» Fantasy » Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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I was frantically shuffling threw my closet trying to find something to wear. This outfit, that outfit. I don't know. ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I called my friend Keira, to see what she thinks.

"Hello" Came a voice a few minutes later. "Hey, Keira, I have a dilemma and I need your help." I begged "Whats the problem, Serenity."

"I can't figure out what to wear today."

"Oh is that all? Why don't you wear your blue jean mini skirt with black leggings underneath and wear you black shirt that says 'rock-n-roll hottie in hot pink letters."

"Sound super, I'll wear that."

"Okay see you soon, later." I hung up the receiver and put on the outfit, then went down stairs for breakfast. A meal of bacon, eggs, and grits.

*Where in the world is she? She told me to wait right here at this time and she's not even here* I thought to myself. *Great here she comes.

"Sorry, I'm late, stopped by the office to get my schedule. I wasn't here on meet the teacher day." She said. "It's okay, Keira, let head to the cafeteria."

Keira and I were sitting at the table when Xander the class hottie walks in (I have the biggest crush on him.) his long blonde hair, cascaded in think blonde waves down his shoulders. His blue eyes and thin mouth matched his face perfectly. He is well built, tall and lean with a great six pack, man he's very dreamy.

"Serenity, Earth to Serenity." I heard Keira call and she snapped her fingers in front of my face. "Where am I? Whats going on?" I questioned.

"we're still in the cafeteria you zoned out?" Keira explained. "Do you know you out of reality more then me."

"Yes. My fantasy world is better than real life."

"I totally understand."

ring, ring, ring "oh crap the bell I guess we're off to class. Later, Keira." I said. "Later Serenity." We waved our 'goodbyes' and headed off toward our classes.
Yay! Ashlyn here I have somebody to talk too. "Hey Serenity." She said as she sat down in the seat next to me- her assigned seat- "Hey, Ashlyn whats up?"

"Nothing much."

Surprise! Xander strolled looking all cool just as the tardy bell rang. Ashlyn and I turn toward him and stared. "He's such a hottie." Ashlyn breathed

"Yeah, I know."

"Hey Serenity."

"Yeah, what?"

"You know you else is hot."

"No! Whoa!"

"Your brother."

"Whoa, wait. Now that is very disturbing."

"I knew your were going to say that so I decided to ask you if it was okay if I asked him out." Ashlyn said, but I didn't hear. "Serenity!" She raised her voice slightly and snapped her fingers.

"Huh, What?" I asked confused.

"Did you hear me?" She questioned.

"No, what did you say?"

I was wondering if it was okay if I asked your brother out?"

"I don't care, but I hope you know that he's a senior in college and engaged and if he doesn't care enough to help his sisters. He wouldn't care about you."

I'm sitting at my desk minding my own business when Xander- the mega hottie- came over and sat down next to me. "Hell, my names Xander and you are?" He stated.

"Serenity...I mean my name is Serenity." I said. nervously.

"Well it's nice to meet you Serenity. What a pretty name. I think I'll sit here this period for the year." He said still in the seat next to me. "So..." I started. "How was your summer. Are you glad school's back in session?"

"Summer was great. We spent most of it at the beach, and yeah I missed school a lot so I'm glad it's back in session."

"I know me too."

We talked and laughed the whole period, and when the bell rang we walked to the door together.

"Hey, who do you have third block?" HE asked.

"Jacob Denozo." I answered.

"Hey, my class is right next door. I'll walk you." He smiled

When we got to class. I put my hand on the knob to go in, but he put his hand on my shoulder and I turned around.

"I was wondering is maybe you would like to go see The Last Song

in theater with me Saturday at six?" He asked

"Sure, I'd love to. I've been wanting to see that movie since I've heard about it." I replied.

"Great I'll pick you up at six sharp. I've got to get in class. I'll see you later."

"Okay. You too."

I walked into class in a complete daze, not know where I was headed. I tripped over a box in the middle of the floor and fell flat on my face. Everyone started laughing expect Keira who seen me fall and walked over. Helping em up. She said, "Are you okay?"

"Yes." I replied.

"What up? You came in, in a complete daze and didn't see the box and tripped over it." She coaxed.

"Oh nothing." I said dreamily

"Whatever, I know you. You only act like this when you see Xander and even than your not this bad. So spill." She coaxed again.

"Okay I'll tell you on one condition though." I sighed.

"What is it?" She smiled.

"Your better not say a word." I warned.

"Hey, you know I'll never do that." She said.

