» Fantasy » Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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know exactly what he is talking about." He stated plainly.

"So what. I don't care if that was mean and most of all I don't care about you or jolly. I just want to find Serenity and Layla and get back to my life."

I felt the anger surge up in my very soul. I felt like hitting him, but I resisted. I held held until I couldn't hold back any longer and my right arm went flying into his nose. The next I realized was the blood leaking slowly threw the figures of his hands as held his hands ever his nose.

"What the hell, Keira." he shouted "Ouch!"

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it. I was angry." I apologized Sincerely.

"It's okay."

"No, it's not. I've never done that before no matter how mad I've gotten."

I realized that the car was about to run off the road into a tree. So I grabbed the steering wheel trying to jerk it back onto the road, but the car spun out of control and Jacob's side of the car hit the tree at a accelerated force of sixty miles per-hour. The impact caused Jolly to hit the windshield so hard that it cracked and she landed in my lap.

"I'm going to kill you all. I hate humans and there all going to soon be exterminated from the planet." She hissed threw her teeth before she lost conscience. I sighed and turned toward Jacob he was holding his left arm with his right one as if he broke it. He began to say something, but he blocked before he could finish. My head began to throb with pain and I blacked out from the pain.

I woke a little while later, my head throbbing. "Ooh! My head. Where am I?"

"Your at the hospital." The nurse stated as she walked around the corner carrying a glass of water and a bottle of aspirin. "You have a moderate concussion please take the aspirin and try to get some rest."

"Where's Joslyn Mitchells and Jacob Denozo?"

"They're fine. Joslyn had to get some stitches and Jacob shattered his left arm in three different placed, which will take about six months to heal, but other then that they are fine."

"Thanks." I relied, falling back to sleep.

"Keira, honey, wake up its time to go." I opened my eyes to see jacob standing over me.

"What? I questioned.

"Oh, Okay." I climbed out of the bed, but I fell to the floor not realize that my head was still spinning.

"You, Okay." Jake and Jolly both asked at the same time.

"Yeah. my heads still spinning though." They picked me up and lead me out to the car.
We went to my house and got my stuff, but I was super nervous about Jacob knowing where I live. When I got done we went to his house.

He lived in a one story brick house with one bedroom, a small living, a small kitchen, and one restroom from the outside it looked to be only big enough for a dwarf, not a human.

"Nice house." I commented.

"Thanks." He replied as we walked up the path to the door.

"It's small enough."

"Yeah I know, but it's the perfect size for me."

He grabbed my left hand and smiled at me, and I couldn't help but to smile back.
We're on the road ounce again. Headed toward the woods on the out the out skirts of town. I don't why we're going to start looking there, but I have a feeling we are going to the right place.

"How do you know. We're going to the right place." Jolly and Jake both asked me, at the same time.

"I don't know if we're going to the right place, but I have a feeling we are and I have a feeling we're going to find them soon."

"What are..." Jacob started.

"I can't explain how or why so don't think about asking."

He didn't reply but he kept watching the road.

"Hey, Jolly." I questioned her.

"What?" She replied turning to face me.

"Did you mean what you said before you passed out."


"Did you mean when you said 'I'm going to kill you all.'"

"What are you talking about I never said that."

"Yes you did."

"No I didn't."

"Yes, you did, but I'm not going to fight with you over this, so lets just drop it."

She didn't answer me so I took that as a okay, and looked out the window once again.

I began to daydream , a picture of a girl sat in the front of a computer. She had light brown hair the cascaded down her back. The curls bounced freely when she laughed, but most of the time she had the saddest look on her face that would make you want to cry. As she typed on the keyboard you could tell by the look on her face that there was something going on, that something was breaking her heart. I didn't know what and I didn't know why, but it was both sad and romantic at the same time. She sat in front of the computer and just started at the screen as if waiting for a reply. You could tell she was about to start crying, but trying hard not to. When she couldn't hold em back any longer when they came she got up and curled up on the bed behind her, crying.


