» Fantasy » The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Pharaoh's Crush PART 1, Michelle Blake [websites to read books for free .TXT] 📗». Author Michelle Blake

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going in the dungeon...

Malik turned back and the Pharaoh was standing directly in front of him. He jumped... Then realised the looks he was recieving. The Pharaoh then leant in and kissed Malik. Malik nearly died... His first kiss... Oh god...

The Pharaoh tasted distinctly of sin with a side order of red wine. Malik had no choice but to endure it... He just wished he was at home. The Pharaoh roughly plunged his tongue into Maliks mouth and filled his whole body with disgust. Malik felt he would throw up, but had to keep it down.

After a couple of seconds, the Pharaoh pulled his tongue out of the brunettes mouth and smiled at him. He returned the smile forcfully.

"You're so beautiful..." The Pharaoh whispered to Malik. Malik suddenly erupted with loud coughing.

"...Are you alright?" The Pharaoh asked as Malik hacked and wheezed before him.

"I'm... Fine..." Malik sput out. He finally stopped and took a deep breath in. His heart was thumping really hard. He felt like he was going to just faint right there.

"Are you sure that you're alright...?" The Pharaoh asked, looking generally concerned for Maliks wellfare.

"Yes..." Malik said, reasuringly in his girly voice. The Pharaoh stared at him for a second longer... Then smiled and walked back towards the dinning table inwhich the two of them had ate with the Queen and the Pharaohs other wives. The dancers all stood with Malik, glaring at him jealously. Malik turned his head and looked at Samar. She just looked mortifide. She slowly shook her head, her mouth wide open.

"THAT'S GROSS!" She whispered harshly at Malik. Malik just looked at her helplessly and shook his head.

"What am I supposed to do?! I'm engaged now!" He whispered to his friend. She shruged.

"Attention, everyone!" The Pharaoh said loudly, picking up his wine glass. The whole room, once again fell dead silent, everyone concerntrated on the Pharaoh intensely.

"May I just suggest a toast... To me, and my five sucessful years ruling... And... To Akira..." The Pharaoh said, turning and smiling at Malik. Malik smiled back forcfully. He felt physically sick in his stomach. He actually felt asthough he would for real throw up.

"And to our up coming wedding... May the gods watch over us and keep us safe... And may they watch over all of you as well."

The crowed all cheered and clapped. They then all picked up there glasses and yelled. "CHEERS!"
Everyone drunk from their glasses, even those with empty glasses pretended to drink. The Pharaoh downed his wine and looked back over to the dancers, they where all still standing and waiting for instructions obediently.

The Pharaoh then walked back over to Malik and took one of his hands.

"I'm so glad the gods have brought us together... I really believe we're ment to be..." The Pharaoh said with a smile to Malik. Malik could tell he was just a little tipsy...

"This is not fair! Why have you chosen THAT PERSON out of all of us!!" Yelled a voice from the back of the group of girls. The Pharaoh, Malik, Samar and all the girls all turned around and stared at where the voice had come from.

The tallest girl there, Tamera her name was. She had always been a bitch to Malik, ever since she learnt that he was a guy she had treated him worse then crap. It was only her and Samar that new out of that group that Akira was a guy.

"Why have you chosen Akira?!" She yelled at the Pharaoh.

"Why, you should be hung for your insullence you foolish girl! Akira is but the most beautiful out of all of you. Including you!" The Pharaoh sput.

Tamera had walked in on Samar and Malik getting changed together and saw Malik competely naked. She screamed and ran out yelling.

Malik felt highly complimented, but never lived it down... But Tamera never did tell anyone, shes smarter then that... Should she tell anyone, the Pharaoh would eventually find out and send Malik to the dungeon... Then someone would have to replace Malik, and that would probably have to be Tameras sister. The last thing she wanted was to put her sister in this possestion. Especially considering her sister, little Akilah was so young. She was but 13 years old and hung out with Malik, Samar and their other friend Salain. Malik, Samar, Salain and Akilah loved nothing more then spending a hot summers day down at the Nile. Though her sister knew OF Malik, she had no idea what he looked like, but after seeing Akira had a dick, she put the pieces together... It MIGHT have possibly given it away when Samar accidently called him Malik in front of all the other girls. She said that her boyfriends name was Malik, and it had slipped out because she was thinking of him... But Tamera knew that wasn't why.
That was Malik Sesheta. Son of Azizi and Jundi Sesheta.

She was smart... But also very mean at heart.

"Akira's not who you think she is!" Tamera yelled. She didn't think about her sister... She didn't think about anything... Just her jealously, and how much she wished it was her getting married to the Pharaoh.

"AKIRA HAS A DICK!!" She yelled pointing at the lighter haired brunette, Malik. Malik nearly had a heart attack. Samar stared at Tamera horrifide, she knew she was a bitch, but no ones THAT evil...

"What?! How dare you insult my fionce' like that!!!" The Pharaoh spat angrilly. He looked so highly insulted, steaming.

