» Fantasy » Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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desk and filled in the clerk behind the desk. "Yeah I know I've already been filled in. He's in room two hundred. Right down the hall." She said.

"Thanks." I replied and turned to head to Xander's room, when I heard someone call my name, "Serenity?" I turned back around to see Keira running towards me.

"Hey, what are you doing here?"

"You told me to meet you here in ten minutes remember."

"I did?"

"Yes, you did. Now whats going on?"

"I'll feel you in on the way to Xander's room."

We walked down the hall towards Xander's room and I explained what happen to Xander and why we where at the hospital when they get into Xander's room. Layla was sitting in a chair in the far corner of the room out of the doctor's way.

"What's going on?" I asked her.

"The doctor's are trying to bring down his temperature. Oh, hey Keira." She replied, getting up an giving Keira a hug.

"Hey, Layla. How are you doing?" Keira answered her with a question.

"I'm fine. I'm glad your here."

"Great, I'm glad I'm here to. I hope Xander get's better fast."

"Yeah me too. I don't want Serenity sad."

"oh, Layla. I'll be fine and so will Xander. I have a feeling he'll be fine. I don't know why I have this feeling, i just do." I answered Layla. She didn't actually ask a question. It was more a statement then a question, but I answered her anyways. One of the nurse's came over and said, "Xander's temperature is starting to come down, slowly though. I think he is going to be just fine, if we can get him awake so we can get some fluids down his throat. He is also dehydrated."

"Well, that good news. If you don't mind, could I try waking him up?" I asked her.

"Sure, that's not a problem."

"Thanks." I breathed and walked toward Xander's bed while the nurse chased the other's out of the room. I Sat on the bed next to Xander and shook him. "Xander wake up. Please...please...please wake up. It's Serenity and I need you to wake up so you can drink something." I choked trying to fight back tears. I knew that Serenity was going to be just fine, but I couldn't stop the tears from coming. Five minutes later I had my shirt soaked from where I'd kept wiping my tears.

"Mmm." I heard a moan and wiped me eyes once more, so I could see what was happening. Xander's eyes fluttered open and he moaned again. "My heads killing me." I smiled , happy that he was awake, and gave him a gentle hug. The nurse came over and told him to drink the bottle of apple juice she gave him.

"Where am I?" Xander asked, confused.

"Your at the hospital." I answered him.

"Huh? What happened? Why am I here?" He asked, again

"It's a long story. I'll feel you in later." i sighed

"Oh, hey Keira how long have you been here?" He asked Keira.

"Long enough." Keira stated simply.

"What's wrong you seemed ticked off at me. I don't think I did anything to make you mad at me." He sighed.

"I'm not mad at you. I just have a lot going on, and I needed to talk to Serenity about it, but you got sick and had to be rushed to the hospital. So, I haven't had a chance to really talk to her." She said trying to force her voice to stay calm.

"I'm sorry, it's not my fault I got sick." He replied

"It's okay, I'm the one who should be sorry. I didn't mean to sound mad." She said.

"Xander, go get in the shower. I'm going to change the streets on my bed. When you get done I want you to go lay down." I warned him.

"Yes, madam." He chuckled.

I pointed him to the restroom, than went to my bedroom. Keira right behind me trying to picking on Xander and I. I laughed and tried to ignore her.

"Hey, Serenity?"


"Umm...Umm...Umm..." She stalled.

"Come on spit it out. I don't have all day." I snapped not meaning to.

"Ummmm...How well do you know Professor Denozo?"

"Not very well. We,ve only been in school for a week, duh. Why?"

"Ummm..." She stalled again.

I turned to face her. She had this crooked smiled on her face and it was as red a ripe, juicy tomato. I mean her face was blood red kind of like she was over heating.

"Keira?" I called and got no reply. "Keira." I called again, but this time I waved my head in front of her face. She finally said something. "Umm." I asked her head was out of the clouds. She Shook it as if to say 'yes'.

"Keira, what are you going trying to say? It had better not be what I think it is."

"I think you already know what I'm trying to say." She smiled.

"Oh, Keira. Please tell me your not falling for Professor Denozo."

"Umm. no I don't think I am. I think it's the other way around."

"What do you mean?" I asked even though I exactly what she meant

"I mean, I think he is falling for me."

"What? How? I would think he would know better."

"Yeah, me too."

"How do you know he likes you?"

