» Fantasy » The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Blake

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while the other three undressed him ravonusly. Malik nearly fainted for about the fourth time that night... Surely the Pharaoh couldn't have sex with all of those woman...? And why in heavens did he need so many! That question just wouldn't leave Malik alone... He couldn't help but thin-...

"Hey! Akira!" Azleyhria said excitedly after he'd seperated from the girl he was kissing. The other three had now completely taken off all of his jewelry and his headdress. Now, all that he was wearing was his navy blue kilt.

"Girls... You can leave now..." The Pharaoh said to his wives.

"Thank you for your help..." He said with a smile. The four girls all giggled and stood up. They walked out of the room and down the hallway. Azleyhria smirked up at Malik sexually.

"Hey... Come and sit with me..." He said, motioning for Malik to join him on his golden covers under his canopied king sized bed, inwhich was encrested in jewels.

"Uhm... Yanno, I've sorta a... Uhm... Headache... Sorta..." Malik whispered, maintaining his girlly voice.

"Well, then I insist you take the weight off of your feet..." The Pharaoh said with a smile as he ran his hands over the bed covers and laid on his back, still smirking up at him.

Malik sighed. There was nothing else he could say, there was no other excuse he could come up with.

"Uhm... Okay." He finally said after a coupld of seconds of desperetly trying to think of something.
He was blank, pure and simple.
He was also exhausted, it'd been a long day.

Malik heisitantly walked over to the massive bed and sat on the soft golden covers.

"Comfortable?" Azleyhria asked sexually.

"Uhm, yeah." Malik said to him softly.

"So..." the Pharaoh said to Malik, sitting up and gracefully trailing a finger around the golden sheets.

"I think you owe me..." He said sexually. Malik rose his eyes from his daydream on the royal red carpet.

"W-what?" He asked.

Azleyhria smiled at him.

"You owe me... Now, you can just put your head... Right... Here..." The Pharaoh demanded, smirking to himself as he pointed to his crotch. Maliks eyes fell to where the Pharaoh was pointing and he suddenly begun to choke on absolutely nothing.

As he hacked and spluttered and coughed, Azleyhria looked awfully confused.

"Uh... Are you sure that you're alright, Akira? Perhaps you should take a day off for that cough..."

It was then Malik came up with the most brilliant idea he'd ever thought of...

"Uh... Well, you know Azleyhria..." He begun.

"Yes, my Queen-to-be?"

"This cough is pretty bad... And I'd hate for your genital to get infected..." He said slyly. Azleyhria stared at the sheets blankly for a second.

"Ohh, your right... I'd hate for that to happen... Yikes." He said, somewhat to himself.

"Yeah, so I was thinking... Maybe sit this one out... Yah know? Let's just... Go to sleep and we'll talk about it in the morning. If I feel better then I'd be more then happy to..."
Malik said this with good reason. He knew, the Pharaoh would be too hung over to do anything sexual tomorrow, so he knew exactly what he was doing.

"Hm, that's a good idea... And I am sorta... Tired..." The Pharaoh trailed off, he just yawned and closed his eyes, lowering his head to the bed and laying there. Malik stared at him for a second... Watching to make sure he wouldn't suddenly jump awake or anything silly like that.

"... Pharaoh?" Malik asked.

No responce.



Nothing. He was asleep.

"Ohh, thank Ra..." Malik said to himself in a releaved tone as he heaved a sigh. He, too was exhausted. The day had been a long one, rehersing and dancing... He was stuffed.

He would have jumped up, stolen a bunch of the Pharaohs expensive looking stuff, but instead he decided to just give up for the night, and worry about it tommorow.

He stood up, walked over to the start of the bed and got under the golden, silken covers. The bed was incredibly soft and Malik was pretty convinced he'd never sleep in something like this again... He leant his head against the beautifully soft pillow and closed his eyes.
All worry flushing out of his mind for the night.


Malik slowly fluttered his eyes open, embracing the warm morning on his face. He sat up and looked around, the Pharaoh was still asleep, and he was still laying on the top of the blanket. Malik looked out the window at the never ending desert. He sighed and pushed the blanket off of himself. He looked around the Pharaohs large bedroom, at the various expensive looking decorations around. He stood up and walked over to the Pharaohs large mirror stand. He looked at his reflection and begun to panic. His makeup was horribly smudged and messed up to the point where he looked more like a man. His eyes widened in shock... He couldn't be spotted. He turned around to see the Pharaoh roll over and groan... He was waking up. Malik had no choice... He had to sneak out. And fast.

The brunette teen ran into the hallway and looked around, it was empty, not a person in sight. Everyone was most probably still asleep.

Malik sneaked upto the groove next to the door way, he poked his head around it and looked into the huge thrown room. Everyone was gone, there was absolutely no one there.

