» Fantasy » Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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I took a deep breath with a smile stretched from ear to ear. *I have a date with Xander.* I thought happily to myself. I began to dance around the room, happily, humming to myself. KNOCK...KNOCK...KNOCK...someone knocked on the door, Then Layla strolls in.

"What are you doing, sissy?" She laughed.

"Nothing." I answered, flopping onto my bed, I sighed a sigh of relief that Layla didn't see me.
"Lunch time!" Layla came into my room shouting.

"Okay, I'll make lunch in a minute. What do you want?" I asked calmly

"Hamburgers!" She shouted again. Than turned and ran out of my room slamming the door behind her, with a loud, BOOM!

The hamburger patty's are in the frying pan sizzling away, while I'm chopping up the lettuce. Layla is behind me setting the table and humming to herself. "Hey, sissy!" she called.

"Yes." I answered."

"I love you." She said, walking up behind me and giving me a hug.

"I love you, too." I whispered into her tiny ear. When the hamburger's were finished I put everything on the table and we ate lunch. Than I went back up to my room, and Layla's to hers.

Around five I began to get ready for my big date. I jumped to the shower and then blow dried my hair and straightened it again. Than, I threw on a red sequenced thank to and a black leather mini skirt. I applied my black eye liner and red lipstick. I grabbed my purse and headed down stairs to wait.
Ring... came the door bell. I jumped up, brushed my skirt down and ran my finger's threw my hair, and opened the door. Xander was standing there in a blue bottom up shirt and blue jeans.

"You look nice, but your late." I sighed.

"I know. I'm sorry." He chuckled as he pulled a baguette of roses from behind his back. I gasped when I felt a tiny cold hand touch mine. Layla was standing there.

"Who's this?" Xander cooed and bent down to her level. Layla chuckled shyly and I said, "This is Layla. She's my sister." Then I turned to her said, "Can you please go put these in a vase of water. You know how to do that."

"Okay." she replies and ran off towards the kitchen with the roses in her hand.

"She adorable." Xander exclaimed as we walked toward his black Mercedes.

"Yeah, she's the best sister you could ask for, she's an angel. She does what I tell when I tell her...Most of the time." I chuckled.

"where are your parents?" He questioned.

"My mother died a months after she had Layla. My dad died a year after that." I stated

"Oh I'm so sorry. So your taking care of Layla by yourself?"

"Yeah it's gotten easy after for years."
We're standing in line. Waiting to get the tickets for the movie, which starts in fifteen minutes. The line moves up a foot every minute.

Xander ran his fingers threw my hair. "Your hair's so soft." He cooed.

Thanks." I replied back.

He smiled, grabbed my hand and spun me around. "what are you doing? I can't dance." I gasped.
"I dought that very highly." He chuckled and twirled my again, but this time guiding into his chest. I buried my head in his chest and inhaled his scent. He had fresh scent kind of like he just got out of the shower. I realized about five minutes later that he had his arms around my back, hold to face the front. Realizing that I was facing a tall, lean girl with short black hair that reached her shoulders and spikes at the ends. She wore a low cut black tank top.

"How may I help you?" She said sweetly.

"Two ticket for The Last Song

, Please." I answered her.

"Sure thing. That'll be ten dollars." She smiled and I pulled my purse to get the money.

"I'll cover that." I looked up and Xander was handing the women a ten dollar bill. He smiled at me and I chuckled.

We sat down and the movie started. In that dark I felt a hand tickle the back of my hand so I turned it over so that the palm faced up and Xander curled his fingers in between mine so that his palm laid flat against mine

"I kneed to go to the restroom. I'll be right back." Xander whispered into my ear, and he stood up and headed up the aisle to the back door. I watched him disappear through it, I sighed and faced the t.v. It was just getting to the good part. The main character and the guy where hanging on the beach.

When the movie ended and the lights came back on. the theater stood up and evacuated through the back door. When I got into the lobby I seen Xander sitting on the bench next to the boys bathroom. I walked up to him and realized that his faced had gone ghostly white and he was drenched in sweat. I put my hand on his shoulder and he was shaking.

"Are you okay?" I breathed. He didn't answer me, instead he got up and ran into the boys bathroom with his hands over his mouth. When he returned he said, "Sorry, I'm very sick."

"don't be sorry it's not your fault you got sick. Why didn't you come get me we could've left."

"I didn't want to take you away from the movie."