"It's true! Why don't you check for yourself!" Tamera yelled.

"Enough of your lies! Guards! Take her to the dungeon!!" The Pharaoh yelled, pointing at the black haired, tall teen, Tamera. She turned as white as a ghost.

"W-what? N-no!" She stuttered. She was suddenly surrounded by three buff looking men with large mucsles on there arms. She looked like she was about to burst into tears, that will teach her to think before she speaks.

The three guards grabbed her and pulled her towards a doorway and down a hallway.

"N-no! Release me immediately!" She demaned. Her yelling and complainly slowly disappeared as she was forced down the hallway.

"How dare she insult you like that..." The Pharaoh muttered under his breath.

"...Indeed." Malik spoke n his normal voice. His eyes then widend. He'd realised he'd just spoken like a man.

"W-what?" The Pharaoh asked, looking down at him.

Then Malik cough and hacked frantically clearing his throat.

"Ohh, ehehe... Ohh my, my appologies my legue, I've got something in my thoat, it makes my voice sound awfully funny sometimes... Ha... Hehehe!" Malik said effeminately. Smiling forcfully, yet again. Samar looked confused, and really worried all at the same time. She feared for her little friend.

"Alright, then... Is there anything I can do for you? Do you want something to drink, perhaps?" The Pharaoh asked kindly, Malik was flattered by how kind he was, but still deeply sickened by him.

"No-no, I'm quite alright..." Malik insisted. The Pharaoh nodded at him, not looking convinced. Suddenly, the high priest Sekmeton came upto the Pharaoh from his table at the back of the hall. Carrying a writing papyus he confronted the Pharaoh.

"What is it now Sekmeton?" He asked.

"Master Azleyhria, I've been told South Egypt wish to tell us, they've recieved word of an illness coming this way from England.

The Pharaoh studied Sekmeton for a second, then spoke.

"They're probably just trying to scare us again, don't tell the people of the village. It best they not know of their monotonest lies." The Pharaoh said royaly. Malik stared at Sekmeton and studied his grey bread and his royal blue robes. He really hated him...

"Girls, you're excused." The Pharaoh said to the dancers who where still patiently waiting. The group all moved out towards the exit, behind all the tables. Samar looked at Malik for a second, waiting for him to give her a sign. Malik motioned towards the door as it to tell her 'Go home and tell my parents!'.

Samar nodded and walked out of the palace. The Pharaoh and Sekmeton spoke for a little longer as Malik watched the girls disappear behind the tables of people talking and drinking. He suddenly felt ever more like a fish out of water. Even more alone then ever before.

The Pharaoh then finished his discussion with Sekmeton and motioned him to leave the two of them alone. The high priest looked at him, then to Malik, then walked off heisitently.

"Well... Akira, I'm really glad you've decided to become a part of this family." The Pharaoh said to Malik. Malik cringed in his mind, thinking to himself: 'Please don't kiss me again...'

"Well... I should probably end the party... What do you think? People drunk enough?" The Pharaoh said with a smile.

"Sure, master." Malik said respectfully.

"Oh, don't call me master... You can call me Azleyhria, if you wish..." The Pharaoh told the light haired brunette. He smiled at him as he turned and walked back towards the table. Malik looked around the well decorated palace hallway and sighed to himself.
What will my mother think...? But even more important... What will my FATHER think?

"SILENCE EVERYONE!" Azleyhria called across the oversized hallway. Everyone slowly came to a silence.

"Now, I'd like to thank you all for coming, and just let you know that your free to leave now." The Pharaoh announced. He then grabbed his glass of wine and downed the remainer of it and turned towards his thrown. His Queen and his wives, in whom had stayed so quiet throughout the whole night all followed him into a doorway next to his thrown.

Malik watched them disappear through the doorway and thought to himself.

"Hmm..." He mumbled.

Suddenly a cleaning servant walked past him and stopped when he saw he was just standing there.

"Oh, uhm... Your supposed to accompany the Pharaoh to bed, Akira." She said matter-of-factly. She didn't give Malik time to respond, she walked off busily. She had quite a bit of tidying to do. Maliks heart felt as though it had just jumped into his throat.
... Oh shit.

Malik turned and saw the guests where starting to leave. He studied the large doorway to the palace, and all the buff shirtless guards holding spears around the place. No, he couldn't escape at all... If he tried to leave the guards would grab him and take him to Azleyhria. Marik sighed to himself. He was in shit. Why? Why god[s]?! Why me? He thought to himself. He then did the only thing he could... He turned and walked through the door inwhich the girls and the Pharaoh had walked. He found a hallway and two rooms. One looked like it lead to a large bedroom, and the other lead to the Pharaohs bedroom, Malik could tell... He could hear voices coming from there. He feared for his life... But he had no choice... No doubt they where waiting for him.

He slowly, walked up to the entrance of the door and looked around the corner. There, the Pharaoh was agressively kissing one of the girls from the table,
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