» Fantasy » Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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I followed her up to what was suppose to be a door, but instead of a door there was a big hole in the wall.

"Man, what happened." I questioned out of curiosity.

"I had to knock the door out so i could get in." she chuckled

"Whoa, my bad."

It's okay, come on." She said walking throught the door, I followed her in. The inside looked nothing like the outside.

The inside consisted of two rooms. The floor had a mattress in the far corner covered with a fitted sheet, and cover sheet, a pillow and light blanket. In the middle of the room was a small couch that could only sit two people, three if they we're kids, and a small twelve inch television. On the wall up above the bed was a picture of a man and woman holding a little blonde head girl. "Who is this?" I questioned pointing to the picture. Meeka looked up from the floor at me.

"Oh, that's me with, oh you can call them my parents. In a way." She said with a sad tone in her voice.

"What do you mean by 'parent's in a way'?"

"it's a long story."

"I've got time."

"Okay, when I was Five my real parents disowned me and kicked me out of the house. I had no or no place to go. All I had was my favorite teddy bear which I'd Names 'Beary' and a small zip-loc bag of oreo cookies and candy. With that I started off down the road cry my eyes out. I came across an alley that had an empty box in it. I grabbed the box and pulled it away from the wall and curled up in it still crying. I sat in that box for the next three days watching people walk right passed me ignoring me and my cries of help. Until, I fell asleep on the third night, because when I woke up the next morning. I was in a queen sixe bed, and I was actually warn for the first time in three days, and I had clean clothes on. I was still dirty and my breath stunk and my hair was a rats nest, but I didn't care. I had actually gotten a decent night of sleep and woke up smiling. I found a note on the table next to the bed that told me to go down to the kitchen and it gave me directions to the kitchen. When I got there, the people in the picture were there. when they heard me come in they turned around and smiled at me. The woman told me site down at the table and when I did she sat a plate of food in front of me. I thanked her, and she just smiled and said, "you enjoy it okay. You look like your straving." I smiled back and took a bite of the grits which was very refreshing. They asked me why I was sleeping in a box on the street. I told them the whole story and they said I could live with them on one condition, I'm to go to school. I agreed and that picture was taken the first time we went to the beach. It the only thing I have left of them." She finished and I ran the whole story over again in my head.

"What happened to them." I questioned

"They Parished in a fire." Tears welled up in her puppy dog eyes. I waked up to her and rested my nosal behind her neck so she could rest her head on my shoulder. "It's okay." I said trying to comfort her. I stood there for the next few minutes letting her cry, until she was ready to move. When she retreated she took her right paw and wiped her eyes.

"I'm sorry, I guess talking about still gets to me." She said wiped her eyes again.

"It's okay, It's not your fault. I hope you don't mind me asking, but when did the fire happen?" I asked her not expecting an answer, but i got one.

"It occured almost two years ago. In a month it will be two years. it still hurts to talk about it, but everytime I do the pain lessens a little more. I know one thing for sure, that I will never forget them or what they did for me they'll always have a place in my heart, because them I'm who I am today."

"I know what your talking about."

She walked over to the couch and curled up it was to small for me to fit, because she covered the whole couch by herself, so I crawled up on the floor next to her and fell asleep within the next five minutes.


The next morning I woke with the sun glaring clear in my eyes. I opened my eyes and rubbed them and when I did I felt skin on skin not fur on fur. I stood up and looked at myself. I was human again, but completely naked.

"Ah!" I shrieked at the top of my lungs. "What's...What's going on!" Meeka sprung from her sleeping slumber on the couch and her human from but completely cothes. She looked at me and screamed, "where are your clothes."

As soon as I heard her say that I sprung for her mattress grabbed her cover sheet and wrapped it around me, tripping on the way. Meeka began to laugh, but when she stopped she said, "Did you hear me? I said where are your clothes." 

"Oh crap, Now I remember I was in the shower when I transformed-If that's what you call it-and I didn't know what was happening so I panicked and broke threw Serenity's bathroom window."

"Who's Serenity? And it's okay that you dont have any clothes. I have a pair of old shorts of my father that I sleep in, but you can wear them!"

"Serenity's the girl I like." I replied.

"Is she your girlfriend" Meeka asked as she dug threw a pile of clothes next to her so-called-bed.

"Not yet." I replied.

"What do you mean 'not yet'?" She said as she tossed the shorts over her shoulder, "Put those on I won't look until you finish."

"Okay, I haven't had a chance to tell her I like her yet." I replied and threw the shorts on and tapped her on the shoulder and spun around and said, "Those shorts suit you well." 

