» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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hungry. Emmett walked into the library five minutes later. He pulled me into a hug and I hugged him back. “Are you hungry?” He asked worriedly.
“No, not really.” I said as he kissed the top of my head. He sat me down on my feet and took my hand in his.
“If you feel light-headed or something, tell me okay?”
“I will.” I said as I pulled a book off the shelf. I looked up into his unconvinced eyes and said, “I swear.” He smiled and kissed my forehead. I went up to the librarian and got my book checked out. I’m feeling a little homesick and I miss all my friends. I miss all our strange conversations and weird antics that we have at lunch and in band. I actually miss our mom and dad and our crazy dysfunctional family. I can’t believe I’m even thinking this, but I miss Carthage, Misery. I don’t know how much longer Shay and I will be here, but I kind of hope we get to go home soon. I don’t even know if this is all real. I’m so confused. I sighed inwardly as Emmett and I went through the lunch line. In some way, I wish this was all real and in another, I wish it wasn’t. I wished that none of this even happened. Emmett paid for my food and we sat down at the table. I forced myself to eat because I knew that if I didn’t, I wouldn’t get the nutrients that my body needs.
Carlisle told me that he wanted to do some tests on me to see if it’s psychological or just something else. Shay looked relieved to see me eating. It was time for us to go to third hour. I dumped my tray and Emmett and I went to class.
Surprise, Surprise
Pyper is back in school, Bree is adjusting nicely, everything was going great. So why did I have to forget about the one thing left to do? It completely surprised me when Bella came over wearing a WEDDING RING! I freaked, but quietly, because I didn’t want to upset her more. Weddings should be happy, but I know the truth behind this one. Bella is soon going to die. Not that Sparkles will purposely hurt her, but it’s still gonna happen. Bella is going to become a vampire and Jade is going to get a new friend. Everyone, except Pyper and I, were happy for her. We exchanged looks of horror, and then we both went upstairs. “What are we going to do?!” I frantically whispered to Pyper.
“WE aren’t gonna do anything.” She whispered back. “I’m staying out of it, Shay. They didn’t know before and it all ended okay. So why is now any different?”
“Because we know what’s gonna happen! We should at least warn them, Pyper. We have about everything else, so why is this any different?”
“Sparkles isn’t one of their enemies. As much as I wish I could kill him, he is only doing what he thinks is best. By telling them that, Bella will get scared and leave. I just know she will. So, now tell me, Shay, is ruining both of their lives worth warning them?” Pyper had a point there and Renesmee has always been one of my favorite characters. So when given the option to save Bella’s human life and never meet Renesme or have Bella become a vampire and have Renesme, I’m a sucker for kids. Now I’m going to bed. Arguing makes me really tired.
The Unexplainable Happens
Sparkles kept staring at Shay and I in suspicion all day. To tell you the truth, it’s annoying. I’m still ignoring him though. When I got back in school, I was a little behind in classes. Therefore, I was having a hard time trying to grasp onto what the teacher was saying. So when we had time to do homework, Emmett helped me understand what was going on. I skipped lunch and decided to go for a walk. I wasn’t hungry…again. I started to think about how Bella and Sparkles are going to get married. To be honest, I don’t want Jacob to experience everything that he did. It just didn’t seem fair that he had to experience all that twice even if he didn’t know it. I found myself walking around in La Push. Crap, now I’m going to miss class and be even more behind than I already am.
Curse you brain! Why do you have to produce thoughts?! I ended up running back to the school and got my things from my locker and ran to third hour, thirty minutes late. The teacher asked me to stay after class. When I sat down in my seat, Shay stared at me curiously. ‘I’ll tell you later.’ I mouthed to her. She nods and the teacher starts lecturing. By the end of class, I had no idea what the teacher was talking about and was about to fall asleep. I gathered all of my things and just stayed in my seat until everyone left the room. I stood up and walked up to the desk. “Ms. Harper, I know you just recovered from an injury, but I will not tolerate any tardies; especially when you’re thirty minutes late.” He said sternly.
“Well, I don’t have an excuse.” I said exhaustedly.
“I will have to issue a detention.” I nodded. He gave me a yellow slip of paper and I went to fourth hour. Oh joy, gym. I explained to Shay why I was late to class and she just rolled her eyes. But I could tell that she was a little concerned. After class, Carlisle started to do some tests on me. In the middle of all the testing, he froze in shock and amazement.
“What?” I asked curiously.
“Have you experienced an extreme thirst after what happened with Victoria?” Now that I think about it…
“Yeah, but nothing that I’ve tried so far has worked.” He nods thoughtfully. “What does that mean?” I asked already knowing the answer. I wanted him to say it so I can confirm that I’m not crazy.
