» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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to meet the rest of the pack.
It was kind of awkward since I was a vampire, but soon they got used to the idea. Everyone started enjoying having me around. Jade played with Claire and actually got to act like a normal human child. Emily braided my hair and made me feel like a little girl again. I don’t really know if I like it or not. I had a whole weekend full of running with Seth and laughing with new friends. It didn’t take long for me to know La Push would be a good hang out, even if Jasper couldn’t come.
But, like all good things, the weekend soon came to an end. Jade and I packed up and went home to find the whole house in a panic. Apparently Bella came home and no one told me. You leave the house for two days and the world implodes.
Rosalie Returns
Sydney, Australia was awesome! Emmett and I stayed there for a whole week. I had fun, although the thought of what’s going to happen when Sparkles and Bella return from their honeymoon ran through my mind. But I didn’t let that stop me from enjoying myself. I’m glad that I got the chance to get out of the house. Emmett and I are on the highway and are close to the house. Five minutes before we pulled into the driveway, my phone went off. “Hello?”
“Where are you?” Shay asked urgently.
“In the driveway, what’s wrong?” I asked confused.
“Alice, she left, and Bella has already been turned and,” She squealed here. “Nessie has been born!” I rolled my eyes.
“Did you have to scream in my ear?”
“Sorry, I just can’t help it, she’s so adorable!” Then she hung up. I rolled my eyes.
“Who is Nessie and why was Bella turned?” Emmett asked as he stopped and turned the car off.
“Bella got pregnant with Nessie, aka Renesmee Carlie Cullen, and Nessie was feeding off of Bella in the womb, so Sparkles turned her so she wouldn’t die.” I explained as we got the suitcases out.
“You’re an Uncle.” He grinned.
“Cool.” I chuckled as we went inside. He helped me get my suitcase up the stairs and into my room. We went back down the stairs and into the living room where Jacob, Seth, Shay, Jade, Bree, Jasper, Bella, Sparkles, Nessie, Esme, and ROSALIE sat around on the furniture and floor. Rosalie ignored me. I just shrugged it off. Nessie touched Bella’s cheek, a questioning look in her eyes.
“That’s Pyper, Shay’s sister, and Emmett, your Uncle.” She said looking down at the little girl. Nessie nods to herself and Emmett walked over to her curiously.
“It seems she can communicate to us by contact and her mind.” Sparkles explained.
“Do you think she’ll have another power like Pyper?” Esme asked curiously.
“I don’t know.” He said thoughtfully.
“It’s certainly a good question, though.” Carlisle said walking in form the kitchen. Just then there was some howling. Jacob and Seth took off out of the house.
“So did you two have a good time in Australia?” Esme asked Emmett and I.
“Yup!” Emmett said grinning. I smiled.
“Thank you for the tickets.” I said gratefully.
“No problem dear.” She said smiling kindly.
Weird Guy Go Boom!!!
Life started to get back to a certain routine with the arrival of Renesmee. Bella hates me even more now than she did before because Renesmee prefers me over her parents. I think it’s because I never call her Nessie. I hated that nickname from the second I heard it. I have to fight hard to keep from telling everyone the real reason Alice is gone. Edward is too busy freaking out to notice that I’m acting strange. Pyper is the only one who notices since she knows me the best and she knows why. The one thing that stays the same is, I watch GLEE with Emmett every week. Renesmee has become a little Gleek, too.
Now, there are strangers starting to show up. I need air, so I decide to take Renesmee hunting. She doesn’t like it all, but she hunts when I’m with her. I heard someone come up behind me. They were trying to take Renesmee, so I freaked. The next thing I knew, they exploded. “That was so cool!” Renesmee exclaimed laughing. Wow, I just blew someone up with my mind! That’s pretty amazing! We finished our trip and then we went home. I started to tell Carlisle, but Renesmee beat me to it. “Grandpa, Aunt Shay just blew a bad guy up by staring at him! It was amazing! She’s the best aunt ever!” Then she ran over and hugged me.
Pyper cracked up laughing, because we both knew my looks would someday kill, but this was hilarious. Carlisle, however, had better things on his mind than laughter. “You have two powers now, just like Pyper. This is strange, I’m gonna need to run some tests on you both. I do have a question though, what did the poor guy do to deserve to be blown up?”
“Oh, he tried to take Renesmee.” I sat down, feeling beat. Then I passed out.
What Happens When You Get Bored? You go to the Store!
“What happened?” Esme asked worriedly as Jasper rushed to Shay’s side.
“She might have passed out because of her second power.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
“You better not make her mad or she’ll blow you up Sparkles.” I said sniggering. He just rolled his eyes.
“If she did that, then Nessie would be upset with her.” He said smirking. I shrugged.
“I still can’t believe she blew someone up with her mind.” Emmett said grinning. I chuckled.
