» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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“Cool.” Emmett said grinning. Alice laughed. I went back into the kitchen and I basically snacked on skittle cookies all evening. Shay scowled when she saw that most of them were gone. Emmett laughed.
“You’re a pig you know that?” She grumbled. I chuckled.
“Only when it comes to sweets.” She rolled her eyes and stuck her tongue out at me. I chuckled.
“Well I get the rest of them.” She said pouting a bit.
“That’s fine by me.” She rolled her eyes again and went into the kitchen.
New Problems
Today is Jade’s first day of school. The forms are turned in and she’s all set. She’s nervous, but who isn’t on their first day? Alice had spent all morning braiding ribbon into her hair. IT was gorgeous, but a bit much for school. I had dressed myself for once, so I was in jeans and a tee shirt over a long sleeved shirt with the black boots I showed up in. Jasper smiled as I came downstairs. “So,” He said. “This is your real style?” He looked me over, and then smiled. “I like it.” He said wrapping me in a hug. For once, I didn’t lose my balance on the stairs. It’s the boots, I swear. I never fall in them. I walked Jade into school and she walked cautiously into the room. The teacher smiled and led her to a desk. Soon, she was focused on a worksheet, so I left. School is the same as always. I dropped French in favor of working in the library.
It’s much smaller than the one back home, but I hope to fix that very fast. Everything was going well until lunch. Bella hadn’t shown up to school and Alice suddenly couldn’t ‘see’ her, either. Edward rushed to find her. She was being attacked by Laurent, but he managed to get away. She had been bit, giving her the mark James hadn’t gotten to. Edward decided to leave. They were all going to, but Pyper and I both got upset. I broke down until Jasper refused to leave. Pyper handled it by becoming silent. Emmett knew her too well not to notice. We both knew Alice would be the only thing that kept Bella from going suicidal. Edward left but I told them he would be back. Jade wanted his room but I felt bad knowing he would be back and wanting everything the way it was, so I told her no. Everyone’s nerves are on high alert, but there is nothing anyone can do to fix it. I grew tired of being helpless, so I took Jade and went to bed.
Speak Thy Mind
I sighed as the house felt dead. Bella was a big part of it. Gradually she stopped coming over. So it wasn’t as bad. I was angry with Bella, though because Alice is really upset about Bella not being there, and no one wants an upset Alice. I learned that quickly after I read the fourth book. One day, I was really tired of seeing Alice upset, so I left the house, leaving a very confuse Emmett, Jasper, and Shay. I marched myself down to La Push, because I very well knew that Bella wasn’t home. When I crossed the imaginary line, I was greeted by growls. I rolled my eyes and only uttered two words, “I’m human.” Their growls choked off, surprised I guess. I ignored them and walked up to Jacob’s house. I went up to the door and knocked. Billy answered. “Uh hi; I’m Pyper, a friend of Bella’s.” He nods thoughtfully.
“I think they’re in the garage.” He said pointing the way.
“Thanks.” He smiles warmly.
“Sure, sure.” I smiled back and walked to the garage. I heard Bella and Jacob talking as I got closer. I knocked on the wall, because I didn’t want to be rude. They both stared at me like deer in a head light, their eyes as wide as saucers. I chuckled; I couldn’t help myself.
“Don’t tell my dad.” They said at the same time.
“I wasn’t planning to. Anyways, Bella I came here because Alice is really upset that you haven’t been visiting and I know you’re upset about the whole thing with Edward-she flinched and Jacob glared at me- but you’re being selfish for not considering the feelings of those around you by only thinking of your own feelings.” I said bluntly. I ignored the glares I got from Jacob. “I just thought you should know. “ Then I left with a satisfied smirk. That’s how much she annoys me. I could’ve said a lot of other things, but I didn’t. I walked back to the house ignoring Sam and the others as I did. Once there, I was forced to explain what I did and Alice was very happy about that. Shay was happy about it as well. Alice was acting like her normal self all day. Esme was relieved to see that. I was just glad that we all went back to the way it was before, kind of.
La Push
Bella might have checked in, but I still had a feeling she needed someone to keep an eye on her. I decided it was time to go visit a few friends down on the Rez. Jazz wanted to teach Jade how to skate because it was a rare sunny day, but too cold for kids to be out much. I told him to make sure she bundled up and then left. Alice let me use the Porsche, but I only drove to Bella’s house. I don’t like driving much. She was just leaving when I got there. “Hey.” I said, smiling at her.
“Hi.” She said but looked confused to see me.
“Mind if I join you?” I asked.
