» Fantasy » Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗

Book online «Fullmoon, Serena.1 [i like reading .TXT] 📗». Author Serena.1

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do you know all of this your only five?"

"Yes, your going to be a vampire and I know I'm only five. I'm also five hundred years old. You see I'm not a vampire or a werewolf, but I'm not human either."

"What are you and how can you be five hundred? I was at that hospital when you were born.

"You see I'm a spirit and in the spirit world a human year is a hundred spirit years. I was sent here to help you. I know everything about everything. I was a scholar back in the spirit world. I was forced to learn everything I could about this world."

"This is too much, i'm going to bed." I said flatly.

"Wait!" She shouted at me.


"Did you forget. We only have three days to find Xander. Those three days start tonight, but we have an advantage he won't be traveling during the day and we can. Unless your genes kick in."

"My head is starting hurt. This is to much." I turned and headed for Layla's door.
*Man, what a day?" I thought to myself as Layla and I walked around the corner, heading for the barn. If We are going to find Xander we are going to need horses. I won't be able to walk for seventy-two hours straight and we can't take the car into the woods.

Layla led Sparky out if his stall and tied him to a pole in the middle of the barn. Sparky is a stocky black and white painted stallion. I got Rosalina and tied her the pole next to sparky. While, she pranced happily behind me. Her coat was almost the color of magenta. She's a quarter horse mare. Sparky and Rosalina have lots of energy which makes them perfect for this job.

Layla and I though on the blanket and saddle on the two horses. I put the reins on while Layla ran inside and grabbed us some food, drinks, spare clothes, and sleeping supplies. We headed out.

***AUTHOR"S NOTE:*** This is the end of chapter one. They chapter's are long, between 15-25 pages and chapter 2 is from Keira's point of view and will be up soon. Will she get with the professor? Will she end up going on the same path as Serenity and Layla? And is there something off about her too? We shall see. Please rate and comment***P.S. This is my very first story it is still a working progress so please don't be to critical. Sorry about any typos I tried editing it. Keira

"Serenity Beldare." Called professor Denozo. When he didn't get in answer he continued calling out the roll. When he got to my name he said. "Keira Lowell"

"Here." I called.

He looked up from the clipboard he had in his hand, and winked at me while have gave a shy smile, that was so cute I felt I was going to melt. I replied with a crooked smile and sank lower down into my seat, because I could feel my face turning bright red. I put both hands over my face and laughed briefly to myself.

"Let's began." Called professor Denozo. "Please turn to chapter 10 in your textbooks, page two-twenty-two. Can Someone please tell me what we'll be studying." My hand shot up and Professor Denozo called on me.

"Professor, we're studying 'How Earth began' right?"

"Very good Keira, we are, How did you know you haven't even opened your textbook yet?"

"I looked at the next chapter when we were on chapter nine."

"Okay, but you didn't have to answer that question, it was rhetorical. Would you all please read the chapter while I send a e-mail to my mother it's her birthday."

Everyone stated to read as Professor Denozo sat down in front of his computer, and began typing away. A few minutes later he clicks a few times and a piece of paper comes out of the printer Professor Denozo got up, stretched, than reached for the paper in the printer and grabbed the paper and folded it into thirds. He slipped it into an envelope and wrote something on it.

"I'm running to the office. Please, keep reading. I'll be back in five minutes." He said heading for the door. When I walked by my desk he stopped, check to see if anyone was watching, and pushed the envelope under my textbook and then disappeared through the door. I pulled the letter out and began to read it:

Dear Keira,
Please stay after class. I know
you have another class. I already
e-mailed the teacher to let her
know you'll be late. There's something
I want to talk to you about and
it's important so I don't want to
write it in this letter. You might
miss most of your next block, so I
hope you don't like that class.
Professor Denozo

I smiled to myself while I folded the paper back up. My heart began pound and I began to feel all warn inside. Kind of like my blood was racing or kind of like you feel when you drink hot cocoa on a cold morning, you get his warm sensation that everything's right.

"Your face is red. Are you okay?" The girl across from me ask.

"Huh? What?"

"Are you okay. Your face is red." She repeated.


"Great!" she said. "Is there a problem?"

"No, I just embarrass easy."

"You want to talk about it."


"Okay than, I'm jolly. Short for Joslyn and you are?"

"Keira nice to meet you!"

"Hey, where's the girl you were talking to all last week y'all seem like good friends."

"She's my best friend and I don't know where she is. She didn't show today."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's okay."

Ring, ring-ring, went the bell. I sighed a sigh of relief, but why? I don't want talk to Professor Denozo. Alone. I already know he likes me as more as than just a student. I know it's wrong to like a teacher, but I can't help myself. Which is why I'm trying to avoid him as much as I can.

I took my time getting my stuff together so the other student wouldn't get suspicious. When everyone was gone except Professor Denozo walked through the door.

"What's the problem? What do you need to talk to about?" I questioned seriously.

"Why don't you sit down. You don't have to though." He replied. I chose to stand

"I just the feeling..." He continued, "That you already know that I like you as more than a student, but why are you avoiding me?"

"What do you mean? I'm not avoiding you."

"Yes, you are. Okay, you participate in class. You answer most of the questions, if you know the answer to them, but in the hallway or on the street you avoid me. You don't say 'Hi' when I do. You walk pass me minding your own business. You don't smile or look at me, you don't acknowledge me at all."

"I'll explain, but your going to have to pay attention."

"Okay, good. Now for the story. Yes, I know you like me, I really like you, too, but I could never date you. You see, your my teacher and I'm your student and if we get caught. Well, the coincidences are to horrible to imagine and I know you already know what they are."

"Yeah, I know what the coincidences are and yes, they are horrible, but I don't care what the coincidences are. I like you and want to be with you. I'm twenty three and I can make my own choices."

"Oh, how sweet, but I have to say 'no' for one reason. If we get caught the law will be contacted, because I'm only seventeen and I'm considered a minor until I turn eighteen. When someone over eighteen dates a minor, they could be thrown into jail, because they consider it child rape.

"I know, If you just give me a chance I will keep it a secret until you turn eighteen."

"How many times do I have to tell you! The answers 'No." I shouted. "I'm sorry." I said more calmly"

"Whatever. If you don't want to date me, than fine, but I'm not giving up. I really, really like you."

"Whatever, now I've got to get to class." I turned and began to head for the door.
"Wait." He said flatly. he grabbed my right arm and spun me around violently to face him.

"What are you doing I quizzed him. He didn't answer. He held my arm with his right hand and he took his left hand and put it under my chain he lifted it enough, do that I was looking in his eyes.

What happened next made my head spin. He leaned over, with his hand still under my chin, and kissed me. Oh, so, passionately. He slowly moved his hand from arm to my lower back, when I relaxed. At first I was counting how the kiss lingered, but then I lost counted after five seconds. When He retreated and let me go. I fell to the floor- on my knees-gasping for breath. I looked up at him with curious eyes. "Wha..." I gasped not being able to think of anymore to say. He reached his right hand out toward me and waited until I grabbed a hold of it. When I did he pulled me up to my feet. My head was still spinning. So, I was unbalance. I fell into knocking him over, backwards. I landed on top of him.

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