In the back of his head, Malik was a little suspicious. But he had no time to be careful. He jumped out from beside the door and ran towards the exit. He ran past the thrown and through the large doorway at the start of the palace. His feet hit the sand, and he didn't stop, he just kept running towards his village, which was a few metres ahead of him. He didn't look back once, and barely watched where he was going. His mind thumbed with what his family would think, he was so very worried, but he couldn't just stop to think...

The village slowly came into view, the wind picked up and the sand was blown around gently as Malik ran past stalls and small houses, past people and animals being pulled around on ropes.

"MALIK!!" Yelled a voice from in the distance.

Malik spun around, Samar was running towards him from behind a house.

"Oh, Malik! Thank god you've escaped from the Pharaoh!" She yelled, running up to him and hugging him. She was not dressed in her usual white linin dress with one arms strap made of papyus leaf. She wore one golden bracelet and a silver necklace with a saphire attacted to it. Malik hugged his friend back, and suddenly realised, he was still wearing his silver and golden dancer outfit.

"Malik, how did you manage to get away?" Samar asked frantically as she released him.

"It's not important right now, I have to get away... I have to hide. The Pharaoh WILL send people after me. I have to change my apearence and-..." Samar silence Malik by placing a finger on his lips.

"What are you talking about? Calm down..." She said to him calmly.

"The Pharaoh is in love with me! And he's still convinced that I'm a girl! ... Just, come with me!" Malik yelled, grabbing Samars hand and pulling her down the street with him.

"Hey, wait!" She yelled, as she was forcfully pulled down the sand, towards Maliks house on the outskirts of Elzander.

The two teenagers ran the rest of the way there, passing peasents and merchants.

"Mum! Dad!" Malik yelled, bursting through the curtain of his small home, beside the river Nile.

"Malik?!" Yelled a voice form inside, Malik pulled Samar into his house, the two of them walked into the loungeroom. Maliks little sister Carmella was sitting on the floor, pushing around a little wooden horse on wheels, Malik rose his eyes to the couch, sure enough there was his mother and his father.

"Oh! You're home!" His mother yelled, jumping up and running over to him. She threw her arms around her son, her long black hair trailing behind her. Maliks father just smiled. As Malik and Samar walked over to him.

"Nice outfit..." He said, poking fun of him. Malik would have created an uproar over that... But decided to just smile and hug his father. Maliks mother, Azizi just laughed, overjoyed. She was convinced something had happened to him. Samar watched as Maliks mother fussed over him like she always has.

"Are you SURE your not hurt?" Azizi asked her son. Malik just smiled at his mother and walk up to his sister, little six year old Carmella was dressed in a little linin rag, she looked up at her brother and smiled.

"Malik!" She cried, throwing her arms up as if to say 'Pick me up!' Malik smiled at the sight of her, he was so glad that she was alright. He bent down and picked up his little sister.

"I still don't understand how she's sick... She looks fine..." Samar said to her friend. Malik looked down at his little sister and her short light brunette hair... He just sighed.

"Dont worry..." He whispered, looking at his sister with a hauntingly sad look crossing his face. He kissed her on the forhead, then put her back onto the floor. He then turned to walk towards his bedroom, but the thin linin on his leg was grabbed. He turned around again.

"Malik!" She said happily, not wanting to leave her brother.

"She's so cute! I wish my siblings where this nice..." Samar said to Malik. Malik bent down and pulled his sisters hands off of his clothes and walked into the hallway silently. Samar followed him.

"So..." She said as the two stepped into his bedroom. Malik closed the door behind Samar.

"What... Happened?" She asked heisitantly, Malik walked over to his clothes wardrobe.

"What do you mean 'What happened'? Nothing happened... The Pharaoh fell asleep and I snuck out..." Malik said to his friend as he faced the mirror and slowly begun to undo his thin linin outfit.

"So... He didn't find out about... Uh..." Samar stuttered, pointing to his crotch innocently.

"No, Samar, he didn't see my dick..." Malik said blankly, taking off the golden jewelery he had been assignment to wear. He then slowly removed his thin shirt, and then the matiral in his shirt. Samar just stared as he brushed his chest, to remove any sand he'd picked up by accident when running away from the Pharaohs palace. Samar didn't think much of it... Malik then turned around and faced her.

"So, what happened while I was gone?" He asked as he begun to undo the tie at the top of the closed in skirt he was forced to wear.

"OH... Uh... Uhh..." Samar stuttered, mesmerised as Malik removed his clothes and stood before her fully naked. His perfectly tanned body, shimmered gracefully with the morning sunlight flickering through the window.

"Uh..." Malik stuttered, covering his crotch with his hands.

"Samar, hello? Earth to Samar! What's gotten into you?" He asked, turning back
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