“Actually,” She said. “Jake just finished the bikes and we were gonna ride them today. You might get bored.” I then she got in her truck and drove away. I don’t give up that easy though. I drove down to First Beach to see what I could learn about the town. Maybe that would help me. I saw a boy who looked a lot like Seth and his sister before she went berserk with anger. When I started walking over he smiled and waved me over. I told him about how I was new in town and wanted to know the best hangouts on the Rez. He told me about bonfires and cliff diving. That made me remember Bella cliff diving, but by then, it was too late. I saw her start to jump. I pushed speed dial and the first number that was on there was Rose’s. I was in hysterics so I messed up and told her Bella had died. She obviously is gonna call Edward but I need to get home, it’s getting late.
Stupid, Idiotic, Egotistical, Masochistic, Suicidal Vampire
“Why would you tell her that?” I asked annoyed that what happened in the second book is going to happen, AGAIN!
“I’m sorry it just slipped out of my mouth!” Shay said looking like she was about to cry as Jasper comforted her. I sighed calming myself down.
“Well, I guess there’s nothing we can do about it now.” I said rolling my eyes.
“So what’s going to happen?” Carlisle asked.
“Well, Edward right now should be deciding how he’s going to get himself killed because he knows none of you would do it for him. So he’s probably at the doorstep of the Volturi right now.” Shay explained.
“What does he decide?” Esme asked anxious.
“Well, he thought about creating a ruckus like flinging cars and stuff, but then he decides on walking out into the sun with his shirt off or something like that.” I said trying to remember since it’s been awhile since I read the book.
“Oh dear.” Alice said gasping.
“What?” Carlisle asked.
“They’re right he’s going to do it!” So we all end up going to Italy because Shay and I refused to be left behind and then the most, suicidal girl I’ve ever met came with us, Bella. We made it to Italy and then Alice and Bella took off in a stolen canary yellow, Italian sports car. Around midnight, they came back with Edward. Bella was slightly shaking and Edward was carrying her. Alice was staring at them in concern. Shay fell asleep in Jasper’s arms a couple of hours ago. Emmett was holding me and hugging me to his chest and I’m just about to fall asleep myself. Emmett kissed my forehead. Esme and Carlisle walked over to Edward, Bella, and Alice. They started talking but I couldn’t hear their words as I started fading into sleep. My eyes were getting droopy and I soon gave in to sleep. I’d yell at that stupid, idiotic, egotistical, masochistic, suicidal vampire later.
I woke to find Jade tiptoeing around looking for her shoes. “Jade.” I said groggily. “What are you doing?”
“School’s out and Daddy wants to take me sledding!” I stretched and got up.
“Have you eaten yet?” I asked.
“No.” She said reaching under the bed. She finally found her boots. I insisted on making her blueberry chocolate chip pancakes. They turned out good and I made extra for when Pyper woke up. I needed to go talk to the wolves. It scared me too much to drive, so I called a cab to drive me around. I paid so he would drive with me all day. The wolves were in the woods, but when Seth saw me, he insisted on getting me a cup of hot chocolate. I gladly took it to go. Sam, I think, saw me with his big wolf eyes. He ran back and shifted and stuff. Yeah, it’s Sam. He saw me walk towards him. I told him about how Laurent is a problem that needs to be taken out. I read and he wants to attack Bella so I am tired of dealing with him. He was always the most annoying in my opinion. James just had a sick sense of humor and Victoria wants revenge. Laurent is just a liar and backstabber.
Sam promised to take care of it for me. He really isn’t as bad as the books make him sound. I headed home. Jade was covered in snow and laughing. I made her some peppermint hot chocolate; it soothes and it’s warm. Pyper was watching the TV and has found some show in Japanese. I can’t watch those anime shows unless they are in English. I decided to go spend time with Jasper. I haven’t spent time with just him in awhile. He was in his room reading. When he saw me, he smiled and was in front of me before I even smiled back. He picked me up and walked back to the bed. We talked about nothing and everything all at once. It was fine because Jade was sleeping so I didn’t have to worry about her. I needed this time for just the two of us (in my pants). I fell asleep in there with him.
Snow Day: What a Good Way to End the Day
“How can you stand it?” Emmett asked as One Piece ended.
“What?” I asked looking up at him. I was sitting in his lap. “Reading the subtitles.” I shrugged.
“I like reading.”
“And what’s the whole point of this show?” Edward asked walking in from the kitchen.
“All you need to know is that it’s about pirates. Now if I explained it any further, you’d just get more confused. You understand, Sparkles?” I said slowly and grinning at Edward’s new nickname I have for him. Emmett burst out laughing. He glared and muttered some intelligent words and went back into the kitchen. I chuckled.
“You just like confusing people don’t you?” Emmett asked once he calmed down, grinning.
“Pretty much!” I said grinning back. I got bored with the
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