Dawn, Lisette Kabel [poetry books to read .TXT] 📗

- Author: Lisette Kabel
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I jumped in the car and took off home. Today was perfect; it just made me happy and forgets about those…Jacob. I did not want to even think of him. I take back everything I ever said to him. I pulled next to house, making my way to the house. Seth came strolling over, "Nessie?" I stopped, "hey Seth." "Hey, are you ok?" "Yes, why would you ask?" He looked around, "Well the pack said you ran off into the woods and they lost your scent. And Jacob…he's worried." I paused for a minute, taking in what he just said. I looked out into the wood, I knew Jake was close but was letting this 'me time' play its part. That evening got me more made. It was silly, he couldn't come say that to me, and did he think I couldn't handle seeing him. Of course, he couldn't come to check himself. That drove me over to the edge, "WILL, tell Jacob Black, I am none of his concern." I made sure I said it loud enough. If he was within radius, he would have heard the hiss and sting with my words. Before he could answer, I ran in the house shutting the door. I felt bad because it was Seth, but right now, he is on my enemies side. I ignored my parents and walked up to my room. Of course, a great day would be ruined. I got ready for bed and warned Edward to not come up; I had enough for the day. I went over to my window, turning the lock, shutting the curtains, and jumped in my bed. I looked up to my ceiling, reminiscing the day, trying to save the last of the good times I had. I knew I needed advice. Advice from someone who could keep a secret. Elijah was human, would my family accept him as they accepted Bella. I kept my thoughts to a minimum about him; I did not want Edward knowing just yet. I will make a visit to Esme tomorrow. I closed my eyes and dreamt of the perfect day.
Chapter 11
I woke up early, excited to get the advice I needed. Quickly getting ready, I put on some sweats and a shirt. I ran downstairs into the family room. I found Bella and Edward staring outside. I snuck up behind them, giving them a big hug. Bella gave me a funny look, "Morning Renesmee." "Good morning! I'm going up to Carlisle for a few. Do you all want to go hunting after? I could use a good hunting day." Edward and Bella nodded. I knew Edward was digging into my mind for a clue, but I was not having it. Everything is ok Edward, I'm just happy. I gave him a hug, making my way outside. I didn't even give a glimpse to the woods, running up to Carlisle. I quickly waved to everyone and located Esme. I moved in for a hug, whispering in her ear, only for her to hear "can we go somewhere to talk?" She nodded in response. Esme grabbed my hand and walked through her bedroom. It was just gorgeous, it was serenity. We walked to her private garden doors. The area was secluded in her own private garden, only accessed by her room. She had it set up to perfection. The scenery was peaceful and angelic with built in waterfalls and ponds. We walked over to the bench. I knew the family would respect our privacy. I continued to admire my surroundings, staring at the many colored rose bushes. Esme waited patiently for me to start. "Esme? I need advice again." "Of course." I looked around some more, thinking of my next words, "I took your last advice… I've been experiencing different things from what I know." she nodded to what I was saying. I started to get nervous now, "Well…well I met someone." I waited for her gasp or reaction but nothing. She brought her hands up, playing with my hair, putting her full attention on me. "He's…human." I told her, "No one knows about him Esme and I hope we can keep it that way please?" "Of course Renesmee. Sweetie, I'm so happy that you took my advice. I am not one to judge, after all, Bella was human," she paused and looked away, "It was difficult times with those two. Unimaginable obstacles for there love. They fought all odds and are now happy together, with a beautiful daughter. I wish that you would not have to go through what they went through Renesmee but your heart will make the ultimate decision. I know you will do the right thing and keep this friend of yours safe from our world." I sat there, processing all of her words. Was she giving me the go or was she telling me to stay away; she did say follow my heart. "What about Jacob?" Of course he would get brought up into this. I did not want to reenact what the last couple of days been like, I showed her. I flash all the memories of when I and Jacob were perfect to the night he walked away from me. My heart sunk lower. I don't know how much my heart can take or sink before it's gone. "Renesmee, every one needs time. It's what makes us appreciate what we have." "Well, I might not be available when he realizes." She didn't answer to my rudeness. "Thanks Esme." I got up giving her a hug, "I need to get back, I promise my parents I will hunt with them." I walked towards the door. "Renesmee? I'm always here for you and I support you with what ever you decide. Please stay safe."
