» Fantasy » The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Blake

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the routine. Malik saw the Pharaoh looking at him intensely, his heart raced and his pulse wouldn't stop pumping extremely hard. He was in big shit...

Ohh no... He's seen my dick, hasn't he?! Malik thought to himself frantically. It was then the Pharaoh stood up and walked over to young Malik.
The tall, 23 year old Pharaoh stood directly in front of the young peasent. Malik tried to keep a straight face as he had an anxiety attack inside.

"...What's your name?" The Pharaoh said to Malik, his strong, powerful voice filling the silence of the awkward room. Malik nearly fainted.

OH SHIT! He thought to himself. He turned his head and looked at Samar desprately, she looked at him, panic sweeping across her face. She mouthed the words "SPEAK" to Malik over and over again frantically.

Malik looked back and cleared his thought.

"A-Akira..." He said in a high, effeminate voice.

"Akira... How would you like to dine with us tonight? With the Queen, myself and my wives."

Maliks heart begun to thumb harder and harder each second that passed, just being in the Pharaohs presents was intimitating enough... But he had absolutely no idea what so ever on what to say to him in reply. Had he really just said that? Did King Azleyria Mazin just ask him to eat at the royal table? Or had Malik taken a violent fall in his trip and bashed his head against the sandstone, knocking him unconsious?

"Y-... T..." Malik stuttered, his dark brown fringe falling over his eyes as he looked frantically around the Pharaohs face briefly, trying to find the correct words to respond with.

"Yes please, Your-Magisty." He finally stutted in a girly voice. He bowed gracefully, lowering his head as a sign of respect to the Egyptian King.

"Please join us..." The Pharaoh stated sternly, stepping over to the large table, at the front of the hall. The King sat at the head of the long table and motioned for Malik to sit at the seat on the side, closest to him.

"Let the food be served..." The Pharaoh annonced.

"Dancers... You are excused." He said, pointing at the group of girls that had just preformed so well, aside from the little spill Malik had caused. Malik thought maybe he could get out of it the dinner engagment he'd just fond himself entangled in. He figured perhaps that ment him too... Well, he hoped. He stood up slyly and tried to sneak off, while the room grow loud with talking. Unfortunetly for him...

"Akira..." Spoke the Pharaoh in his large, manly voice. Malik froze.

"Y-yes, sir? Did you not say we where excused?" He asked in his soft girly voice, finding it hard to speak like that.

"Yes, all the dancers, except you." He spoke softly with a smile. Malik closed his eyes and cursed himself, he suddenly begun to feel greatly ashamed of his penis.
He hated the Pharaoh...
He hated the sight of him... He just couldn't stand being in that castle another second... But he had no choice... He'd much rather be in the castle then in the castle dungeon. Should Malik disobey the King in the slightest way he would no doubtedly be sent to the palace jail underneither the large dinning room.

Malik silently turned around and returned to the seat he had been assigned. The dancer girls all glared angrilly at him and stormed back into the room they had changed in. Samar looked concerned, but followed the group as she was told.

Malik looked toward the large roung tables in front of the head table, in which he was seated at by order of the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh was resting his head on the palm of his hand and starting blankly at him. He felt really awkward in that possestion. The feeling of being watched was one, always hard to shake off.
Disturbingly enough... Why didn't the Pharaoh just switch his sick perverted glance to one of his beautiful wives... Were where they anyway...?

"I see your a little clumbsy on your feet... Akira." The Pharaoh said softly. Malik looked back to the Pharaoh and suddered in disgust at the sight of the highly respected King. He suddenly begun to panic... The Pharaoh wanted to converse with Akira... How could Malik possibly pretend to be a girl for the entire night? He had to slip away soon... The second the Pharaoh looked away, he had to leave.

"Oh, uhm... Yes, my legue... My sincerest appologies for tripping the group over like that, I uh... Don't deserve to be in your presence." He said effeminately, putting his hands to his head and making sure his hair stayed girly looking. He then begun to stand when the Pharaoh leaned over and grabbed one of his hands, Malik rested back onto his chair, staring down at his hand inwhich was now intwined with the Pharaohs.

"Now, now, don't be silly... You're increasingly beautiful. You're more then welcome to dine with us. Make yourself confortable..." He told Malik, his deep manly voice made Malik quake.

Hah! Yeah! Real comfortable! Malik joked in his head, he just stared at the way the Pharaoh had his hand in his own. He HAD TO GET OUT OF THERE!! NOW!!!

"And's quite alright... I think your dance was lovely..." The Pharaoh told Malik. He then look his hand from Maliks hand. The Egyptian peasent relaxed for a second, but that was short lived. Malik suddenly felt a hand on his knee. He jumped in his seat, barely able to hold back screaming. There was nothing in the world more painful then what Malik was going through right now, he just wanted to disappear and never return.Malik looked up into the Pharaoh's eyes, he was smiling at him with that perverted, disturbing smile he always has. Malik nearly vomited all over the royal dinning table.
OH GOD[s]!!

