» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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me a giant case of déjà vu. Every time some kid beat me up in elementary school, I would be sitting in front of the big desk in the principal’s office and Pyper would come running to the rescue to sort everything out. Only now, it was Carlisle behind that big desk and I didn’t need her to help me. I was confident in my decision that I never wanted to die. I would endure three days of the worst pain of my life to ensure I would never feel pain again. Carlisle tells my sister all about how I had “lost my mind” and “needed support” in being human, but she told him I was perfectly sane and that I had all the support I would ever need, no matter what I chose.
He had expected her to be firmly against my being turned, but she knew how much thought I had put into this. She reached over and squeezed my hand three times our way of saying we have each other’s backs. I squeezed hers back and I knew we had won. He continued to state all negatives, but it wasn’t anything I didn’t already think about every day I think about it. The positives greatly outweighed the negatives. So Carlisle threw in the last chance hope to keep me human. He told me he refused to do it. That really did throw a wrench into my plans.
I really didn’t want to put myself or Jasper in a dangerous position by having him do it. But obviously Carlisle wasn’t going to give any other option. I went downstairs but Jasper wasn’t there. So I went outside to sun bathe just one last time. I must have dozed off because I felt Jasper’s cold hands on my back, carrying me in. I explained it all to him and he agreed to bite me. He was just about to bite me when Pyper walked in.
When I walked in, Jasper and Shay looked at me like deer caught in a headlight. Jasper was going to bite Shay. I rolled my eyes. “You know if you’re going to do that, then do it somewhere less obvious.” Shay scowled at me. I chuckled.
“Shut up, the way you said that, it sounds like we’re doing something else.” She said blushing slightly. I bursted out laughing. When I finally stopped laughing, I said,
“I’m not going to stop you.”
“You just made it worse.” She said smacking her forehead.
“I think you spend just a little too much time with Emmett.” Jasper said chuckling to himself. I just grinned.
“Well, if you’re not going to stop me, then why are you here?” Shay asked annoyed.
“You know why.” She sighed.
“Yeah.” Jasper looked uncomfortable. He sighed and then he bit Shay and let me tell you, she screamed like bloody murder. I kept a close eye on Jasper and then he started to go crazy. So I mustered all of my strength and pulled him off of Shay and held on for dear life.
“Emmett!” He runs in and grabs Jasper and takes him out of the house. I went to Shay, who was still screaming, as Sparkles, Alice, Esme, and an angry Carlisle walked in.
“I thought I told her ‘no.’” Carlisle said scowling.
“Well, she didn’t listen.”
“And you didn’t stop her?”
“No, because it’s her life and she can do whatever she wants with it.” He hesitated and started saying.
“Your sister is,”
“Is what? Crazy and insane? Well she’s not.” I said glaring at him. I picked Shay up and suddenly the room was spinning when it stopped, Shay and I weren’t at the house, we were in a cave of some sort. I shrugged. Cool, teleportation. I sighed and put Shay down on the cave floor. I sat down and rested my head against the cave wall. First, I can will anything and anyone to do whatever I want and now I can teleport. I thought vampires could only have one power or whatever this is; unless they somehow obtained the ability to absorb other abilities or something like that. Shay stopped screaming an hour ago and I’m bored.
I was starting to get really hungry and not just for pizza. I didn’t want to leave Shay, but I was starving. When I returned I was glad to find that she was still here. My phone went off telling me that someone had texted me. I checked the message and it was from Jasper. Where are you? How is Shay? How did you do what you did earlier? I chuckled.
I’m in a cave near La Push somewhere, she’s fine, and I don’t know. It just happened. When I picked Shay up, all I thought about was getting out of there and then the room started spinning, and when it stopped, we were in a cave. I answered back. He didn’t text me back for the rest of the day. The next day, he came and told me to go back to the house. I unwillingly went back to house. Carlisle apologized for what he did and said that he was going to apologize to Shay when she wakes up. I forgave him.
Three Days Later….
The excruciating pain finally went away. I guess that means I’m finally a vampire. I opened my eyes and was immediately overwhelmed. It was night, but I could see clearly. I was in some kind of cave, surrounded by trees. I heard something behind me and had barely thought before I was snarling at whatever it was. Through the red haze of my hunger, I saw that it was Jasper. He had a deer in his arms and it was suddenly in front of me. Jasper looked mystified. I devoured the deer very fast and was still starving. I saw a lake in front of the small outcrop of the trees. It was the closest to mirror I had. There was no sign of the freckles that once covered my entire face.
