» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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TV, so Emmett and I went outside and decided to have fun by throwing snowballs at anyone who walks out of the house. Our first victim was Sparkles and boy was he mad. Emmett got him in the face and I got him on the neck. He just stomped off and got into the car, and took off. Emmett and I burst out laughing. Our next victim was Carlisle. Unlike Sparkles, he laughed with us. Our next victim was an unexpected visitor, Sam. He growled at us as we started laughing. I calmed down and apologized like the sarcastic, adult I am.
“Tell your sister that we took care of that leech.” He said calming himself down.
“I’ll pass it on and I hope you’ve enjoyed your stay at The Mad Cullen House.” I said grinning. He chuckled and left. When he was gone, Emmett and I returned to throwing snowballs at people. Alice was our next victim and she actually threw some snowballs back. By the end of our snowball fight, Shay and Jasper had joined in and we were all soaked form head to toe; only Shay and I were freezing to death. So we took hot showers and Alice made us hot cocoa. After that, I was still cold so I bundled up with a lot of blankets. What? I can’t help it if I’m cold. Sparkles returned later with a glaring Bella. Emmett and I sniggered. Sparkles wasn’t glaring at us, but I could tell he was still mad. “Oh and before I forget, Shay Sam said that he and the others took care of the problem.” She smiled.
“Good, he’s annoying.” I chuckled.
“I know, right? The little backstabber.”
“Who are you talking about?” Jasper asked.
“Laurent.” Shay and I said at the same time.
“Now all we have to do is find a way to get rid of Newton and Eric.” I muttered annoyed. Shay bursted out laughing. See, those two are our personal stalkers. They always follow us around at school and try to show off in front of Emmett and Jasper. They also try to make Emmett and Jasper look bad when they really just make themselves look like idiots.
“Wait, why did those dogs kill Laurent?” Sparkles asked.
“Well, he was going to attack Bella and Sam and the others would’ve killed him anyways. At least that’s what would’ve happened if the book didn’t change completely.” I said shrugging.
“Initially, it would’ve happened in the meadow when you left but since the book changed, well it would’ve happened at any time.” Shay said as she skimmed through the second book. Sparkles was shocked to say the least. Bella didn’t glare at me anymore. Her skin seemed like it was paler than normal.
“So you don’t have to worry about Laurent anymore.” I said, shrugging. Later that evening, I made some of my awesome macaroni and tomatoes, and Jade, Shay and I finished off the whole pan. Later, I helped Shay get jade ready for bed and got ready for bed myself. I went to my room and climbed into bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.
The Accident
Bella got grounded for saving Edward. I think that’s funny. He doesn’t but that’s his problem. I was bored so I was flipping through the channels and found a GLEE marathon. Emmett rolled his eyes and tried to take the remote from me and Jasper punched him. He agreed to watch one episode and then he got the TV. I agreed because it’s impossible not to get hooked just by watching one episode.
It was the Lady Gaga episode, which is one of my favorites. Just as I suspected, Emmett took the remote and turned the volume up and that’s all. I love being right. Sam wanted to actually see me and talk to me. Jasper doesn’t like it, but he lets me go. When I got there, I see he looks worried. “What did you want to talk to me about?”
“There’s a redheaded leech lurking around and I wanted to know if she was with you guys.”
“That’s Victoria and she’s not one of us.”
“Well, we saw her but didn’t catch her because we weren’t sure if she was friend or foe.” I’m starting to think I’m being used as a go between for the wolves and vamps. It sucks. I thanked him for the news and took off back to the house. I was distracted on the way back with the thoughts of Victoria and how she was going to exact her revenge. I’ll have to check the book when I get to the house. I thought and then not being a smart driver, I didn’t see the gray fur ball in the road until the last minute, so I ended up swerving………right into a tree. I passed out in pain with tears running down my cheeks.
Protective Sister
I’m annoyed at Shay right now. She got Emmett into GLEE and he won’t let me watch TV. So I was sitting there on the couch listening to Brittany and Madonna, bored out of my mind. I think Sparkles was enjoying this. “You have no idea.” He said smirking.
“So you’re admitting your name is Sparkles.” I said grinning. That wiped the smirk off his face. He glared at me and went upstairs. Emmett bursted out laughing, but whether or not it was because of me and Sparkles, I will never know. Later the phone started ringing and no one got up to answer it, so I got my lazy butt up and answered the phone. It was Carlisle. He sounded really urgent.
