» Fantasy » The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Blake

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suddenly looked so different... Yet the same.
Malik felt confusing fog his skull.

Is this love? This strange, overwhelming feeling? He asked himself silently.

"But you're right... We really need to get going... I have no idea what to expect from the Pharaohs guards, other then that they will stop at nothing to find us. I'm surprised they havent put out the emergency call by ringing the bell tower..." Samar said quietly, pointing up in the direction of the Pharaohs palace. Malik looked up towards the staggering sandstone building, looming over the small village, haunting it. Sending ommonious fear into the souls of the towns people. Many avoided looking at it...
Malik then looked past the palace, to the site of the large step pyramid. The final resting area of Yinario the 3rd, Azleyria's father. Beside it was the furture spot of a new pyramid. Malik had seen guards forcefully recruiting members of the village for its construction.

Suddenly, before the two friends, the Pharaohs four guards in whom where in pursuit of the two stepped out from an alley right in front of them. They looked around and walked up to a suvilian. They appeared to be asked him questions.

"Shit! Samar!" Malik yelled, pointing towards the guards.
Big mistake.

The four guards all turned there heads and jumped at the sight of Samar and Malik.

"THERE THEY ARE!!" The guards yelled, chasing after the two.

"Run!" Samar screamed, grabbing Malik harshly by the arm and pulling him towards the desert. The desert, Samar? That was murder. But where else were they to go?

"Wait, what are you doing?!" Malik yelled at Samar as she putted the light haired Egyptian teen towards the stretching yellow, orange sand.

"We have to get out of the town!" Samar yelled, running into the desert. Malik grabbed her by her faded white dress.

"No! This way!" He barked in reply, unintentionally ripping a hole in Samars dress and pulling her back towards the village. The guards where mear metres away.

"Eek!" Samar squealed, chasing her long time friend, weaving behind houses on the out skirts of the village. They ran between alley ways, horribly frightened. Running for their lifes while listening to the insesent cries of the guards behind them. Their screams slowly faded to nothing as the two darkly tanned teens found solice in a small hole, beside two incredibly immense buildings.
They had finally lost the guards.

"Wow... They misses us by the skin on our necks!" Samar giggled, slowly climbing out of the dent in the sand. Malik did the same, he sensed fear as he stared around the dark alley way. It was practically black. The buildings where so collassl they stole the sunlight from the lane.

"Where are we...?" Malik asked his long haired friend as she dusted the sand from her long dress. Her poorly made bracelets clanged together with metalic sounds as she did so.

"Away from those thugs. Thats all that matters." Samar said with a smile.

"Wait Samar." Malik said, turning around from his worried glances around the creepy alley way.

"Samar they're not even chasing you. You have to leave now, if they see you with me one more time their going to recognise that you were there at the party as well and then you'll be in this too! I cant do that to you!" Malik yelled harshly, walking over to Samar and taking both her hands into his own softly.

"The last thing I want is for you to get hurt." He said softly. Staring into her dark brown eyes with a look of genuan concern. He cared for his friend, more so then she believed was true.

Samar blinked innocently, dumbstuck, unnable to move. She felt a warm tinging senstation in her chest, the same feeling she had felt when the two of them were in Maliks room, only slightly different. The confused teenager, bewildered by misconception and false hope, looked down at her hands in which were adorably intwined with Malik's. He blinked at her patiently, waiting for his foolish friend to reply. She just coughed awkwardly as she looked back to his face.

This feeling felt as if it grew stronger ever second she stared into his large crystal clear brown eyes.

"Samar! Are you listening to me?!" Malik finally snapped, impatently.

"Hm?" She begun, still disorinentated.

"Go Samar!" Malik forced, pulling his hands from hers and grabbed one of her shoulders. He forcefully turned her towards one end of the alley and pushed her roughly.

This harsh push was all Samar needed to wake up from her day dream.

"What? No!" She insisted, turning back around and staring into Maliks eyes, annoyed.

"Yes! Go! You're not a part of this! Leave me to get into trouble by myself! ... And if I don't return after three days. Take care of Carmella for me..." Malik said, his voice lowered as he came to the end of his sentance.

"No! You're my friend and I was there! Anything that concerns you, concerns me! Because we're always together remember? We're incepreble!" Samar told Malik with a serious look across her face.

"Samar. Go." Malik spoke forcefully, an evil look crossing his face. As soon as Samar saw that look, she immediately remembered a time when they where little.

The two of them where playing happily in a large puddle in the sand, just outside of Maliks house. It had just rained and the sand of soft and moist. The clouds were grey and loomy and being under them made the two of them feel complete. A real sense of meaning that goes far behond anything else. Rain was, and still is, so incredible scares and just being in its presence was like behind sprinked with pure happyness. A sense that... Maybe. Just maybe.
Everything would be alright.
World peace.

