» Fantasy » Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗

Book online «Twilight Bits Reality!, Heather Lawhun [best ereader for academics txt] 📗». Author Heather Lawhun

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me to be safe. Edward thinks James is setting us up. I couldn’t pretend to sleep anymore. I got way too hungry and restless to sit still. I got up to make me something to eat and found Pyper grumbling about there not being any food. I looked at the clock. It’s five a.m., wow! Pyper being up this early was crazy! This must be a really serious problem to have all of us up. Even Bella was awake, but she was crying about missing Edward. I asked Jazz if he would go buy some food since we were all scared to leave. He said Alice went already and would be back soon.
I went and got Twilight to see how it ended now. It said the house was going to be attacked at six a.m. I showed Jazz and he called Edward. Jazz took the humans out back to avoid James’ sight and we went to find Alice. I watched the time and kept looking behind us. I also constantly checked the book. It never changed. Edward and Emmett were waiting inside the house to kill James when he attacked. I pulled the book out at five fifty to read more. The attacker wasn’t a vampire, but a teenage girl looking for money. Jazz went to call them, but it was too late. James had killed the girl. I started crying. I couldn’t help it.
I keep causing MORE trouble when I try to help. I didn’t realize Emmett and Edward had shown up until Edward said, “You’re not causing us more trouble. You kept Bella from getting bit and James was right outside so I killed him. Unfortunately, the girl died first. Alice described to me what the first girl looked like and from what I was told, I recognize her. Her sister lives in the streets in front of the market in town. Her sister dances while Jade gets money from peoples’ pockets. Jade looks to be about four. Who here is the best with kids?”
“Me.” I said at the same time Pyper said, “Her.” and pointed at me. So Jazz and I set off to rescue the little girl. I was starting to feel bad for the Cullens. First, two new humans in one day and now another little girl added to the mix. When we got to the market, there were lots of people. I had no clue where to start looking. Then I saw a pair of tiny dirt covered feet peeking out from behind a produce cart. I went to check it out and the sight was so sad, I almost started crying again. “Jade.” I whispered. The brightest pair of eyes met mine and she whimpered and inched away. “Wait, sweetie! I’m here to help.” By this point there were people staring at us, but I didn’t care. This child needed me. “Can you talk?” I asked.
“Yes.” She whispered in a scared voice.
“What’s your sister’s name?” I needed to get her talking to me. The best way to earn trust is to talk.
“Aurora.” She said. “But I call her Rory.” She crawled a little closer to me. Jasper brought me an apple he had just bought. She looked longingly at it.
“Here, you want it?” The little girl came up and took it cautiously, then sat right in front of me. “Your sister had an accident and she asked us to raise you.” I said kindly.
“You mean she died?” Jade said matter of factly.
‘Yeah.” I said feeling bad.
“Okay, so who all is we?”
“For now, it’s me; I’m Shayla, and my boyfriend Jasper. We are meeting up with a large group, but first can we buy you new clothes and stuff?” I didn’t feel like I was talking to a four-year-old anymore. It felt more like a fourteen-year-old.
“Whatever, you’re the parents.” She smiled up at me. We found a nearby clothing store and bought just street clothes to bring back to her, so as not to draw attention to her. She got out of the rags and into her new clothes. I carried her home where everything was cleaned up and she got a bath. She had pale skin, my hair color, and the brightest green eyes I had ever see. Her hair fell in natural curls. When Alice saw her, she thought she could pass as mine and Jazz’s daughter. That wouldn’t work out too well, but maybe sister to one of us.
She still looked odd compared to how we were dressed. We took her to a children’s boutique and told her to find some clothes she liked. She found one dress, three pairs of jeans, and a lot of shirts. She obviously has my taste. I laughed at that. Finally, she needed shoes. We got her sandals for the rest of the stay here, and tennis shoes and cute boots for Forks. Pyper just loved having her around, not because she wanted to help, but so she had someone to pick on. It didn’t take long for Jade to know I was the safest bet for someone to call mommy. She was so adorable. I couldn’t tell her not to. The day had flown by once this little angel came in. I was beat and so was she, so we went to bed.
Home again
So we all finally return to Forks. Jade has made her spot in this dysfunctional family of ours. Esme and Carlisle gave me Rosalie’s room and built an additional one for Jade. They’re still upset about Rosalie. Apparently, she said she was never coming back as long as I was here and to be honest, I felt bad about that. Emmett and the others keep telling me not to worry about it, but I can’t help it. I hear things were heating up between Bella and Charlie, but that’s none of my business. It was a sunny day out, so Esme and the others went ‘camping’. We couldn’t very well keep Jade at school, so Shay called in a good friend of hers, Ashley Greene.