The Pharaoh was attracted to Akira!

Malik couldn't let himself get felt up by the Pharaoh... He would find out that... Akira had some body parts the Pharaoh didn't know about.

Malik shifted in his seat most uncomfortably. It was then the Queen and a group of four well dressed women came up to the table and sat down. Malik really felt like a fish out of water. A fish that was getting felt up by a dolphin! At the sight of the Queen, the Pharaoh took his hand off of Malik. He sighed in relief, thank the gods... He couldn't have taken even another revolting second. Any closer and the Pharaoh would have gotten a handful of something not so effeminate.
But it would have been funny to see the disgusted look on his face.

Suddenly a group of servants dressed in boring white linin rages walked out of the palace kitchen carrying large plates of food. They placed a plate in front of each of the four girls sitting at the table, the Queen, the Pharaoh... Then walked off!

The Pharaoh turned and stopped the group of servants.

"What about, Akira?!" He demaned.

"Oh, we're sorry my lord, we had no idea we had to feed the peasent girl. " One of them said.

"She wont be a peasent girl for much longer!." The Pharaoh said to the lot of them sternly.

He then grabbed the glass of wine he'd been placed and rose it in the air.

"SILENCE!" He yelled across the room, the large hall fell quiet.

"I've an announcement to make!" He yelled, standing. He then turned to Malik and looked him in the eyes sincerly. He took one of his hands once again, and Malik cringed.

"Akira, will you marry me?"

Malik's eyes widened, he felt his heart slam into his throat and choke him.
Did he just hear that CORRECTLY?!

He just fell silent. Unable to speak, just staring at the Pharaoh... He stared back, surspence in his eyes, awaiting an answer from the beautiful 'Akira'.

Malik had no choice, if he refused, he would be sent to the dungeon and get raped by the prisoners! He thought about it briefly... Wasn't that impossible? Two guys getting married? WEll, if a Pharaoh can marry like ten woman, surely he can marry a man if he wants to... But, EW! Malik just thought about how throughly disturbing that was until suddenly the thought of his sister flashed into his mind. The reason he was forced to dance for the Pharaoh. His family needed the money to help take care of her... He had no choice.
Marrying the King of North Egypt was his only choice.

"I-... I will." He said, yet again in his girl voice. The Pharaoh smiled down at him in acomplishment.

Suddenly the whole room filled with chearing and clapping. What was what, five now? Malik thought to himself. The Pharaoh didn't have enough to play with so he needed yet ANOTHER wife? Impossible... Ridiculos!

"Servants! Bring my new fionce' her meal immediately!" The Pharaoh demanded. He then sat and looked around the table. His other wives and the Queen didn't seem phased at all... How strange. I guess they didn't really see it as comitition... But hey, what does my oppinion matter? I'm just the auther! Mwahah! I HAVE THE POWER! ... Sorry, I'll go back to the story now.

The servants darted back into the kitchen frantically. They ran out with a plate of food and a glass of wine. They placed it in front of Malik gracefully, then left abruptly, as if avoiding further scolding from the demanding Pharaoh.

Malik looked up, the Pharaoh smiled at him. He forced himself to smile back, he then looked at his food.
He wasn't hungry...


After everyone had finished their meals the Pharaoh rose up out of his seat and tapped his fork against his wine glass, in which was now empty.

"Now, everyone be quiet! The Pharaoh yelled.

"Let me be the first to say... I'm glad you all came. Now stay as long as you want... The band will continue, and the dancers will come out once more.
Now lets all get drunk!" The Pharaoh yelled. The whole hall cheered in an uproar of laugheter. The kitchen servants ran around with large wine barrels, filling peoples glasses over and over again. The music started up again... This was the cue for the dancers to come back out.

"Go and join the group Akira..." The Pharaoh said to Malik, motioning for him to join the girls who where now stepping past the sandstone pillars that marked the room they got changed in.

Malik stared at the Pharaoh blankly for a moment then nodded. He stood and walked over to the group and took his spot. The music started up once again and the girls all repeated their dance as the Pharaoh returned to his throne and watched them. He kept most of his attention on Malik... What made him so damn different to the rest of them? Well... Besides the obvious.

After the group had finished, Malik put his arms down and the Pharaoh stood up from his throne and walked over to them. Malik turned his head and looked at Samar, whos spot was right next to his. She looked at him concerned, she'd heard the hole proposal thing... But she did agree, what else could he have done? But when the Pharaoh DOES find out that he's a HIM he will throw Malik in the dungeon... Either way he's
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