"well, Xander is in my second block class and he choose the seat next to me. We talked the whole black and when the bell rang he walked me to class because his class is right across the hall, and before I come in he asked me to go see The last Song

with him this Saturday at sic." I blabbed.

"Well, congratulations, luck you. I'm glad." She smiled.
When the bell rang I got up and waited for Keira at the but she says, "Go on. I have to asked Professor Denozo something. I'll catch up." I gave her a brief smile and walked through the door. *I wander what she has to ask Professor Denozo. I believe she just met him* I thought to myself as I headed to the cafeteria for lunch.

"Serenity!" I heard someone shout and I turned around to see who it was. Xander was walking toward me. "Hey." Hey said as he gasped for air. "Man, your hard to catch up to. I have been calling you name for the last five minutes.

"Sorry I was thinking about something." I smiled at him and we continued to walk to the cafeteria. We put our stuff down at a table and I took one of my folders and put it in the seat next to me to save it for Keira and we got in line.

"So how was third block." He quizzed.

"Fine when I first went into class I was in a daze and didn't see a box in front of me and ended up falling flat on my face." I laughed at the memory and Xander started laughing too.

When we clammed down he said. "I'm sorry that must have been humiliating."

"Yeah, I was."

"I can't wait until Saturday. I'm really excited." He Smiled.

"I know me too. Your picking me up at six right?" I asked.

"Yep, so be ready."

"Don't worry I will be."

We got threw the line and sat down. I got a salad for lunch and Xander got a pizza. When Keira sat down, she had school the school lunch which was a hotdog, chips, and soda.

"Xander this is Keira, my best friend, and Keira this is Xander." I introduced.

"Nice to meet you, Xander." Stated Keira.

"You too." Said Xander.

Keira took her hotdog out of its bun because she likes eating the and bun separate. As she goes to put the hotdog in her mouth it began to shake. Xander and I busted out laughing.

"What's so funny?" She asked dumbfounded. Xander and I pointed at the shaking hotdog. "Oh!" She exclaimed, shaking the hotdog harder causing Xander, herself, and I to laugh even harder.
The bell rang and Keira waves 'good-bye' and went one way. Xander walked me to class, on the way he said, "Keira is silly."

"Yeah, I know we have been best friends since middle school." I chuckled.

"Hey, Serenity, how old are you? When is you birthday?"

"I'm sixteen and my birthday's Sunday, September the seventh." I said.

He laughed a jolly laugh and said, "Perfect timing, huh? If I did ask you I would've missed it."

"Yeah, I guess." I Said, not knowing what else to say.

"My birthday's December the Seventh and I'm Seventeen." He said

"Hey, that make you nine months older than me." I concluded.

I'm in forth block and bored. Nothing fun is happening. I miss Xander already. Fifth and sixth block, then home I go.
I just got home and ole crap I realized I forgot to pick up my little sister from day care-Layla.

I think I should tell now. My mother past away six month after she had Layla, due to Ammonia and my dad past away a year after after that because of a heart-attack. So, I've had to take care of Layla by myself for five years now. Before I get Layla at seven I have to go to work. I'm the waitress at the SLOP SHOP.
I sent Layla to the bath than to bed. I threw a pop-tart in the toaster, ate it then went to bed.

I woke up to the thunder and Layla running into my room screaming. When I got her clammed down she fell asleep on my bed. I was able to fall back to sleep a hour later when the thunder clammed down.
Ring, Ring, Ring went the phone. I reached over and picked up the receiver. "Hello" I called sleepily.

"Wake up call. It's six-o-clock. Time to rise and shine." The voice on the other end chuckled.

"Xander?" I called.

"Yeah." He replied.

"Why did you call me this early? How do you get my number?" I questioned.

"You gave it to me, remember?"

"No, I didn't."

"Okay, I guess I won't be able to convince you. Keira gave it me" He smiled. I couldn't see him but I could hear it in his voice.

"I better get dresses. I'll meet you at the Cafeteria at 7:45, Okay, Xander." I said calmly, now that I was awake.

"Okay, see you than." He chuckled and the receiver clicked at his end of the line, and I sighed, got up when dressed and than I straightened my long curly black hair with red strikes. Then. I headed for school. I arrived at the school and headed straight for the cafeteria. When I got there Xander was already sitting at the table I usually sit. He saw me and waved.

"You early." I chuckled.

"Yeah, I know. I wanted to see you." He smiled, and I chuckled. Soon Keira got here and when the bell I was disappointed.
Ahh! I sighed as I opened my bedroom window and the cool morning breeze blew in.

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