"Okay, well it's over now. So let's get you home. Hand me your keys. I'm driving your to sick to." He handed me his keys and I stopped by the counter and asked the waiter for a plastic bag. We got into the car and he falls right to sleep.
I climbed out of the car and went around to the passengers side of the car, opened the door, and pulled his legs out of the car and put his right arms over my right shoulder and then I put my left hand behind his back and lifted him out of the seat so that he was standing on his feet and I totted him up to the door. I opened the door and called in a normal voice. I opened the door and called in a normal voice.

"Layla, I'm home." Layla came running to the door. "Serenity!" Layla yells.

"Shh..." I cautioned. Xander I moaned but didn't wake up.

"What happened?" Layla whispered wide-eyed when she saw Xander.

"He got sick that the theater and fell asleep when we got into the car. Could you go open my bedroom door, Layla?" Layla didn't say anything, but dashed up stairs which I had to slowly trudge up because Xander's weight made it hard to walk. When I got to my room was standing next to the door.

"Can you pull the blankets back so I can lay him on my bed?" She did what she was told and I laid Xander light on my bed so that his feet were hanging off the side. I took off his shoes then put his feet on the bed and covered him. "Layla, get a blanket and a pillow out of my closet and lay it on the floor. I'm going down stairs to get the thermometer. I be right back." I Stated vanished through the door. I grabbed the thermometer and went back to my room. I put the thermometer into his mouth and waited for it to beep, when it did I pulled it out of his mouth and checked it. It was a hundred and four degrees. "Oh, no" I said shocked I went to the closet and pulled out two more quilts and threw them on Xander. I wanted to try and swear the fever out of him. When I had him taken care of I jumped into the show and than hit the sheets. Wait, I can't do that for to reasons. One; I'm not going to use my hands and hit the sheets, and two: Xander's on my bed so I'm stuck on the floor. I stopped by Layla's room before I went to bed and she was asound asleep on the floor next to her Queen size bed. So, I picked her up lightly and laid her on her bed.
"Serenity." I heard someone whisper. I moaned rolled over.

"Serenity get up."

"Do I have to." I moaned.

"Yes, you do."

I turned over and saw Layla's cute little face above mine. "Good Morning, Layla." I smiled and sat up. Layla, on her knees, hugged me. When she let me go I stood up, and walked over to my bed where Xander was sound asleep. I laid my hand on his forehead and snatched it away almost automatically. He was burning up. I reached over to the bedside and grabbed the thermometer. When it beeped I pulled it out if his mouth and read it. It said a hundred and five point two. He should be dead that was too hot for anyone's body to handle, but his breathing was steady and his pulse was normal.

"Layla cover him with some more blankets, Now! I'm going to call the emergency room!" I shouted and ran down stairs. I picked up the phone and thrust-ed it to my ear. I punched in 9-1-1 into the keypad and waited for the operator. "Hello."

I explained everything in such a rush that I didn't understand what I was saying, but the operator seem to understand because her reply was, "Okay, an ambulance will be there in ten minutes." I hung up the receiver and ran back up stairs. "Layla get dressed and brush your hair. The ambulance will be here in ten minutes."

"okaie dokie." Layla replied and bounced out of my room towards her's just as i finished getting dressed the phone rang. I ran down stair again and answered. "Hello?"


"Oh, hey, Keira. i can't talk right now, If its important meet me at the hospital in ten. The ambulence just arrived."

"What's happened?"

"Don't worry I'll explain in ten."

"Okay, see you there." I hung up with that and a knock at the door. Two guys stood at the door, one tall and lean. He looked as if to be in his early twenties. He had a shoulder length black hair. His bangs were the same length as the rest of his hair, tucked behind his ears. I could see the sparkle in his hazel eyes when he looked at me.

The other guy was older with short gray hair and a some what rectanguler head. He looked a lot like Richard Gene, so I'm going to start calling him the-Richard-Gere-look-a-like. The older guy gave me a shy smile and said, "May we see the Patient."

"No problem, follow me." I stated plainly. I started up the stairs. The guys following me.
In my rioom the Richard-Gere-look-a-like put his right hand on Xander's forehead. "Man he is burning up. Julio get him on the stretcher, Now." he said to the younger guy. "Okay, just go open the door, Max." Julio walked over to the bed and picked up Xander and carried out to the ambulance, I followed behind. When we got down stairs Max turned toward me and said, "Thanks for calling us he'll be in could hands, but you can ride in the back is you want."

"Thanks, sound great. Let me go get my sister, I want her with us."
At the front

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