“I’m curious though, who would come here to take Nessie in the first place?” I asked curiously.
“I guess we’ll never know.” Carlisle said thoughtfully.
“I’m guessing we should expect more things like this to happen in the future, huh?”
“It seems that way.” Great, more trouble. I thought sarcastically. “Although, I have a feeling we’ll be getting a visit from the Volturi.”
“You have no idea.” I uttered, rolling my eyes.
“What was that?”
“Nothing, anyways I’m going to go to the store, so if anyone needs me, you know where to find me.” I said as I went out the door. Emmett came out with me.
“I’ll give you a ride to the store.”
“Thank you.” He grinned and picked me up. I rolled my eyes. He put me in the passenger’s side of his monster jeep and strapped me in, even though he knew I could do it myself. Then he kissed my cheek and got in the car. He started it and then we were off to the store. He pulled up into one of the parking spaces and stopped.
“Have fun.” He said grinning. I rolled my eyes and smiled. I got out after undoing all the seat belts and went inside the store. I really didn’t want to actually go to the store, but it was nice to get away from all those vampires. Also we were running out of pop-tarts. Anyways, the vampires at the house were making me nervous. I know I’m half vampire, but they could still kill me, you know? Plus they were giving me strange looks and those vampires from Romania, no matter how cool I thought they were in the book, are starting to really creep me out. Did I mention that they actually want to fight the Volturi? No, well they do and I personally think that they’re idiots and it’s a really bad idea. The Volturi outnumber us anyways.
The Most Wonderful Day of my Life
I feel really weird lazing around all the time. Jazz won’t let me out of his sight since the fainting incident and although I know it’s only because he cares, I’m starting to feel caged in. I need something to do to get out of the house and just be alone. It’s not just Jasper who’s watching me, either. Pyper has become Super Sister, protecting me from everything that could make me move from the couch. Renesmee colors and watches TV with me a lot of the time.
I can tell she wants to go hunting with me, so I take her hunting. We go to leave when the Volturi show up, lovely. As if my day wasn’t bad enough, now I have to deal with the Moron Mafia, too. Sparkles cracks up laughing at my nickname for them. He quickly hides his humor though when he sees them get close. All the people who came to support Renesmee came out and get in battle formation. Renesmee wants me to hold her, but I feel it’s better for her mom to hold her. I know this scene by hear in the book, but the one thing I didn’t expect was Jane targeted ME instead of Bella!
When I finally was able to stand up again, I threw her back into a rock, using only my mind. Aro thought this was funny and I heard Emmett muttering about a cat fight. I flicked a small rock at him, small enough not to make Pyper mad, but big enough to shut him up. Jane and I were having a mini fight while everyone else was doing the normal standoff scene. I however liked Jane, but I left her alive to keep Aro off my back. She did however shrink to the back of the group and left us all alone. I’m so glad Jane had the nerve to push me. I had been looking for a good fight and she gave me a great one. Unfortunately, everyone is still treating me like a mental patient who can’t be trusted on her own, lovely.
This day Just Got Better
Great, the Volturi. Why can’t they just go kill themselves and leave us alone? Ah well, we were bound to have a run-in with them sometime. Honestly, I always hated this scene; only because it took forever to end and, no offense to Bella, but she was being really stupid. Jane and Shay got into a small fight. While that happened, everything that happened in the book was happening. Nobody paid much attention to Shay’s and Jane’s fight, except for Emmett maybe. He was watching them like he was watching TV. I rolled my eyes. The only thing that changed was the fact that the wolves didn’t show up. That surprised me. For some reason, it made me worry.
I hope they didn’t have any run-ins with the Volturi. Demetri and quite a few others were getting antsy. “It seems that there is but another child who is half.” Aro said staring at me.
“Yes, but not by choice; we’ve had some trouble with some vampires beforehand who were just passing by.” Carlisle said stiffly.
“I see, and does this one follow your diet?”
“Hm…” Aro said thoughtfully. Now the Volturi had their eyes on me. Great, that’s just what I needed. Sparkles rolled his eyes. Don’t even start it with me, Sparkles. It’s bad enough those Romanian vampires are creeping me out. Some of the vampires form our side was looking at me too, including the Romanian vampires. Gr. Come on, Alice! Hurry up and get here, so they can leave faster! “I’m curious, does this one have any special abilities like you granddaughter?”
“How intriguing, may I see?” He asked me directly. Carlisle gave me a slight nod. I sighed inwardly. Then I got an idea. I wonder if I could will Alice to get her faster, but first… I grinned getting an idea.
“You wouldn’t…” Sparkles said glaring at me. This got a few curious looks.
“Oh you know I would.” I said smirking. He growled, but was choked off short because I made him do a back flip and slap himself. “Why are you hitting yourself, huh?” He
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