“It seems you’ve somehow have been turned into a half vampire.” Even though I already knew he’d say that, I was still shocked. What did Victoria do to me? What happened while I was knocked out unconscious?
“How is that possible?” I asked after a moment of silence. He sighed.
“I don’t know, but I want to keep doing some tests so that I can figure it out.” I nodded. Emmett walked in looking shocked too. “Emmett.” Carlisle said giving him a nod. Emmett sighs and nods back. That night, I had my first lesson in hunting deer, vampire style.
Decisions, Decisions
With all that’s going on, I’m getting a serious migraine. Of course Pyper has to be a half vampire. Out of the two of us, I’ve always been the one who wanted to be immortal. The only thing I fear is death and she has to be the one to get unending life. It sucks. I can’t ask anyone to turn me because they’ll think I’ve gone nuts! Sparkles thinks I’m psycho and is too disgusted with me to say anything to anyone about it. I decided to take a walk to calm down. It’s not Pyper’s fault she’s half vamp. “What’s wrong?” Jasper asks following me.
I decide to come clean and explain it all to him. “I want to be immortal and I know it’s not Pyper’s fault that she’s half vamp, but anyways I guess what I’m trying to say is that I want to be immortal but I’m afraid to die.”
“It’s perfectly normal to fear death, but if you really wanted to be changed, I’ll talk about it with Carlisle.”
“Okay, but I need to think about it.” Then I went home. Jade and Bree were upstairs playing, so I decided to cook some brownies with m&m’s in them. Somehow baking always makes me feel better. Jade must have smelled the chocolate because she came running down the stairs as soon as they were done. While she ate, I sat down and did some serious thinking. There aren’t any people I would really miss, seeing as I’m not in Misery, and I have no problems with being around blood. I knew Jasper was my soul mate so I would have no problems with immortal life.
The pain was going to be my biggest worry, but if it meant eternal life with my sister and the rest of my family, so be it. Once Jade turned sixteen, we would give her the same option. Pyper came downstairs. “What’s up Shay? You’re being too quiet for my taste.” She said grinning. I smiled. I told her everything from how I felt to my decision. “If that’s really what you want, then go for it.” The only thing left for me to do was find Jasper. I told him and then decided to take one last nap before I became immortal.
Unique Ability
So Shay wants to be turned, huh? Well I guess that’s really up to her. “How can you watch that?” Sparkles asked looking like he was fighting his inner self. I’m watching Sweeney Todd and right now he just slit Pirelli’s throat. I shrugged.
“This is my favorite movie, how can I not watch it?”
“Doesn’t the blood bother you?”
“Nope, especially since it’s all fake and blood doesn’t shoot out of a person like that.”
“Then why do you watch it?” He asked raising an eyebrow.
“Because I do.” I snapped so he’d shut up. He rolled his eyes and walked away. At the end, Emmett kicked me off the TV so he could watch GLEE. I rolled my eyes and went outside for a walk. As I walk through the forest, I sung Epiphany from Sweeney Todd quietly to myself. Might as well, since it’s stuck in my head. “There’s a hole in the world, like a great black pit, and it’s filled with people who are filled with shit, and the vermin of the world inhabit it. But not for long…” Adjusting to my heightened senses is hard. Sounds are sharper than I remember. I winced at the sound of a branch breaking. I looked in the direction f other sound and saw a mountain lion standing up. It seemed to have fallen when the branch broke. The mountain lion growled getting ready to pounce. I just stared at it in the eyes and willed it to go away.
I was surprised that it actually went away. That was weird. I’ll have to tell Carlisle about this later. I continued walking in the direction I was walking in earlier. I walked until I came to the road that led to La Push. There were some wolves there. Sam, Jacob, Paul, Embry, and Quil were talking. They all growled when they noticed scent. “Hey guys.” I greeted smiling.
“What are you?” Paul growled.
“Oh, so you noticed, huh?”
“Answer the question.” Sam demanded. I rolled my eyes.
“You’ll know soon enough.” I said boredly. He growled. Then my phone went off. “Hold that thought.” I said as I answered the phone. “What do you want Sparkles?” I asked annoyed. He growled. I chuckled.
“Carlisle wants to see you.” He said through gritted teeth.
“Kay.” Then I hung up on him.
“Who’s Sparkles?” Jacob asked curiously.
“He’ll get made if I tell you, but he already hates me, so oh well. Sparkles, is my nickname for Edward. Feel free to use it.” I said grinning. Jacob bursted out laughing. “Now if you’ll excuse me, I must be going.” Then I took off to the house, singing Epiphany getting strange looks from the wolves, but that didn’t bother me. I made it to the house and went to Carlisle’s office.
When Pyper came into Carlisle’s office, it gave
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