» Fantasy » The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Blake

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He was sitting on sand. Orange sand. as the blurry figures slowly came into sightly, he could see where he was.
Right beside the Nile.

The feeling had now completely returned to his body, he felt his hair wet against his scalp and his clothes damnp also.

"W-what just happened?" Malik whispered hoaresly, managing to find his voice.

"You sleep walk!" Samar yelled at her friend on the sand, gently wiping the sand from his face.

"Sleep... Walk? It was all some horrible dream?"

"Yeah." Samar said with a smile. "What happened in your dream?" She asked.

"... Never mind." Malik said with a sigh of slight confort. The worry of the Pharaoh must have been extremely stressing him out, he would only sleep walk when he was really truly worried about something.

"Remember when we where running away from the guards, then we hid in that hole? Well, we fell asleep there, I woke up at six in the morning to find you weren't there! I searched everywhere, thank god I ran out to the Nile at the time that I did... You could have drowned Malik!" Samar told him with a concerned look on her face.

Malik coughed up water.

"Wow... Wow..." Malik muttered to himself, and with that he turned around slightly, towards the horizan. The sun was just barely poking out from the line across the world. He watched the rays rise up from the sun.

"You almost gave me a heart attack..." Samar said, worried.

"I'm okay now Samar... It's alright. Don't worry about me."

"Dont worry?! Malik I saw you splashing out there like a drowning horse! I thought you were trying to kill yourself! I heard you mutter something about Carmella. What did you dream about?" Samar asked he friend. Malik coughed up more water and sat up.

"It doesnt matter. All that matters is that I'm okay... C'mon. Lets go to my house and assure my parents that I'm alright..." Malik said to Samar, attempting to stand. Samar stood up next to him.

"Uhm, are you sure? What if the guards are out patroling the streets?" Samar asked, helping Malik stand upruptly.

"Well... In the event that a guard is standing in the streets patroling... We're screwed." Malik said, staring at his dark skinned friend. Samar put a hand into her long, thin, straight hair in thought.

"Let's go!" Malik finished, grabbing Samars arm and pulling her towards the village merrily. Samar stumbled slightly, but hesitantly followed her questionably happy companion.

The two of them waltzed into the village, that early in the morning there wouldn't usually be anyone around. But for some strange reason, Malik happened to see his friend Salain walking past. Before the light haired Egyptian teenager could call out to his friend, Samar raised her arm and shouted aloud, breaking the silence of the tempararily peaceful village.

"Salain!" She screamed, pulling away from Malik's ferm grasp and running towards her friend, a large smile crossed her glowing face. Salain spun around, his short, whispy black hair shimmered in the morning light of the rising sun. The slightly darker teen, dressed in a long darkly stained linin gown waved in return and run upto Samar, hugging her tightly. Malik ran upto the two of them.

"Guys! Oh, you're alright?! The Pharaoh didn't rape either of you?" He asked caringly in his raspy, corse voice as he looked the two of them up and down suspiciously.

"No Sal', we're fine... At the moment." Samar spoke, turning and looking to Malik as if to tell him to fill there friend in.

"What do you mean at the moment? What's going on? Salain asked, giving Samar a sceptically worried look, he then looked to Malik for answers.

"Okay. Long story-short. The Pharaoh wants to marry me." Malik said to his dark haired friend, Salain. He flinched slightly at the rarity of Maliks words.

"And now we don't know what to do!" Samar told Salain. The slightly taller teenage boy looked at the two of them.

"Okay... Uhm. I'm not too sure theres anything I can do for you there. But I'll keep an eye out for you. I did see a suspcious amount of guards around. I mean theres always a few, but never that many. Are you what they've been looking for?" He asked, pointing at Malik. Malik nodded in return.

"Yes! And know the Pharaoh wants my ass! Literally!" Malik yelled, panic entering his blood stream once again. Up to now he had been trying to avoid thinking about it, but jeez. He couldn't live in fear forever, could he?

Samar couldn't help but giggle at Malik's choice of words. Malik turned his head and shot her a malicious glare, at seeing this the long haired teenage girl dropped her smile and looking at the ground forgivingly. Feeling rather stupid for having laughed at something, not funny in the slightest.

End Chapter.


Publication Date: 04-21-2010

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