave?" This was nonsense, I know I had control, I was letting myself get overwhelmed. I looked back at him, calming myself down, "No, it fine. I have never been to somewhere like this, it's different." He snickered at my answer. I unbuckled the seat belt and hop out the car. The commotion of the night was mischiefious. People running back and forth, the music blasting from the buildings, and the lights of the night blaring. Elijah, grabbed my hand, "follow me." We walked into the crowds of people into the downtown street. He pulled me into a building, I read the sign, 'Moon pub'. We walked into the establishment, immediately the noise from outside was gone. It was soothing music in the back ground, couples sitting around enjoying their time. "Two please," Elijah answered the host. We sat by the window, facing the downtown entertainment, a band playing music. "You never been here, downtown?" I looked away from the band, "No. I don't get out much." I chuckled to my own answer. My getting out was running through the woods and hunting, my hobby. "I'm happy I was able to bring you then."

Elijah's point of view

I watched her from my seat as she watched, amused by the band. She looked amazing. I could still tell something was wrong with her, her eyes were still…swollen, what seemed to be from crying. But I did not want to impose on the reasoning without the right moment. As long as I had her smiling now, was all I could ask for. "Do you want to dance?" She tensed up, "No, I don't know how to." I smiled at her answer, this beauty was hidden in her house. I walked over grabbing her hand, I brought her out to the band. Her face shined to the moon light, a smile across her face. The band began to play a slower tune, the couples around us started to dance. I pulled Renesmee towards me, moving into a slow sway, "See, you're not so bad, you're a natural." I laughed and she joined with me, "Thank you, I really needed this." I looked over her face, she still looked distraught. I had to find out what was wrong with her, but this was not the location. "Let's get out of here?" We walked out of the lively downtown and jumped into my truck. I drove down to beach and parked. Opening my backseat, I grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around Renesmee shoulder, at night it could be a little breezy by the water. The moon shined bright, the rays bouncing off the waves. We walked slowly along the beach. I broke the silence, "Renesmee, I know something is wrong or bothering you and you don't have to tell me, but I can see it in you're eyes…" I looked over to her, she kept her eyes on the sand. I could see her eyes filling with water, I didn't mean to make her cry. I stopped her, facing her towards my face, "I don't like to see you like this. Has someone done something to you? You can tell me Renesmee." She didn't answer, "Please Renesmee, give me at least that. I could not stand leaving you tonight knowing something might be happening or even hurting you." She looked into my eyes, she seemed to be thinking of her words. I waited patiently till she was ready. "I thought…" She began, "I thought I knew someone, but all along…it's not who I imagined." I listened carefully to her words, it was a male, some male hurt her, maybe her boyfriend. I didn't know she had one. My body slowly filled with anger, I took deep breaths. I could not risking phasing in front of her. That man was irrelevant, what was he even thinking to hurt such a fragile thing. "Well Renesmee," I put my hands up to her cheek, stroking her face, "he's a fool for not noticing. You are better than that. He doesn't deserve you and he sure does not deserve you to be feeling this way." I smiled and molded her cheeks to a smile, she giggled. "There we go, that's the smile I've missed." She glimpse at me, "I can't thank you enough, you've been nothing but nice to me." I grinned, "hey, that's what friends are for." I gave her a kiss on her forehead and clutched her into a hug, her scent was intoxicating, mixed with floral and another distinct scent, I did not want to let go but I had to. "Time to get you home before your parents hunt me down." She flinched to my last comment, I laughed. I wish I could tell her what I really was but she would have to figure it out on her own.

Making small talk in the car, "What are you doing for the holidays?" She took a deep sigh, "going to Forks to visit family." Forks? That's not far away, "You don't want to go?" She looked to the moon, "old memories I wish to not encounter." She must be talking about this 'boyfriend' again. "Well, if you change your mind, I'm free. You can come to reservation." I smiled and poked at her shoulder, she giggled. "School starts back up in a few days again." My face dropped, I have not been around school since I found out I was a wolf, still debating if I should return. She was staring at me, "Are you ok." I shook off the look, "Ya, I'm good. When will I be able to see you again?" I changed the subject before she can investigate. "Soon?" she answered. I glanced over to her, "I would like that." The rest of the way was silent. I pulled up to her house, putting the car on park. It was eerie at this house, I felt a dozen of eyes on us but I could not spot where there coming from. My eyes shot looks through out our surrounding. My wolf instincts began to kick in and fast. Scents flushed through me, I tried to categorize the scents but it became difficult, one almost smelt like the scent I was used to, a wolf. My pack would not be on this side of the town. I wanted to get out the care and circle the surroundings, but I couldn't, not with Renesmee this close. I looked over to her, putting her hands into mine, "Renesmee, I want you to know I'm here for you and if you need me, for anything, anything, I'm just a phone call away. I will be here within seconds." Her eyes studied my concern face, she nodded her head. I did not want to let go of her hands, let alone walk out of my truck. I saw her adopted mom, Bella, come out the front door waving. I waved back smiling, "Ok, time to let you go. Remember Renesmee, no more tears." I tried to mend the last minutes I had with her. "I know. I will call you tomorrow?" I smiled, "of course." I moved in kissing her cheek, "have a good night." She left the car, walking towards Bella.

Chapter 13

Renesmee's point of view

Bella was waiting for me

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