“What’s wrong?” I asked curiously. What he told me next made my eyes grow as wide as saucers. Shay had run into a tree. I dropped the phone and took off out the door, grabbing the keys to the Volvo. I ignored the cursing I was getting from Sparkles and took off out of the drive way. I sped to the hospital, surprised I didn’t get stopped. I parked in a random spot and got out of the car, locking it so that Sparkles won’t be any more angrier than he already is. I ran into the hospital and Carlisle met up with me.
“Fortunate for her, she only broke her arm and has minor injuries to her head. She has a few fractured ribs, but other than that, she’ll be okay.” I sighed in relief. “Where are the others?” He asked finally noticing I was by myself.
“I kind of left them at the house, but I took Sp-Edward’s Volvo, so they should be here soon.” Just as I said ‘soon’ an angry Sparkles followed by Emmett, and a worried Jasper, Alice, and Esme walked in. Sparkles looked more like he was stomping. “Hey I could have left it unlocked.” He rolled his eyes.
“So can we see Shay?” Alice asked.
“You can, but she’s sleeping.” Carlisle said and then he excused himself as his pager went off. We asked for Shay’s room number and went to her room. Shay was sleeping but she looked like she was in pain. I saw Charlie on my way in, so I went looking for him. I caught him just as he was about to leave.
“Chief Swan.” He turned around and smiles down at me.
“Hello Pyper.”
“Why did Shay run into the tree?” I asked really wanting to know.
“It seems an animal of some sort jumped out in front of her and she didn’t notice it until it was too late.” He said with an apologetic look.
“Near La Push.” I knew it! Jasper didn’t want her to go and she went and what happens? One of those idiots run out in front of her and makes her run into the friggin’ tree! I was beyond furious. Again, I took off in the Volvo, but this time I went to La Push. I knew she went to talk to Sam, so I stopped the car at the invisible treaty line and got out. I walked to Sam’s house and knocked. Jacob answered the door.
“What do you want?” He asked rudely. I just glared at him.
“Which one of you fur balls jumped out in front of my sister’s car?” They all just stared at me shocked for a few minutes and then Paul slowly raised his hand. If it weren’t for the fact that he was a werewolf, I would have beaten the crap out of him. “When she wakes up you better go down to the hospital and apologize.”
“Or what?” He asked hotly.
“Oh, I have my ways.” I said smirking. He shuddered slightly and then I turned on the balls of my feet with a satisfied smile and left them all to stare after me in shock. I spent the rest of the day at the hospital in Shay’s room. Emmett, Esme, Alice, and Jasper tried to get me to go home and get some rest, but I refused. Sparkles left hours ago and probably went to sneak into Bella’s room. Esme and Alice left to go get some clothes for Shay for when she wakes up and Jasper went to go get Jade. Carlisle popped in every now and then to check up on me. Unfortunately, Victoria showed up and went after Shay, but I stood in between her and the bed. Victoria ended up knocking me to the floor and on top of me. She growled and the last thing I remember is feeling a lot of pain.
Home Again, But Where Is Pyper?
My eyes feel like they’re coated in ice. I passed out crying and now I am freezing. I remember seeing a grey blur and that’s about it. My head is throbbing and the blurry figure pacing isn’t helping matters any. As soon as my eyes open, I wish I’d left them closed. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry! Please don’t let your sister kill me!” Paul is hysterical and immediately I know Pyper went overboard. I try to speak, if only to shut him up, but my voice is out. All that’s coming out is little noises like when you lose your voice, and I’m annoyed.
I try to sit up and become very dizzy and fall back down. ‘Great.’ I think. ‘The one time I want Sparkles around, he isn’t.’ I’ve adopted Pyper’s nickname for Edward just to annoy him. Surprisingly he came in. “What do you want Shayla?” I pointed at Paul and waved, but Edward reads minds, so he told Paul to leave. Paul left as fast as he could and Edward left after him. I started to try to go to sleep when I felt a little hand on my arm. I opened my eyes to see Jade smiling at me and Jasper right behind her. I smiled back at her and she asked me if I felt better. I nodded and she asked why I wouldn’t talk. Jasper told her I wouldn’t be able to talk for awhile because my vocal chords were hurt.
That sucks. I got the idea of carrying a marker board around and liked it. That way if I’m ignored, then I could hit someone to get their attention. Carlisle came in to check on me and said I could go home. So Jasper drove me and Jade home. I went up to my room and there was a whiteboard and three markers, along with a note:
Hit me with the board and I will hurt you even more than you hurt yourself.
At least he bought me the board. Sparkles gave empty threats anyways. He would read my mind, not the board. There was also a bell, so I could get their attention, even downstairs. This would be fun. Now I’m going to sleep. I wonder where Pyper is.
When I woke up, pain shot through my body
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