"Huh? What" I said, wondering where I was.

"We're here." Jacob said

"Oh, Okay"

He climbed out of the car, walked around to my side, opened the door and helped me out. Jolly behind us we walked to the woods.


I felt a powerful energy well up inside of me making me feel like I was going to explode. My vision began to fail me and I began to feel like something was ripping me to shreds from the inside out. I let out a loud painful shriek that made my ears feel like the were going to burst.

"Xander?" I heard someone called worriedly

"Go away!" I shouted

"Are you okay?" Came the voice again, With a hint of panic in it.

"I said go away!" I hissed, and crashed through the bathroom window and sprinted for the woods. When I reached the trees I turned around and I could see Serenity as clear as day, and it was pitch black outside, She was looking out the window straight at me. It Was like my 20/20 vision was a hundred times better, and my hearing? I could hear the birds, their mild chirps made my ears pound. I could hear the feet of the insects running across the ground. I could hear the wind in the trees and the rushing of water in a stream miles away.

I looked down and realized that I was on all-fours-kind of like a dog. I tried to let out a cry of help but instead it came out as a sad howl. I didn't know what was happening to me, but I intended to find out and as soon as I possibly could, and why it was happening to me.

I began to run at a speed I don't actually know, but I was probably running at a speed of a cheetah or faster. I was going fast. It was hard to maneuver around a corner without crashing into a tree, so when I rounded a corner I would use the power of my legs to keep me from colliding with a tree.

The night seemed to quiet, with the animals asleep and the wind still. The Only thing I heard was the crackle and pop of the leaves beneath my feet as I ran.

Crrraack! I heard a tree branch snap and I froze in my tracks. The Sound was not created by me. I had no clue what made the sound, but what I know was that it had to be something big.

An animal rounded the tree snarling at me. It look like a huge wold with snow white fur and a light-blue grayish strip that started between it's ears and extended down the middle of it's back to the very tip of it's tail.

"Well I'll be." Came a melodic famine voice

"what?" I choked. "You can talk?"

"Yes, but only to other werewolves, and you can understand me."

"Yes, I understand you." It wasn't a question but I answered anyway.

"Do you know what that means?" The wolf questions.

"Let me take a wild guess. I am a werewolf, right?"

"Right" She replies

"What? How?" I question, completely dumbfounded

"I'll explain in a minute, but first whats your name?" She asked curiously

"Xander, and you are?"

"Meeka" She said happily

"Well, nice to meet you Meeka."

"You too, Xander."

"Do you have any idea where I am?" I asked, curiously, but hey *curiosity killed the cat, right*

"Yeah, your in Timber Wood."

"Hey, you want to race?"

"Sure, But I'd better warn you, I am fast."

"so What. I bet I'm faster."

"You want to make a bet?" I'll leave your newbie butt in the dust."

"Whatever!" I stated sarcastically.


"Wait I'm not ready!"

"Too bad...Go!" She shouted and took off deeper into the woods. I took off right behind her. Staying on her tail for most of the race because it was to narrow move past her and the sharp turns that she took caused her to brush up against the trees anyways. We soon came to a space wide enough, barely, but still wide enough to fit threw. I decided to try and pass her while I had the chance. I slowly eased up my speed, so that she wouldn't realize I was trying to pass her. I eased up next her as my chance to pass her declined because the tree were starting to get narrow again. At the last second I shot forward and passed her, not she was stuck following me. We ran for another five minutes before we come to a field with a run down house that looked more like it had caught on fire and not that long ago either.

"Stop!" Meeka shouted from behind me. I slide to a stop just as Meeka came into the clearing behind me..

"What?" I questioned

"I said stop!" She snapped at me.

"I know what you said, but why?" I snapped back.

"Because this is where the race ends."

"Oh, sorry."

"No problem, follow me."

"Where are we going?" I asked stupidly. I knew what the answer was going to be.

"Inside." She replied showing her dog like fangs.

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