"Do you remember when I told I'll catch up to you in the cafeteria because Professor Denozo wanted to talk to me. After you left he told me that I was a great student. He grabbed Me and pulled me to him until me chest was against his. Than he wrapped his arms around me and held me there. I tried to get away him but he squeezed me harder, not loosing his grip until I relaxed. The bell soon rang, and he said. "I'll right you a pass." Luckly no one seen us hugging because he had planning that period. Right before I left he asked me is I wanted to go to the movies next weekend. I told him I would have to think about it. What do you think i should do."

"I don't know. I'm not the one that likes a Professor."

"Whoa, Whoa, Whoa... I didn't say I liked him. Weren't you listening? So should I go out with him or not?"

"Sorry. I was listening. I don't know if you should go out with him he's way older than you. Do you think you should follow your heart though."

"You don't know how old he is, do you?"

" probably don't either."

"No, I don't, but i'll find out, he doesn't look that old."

I turned and walked the rest of the way up the stars. I got to my room and started remaking my bed. Just as I finished I heard someone shriek. It wasn't a brief shriek. It sounded like it someone was in organizing agonizing pain. I wasn't quite sure where the sound came from, then it came again. I knew where it was coming from-the bathroom-"Xander!" I shouted and ran toward the bathroom when I got to the bathroom door, I pounded on it.

"Go away." Came a sharp hiss.

"Xander. What's going on?" I called

"I said go away." he growled. I heard the sound of glass crashing. I couldn't stand it- the thought of him being in trouble-I needed to know if he was going to be okay. I ran down stairs and grabbed the extra key to the bathroom.

I got back up stairs and unlocked the door. I opened it to find a broken a window and 'No' Xander. Xander wasn't there, it was like he tried to escape. I looked at the window and pondered on how Xander could've fit through it. Something appeared out of nowhere it took me a minute to realize what it was. I climbed up onto the rim of the tub and pulled it of the windowsill it was a wold of fur covered in blood 'huh' I thought to myself. I looked out the window toward the woods in the darkness of night. I saw something sparkling in the darkness. I strained trying to see it better, but I couldn't make out what it was. I felt deep down that someone was watching me, ready to pounce at any moment. I shook my head as if to get rid of the thought, looked back out the window and the pair of eyes were gone.

*Man what a day.* I thought to myself as I cleaned up the shattered glass and the window sill. I took the piece tarp, I got from down stairs and duck taped it to the window. I acknowledged that I would have to replace the window soon.
"Layla, what are you doing?" I questioned her as I watched her throw her clothes over her shoulder landing all over her room.

"I'm looking for some. I think I know what's going on , and I have something that can help. Great here it is." She held of a necklace with a golden phoenix. "Here put this on," She stated.

"What's this and where did you get this." I questioned her.

"I've always had it." She said as I took the necklace from her. I turned the necklace over and over in the palm of my hand. I admired the designs. The phoenix's wings wrapped around the front of his body cupping the bottom of a full moon.

I slide the necklace over my head and it rested lightly on my chest. It stood out like a sore thumb with the gold lying against my black tank top.

"Repeat after me," Layla stated. I looked up from the necklace.


"Just repeat after me." She warned.

"Okay, whatever." I said

"Please, golden phoenix I asked you to help me find Xander, tell me how long I have to find him. Thank you golden phoenix." Layla, chanted.

I repeated what she just said. I began to go to feel light headed and a image appeared in front of me, it wasn't ant old image. the scene was a outline of a dog shape running threw the woods at night.

"You have three nights to find him. You'll have to travel by night, get started to night, and take Layla she'll be able to help." Came a unfamiliar voice. The Image vanished and Layla's room came back into view.

"He's being chased by a huge dog." I gasped.

"No, he isn't." Layla smiled

"What do you mean." I said, looking up from the floor so I was looking at her.

"I mean that's him."

"So what your trying to say is, he's a dog."

"Not exactly...he's a...a...a werewolf."

"Werewolves don't exist."

"Yes, they do and so do vampires."


"what I'm about to tell you is going to be overwhelming, but you need to know...your a vampire. The gene just hasn't kicked in yet, but the should real soon and when they do you won't be able to control your thirst. You might attack the first thing in its human or animal and when that happens I might have to tie you down. Let's just hope that doesn't happen before we find Xander."

"Wait your saying I'm going to be a vampire? How
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