Suddenly, as they where enjoying the feeling of the wet sand through their tiny fingers, young Shadna, who is now one of the Pharaohs gods, came up to them. He was a horrible, horrible bully. And always will be, for reason too painful for even explaining.

"Eat sand babies!" He screamed at the two of them, small hands full of dry sand from in town. He hurled it at them angrilly. His eye was black, Samar remembered that moment like it was just yesterday. Even though her and Malik were just 5, she remembered Shadna's father assulting him constantly for the smallist things. As the sand hit the two of them, Malik stared to screamed highly, as did Samar.

"Stop it!" The young friends yelled at the slightly taller, black haired bully.

After a couple of seconds of having sand thrown at him, Malik had had enough. A frightening glint in his eyes, a tense line down his forehead. He stood from the sand puddle and walked over to Shadna. He grabbed the bully by his long shirt and screamed in his face.

"DON'T YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN!!" Such large words for a 5 year old. Samar stared at his face intensely. The two looks were similar. Only when Malik was truly worried about something did he give anyone that look.
And she was recieving it now.

"Leave NOW Samar. I'm not asking!" Malik demaned, pointing behind her, she just stared into Maliks eyes for what felt like no time at all until suddenly a haunting voice came from the shadows.

"Well isn't it just my lucky day. Two young childen come wandering into my alley way... How about that." The dark, evil, male voice spoke hoarsly.

Samar screamed. She quivered uncontrolibly, unable to move from fear.

"I don't think so!" Malik yelled in reply, running as fast as possibly, towards teh way he had told Samar to go. Grabbing her by the arm on the way, she nearly fell on her face, being pulled by her best friend wasnt something she had expected. But then again, a deep evil voice from the shadows wasn't something to be expected either.

"You can't run from me." It whispered. Although the two had already ran a good twenty metres away, it seemed to come from every direction. Filling their souls fill shattering fear. An overwhelming sense of guilt, doubt, hate and all feeling bad filled their minds. Malik begun to shake.

"L-Leave us alone!" He yelled at the talking darkness, sprinting towards the golden light at the end of the alleyway.

"Oh, don't leave... I get ever so lonely in here..." SAid the evil voice that emitted from no where, but everywhere all at the same time. Suddenly, a large ominious black shadow appeared before Samar and Malik, stopping the two of them in their tracks. They haulted forcefully, fearing running into the large black shadow. It just looked like someone wearing a large black bedsheet, double the size of Malik.

The two of them begun to really panic now.

"Get away from us!" Samar screamed, her high pitched tone just shaking with fear. He intire body quaked, how very odd. She never used to shake when she was scared, but then again, she had never been this scared before.

Malik just stared up at the large figure, suddenly two large red eyes emerged in the head shape at the top of the figure, they gazed down on the two like firie rubies, ablaze with malice.

"N-no!" Malik screamed, realising Samars hand and running flat out towards the black figure, closing his eyes and letting the black figure envolope him. He pumped his legs as much as possible, in hope that maybe it was hollow, but no. Sadly, no.

As Malik found himself fully envoloped in the pure malice, his movement slowed and he felt his entire body sting and ache of a pain, more excruciating then anything he had ever felt before. He opened his eyes, comepletely unable to move now. All he saw was black, all he felt was black.

He was dying. Something in the back of his barely functioning mind told him that.

He cried out with the little strenght he had left.

"Samar! Protect Carmella! Protect Carmella... Carmella..." He spoke, his voice slowly dying with his energy. What ever had swallowed him was draining his power, as if he had dived into a giant leach.

"Malik!!" Malik heard Samar scream with his last second of consiousness.

"Don't do this to me!" He heard her scream, his entire life force was but one tiny cell, he slowly drew his eyes closed, feeling the weight of his body, now too much for him to hold. He felt himself fall. Falling, falling, falling, but where was the ground? The Egyptian teen continued to fall continuously.

"Carmella... I've failed you." He whispered depressingly, feeling completel darkness sweep over him. An overwhelming sense of nothingness.
Is black the correct way to discribe it? But of course not, there is no black, because there is nothing.
Completel emptyness.

End Chapter.
New Chapter. -56789

"Don't do this to me!" Malik her Samar scream at him from the black, where was the voice coming from?

Suddenly the deadly black turned to a blinding silver, Malik felt his life force slowly return. He felt his body return to his soul, his limps twitched slightly, he burst open his eyes with a loud gasp.

"Malik!" Samar screamed, hugging her friend. Malik gasped for air, allowing the feeling in his body to slowly return. He looked around, fluttering his eyes to try and wake himself up.
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