"Thank you." I replied.

"Sorry, I don't have a shirt."

"It's okay."

"I'm getting hungry let's go into town. I know a place were we can eat free, because I'm friends with the owners daughter. She is actually quite the character, but I'll tell you about her later. Lets get moving. Breakfast hour will end in forty five minutes."

She grabbe my hand and pulled me through the hole in the wall, and into the wood behind the house. She kept pulling me for at least five more minutes, until walked out of the woods into an adorable little town. In the middle of nowhere. There wasn't much in the toen, but there was enough. It had a few stores and resturaunts, and some homes.

Meeks pulled me up to the door of a small resturaunt. A sign on the doorsaid, 'Welcome, come in whenever and stay as long as you want.' Meeks pushed the door open with both hands and walked in. I followed het to a table in the far right corner. The seats we're faded from being sat on so much, but they were soft.

A of the early twenties came to there booth. Her hair came down to her mid-back in a cascade of waves. Her bangs the same length and tucked behind her ears. Her emarls green eyes sparkled bright as she said: "Good morning, Meeka. Who's this."

Meeka smiled and replied, "Hollyah this is Xander. Xander this is Hollyah."

"It's nice to meet you, Xander." Hollyah said as she put her hand out toward I took her hand and shook it. "It's nice to meet you to Hollyah, that's a pretty name."


We told her our order and she bounced off toward the kitchen happily humming to herself.

"She seems to be in a good mood." I said to Meeka.

"Yeah she's like that all the time if she's not like that then you know something's wrong."

"That's good it's better to be happy then sad all the time."

Hollyah came back with out trays of food five minutes later.

"Hey Hollyah?" Meeka called her getting her attention.

"Yeah?" She questioned Meeka back.

"Would you like to stay the night?"

"Sure." With that simple reply she ran back to the kitchen. Meeka turned and looked back at me and I just stared at her.

"What" She said suddenly.

'Why did you do that? You know tonight is another fullmoon don't you?"

"Yes, I do and it's not a problem."

"What do you meam?"

"Hollyah knows I am a werewolf. In a way she's my sister. There's something special about her too, I just can't tell you she'll have to do that. Plus, speaking of fullmoon there's something I need to tell you."

"Oh! What?"

"After tomorrow night you will be able to control your informations. All you have to do is concentrate. You see have already been through my first three transformations so I don't have to transform tonight if I don't have to, but you will, so when she comes back you check want to tell her you're a werewolf too."

"Okay, sure thing!" One question though."

"What's that."

"What's the purpose of me actually becoming a werewolf."

"Oh that, that's easy the purpose of you becoming a werewolf is because you have to hunt and kill your enemies, or anything that's evil. Could be vampires, spirit, shapeshift, ex cetera."


"You have to fight against the forces of evil."


Just than hollyah comes trotting back over to the table and handed us the check, of course we didn't have to pay it, and turned around to leave, but I stop her and she looked at me and said, "Yes, how may I help?"

"Can I ask you something?" I quizzed

"Sure." She replied, starring at me with cautious eyes.

"Meeka told me that you know she was a...a werewolf.

"Yeah, what about it."

"Well I have to tell. I am just like her."

"What do you mean...your not a werewolf too are you?" She exclaimed and her eyes about popped out of her head.

"Yeah, I am and I just went through my first transformation last night so I won't be able to control tonights or tomorrow nights."

"Why are you telling me this?" She choked.

"Because your staying the night with Meeka tonight and I'll be there so I didn't want to take you by surprise when I transformed."

"Oh, that's all."

"Yeah for right now." I gave my final answer, but Meeka told her something before she ran off once again.

Meeka grabbed my hand ounce again and drub me out of the dinner and turned right. Still holding on to my hand ahe began to run faster. When we came a fork in the road she took another right then continued down the road.

"Where are we going?" I asked, threw my gasp for air.

"You'll see. Now, keep running." She replied.

We ran for about five more minutes until she suddenly turned onto a driveway and ran up to a door with a sign over it that said, "Community pool."

"What are you doing here?" I questioned.

"Going swimming. Hollyah's father owns this pool also and it's closed during the day, but Hollyah gave me a key so i could go any time I wanted, so it be just us."

She didnt wait for me to reply. Instead she unlocked the door, drug me threw it and she puches me toward the boys bathroom and said, "walk threw there to get to the pool I'll meet you out there in thirty second." With that she disappeared into the girls bathroom. I sighed and walked through
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