» Fantasy » The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Blake

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towards the mirror, and leaning into it, checking his face. Samar couldn't help but look at his arse.

"Oh, uhm..." She stuttered, lost for words.

"Jeez, we used to see eachother naked nearly every single day, what's wrong?" Malik asked, turning his head.

"Oh... Nothing." Samar said innocently, raising her glace back to Maliks head. She looked into his eyes and felt a strange sting in her heart.

"Uh... Right..." Malik said, looking worried at his friend.

"Well, stop staring... Your making me feel a little self consious..." He said insecurely.

"Oh, sorry..." Samar said, looking away.

Malik opened a draw and pulled out his white kilt and put it on.

"Are you SURE that your alright, Samar?" Malik asked Samar, who was looking away.

"Yes, yes, I'm fine!" She stuttered, suspiciously fast.

"You can look now..." He said with a smile. Samar turned back to see Malik was now partially clothed. She then saw him smiling at her and she somewhat melted inside. She smiled back and turned the slightest shade of red.

"Well... It's going to be hot today... Do you want to go down to the river?" He asked, picking up the jewelery on his dressing table and putting it on.

"Sure I guess..." She said blankly, she just stared at him... Not seeing the same Malik she had seen in the past...

Malik walked up to his door and pulled it open, he was about to step out, when he heard voices in the lounge room.

"The Pharaoh demands to see Akira! Either you tell us where your daughter is, or we'll storm your house." spoke the voice of a guard from the living room. Malik froze, he looked at Samar, she stared back at him.

"Alright, alright..." Spoke Maliks mother.

"Shes down at the Nile, playing with her friend Samar Veelh..." She said to the guard.

"Thank you for your cooporation Mr an Mrs Sesheta." The guards voice spoke, foot steps followed, Malik listened until they completely disapeared.

"Ohh god!" Samar squealed raising both hands to her mouth.

"They're already after me... I can't stay here... I have to leave... I have to get away." Malik said storming back into his room and over to the window, he watched as the Pharaohs guards all stormed towards the Nile.

"No, you cant just leave your friends. Your not going anywhere without me!" Samar demaned, but Malik refused to endangour his best friend.

"No Samar, I can't do that to you... I may have already endangored you..." Malik said, stepping away from the glassless window and walking to the door, he went to walk past, but Samar moved in his way.

"I don't think so! I'm coming with you!" Samar shouted.

"No! I'm not endangoring you like this! I care about you too much!" Malik protested.

"You care about me...?" Samar asked.

"But of course, your one of the most important people in my life. Without you I..." Maliks speach was interrupted abruptly.

"Malik! The Pharaohs guards are after you! They said something about you being called Akira... I told them you where hanging out at the Nile to send them away, but they'll be back!" Yelled Maliks mother, as he came bonding in.

"I heard them, mother. What do I do?" Malik asked. Azizi looked frantic.

"First off, don't panic... But you need to get away from here... Or drastically changed your apperences fast!"

"Wait! I have an idea!" Samar interupted. The two Seshetas looked at her and Maliks father appeared behind Azizi.

"How about we run to my house. My father is a master with galena and henna. He can help change the colour of your hair and change your hair style. And my house is on the other side of Elzander, we'd be getting away from the guards." Samar suggested.

"Would your father mind if Malik stayed with you for a little while Samar?" Jundi asked from behind Azizi.

"No of course not. This is really important, he'll understand." Samar said with a smile, but her smile was short lived, suddenly the room filled with the ominious sound of the door being bashed at ravonusly.


"Aah!" Samar said loudly, but not loud enough that they could hear her.

"Malik!" Carmella screamed from on the ground as the guards burst down the door.

"Run! Run! Out the back door!" Azizi whispered harshly, motioning fratically towards the door at the back of their tiny house. Malik and Samar quickly ran out the back doorway as the five guards all stormed into Maliks home. Malik heard the heart breaking sound of his little sister scream his name in the distance as he ran from his home.

Samar grabbed Maliks hand and pulled him back into Elzander. The two teens ran for their lives through the sand, the scent of the red hot sand under their bare feet stinged Maliks nostrils as they ran, his feet also burned, just another reason to run faster.

"We can't let them get you!" Samar yelled as they ran into the village, past people and wooden stalls and the odd palm tree. Past houses and animals and the Pharaohs guards, that kept order around Elzander and reported any questionable behaviour to the Pharaoh.

"They'll never suspect that your hidden here with us..." Samar said to her friend as they ran through a back alley way and past a large lini cloth door.

"Dad?" Samar asked innocently as he pulled Malik down the hallway of the sandstone house.