That’s right, Ashley Greene who plays Alice in the movie. Shay didn’t mention the fact that we were actually living in the Cullen house. She didn’t want to freak her out; I wouldn’t want to either. In two hours, she was here and Shay and her talked some, and then we took off in Edward’s stupid, shiny Volvo and went to school. After school, Ashley decided to stay in town for a couple of days so she rented a motel room and shay, Jade, and Ashley went out; finally some solitude. I spent most of the evening getting rid of all things pink in MY room, and replaced it all with either black or purple; yes, I like black too. Let’s just say, there were a lot of big boxes filled with pink things. Now that they were all gone the room felt empty and bare. So I made a list of things I wanted in there. Let’s see: fuzzy, black carpet, purple bed set, black canopy, purple walls and ceiling; sounds good to me. Maybe a few wall decorations here and there and I’m good to go.
I noticed that the closet was empty, so I simply put all the clothes I had in there. Alice is going to force me to go shopping when she sees how barren and empty it looks, even with my clothes in there. And I’m painting the walls black. Mental note: make Emmett help with painting and moving furniture. I went downstairs and made me some dinner. Shay and Jade didn’t get home until eight thirty. I went to bed after a nice, hot shower.
Searching For a School
It was great getting to hang out with Ash for awhile, but Alice was so confused by her. I decided to take a sick day to get Jade settled in. Bella gave me Angela’s cell number so I texted Angela asking about what school her younger brothers went to. She didn’t text back, immediately, so I figured we could introduce her to the rest of the town first by shopping. We both wore jeans and boots because there was snow, but Jade didn’t even have long sleeves on any of her clothes. I loaned her one of mine, but it was huge! Then I saw a note.
I went ahead and bought Jade a coat. It is in the closet by the door.
I was glad someone still had half a brain since I didn’t. I went to the closest and sure enough, there was a cute, black coat with soft faux fur on it. It matched her boots so well, I had a feeling Alice picked it out. I put it on her and it fit perfectly! Now to the grocery store. We took Rose’s car, since she wouldn’t need it anymore, and drove to the only grocery store in town, the Thriftway. It was Tuesday morning, so a lot of the parents were working. A teen was standing at the register. She was popping her gum and engrossed in a gossip magazine about the latest hot shot relationship. Her name tag read Jessica, and although it welcomed us to ask for help, her expression when we walked in didn’t.
I set Jade in the back of a cart and started shopping. Mr. and Mrs. Weber were the first to meet the newest member of our group. They were dragging along a sick, little boy by about her age, so I figured I would ask them about schools. “Our boys go to Spartan Elementary. It’s right across from the high school she’d be right there if something came up.” Mrs. Weber informed me kindly. The boy sneezed and she was quickly back to taking care of him. We finished shopping and I drove to Spartan Elementary. A stern looking elderly secretary was sitting behind the counter, unlike the over-joyed, red-haired lady at the high school.
“May I help you?” She asked rudely.
“Yes.” I answered politely despite her rude attitude towards me. “I needed to get my sister enrolled. We are staying with Dr. Cullen and his family.” She handed me a bunch of forms and told me to come back tomorrow. It was starting to snow, so I hurried home before the roads got too bad. Jade helped me make my famous skittle cookies for dessert. They are really good and only I know how to make them. They are Pyper’s favorite. Then I decided to sleep for awhile.
Skittle Cookies
When we all got home from school, Jade was bouncing off the walls. “What’s with her?” Emmett asked grinning. I groaned.
“Skittle cookies.” I muttered as the smell of cookies in the kitchen filled my nose.
“What are skittle cookies?” Jasper asked. I sighed.
“You’ll soon find out. “ I said walking into the kitchen. They all followed. I grabbed a cookie off of a plate sitting on the island. Shay was getting a pan of cookies out of the oven.
“Hey guys.” She greeted brightly.
“What did you do to that child?” Edward asked as Jade giggled like a mad child. I chuckled. Shay glared at him like a defensive mother bear. You’re gonna get it now. I thought to him.
“Nothing, she’s just having a sugar high; that’s normal.” She said glaring as menacingly as a human could. I took a bite of my cookie. Edward rolls his eyes and ends up going back out the front door. When we no longer heard his car, we all said ‘Bella’ at the same time. We cracked up laughing. We went into the living room to find Jade passed out on the couch. Shay rolled her eyes. She walked over to Jade and picked her up. Jasper followed her as she went up the stairs.
“Now you know what skittle cookies are.” I said swallowing the last of my
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