The main way you could still tell me was by my hair. It looks red with the mix of blonde and brown. I was wearing jeans and a normal tee shirt. I was barefoot, since I had been lounging in the house before I was turned. My hair was in two braids, but it would be shoulder length for the rest of eternity. I finally got around to asking where exactly we were. “The borderline line of La Push. Your sister is trying to pick a fight, I swear. You must be starving, though, so let’s go hunting.” It was fun running through the woods, but I kept in the braids. That way I could hunt without my hair in my face.
Once I was satisfied enough for the time being, we went home. I couldn’t wait to show my new gift off. “Hey Sparkles.”
“I refuse to answer to that.” Sparkles replied. And from the looks on his face he believed it. That was until I used my new telekinesis power to drag him to me, even though he was fighting it. He has to fix Esme’s floor and the whole house was amazed. “Guess what my new power is?” I asked innocently.
“Hm,” He grumbled, but I could’ve sworn I saw a smile on his face. This is when I saw Pyper.
I Declare War
I enjoyed watching Sparkles fix the floor. He growled at me. I just rolled my eyes. “You’re just jealous because I have two special abilities or whatever you call them.”
“Wait, you have two?” Carlisle asked.
“Oh yeah, I was going to tell you, but a lot of things happened, so yeah. I can teleport and the other one is that I can will anything or anyone to do whatever I want by just looking them in the eye.” I said shrugging. “I ran into a mountain lion the other day and just stared into its eyes and willed it away.”
“That’s b.s.” Sparkles said standing up.
“Since you don’t believe me…” I looked into his eyes and told him in my mind to go dip his head into the toilet. And just like that, his body turned and he went upstairs.
“Where is…?” Jasper asked.
“You’ll see.” Sparkles came down the stairs, his head soaked and dripping, parts of his shirt was soaking wet, and he was glaring at me.
“I hate you.” He hissed.
“Good.” I said smirking.
“And why is he all wet?” Emmett asked grinning.
“I made him stick his head in the toilet.” Emmett bursted out laughing.
“You do realize that this is war now, right?” Sparkles said calming himself down.
“Yup!” I said, smiling. Carlisle sighed and shook his head. Jade giggled as she and Bree entered the room. Emmett finally calmed down and stopped laughing.
“This is going to be good, I can tell.” Alice said grinning. I rolled my eyes.
“This is even better than GLEE.” Emmett said grinning too. Shay gasped dramatically. I rolled my eyes as Emmett started laughing again.
I find it funny that I can bully around on Edward and he doesn’t care, as long as I look sorry for it, but Pyper dunks his head in the toilet and he declares war on her. I mean, sure she’s a brat, but so am I and he seems fine with it. “You’re just slightly more like Alice in the fact your annoyances are not entirely evil. Your sister goes out of her way to annoy me.” That was his response to my thoughts. I guess it’s best for him not to hate me anyways.
I’m a pacifist therefore; I don’t participate in fights or wars. He chose that moment to tell me all about the wedding. ‘Joyness.’ I thought sarcastically. “I’m wearing my combat boots, just so you know.” I told him. He laughed at that, I guess thinking I was lying. I’m not. Alice decided to take me and Pyper dress shopping, which might not have been a good idea. We both are wearing black, just to prove how much we hate weddings. Jade is being the flower girl, so they are trying to force her into pink. If she’s anything like me, they will fail miserably. I’m dreading the wedding, mostly just because it will be boring.
Bree is nervous to be around humans so soon after my transformation. Jasper said he would help me through it, but what will happen if something goes wrong? Jasper could lose control just as easily as I could. But being around Jade didn’t bother me, so maybe I would do okay. Alice told me she was going to curl my hair for the wedding and she had bought blue contacts, so I would have a normal eye color. Then she led me to a mirror. I couldn’t believe it was the same person. I had never been what anyone would call gorgeous but the girl in the mirror was just that. Now that I was ready, it was show time.
Wedding Pictures Suck
The wedding, where do I start? Well, Shay and I got some strange looks, since we’re the only two wearing black. Jade got more strange looks as she settled on the color closest to pink: red. Not to mention she’s the only one wearing red. I was a little surprised to see Jacob there. I guess he thought that he at least had to support Bella. Billy was there too. If Shay could sleep, she would’ve been sleeping during the wedding. I think I fell asleep standing up for a little while. Shay pinched me and woke me up. I glared at her. Emmett held in his laughter. I just rolled my eyes. Shay and Bree were doing well and didn’t look like they were going to lose control. When it finally ended, I was so happy that I went to the house and took
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