» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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love band. Emmett called me a band geek, and I said, “Thanks.” He laughed as I grinned. We went our separate, ways. At lunch, w walked to the lunchroom and went to the line. We grabbed our food and went to the table. Emmett paid for my lunch even when I protested him not to.
Bad Mojo or Just Some Really, Really Bad Luck
Okay, so maybe things will change again. I can only hope that they do. Otherwise, I might not live to see the day this all goes back to normal. ‘James is still targeting Bella.’ I tell myself. ‘But he is targeting you, too.’ And the ending for wasn’t so pretty. Edward looked at me questioningly. ‘Don’t tell Jazz. I don’t want him worried.’ I thought at him. The rest of the day passed in a blur. That night Jasper wanted to play baseball since it was stormy out. Edward said he wasn’t up to playing and Alice said no, so there weren’t enough people. Edward cornered me into showing him who James was and what I meant by a not pretty meaning. It would have been fine had Jasper not snuck in and read too! Now the whole house is in a panic over it!
I started crying and Jasper hugged me and comforted me until I calmed down. They are insisting on going to the game anyway now, so I hope they know what they’re doing. Bella came too. Well, I hope this doesn’t end in my death. We all piled up into Emm’s car. Rose won’t go, so Pyper is snuggling up to Emm. I predicted that would happen! I’m becoming a real Alice! Edward chuckled quietly at that. I stuck my tongue out at him. I hate making him happy! We showed up at the field and everything was going great. We were joking and laughing a lot. I was cold, but that was beside the point. I am always cold.
Then out of nowhere, Alice yelled, “Stop!” I knew what that meant, but couldn’t help but freeze. Everyone but Pyper and I looked around curiously. That’s when I saw them. Even just the sight of such danger made me pass out from fear.
Fleeing the Scene
Oh great, Shay just had to pass out. Jasper raced to her side and picked her up, hugging her to his chest protectively. Emmett was by my side in a flash and Edward halfway hid Bella behind him. James, Victoria, and Laurent kept walking. Their clothes were embedded with mud and leaves. Victoria’s hair looked wild and wavy; like it was fire. Carlisle, tensed up, walked towards them. Emmett hesitated at first, but followed him. Jasper was suddenly next to me. He put Shay on my back, and when I had a good hold on her, he followed Emmett and Carlisle.
Shay muttered his name. I sighed and walked over to Edward, who wasn’t far from where I stood. Carlisle and Laurent talked, Carlisle said some things James didn’t like, and James tried to jump Bella, Shay and I and Jasper, Emmett, and Edward got all defensive and now James’ little, sick game begun. Laurent, Victoria, and James left and we all went back to the house. Shay finally woke up. “Huh? What happened?”
“The game has begun.” I muttered annoyed at James.
“Yes, now you, Bella and Pyper need to switch clothes.” Esme said, hurrying us up the stairs. We went to Alice’s room, switched clothes, and now we’re all in Emmett’s monster jeep going to the airport, with Bella protesting the whole way.
“Look,” I said interrupting her, annoyed. “Maybe you haven’t noticed but if we don’t go, we’ll get killed and I mean all three of us. I have nothing against you but if you want to die so badly, then be my guest, but don’t go getting my sister in danger because you don’t want to leave your dad, which will be fine as long as he’s in La Push, and your mom and her boyfriend, who will also be fine.”
“How can be so sure?” I sighed.
“In the book, you call her, she’s not there, James tricks you into thinking he has her when he doesn’t, and almost kills you. So your mom and her boyfriend are safe.” She nods after awhile.
“Okay, I’ll go.” Thank God. I thought as Edward drove like a maniac with Emmett following us. Shay is looking out her window, but looks as though she’s lost in thought. Probably thinking about Jasper. I thought feeling tired. Alice and Rosalie were driving Bella’s truck, hoping to get James off our trail, and Jasper, Esme, and Carlisle are making sure Charlie is safely in La Push and keeping a look out for James as well, and I think they said something about warning Sam and the others.
We arrive at the airport and Edward buys three tickets to who knows where, and gives each us five thousand dollars in cash. We wait for the plane and as we did, Edward comforted Bella as she started crying and I comforted Shay as she cried a little bit too. Then Jasper and Alice appear holding two tickets of their own. Edward got Bella to calm down and Jasper took Shay into his arms. Shay calmed down after awhile when she figured out Jasper and Alice were coming with us. We all boarded the plane, Bella taking the longest and found our seats. “Hey Alice?”
“Do you know where we’re going?”
“Yup, but I’m not telling you, because I want it to be a surprise!” She said grinning, despite the situation. I rolled my eyes. Of course she would say that.