"Samar!" Yelled the sound of her fathers voice from the end of the hallway. Samar pulled Malik down the corridore and they stepped into a large room with a window and a couch. There, Samar's large, dark skinned father was sat holding a large machite.
He put it down upon seeing Samar and Malik.

"Oh, and Malik too! Hows your father?" He asked kindly.

"Oh, he's quite well thank you..." Malik said shyly.

"Dad, the Pharaohs after Malik! He's convinced that he's a girl and now he's got the hots for him! Can you help me change his apperance and hide him here until the Pharaoh forgets about it?" Samar asked in a sweet angel like voice.

"Well, uh, sure I guess." He stuttered, looking slightly confused as he stared at Malik.

"My gosh, I can't believe its really you Malik. You've gotten so much taller! How long has it been? Two, three months?" Samar's father asked.

"Five years..." Malik answered looking slightly offended.

"M-... Oh my..." Samars father said to himself, he then fell blank for a second.

"Uh, Daddy?" Samar asked her father. His face was blank with thought.

"...Hm?" He asked, looking up and returning to the real world.

"We need to change Maliks apperance so that the Pharaoh isn't atracted to him anymore..." Samar said to her father.

"Oh, I see... Alright then. Let's make you manly!" Samar's father announced, standing up and walking into a room.

"Come in here Malik..." He said from in the room. Malik and Samar followed him and walked into the room. There was a mirror, a dressing table, a bed and a seat in front of the mirror.

"Now sit... Let us transform you!" He announced happily, facing the mirror and fiddiling around with a box on the table. Malik gave him a confused look, but Samar pushed him towards the seat. Malik heisitantly sat patiently and waited.

"Okay! Now, don't be frightened... The black stuff might smell a little, but its good for your hair... And you'll have black hair before you know it." Samar's father said in a distracted voice as he turned, his hands covered in black. Malik swallowed nervously.
He'd grown so attatched to his hair...


"Okay, I'll just apply a little here... And see how it would turn out... It'll take a little while to change properly... But I was thinking, maybe-..." Samars father rambled on.

"THERE NO TIME FOR THAT NOW! JUST CHANGE MY APPEARENCE FAST, YOU OLD FART!" Malik yelled at the old, dark skinned, black haired man. He glared at Malik.

Suddenly, Samars father rose a fist and punched Malik brutally in the face. Malik screamed in pain, raising a hand to his nose.

"Oh my gosh! Daddy! What the hell?!" Samar yelled at her father, he grizzled down at Malik.


Malik flinched.

"I'm sorry, I'm j-just stressed! The Pharaohs going to put my head in a vice! You of all people can understand that!" Malik moaned from behind his hands. He attemped to keep the blood off of himself.

"GET OUT!" He yelled, pointing at the door. Samar saw the look in her fathers eyes. A look that said, 'Run'.

Samar grabbed Malik by the arm and pulled him towards the exit. They left the building and stood on the sand blankly.

"Well uhm... Good luck Malik!" Samar said, running inside, ditching her bleeding friend.

"H-Hey! ... Samar!!" Malik yelled at the curtain to her house, blood soaking his hand. He felt the wind gently blow sand into his face.

"AND YOU GET OUT TOO!!" Yelled the sound of Samars fathers voice. Malik listening intensley, the yelling was follow by footsteps. Samar appeared at the door way.

"Nice work, idiot. You got my kicked out of my own house..." Samar said flatly, stepping off of the sandstone floor and onto the sand, realising the curtain.

Malik smiled at his friend as if to say 'Sorry'. The two friends then looked around the small desert village.

"Hey, uh... Are you alright?" Samar asked, watching Malik struggle with his nose bleed.

"I'm fine..." Malik said egotisticly, turning away.

"You don't look okay..." Samar said, concerned tone in her voice, she looked over Maliks shoulder.

"We'll have more then a little nose bleed to worry about if those guards catch us, Samar. We have to move." Malik said strongly, taking his hands off of his nose and looking around at the people walking around the streets, kicking up sand and carrying on as if nothing really mattered.

"Those guards are miles off..." Samar said softly, lowing her hands to the bottom of her old white dress and ripping part of the bottom off.

"Come here..." She said with a smile, stepping up to Malik. She put a hand onto his shoulder and turned him around.

"Being covered in blood might be a great look for murders, but it doesn't suit you Malik." Samar said with a smile to her brunette friend as she gently wiped the blood from her friends face. Malik blinked innocently, standing patiently still for Samar. She smiled tenderly at Malik, he smiled back, face turning the slightest shade of red.

"There." Samar spoke softly as she slowly stopped dabbing his delicate face with the cloth. She dropped it to the sand and sighed, looking out towards the desert. Malik stared at her blankly, feeling a warm fuzzy feeling in the middle of his chest. It envoloped his heart and ribs, making him shudder in comfort.
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