I left Carlisle's house before anyone could stop me for conversation. Again weaving towards my house avoiding the wolves. Bella and Edward were waiting for me outside; they must have heard me coming.
We made our way out the woods, opposite from the wolves. They did not come to investigate what we were doing, Edward must have told them. I ran, racing with Edward. I remember I used to always race with Jacob. He used to always let me win just to see me smile. I pushed myself even faster, jumping from tree to tree. I heard other foot steps near by; I didn't care to look back. Bella ran past me and Edward not too far behind. I knew he was letting us win; he was the fastest out of the family. We slowed down, sniffing out our prey. We went a little further out to the mountain lions. There was a few up ahead. Bella gave me the nod. I climbed up the tree, having a birds eye on my prey. Before the lion could react, I hurdled myself off landing on him and striking down. Bella and Edward jumped out to there's right after. After I was finished, I walked away leaving my parents. I heard someone clapping, walking towards us. "Well done Renesmee. I must say, I'm impressed." Nahuel walked over to me. He wasn't so bad. Jacob was always in the middle that made it seem so bad. I looked up at him, "Sorry I didn't invite you." "That's ok, I heard you were going hunting and did not want to intrude, but I couldn't resist missing. So I kept my distance." I smiled. He seemed harmless. He lived the life of being one with the earth. Everything he did was out of respect and curtsey. I was so mean to him for no reason. "Nahuel…I apologize for the way I've been acting. I have not been a good friend. I know you saved my life and you deserve to be treated…" He came up to me, "No Renesmee, you do not have to. You do not owe me any reward for saving your family's life. Your family has become a part of my family and that is all I could ask for." I lowered my head, still ashamed of how I've been. "Will the least I could do is show you around or something?" Bella and Edward met up with us. "I'm going to show Nahuel around the woods." Edward shot me a questioned face. I'll be ok. I have not been the best house warmer. He nodded, "Be careful you two. Be back in an hour?" I nodded. I waved to Nahuel to follow me, "keep up if you can." With that, I took off running through the woods. He kept at my pace, chuckling at my attempt to run faster. We ran through the woods. I was having fun, not a thought in my mind. I slowed down on the run. Trotting into my meadow. Nahuel slowed down as well. "This is my meadow. My mom, Bella, had one before. Mine's right by the water though." "It is magnificent." He observed the view as well. I only brought Jacob to this spot. We sat on the rock staring into the flowing river. Before I could stop it, I heard wolves behind us. Of course Jacob's pack. They came in closer, growling towards Nahuel. Why did this have to happen? It was Embry and Quil. I jumped in front of Nahuel, assuming a crouching position hissing at the wolves, "leave us alone…NOW." They ignored me, moving in closer, positioning around to get to Nahuel. What is up with these wolves, they don't ever listen. Out of fury, I lounged at one of them, not taking note to who it was, smacking him away. Crouching getting ready to take on the next. I felt Nahuels arm on me, yanking me back. He jumped up on a tree, "Renesmee, what are you thinking!" My eyes filled with hate. I was so full of anger, I wanted more. I looked down at the wolves, one of them getting up from the blow. Outraged by my strike. "Tell Jacob we don't need your watch dog service either!" I yelled down at them. The growls mixed with howls ran through the woods.
We jumped through trees till we reached home. Edward racing out of the house. "Renesmee Cullen! What did you do?! Go to your room now. Nahuel you must leave." Nahuel did not say anything but go towards Carlisle house. "But Edward!" "Renesmee Now!" I went stomping towards my room. In a few minutes, both Bella and Edward were there. I could hear the wolves howling outside. I peeked out the window, I saw Leah in front; her
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