I slept through the whole plane ride. Jasper made me, I’m fairly sure. We are in Paris! The city of love AND shopping! I wrapped Jasper in a huge hug and immediately started making plans with Alice for best times to shop and where to shop. Poor Pyper looked like she was stuck in her worst nightmare. We dragged her through shop after shop and whether she will ever admit it or not, she started to have fun. Jasper followed us, and didn’t complain once about how much clothes we tried on or shops we went to, unlike Bella. When Pyper, Bella, and I got hungry we found a family owned diner that served Italian food. I had fettuccini Alfredo with a slice of Canadian bacon pizza, while Pyper had spaghetti with cheese pizza. Bella just had whatever.
James was stuck in the back of my mind, though no matter how hard I tried to think of other things. Jazz could tell I was sidetracked but figured I was frazzled form the long day. I could have sworn I saw Victoria following us, but I never saw her when I turned around. Alice talked me into going into a fancy dress shop. I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford anything there, but she insisted on looking. We had passed the store repeatedly and a lime green dress always caught my eye. It was only fifty dollars because it was used, but I loved it. Pyper found a black dress she liked so we had some really pretty dresses, but Pyper had no date, and neither did Alice.
Bella didn’t really want to go anywhere, so we left her at the place we were staying. Alice had a smile on her face that made me think something was up. It didn’t take me long to see what it was. Emmett was following along behind us, but Pyper was oblivious. There was also a human boy about our age named Mark following Alice. She just smiled at him and he showed us to a nearby ballroom. It was a vacation, so I allowed myself to make a fool of myself, just for the night. Pyper got the same idea when she, finally, saw Emmett walk in wearing a tux. All of us looked amazing since Alice had been slowly working mine and Pyper’s hair into perfect curls all day.
We had heels and everything! Neither of us knows how to dance, so we pulled the whole Bella at the prom maneuver and soon I found myself totally forgetting James. When it came time to leave, Pyper asked Emmett what he was doing her since Rose wasn’t with him. Apparently she went berserk and left. I fell asleep in Jasper’s arms. My day was perfect.
Losing Sight
After a day of relaxing, we all got down to business. Bella looked like she was having a panic attack and kept asking Alice if Edward called and I think it’s getting on everyone’s nerves, especially Jasper’s. Jasper, Emmett, Shay and I were discussing what was going to happen next. Alice had all the visions that were listed in the book. Bella kept trying to get Alice to let her go back to Forks.
“I’m telling you that’s a really stupid idea. I know you’re worried about your dad and mom, but they’re fine.” She nodded but it was too easy. “And don’t even think about calling you mom, because then that would lead James right to us.” She glared at me, about to say something, but Alice’s cell phone ringing cut her off. She left the room and I rolled my eyes. Emmett laughed and ruffled my hair. I stuck my tongue out at him.
“So how is this going to end?” Jasper asked as he pulled Shay onto his lap.
“All I know is that if Alice gives in to Bella, well we’re pretty much screwed over.” Emmett took my hand into his.
“Well, I won’t let him have his way.” He said protectively. I chuckled. Alice walks in.
“Edward said they lost track of James and Carlisle wants Emmett to come back, because they need an extra hand.” Emmett nods, kisses the top of my head, and leaves, almost forgetting to let go of my hand. “And he gave me specific instructions to make sure Bella stays here no matter what.”
“I have no problem with that.” I said a little disappointed that Emmett had to leave. Jasper chuckled. I stuck my tongue out at him. Bella walks in and gives Alice her phone back.
“How can you be so calm?” She asks curiously.
“Because I know that it’s pointless to worry about the others when you know they’re vampires and will protect those nearest to you.” I said tired of her constant whining and stupid questions. They all stared at me surprised. “What? It’s true.” Alice and Shay giggled, while Jasper and Bella just smiled. I shrugged. “So is that Mark kid coming or what? I’m starving.” Alice scowled playfully and started dialing a random number on her phone. Twenty minutes later, the kid shows up and we go to a French diner and have lunch.
Reality Check
I woke up at three a.m. to the sound of panicky knocking. I wearily ran to the door. When I finally got it open, I screamed. Pyper stumbled in angry until she saw why I had screamed. There was a dead body on our doorstep! The worst part was that it was a girl about my age! I saw the flash of red eyes and blonde hair. Jazz came running up to me to make sure I was safe, but was surprised and overwhelmed by the smell of blood. Alice had to move the body and clean up in order for Jasper to go inside. He looked so disappointed. I knew it wasn’t his fault, so I wrapped my arms around him. He sat me in his lap and then pulled out his phone. He must have thought I went back to sleep, because he called Edward.
They talked for a long time. It was more arguing then talking if you ask me. Jasper wants Edward to come kill James. He knows he is here and wants
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